lapack-vl.spec 35 KB

  1. %global shortver 3
  2. %global mediumver %{shortver}.7
  3. # Build 64-bit interface binaries?
  4. %ifarch %{ix86}
  5. %global build64 0
  6. %endif
  7. %ifarch x86_64
  8. %global build64 1
  9. %endif
  10. Summary: Numerical linear algebra package libraries
  11. Summary(ja): 線形代数パッケージライブラリ
  12. Name: lapack
  13. Version: %{mediumver}.1
  14. Release: 3%{?_dist_release}
  15. License: BSD
  16. Group: System Environment/Libraries
  17. URL:
  18. Source0:{version}.tgz
  19. Source1:
  20. Source2: Makefile.blas
  21. Source3: Makefile.lapack
  22. Source4: Makefile.cblas
  23. Source11:
  24. Source12:
  25. # Patch3:
  26. # Patch4: lapack-3.4.1-lapacke-shared.patch
  27. # Patch5: lapack-3.4.1-lapacke-disable-testing-functions.patch
  28. # Patch6: lapack-3.5.0-lapacke-matgenobj.patch
  29. # Patch7: lapack-3.5.0-lapacke-tmglib.patch
  30. # Patch8: lapack-3.5.0-R-blas-fixes.patch
  31. Patch11:
  32. Patch12: lapack-3.7.1-lapacke-shared.patch
  33. Patch13: lapack-3.7.1-lapacke-tmglib.patch
  34. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  35. BuildRequires: gcc-gfortran
  36. BuildRequires: coreutils findutils
  37. Vendor: Project Vine
  38. Distribution: Vine Linux
  39. Packager: inagaki, kenta
  40. %description
  41. LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage) is a standard library for numerical
  42. linear algebra. LAPACK provides routines for solving systems of
  43. simultaneous linear equations, least-squares solutions of linear
  44. systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, and singular value problems.
  45. Associated matrix factorizations (LU, Cholesky, QR, SVD, Schur, and
  46. generalized Schur) and related computations (i.e., reordering of
  47. Schur factorizations and estimating condition numbers) are also
  48. included. LAPACK can handle dense and banded matrices, but not general
  49. sparse matrices. Similar functionality is provided for real and complex
  50. matrices in both single and double precision. LAPACK is coded in
  51. Fortran90 and built with gcc.
  52. %description -l ja
  53. LAPACK(Linear Algebra PACKage)は線形代数用数値計算の標準ライブラリです。
  54. LAPACKには、連立一次方程式、線形最小二乗解、固有値問題、特異値問題を解く
  55. ためのルーチンがあります。関連する行列因子分解(LU、Cholesky、QR、SVD、
  56. Schur、一般化Schur)と、それに関連する計算処理 (つまりSchur分解の再配列
  57. およびコンディションナンバーの推定)も含まれます。
  58. LAPACKは密なbanded行列は処理できますが、一般的な疎行列は処理できません。
  59. 同じ計算機能が、実行列および複素行列の単制度および倍精度で利用できます。
  60. LAPACKはFortran 90で記述され、gccでビルドされています。
  61. %package devel
  62. Summary: LAPACK development libraries
  63. Summary(ja): LAPACK の開発用ライブラリ
  64. Group: Development/Libraries
  65. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  66. Requires: blas-devel = %{version}-%{release}
  67. %description devel
  68. LAPACK development libraries (shared).
  69. %description devel -l ja
  70. LAPACK の開発用ライブラリ(共有ライブラリ)です。
  71. %package static
  72. Summary: LAPACK static libraries
  73. Summary(ja): LAPACK の静的ライブラリ
  74. Group: Development/Libraries
  75. Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}
  76. %description static
  77. LAPACK static libraries.
  78. %description static -l ja
  79. LAPACK の静的ライブラリです。
  80. %package -n blas
  81. Summary: The BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) library.
  82. Summary(ja): 基本線形代数サブプログラム群のライブラリ
  83. Group: System Environment/Libraries
  84. %description -n blas
  85. BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) is a standard library which
  86. provides a number of basic algorithms for numerical algebra.
  87. %description -n blas -l ja
  88. BLAS(Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)は数値代数計算の標準ライブラリです。
  89. BLASでは、線形代数計算における多くの基本アルゴリズムを利用できます。
  90. Blasの計算は高速で十分テストされているFORTRAN 90のプログラムで、
  91. gccでビルドされています。
  92. %package -n blas-devel
  93. Summary: BLAS development libraries
  94. Summary(ja): BLAS の開発用ライブラリ
  95. Group: Development/Libraries
  96. Requires: blas = %{version}-%{release}
  97. Requires: gcc-gfortran
  98. %description -n blas-devel
  99. BLAS development libraries (shared).
  100. %description -n blas-devel -l ja
  101. BLAS の開発用ライブラリ(共有ライブラリ)です。
  102. %package -n blas-static
  103. Summary: BLAS static libraries
  104. Summary(ja): BLAS の静的ライブラリ
  105. Group: Development/Libraries
  106. Requires: blas-devel = %{version}-%{release}
  107. %description -n blas-static
  108. BLAS static libraries.
  109. %description -n blas-static -l ja
  110. BLAS の静的ライブラリです。
  111. %if %build64
  112. %package -n lapack64
  113. Summary: Numerical linear algebra package libraries
  114. Group: System Environment/Libraries
  115. Requires: blas64 = %{version}-%{release}
  116. %description -n lapack64
  117. LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage) is a standard library for numerical
  118. linear algebra. LAPACK provides routines for solving systems of
  119. simultaneous linear equations, least-squares solutions of linear
  120. systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, and singular value
  121. problems. Associated matrix factorizations (LU, Cholesky, QR, SVD,
  122. Schur, and generalized Schur) and related computations (i.e.,
  123. reordering of Schur factorizations and estimating condition numbers)
  124. are also included. LAPACK can handle dense and banded matrices, but
  125. not general sparse matrices. Similar functionality is provided for
  126. real and complex matrices in both single and double precision. LAPACK
  127. is coded in Fortran90 and built with gcc.
