man-vl.spec 15 KB

  1. %define _mandir %{_datadir}/man
  2. Summary: A set of documentation tools: man, apropos and whatis.
  3. Summary(ja): ドキュメンテーション・ツール: man, apropos, whatis
  4. Name: man
  5. Version: 1.5o
  6. Release: 5%{?_dist_release}
  7. Group: System Environment/Base
  8. License: GPL
  9. Source0:{version}.tar.bz2
  10. Source1: makewhatis.cronweekly
  11. Source2: makewhatis.crondaily
  12. Patch1: man-1.5m2-confpath.patch
  13. Patch5: man-1.5i-nonascii.patch
  14. Patch6: man-1.5m2-security.patch
  15. Patch7: man-1.5m2-mandirs.patch
  16. Patch8: man-1.5h1-bug11621.patch
  17. Patch9: man-1.5m2-sofix.patch
  18. Patch10: man-1.5m2-buildroot.patch
  19. Patch12: man-1.5m2-ro-usr.patch
  20. Patch15: man-1.5h