  128. This build has 64bit INTEGER support.
  129. %package -n lapack64-devel
  130. Summary: LAPACK development libraries (64bit INTEGER)
  131. Group: Development/Libraries
  132. Requires: lapack64 = %{version}-%{release}
  133. Requires: lapack-devel = %{version}-%{release}
  134. Requires: blas64-devel = %{version}-%{release}
  135. %description -n lapack64-devel
  136. LAPACK development libraries (shared, 64bit INTEGER).
  137. %package -n lapack64-static
  138. Summary: LAPACK static libraries (64bit INTEGER)
  139. Group: Development/Libraries
  140. Requires: lapack64-devel = %{version}-%{release}
  141. %description -n lapack64-static
  142. LAPACK static libraries (64bit INTEGER).
  143. %package -n blas64
  144. Summary: The Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms library (64bit INTEGER)
  145. Group: System Environment/Libraries
  146. %description -n blas64
  147. BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) is a standard library which
  148. provides a number of basic algorithms for numerical algebra. This build
  149. has 64bit INTEGER support.
  150. %package -n blas64-devel
  151. Summary: BLAS development libraries
  152. Group: Development/Libraries
  153. Requires: blas64 = %{version}-%{release}
  154. Requires: blas-devel = %{version}-%{release}
  155. Requires: gcc-gfortran
  156. %description -n blas64-devel
  157. BLAS development libraries (shared).
  158. %package -n blas64-static
  159. Summary: BLAS static libraries (64bit INTEGER)
  160. Group: Development/Libraries
  161. Requires: blas64-devel = %{version}-%{release}
  162. %description -n blas64-static
  163. BLAS static libraries (64bit INTEGER).
  164. %endif
  165. %prep
  166. %setup -q
  167. %setup -q -D -T -a1
  168. # %patch3 -p1 -b .fedora
  169. # %patch4 -p1 -b .shared
  170. # %patch5 -p1 -b .disable-functions
  171. # %patch6 -p1 -b .matgenobj
  172. # %patch7 -p1 -b .tmglib
  173. # %patch8 -p1 -b .R
  174. %patch11 -p1 -b .fedora
  175. %patch12 -p1 -b .shared
  176. %patch13 -p1 -b .tmglib
  177. cp -f INSTALL/
  178. cp -f %{SOURCE2} BLAS/SRC/Makefile
  179. cp -f %{SOURCE3} SRC/Makefile
  180. cp -f %{SOURCE4} CBLAS/src/Makefile
  181. sed -i "s|@SHORTVER@|%{shortver}|g" BLAS/SRC/Makefile
  182. sed -i "s|@SHORTVER@|%{shortver}|g" SRC/Makefile
  183. sed -i "s|@SHORTVER@|%{shortver}|g" LAPACKE/Makefile
  184. sed -i "s|@SHORTVER@|%{shortver}|g" CBLAS/src/Makefile
  185. sed -i "s|@LONGVER@|%{version}|g" BLAS/SRC/Makefile
  186. sed -i "s|@LONGVER@|%{version}|g" SRC/Makefile
  187. sed -i "s|@LONGVER@|%{version}|g" LAPACKE/Makefile
  188. sed -i "s|@LONGVER@|%{version}|g" CBLAS/src/Makefile
  189. cp -p %{SOURCE11}
  190. cp -p %{SOURCE12}
  191. %build
  192. RPM_OPT_FLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -frecursive"
  193. RPM_OPT_O_FLAGS=$(echo $RPM_OPT_FLAGS | sed 's|-O2|-O0|')
  194. export FC=gfortran
  195. # Build BLAS
  196. pushd BLAS/SRC
  197. FFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_O_FLAGS" make dcabs1.o
  199. cp libblas.a ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version}/
  200. make clean
  201. FFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_O_FLAGS -fPIC" make dcabs1.o
  203. cp{version} ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version}/
  204. %if %build64
  205. make clean
  206. FFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_O_FLAGS -fdefault-integer-8" make dcabs1.o
  207. SYMBOLPREFIX="64_" FFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fdefault-integer-8" CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" make static
  208. cp libblas64_.a ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version}/libblas64_.a
  209. make clean
  210. FFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_O_FLAGS -fPIC -fdefault-integer-8" make dcabs1.o
  211. SYMBOLPREFIX="64_" FFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC -fdefault-integer-8" CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC" LDFLAGS="%{build_ldflags}" make shared
  212. cp{version} ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version}/{version}
  213. %endif
  214. popd
  215. ln -s{version}
  216. %if %build64
  217. ln -s{version}
  218. %endif
  219. # Build CBLAS
  220. cp CBLAS/include/ CBLAS/include/cblas_mangling.h
  221. pushd CBLAS/src
  222. FFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -I../include" make static
  223. cp libcblas.a ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version}/
  224. make clean
  225. FFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC" CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC -I../include" make shared
  226. cp{version} ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version}/
  227. %if %build64
  228. make clean
  229. SYMBOLPREFIX="64_" FFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fdefault-integer-8" CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -I../include" make static
  230. cp libcblas64_.a ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version}/libcblas64_.a
  231. make clean
  232. SYMBOLPREFIX="64_" FFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC -fdefault-integer-8" CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC -I../include" make shared
  233. cp{version} ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version}/{version}
  234. %endif
  235. popd
  236. ln -s{version}
  237. %if %build64
  238. ln -s{version}
  239. %endif
  240. # Build the static dlamch, dsecnd, lsame, second, slamch bits
  241. pushd INSTALL
  243. popd
  244. # Build the static lapack library
  245. pushd SRC
  247. cp liblapack.a ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version}/
  248. popd
  249. # Build the static with pic dlamch, dsecnd, lsame, second, slamch bits
  250. pushd INSTALL
  251. make clean
  253. popd
  254. # Build the static with pic lapack library
  255. pushd SRC
  256. make clean
  258. cp liblapack.a ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version}/liblapack_pic.a
  259. popd
  260. %if %build64
  261. # Build the static dlamch, dsecnd, lsame, second, slamch bits
  262. pushd INSTALL
  263. make NOOPT="$RPM_OPT_O_FLAGS -fdefault-integer-8" OPTS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fdefault-integer-8"
  264. popd
  265. # Build the static lapack library
  266. pushd SRC
  267. make SYMBOLPREFIX="64_" FFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fdefault-integer-8" CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" static
  268. cp liblapack64_.a ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version}/liblapack64_.a
  269. popd
  270. # Build the static with pic dlamch, dsecnd, lsame, second, slamch bits (64bit INTEGER)
  271. pushd INSTALL
  272. make clean
  273. make NOOPT="$RPM_OPT_O_FLAGS -fPIC -fdefault-integer-8" OPTS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC -fdefault-integer-8"
  274. popd
  275. # Build the static with pic lapack library (64bit INTEGER)
  276. pushd SRC
  277. make clean
  278. make SYMBOLPREFIX="64_" FFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC -fdefault-integer-8" CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC" static
  279. cp liblapack64_.a ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version}/liblapack64_pic.a
  280. popd
  281. %endif
  282. # Build the shared dlamch, dsecnd, lsame, second, slamch bits
  283. pushd INSTALL
  284. make clean
  286. popd
  287. # Build the shared lapack library
  288. pushd SRC
  289. make clean
  291. cp{version} ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version}/
  292. popd
  293. %if %build64
  294. # Build the shared dlamch, dsecnd, lsame, second, slamch bits
  295. pushd INSTALL
  296. make clean
  297. make NOOPT="$RPM_OPT_O_FLAGS -fPIC -fdefault-integer-8" OPTS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC -fdefault-integer-8"
  298. popd
  299. # Build the shared lapack library
  300. pushd SRC
  301. make clean
  302. make SYMBOLPREFIX="64_" FFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC -fdefault-integer-8" CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC -fdefault-integer-8" shared
  303. cp{version} ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version}/{version}
  304. popd
  305. %endif
  306. ln -s{version}
  307. %if %build64
  308. ln -s{version}
  309. %endif
  310. # Build the lapacke libraries
  311. make OPTS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC" tmglib
  312. pushd LAPACKE
  313. make clean
  314. make CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" lapacke
  315. make clean
  316. make CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC" shlib
  317. cp{version} ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version}/
  318. popd
  319. ln -s{version}
  320. %install
  321. rm -fr $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  322. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/blas
  323. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/lapack
  324. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man3
  325. chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man3
  326. for f in{version} libblas.a{version} libcblas.a; do
  327. cp -f $f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/blas/$f
  328. done
  329. for f in{version}{version} liblapack.a liblapack_pic.a liblapacke.a; do
  330. cp -f $f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/lapack/$f
  331. done
  332. %if %build64
  333. for f in{version}{version} libblas64_.a libcblas64_.a; do
  334. cp -f $f ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libdir}/blas/$f
  335. done
  336. for f in{version} liblapack64_.a liblapack64_pic.a; do
  337. cp -f $f ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libdir}/lapack/$f
  338. done
  339. %endif
  340. # Manpages
  341. rm -rf manpages
  342. mkdir -p manpages
  343. cp -pr man/ manpages/
  344. pushd manpages/
  345. mkdir -p blas/man/man3
  346. cd man/man3/
  347. mv caxpy.f.3 caxpy.3 ccopy.f.3 ccopy.3 cdotc.f.3 cdotc.3 cdotu.f.3 cdotu.3 cgbmv.f.3 cgbmv.3 \
  348. cgemm.f.3 cgemm.3 cgemv.f.3 cgemv.3 cgerc.f.3 cgerc.3 cgeru.f.3 cgeru.3 chbmv.f.3 chbmv.3 \
  349. chemm.f.3 chemm.3 chemv.f.3 chemv.3 cher.f.3 cher.3 cher2.f.3 cher2.3 cher2k.f.3 cher2k.3 \
  350. cherk.f.3 cherk.3 chpmv.f.3 chpmv.3 chpr.f.3 chpr.3 chpr2.f.3 chpr2.3 crotg.f.3 crotg.3 \
  351. cscal.f.3 cscal.3 csrot.f.3 csrot.3 csscal.f.3 csscal.3 cswap.f.3 cswap.3 csymm.f.3 \
  352. csymm.3 csyr2k.f.3 csyr2k.3 csyrk.f.3 csyrk.3 ctbmv.f.3 ctbmv.3 ctbsv.f.3 ctbsv.3 ctpmv.f.3 \
  353. ctpmv.3 ctpsv.f.3 ctpsv.3 ctrmm.f.3 ctrmm.3 ctrmv.f.3 ctrmv.3 ctrsm.f.3 ctrsm.3 ctrsv.f.3 \
  354. ctrsv.3 dasum.f.3 dasum.3 daxpy.f.3 daxpy.3 dcabs1.f.3 dcabs1.3 dcopy.f.3 dcopy.3 ddot.f.3 \
  355. ddot.3 dgbmv.f.3 dgbmv.3 dgemm.f.3 dgemm.3 dgemv.f.3 dgemv.3 dger.f.3 dger.3 dnrm2.f.3 \
  356. dnrm2.3 drot.f.3 drot.3 drotg.f.3 drotg.3 drotm.f.3 drotm.3 drotmg.f.3 drotmg.3 dsbmv.f.3 \
  357. dsbmv.3 dscal.f.3 dscal.3 dsdot.f.3 dsdot.3 dspmv.f.3 dspmv.3 dspr.f.3 dspr.3 dspr2.f.3 \
  358. dspr2.3 dswap.f.3 dswap.3 dsymm.f.3 dsymm.3 dsymv.f.3 dsymv.3 dsyr.f.3 dsyr.3 dsyr2.f.3 \
  359. dsyr2.3 dsyr2k.f.3 dsyr2k.3 dsyrk.f.3 dsyrk.3 dtbmv.f.3 dtbmv.3 dtbsv.f.3 dtbsv.3 dtpmv.f.3 \
  360. dtpmv.3 dtpsv.f.3 dtpsv.3 dtrmm.f.3 dtrmm.3 dtrmv.f.3 dtrmv.3 dtrsm.f.3 dtrsm.3 dtrsv.f.3 \
  361. dtrsv.3 dzasum.f.3 dzasum.3 dznrm2.f.3 dznrm2.3 icamax.f.3 icamax.3 idamax.f.3 idamax.3 \
  362. isamax.f.3 isamax.3 izamax.f.3 izamax.3 lsame.3 sasum.f.3 sasum.3 saxpy.f.3 saxpy.3 \
  363. scabs1.f.3 scabs1.3 scasum.f.3 scasum.3 scnrm2.f.3 scnrm2.3 scopy.f.3 scopy.3 sdot.f.3 sdot.3 \
  364. sdsdot.f.3 sdsdot.3 sgbmv.f.3 sgbmv.3 sgemm.f.3 sgemm.3 sgemv.f.3 sgemv.3 sger.f.3 sger.3 \
  365. snrm2.f.3 snrm2.3 srot.f.3 srot.3 srotg.f.3 srotg.3 srotm.f.3 srotm.3 srotmg.f.3 srotmg.3 \
  366. ssbmv.f.3 ssbmv.3 sscal.f.3 sscal.3 sspmv.f.3 sspmv.3 sspr.f.3 sspr.3 sspr2.f.3 sspr2.3 \
  367. sswap.f.3 sswap.3 ssymm.f.3 ssymm.3 ssymv.f.3 ssymv.3 ssyr.f.3 ssyr.3 ssyr2.f.3 ssyr2.3 \
  368. ssyr2k.f.3 ssyr2k.3 ssyrk.f.3 ssyrk.3 stbmv.f.3 stbmv.3 stbsv.f.3 stbsv.3 stpmv.f.3 stpmv.3 \
  369. stpsv.f.3 stpsv.3 strmm.f.3 strmm.3 strmv.f.3 strmv.3 strsm.f.3 strsm.3 strsv.f.3 strsv.3 \
  370. xerbla.3 xerbla_array.3 zaxpy.f.3 zaxpy.3 zcopy.f.3 zcopy.3 \
  371. zdotc.f.3 zdotc.3 zdotu.f.3 zdotu.3 zdrot.f.3 zdrot.3 zdscal.f.3 zdscal.3 zgbmv.f.3 zgbmv.3 \
  372. zgemm.f.3 zgemm.3 zgemv.f.3 zgemv.3 zgerc.f.3 zgerc.3 zgeru.f.3 zgeru.3 zhbmv.f.3 zhbmv.3 \
  373. zhemm.f.3 zhemm.3 zhemv.f.3 zhemv.3 zher.f.3 zher.3 zher2.f.3 zher2.3 zher2k.f.3 zher2k.3 \
  374. zherk.f.3 zherk.3 zhpmv.f.3 zhpmv.3 zhpr.f.3 zhpr.3 zhpr2.f.3 zhpr2.3 zrotg.f.3 zrotg.3 \
  375. zscal.f.3 zscal.3 zswap.f.3 zswap.3 zsymm.f.3 zsymm.3 zsyr2k.f.3 zsyr2k.3 zsyrk.f.3 zsyrk.3 \
  376. ztbmv.f.3 ztbmv.3 ztbsv.f.3 ztbsv.3 ztpmv.f.3 ztpmv.3 ztpsv.f.3 ztpsv.3 ztrmm.f.3 ztrmm.3 \
  377. ztrmv.f.3 ztrmv.3 ztrsm.f.3 ztrsm.3 ztrsv.f.3 ztrsv.3 ../../blas/man/man3
  378. cd ../..
  379. popd
  380. find manpages/blas/man/man3 -type f -printf "%{_mandir}/man3/%f*\n" > blasmans
  381. find manpages/man/man3 -type f -printf "%{_mandir}/man3/%f*\n" > lapackmans
  382. cp -f manpages/blas/man/man3/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man3
  383. cp -f manpages/man/man3/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man3
  384. # Cblas headers
  385. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/cblas/
  386. cp -a CBLAS/include/*.h %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/cblas/
  387. # Lapacke headers
  388. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/lapacke/
  389. cp -a LAPACKE/include/*.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/lapacke/
  390. pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/blas
  391. ln -sf{version}
  392. ln -sf{version}{shortver}
  393. ln -sf{version}{mediumver}
  394. ln -sf{version}
  395. ln -sf{version}{shortver}
  396. ln -sf{version}{mediumver}
  397. %if %build64
  398. ln -sf{version}
  399. ln -sf{version}{shortver}
  400. ln -sf{version}{mediumver}
  401. ln -sf{version}
  402. ln -sf{version}{shortver}
  403. ln -sf{version}{mediumver}
  404. %endif
  405. popd
  406. pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/lapack
  407. ln -sf{version}
  408. ln -sf{version}{shortver}
  409. ln -sf{version}{mediumver}
  410. ln -sf{version}
  411. ln -sf{version}{shortver}
  412. ln -sf{version}{mediumver}
  413. %if %build64
  414. ln -sf{version}
  415. ln -sf{version}{shortver}
  416. ln -sf{version}{mediumver}
  417. %endif
  418. popd
  419. # pkgconfig
  420. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/
  421. # blas
  422. cp -a BLAS/ %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/blas-netlib.pc
  423. sed -i 's|@CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR@|%{_libdir}/blas|g' \
  424. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/blas-netlib.pc
  425. sed -i 's|@CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_INCLUDEDIR@|%{_includedir}|g' \
  426. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/blas-netlib.pc
  427. sed -i 's|@LAPACK_VERSION@|%{version}|g' \
  428. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/blas-netlib.pc
  429. %if %build64
  430. cp -a %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/blas-netlib.pc \
  431. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/blas64-netlib.pc
  432. sed -i 's|-lblas|-lblas64_|g' \
  433. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/blas64-netlib.pc
  434. %endif
  435. # cblas
  436. cp -a CBLAS/ %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/cblas-netlib.pc
  437. sed -i 's|@CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR@|%{_libdir}/blas|g' \
  438. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/cblas-netlib.pc
  439. sed -i 's|@CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_INCLUDEDIR@|%{_includedir}/cblas|g' \
  440. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/cblas-netlib.pc
  441. sed -i 's|@LAPACK_VERSION@|%{version}|g' \
  442. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/cblas-netlib.pc
  443. %if %build64
  444. cp -a %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/cblas-netlib.pc \
  445. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/cblas64-netlib.pc
  446. sed -i 's|-lcblas|-lcblas64_|g' \
  447. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/cblas64-netlib.pc
  448. sed -i 's|Requires.private: blas|Requires.private: blas64|g' \
  449. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/cblas64-netlib.pc
  450. %endif
  451. # lapack
  452. cp -a %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapack-netlib.pc
  453. sed -i 's|@CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR@|%{_libdir}/lapack|g' \
  454. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapack-netlib.pc
  455. sed -i 's|@CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_INCLUDEDIR@|%{_includedir}|g' \
  456. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapack-netlib.pc
  457. sed -i 's|@LAPACK_VERSION@|%{version}|g' \
  458. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapack-netlib.pc
  459. %if %build64
  460. cp -a %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapack-netlib.pc \
  461. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapack64-netlib.pc
  462. sed -i 's|-llapack|-llapack64_|g' \
  463. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapack64-netlib.pc
  464. sed -i 's|blas|blas64|g' \
  465. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapack64-netlib.pc
  466. %endif
  467. # lapacke
  468. cp -a LAPACKE/ %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapacke-netlib.pc
  469. sed -i 's|@CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR@|%{_libdir}/lapack|g' \
  470. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapacke-netlib.pc
  471. sed -i 's|@CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_INCLUDEDIR@|%{_includedir}/lapacke|g' \
  472. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapacke-netlib.pc
  473. sed -i 's|@LAPACK_VERSION@|%{version}|g' \
  474. %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapacke-netlib.pc
  475. %clean
  476. rm -fr $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  477. %post
  478. update-alternatives \
  479. --install %{_libdir}/ \
  480. %{_libdir}/lapack/ 10 \
  481. --slave %{_libdir}/ \
  482. %{_libdir}/lapack/
  483. /sbin/ldconfig
  484. %preun
  485. if [ "$1" = "0" ]
  486. then
  487. update-alternatives \
  488. --remove %{_libdir}/lapack/
  489. fi
  490. %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
  491. %triggerpostun -- lapack < 3.7.1-2%{?_dist_release}
  492. update-alternatives \
  493. --install %{_libdir}/ \
  494. %{_libdir}/lapack/ 10 \
  495. --slave %{_libdir}/ \
  496. %{_libdir}/lapack/
  497. /sbin/ldconfig
  498. %post devel
  499. update-alternatives \
  500. --install %{_libdir}/ \
  501. %{_libdir}/lapack/ 10 \
  502. --slave %{_libdir}/ \
  503. %{_libdir}/lapack/ \
  504. --slave %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapack.pc lapack.pc \
  505. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapack-netlib.pc \
  506. --slave %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapacke.pc lapacke.pc \
  507. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapacke-netlib.pc
  508. /sbin/ldconfig
  509. %preun devel
  510. if [ "$1" = "0" ]
  511. then
  512. update-alternatives \
  513. --remove %{_libdir}/lapack/
  514. fi
  515. %postun devel -p /sbin/ldconfig
  516. %triggerpostun devel -- lapack-devel < 3.7.1-2%{?_dist_release}
  517. update-alternatives \
  518. --install %{_libdir}/ \
  519. %{_libdir}/lapack/ 10 \
  520. --slave %{_libdir}/ \
  521. %{_libdir}/lapack/ \
  522. --slave %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapack.pc lapack.pc \
  523. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapack-netlib.pc \
  524. --slave %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapacke.pc lapacke.pc \
  525. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapacke-netlib.pc
  526. /sbin/ldconfig
  527. %post static
  528. update-alternatives \
  529. --install %{_libdir}/liblapack.a liblapack.a \
  530. %{_libdir}/lapack/liblapack.a 10 \
  531. --slave %{_libdir}/liblapacke.a liblapacke.a \
  532. %{_libdir}/lapack/liblapacke.a
  533. %preun static
  534. if [ "$1" = "0" ]
  535. then
  536. update-alternatives \
  537. --remove liblapack.a %{_libdir}/lapack/liblapack.a
  538. fi
  539. %triggerpostun static -- lapack-static < 3.7.1-2%{?_dist_release}
  540. update-alternatives \
  541. --install %{_libdir}/liblapack.a liblapack.a \
  542. %{_libdir}/lapack/liblapack.a 10 \
  543. --slave %{_libdir}/liblapacke.a liblapacke.a \
  544. %{_libdir}/lapack/liblapacke.a
  545. %post -n blas
  546. update-alternatives \
  547. --install %{_libdir}/ \
  548. %{_libdir}/blas/ 10 \
  549. --slave %{_libdir}/ \
  550. %{_libdir}/blas/
  551. /sbin/ldconfig
  552. %preun -n blas
  553. if [ "$1" = "0" ]
  554. then
  555. update-alternatives \
  556. --remove %{_libdir}/blas/
  557. fi
  558. %postun -n blas -p /sbin/ldconfig
  559. %triggerpostun -n blas -- blas < 3.7.1-2%{?_dist_release}
  560. update-alternatives \
  561. --install %{_libdir}/ \
  562. %{_libdir}/blas/ 10 \
  563. --slave %{_libdir}/ \
  564. %{_libdir}/blas/
  565. /sbin/ldconfig
  566. %post -n blas-devel
  567. update-alternatives \
  568. --install %{_libdir}/ \
  569. %{_libdir}/blas/ 10 \
  570. --slave %{_libdir}/ \
  571. %{_libdir}/blas/ \
  572. --slave %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/blas.pc blas.pc \
  573. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/blas-netlib.pc \
  574. --slave %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/cblas.pc cblas.pc \
  575. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/cblas-netlib.pc
  576. /sbin/ldconfig
  577. %preun -n blas-devel
  578. if [ "$1" = "0" ]
  579. then
  580. update-alternatives \
  581. --remove %{_libdir}/blas/
  582. fi
  583. %postun -n blas-devel -p /sbin/ldconfig
  584. %triggerpostun -n blas-devel -- blas-devel < 3.7.1-2%{?_dist_release}
  585. update-alternatives \
  586. --install %{_libdir}/ \
  587. %{_libdir}/blas/ 10 \
  588. --slave %{_libdir}/ \
  589. %{_libdir}/blas/ \
  590. --slave %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/blas.pc blas.pc \
  591. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/blas-netlib.pc \
  592. --slave %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/cblas.pc cblas.pc \
  593. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/cblas-netlib.pc
  594. /sbin/ldconfig
  595. %post -n blas-static
  596. update-alternatives \
  597. --install %{_libdir}/libblas.a libblas.a \
  598. %{_libdir}/blas/libblas.a 10 \
  599. --slave %{_libdir}/libcblas.a libcblas.a \
  600. %{_libdir}/blas/libcblas.a
  601. %preun -n blas-static
  602. if [ "$1" = "0" ]
  603. then
  604. update-alternatives \
  605. --remove libblas.a %{_libdir}/blas/libblas.a
  606. fi
  607. %triggerpostun -n blas-static -- blas-static < 3.7.1-2%{?_dist_release}
  608. update-alternatives \
  609. --install %{_libdir}/libblas.a libblas.a \
  610. %{_libdir}/blas/libblas.a 10 \
  611. --slave %{_libdir}/libcblas.a libcblas.a \
  612. %{_libdir}/blas/libcblas.a
  613. %if %build64
  614. %post -n lapack64
  615. update-alternatives \
  616. --install %{_libdir}/ \
  617. %{_libdir}/lapack/ 10
  618. /sbin/ldconfig
  619. %preun -n lapack64
  620. if [ "$1" = "0" ]
  621. then
  622. update-alternatives \
  623. --remove %{_libdir}/lapack/
  624. fi
  625. %postun -n lapack64 -p /sbin/ldconfig
  626. %post -n lapack64-devel
  627. update-alternatives \
  628. --install %{_libdir}/ \
  629. %{_libdir}/lapack/ 10 \
  630. --slave %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapack64.pc lapack64.pc \
  631. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapack64-netlib.pc
  632. /sbin/ldconfig
  633. %preun -n lapack64-devel
  634. if [ "$1" = "0" ]
  635. then
  636. update-alternatives \
  637. --remove %{_libdir}/lapack/
  638. fi
  639. %postun -n lapack64-devel -p /sbin/ldconfig
  640. %post -n lapack64-static
  641. update-alternatives \
  642. --install %{_libdir}/liblapack64_.a liblapack64_.a \
  643. %{_libdir}/lapack/liblapack64_.a 10
  644. %preun -n lapack64-static
  645. if [ "$1" = "0" ]
  646. then
  647. update-alternatives \
  648. --remove liblapack64_.a %{_libdir}/lapack/liblapack64_.a
  649. fi
  650. %post -n blas64
  651. update-alternatives \
  652. --install %{_libdir}/ \
  653. %{_libdir}/blas/ 10 \
  654. --slave %{_libdir}/ \
  655. %{_libdir}/blas/
  656. /sbin/ldconfig
  657. %preun -n blas64
  658. if [ "$1" = "0" ]
  659. then
  660. update-alternatives \
  661. --remove %{_libdir}/blas/
  662. fi
  663. %postun -n blas64 -p /sbin/ldconfig
  664. %post -n blas64-devel
  665. update-alternatives \
  666. --install %{_libdir}/ \
  667. %{_libdir}/blas/ 10 \
  668. --slave %{_libdir}/ \
  669. %{_libdir}/blas/ \
  670. --slave %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/blas64.pc blas64.pc \
  671. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/blas64-netlib.pc \
  672. --slave %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/cblas64.pc cblas64.pc \
  673. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/cblas64-netlib.pc
  674. /sbin/ldconfig
  675. %preun -n blas64-devel
  676. if [ "$1" = "0" ]
  677. then
  678. update-alternatives \
  679. --remove %{_libdir}/blas/
  680. fi
  681. %postun -n blas64-devel -p /sbin/ldconfig
  682. %post -n blas64-static
  683. update-alternatives \
  684. --install %{_libdir}/libblas64_.a libblas64_.a \
  685. %{_libdir}/blas/libblas64_.a 10 \
  686. --slave %{_libdir}/libcblas64_.a libcblas64_.a \
  687. %{_libdir}/blas/libcblas64_.a
  688. %preun -n blas64-static
  689. if [ "$1" = "0" ]
  690. then
  691. update-alternatives \
  692. --remove libblas64_.a %{_libdir}/blas/libblas64_.a
  693. fi
  694. %endif
  695. %files -f lapackmans
  696. %defattr(-,root,root)
  697. %doc LICENSE
  698. %dir %{_mandir}/man3/
  699. %dir %{_libdir}/lapack
  700. %{_libdir}/lapack/*
  701. %{_libdir}/lapack/*
  702. %files devel
  703. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  704. %{_includedir}/lapacke/
  705. %{_libdir}/lapack/
  706. %{_libdir}/lapack/
  707. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapack-netlib.pc
  708. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapacke-netlib.pc
  709. %files static
  710. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  711. %{_libdir}/lapack/liblapack*.a
  712. %files -n blas -f blasmans
  713. %defattr(-,root,root)
  714. %doc LICENSE
  715. %dir %{_mandir}/man3/
  716. %dir %{_libdir}/blas
  717. %{_libdir}/blas/*
  718. %{_libdir}/blas/*
  719. %files -n blas-devel
  720. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  721. %{_includedir}/cblas/
  722. %{_libdir}/blas/
  723. %{_libdir}/blas/
  724. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/blas-netlib.pc
  725. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/cblas-netlib.pc
  726. %files -n blas-static
  727. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  728. %{_libdir}/blas/libblas.a
  729. %{_libdir}/blas/libcblas.a
  730. %if %build64
  731. %files -n blas64
  732. %doc LICENSE
  733. %dir %{_libdir}/blas
  734. %{_libdir}/blas/*
  735. %{_libdir}/blas/*
  736. %files -n blas64-devel
  737. %{_libdir}/blas/
  738. %{_libdir}/blas/
  739. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/blas64-netlib.pc
  740. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/cblas64-netlib.pc
  741. %files -n blas64-static
  742. %{_libdir}/blas/libblas64_.a
  743. %{_libdir}/blas/libcblas64_.a
  744. %files -n lapack64
  745. %doc LICENSE
  746. %dir %{_libdir}/lapack
  747. %{_libdir}/lapack/*
  748. %files -n lapack64-devel
  749. %{_libdir}/lapack/
  750. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lapack64-netlib.pc
  751. %files -n lapack64-static
  752. %{_libdir}/lapack/liblapack64_.a
  753. %{_libdir}/lapack/liblapack64_pic.a
  754. %endif
  755. %changelog
  756. * Wed Jun 27 2018 Toshiaki Ara <> 3.7.1-3
  757. - Build versions of the 64-bit libraries with an additional suffix
  758. * Mon Jun 25 2018 Toshiaki Ara <> 3.7.1-2
  759. - build cblas
  760. - include pkgconfig files
  761. - adapt update-alternatives
  762. * Tue Jun 05 2018 Toshiaki Ara <> 3.7.1-1
  763. - updated to 3.7.1
  764. - drop Patches 1 to 8
  765. - update Source2 and 3 (Makefile.{blas,lapack}) and add Patches 11-13
  766. from Fedora package
  767. * Tue Jan 27 2015 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 3.5.0-1
  768. - updated to 3.5.0
  769. - moved lapack and blas to System Environment/Libraries Group
  770. * Thu Feb 23 2012 NAKAMURA Kenta <> 3.4.0-1
  771. - update to 3.4.0
  772. - build and include lapacke
  773. * Sat Nov 26 2011 NAKAMURA Kenta <> 3.3.1-1
  774. - new upstream release
  775. - update package descriptions
  776. * Fri Feb 19 2010 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 3.2.1-1
  777. - new upstream release
  778. - built with new toolchain
  779. - added SOURCE1
  780. * Wed Sep 24 2008 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 3.1.1-2
  781. - applied new versioning policy
  782. - spec in UTF-8
  783. * Wed Aug 15 2007 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 3.1.1-1vl3
  784. - rebuilt for VineSeed
  785. * Wed Aug 15 2007 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 3.1.1-1vl2
  786. - rebuilt for VinePlus/4.0
  787. - added Patch4, Source102 and Source103 for compiling in g77
  788. - added BuildRequires: coreutils, findutils
  789. * Tue Aug 7 2007 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 3.1.1-1vl1
  790. - new upstream release based on Fedora packages
  791. * Wed Sep 14 2005 Tom "spot" Callaway <> 3.0-30
  792. - make -devel packages
  793. - make liblapack_pic.a package
  794. * Wed Aug 20 2003 Jeremy Katz <> 3.0-22
  795. - nuke -man subpackages (#97506)
  796. - rebuilt with gfortran
  797. * Fri Dec 26 2003 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 3.0-17vl3
  798. - rebuild with new toolchains
  799. * Mon Oct 13 2003 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 3.0-17vl2
  800. - rebuild with new toolchains
  801. * Thu Jul 18 2002 KOBAYASHI R. Taizo <> 3.0-17vl1
  802. - modified for Vine.
  803. * Fri Jun 21 2002 Tim Powers <>
  804. - automated rebuild
  805. * Thu May 23 2002 Tim Powers <>
  806. - automated rebuild
  807. * Wed May 1 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsr� <> 3.0-15
  808. - Rebuild
  809. * Wed Feb 27 2002 Fuhito Suguri <> 3.0-14bw
  810. - rebuild for RH7.2.
  811. * Wed Jan 09 2002 Tim Powers <>
  812. - automated rebuild
  813. * Mon Aug 13 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrod <> 3.0-12
  814. - The man-pages for xerbla and lsame were in blas-man and lapack-man (#51605)
  815. * Fri Jun 8 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrod <>
  816. - Reenable optimization for IA64
  817. * Fri May 25 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrod <>
  818. - Add all patches from the LAPACK site as of 2001-05-25
  819. - Use this workaround for IA64 instead
  820. - Remove SPARC workaround
  821. - Don't exclude IA64
  822. * Thu Dec 07 2000 Trond Eivind Glomsrod <>
  823. - rebuild for main distribution
  824. * Mon Nov 20 2000 Trond Eivind Glomsrod <>
  825. - add the LAPACK Quick Reference Guide to the docs
  826. - add the BLAS Quick Reference Guide to the docs
  827. * Tue Aug 01 2000 Trond Eivind Glomsrod <>
  828. - fix lack of ldconfig in postuninstall script
  829. * Mon Jul 24 2000 Prospector <>
  830. - rebuilt
  831. * Mon Jul 10 2000 Trond Eivind Glomsrod <>
  832. - updated with the latest updates (new tarfile..) from netlib
  833. * Thu Jun 15 2000 Trond Eivind Glomsrod <>
  834. - use %%{_mandir}
  835. - added some flags to work around SPARC compiler bug
  836. * Wed Jan 19 2000 Tim Powers <>
  837. - bzipped sources to conserve space
  838. * Tue Jan 4 2000 Jeff Johnson <>
  839. - build for PowerTools 6.2.
  840. * Sat Dec 25 1999 Joachim Frieben <>
  841. - updated to version v3.0 + update as of Tue Nov 30 1999
  842. * Sat Oct 23 1999 Joachim Frieben <>
  843. - updated Red Hat makefiles to v3.0
  844. * Mon Aug 2 1999 Tim Powers <>
  845. - updated to v3.0
  846. - built for 6.1
  847. * Mon Apr 12 1999 Michael Maher <>
  848. - built package for 6.0
  849. * Sat Oct 24 1998 Jeff Johnson <>
  850. - new description/summary text.
  851. * Fri Jul 17 1998 Jeff Johnson <>
  852. - repackage for powertools.
  853. * Sun Feb 15 1998 Trond Eivind Glomsrod <>
  854. [lapack-2.0-9]
  855. - No code updates, just built with a customized rpm -
  856. this should make dependencies right.
  857. * Sat Feb 07 1998 Trond Eivind Glomsrod <>
  858. [lapack-2.0-8]
  859. - Total rewrite of the spec file
  860. - Added my own makefiles - libs should build better,
  861. static libs should work (and be faster than they
  862. would be if they had worked earlier ;)
  863. - No patch necessary anymore.
  864. - Renamed lapack-blas and lapack-blas-man to
  865. blas and blas-man. "Obsoletes:" tag added.
  866. (oh - and as always: Dedicated to the girl I
  867. love, Eline Skirnisdottir)
  868. * Sat Dec 06 1997 Trond Eivind Glomsrod <>
  869. [lapack-2.0-7]
  870. - added a dependency to glibc, so people don't try with libc5
  871. * Thu Nov 20 1997 Trond Eivind Glomsrod <>
  872. [lapack-2.0-6]
  873. - removed etime.c
  874. - compiled with egcs, and for glibc 2.0
  875. * Sun Oct 12 1997 Trond Eivind Glomsrod <>
  876. [lapack-2.0-5]
  877. - added a changelog
  878. - cleaned up building of shared libs
  879. - now uses a BuildRoot
  880. - cleaned up the specfile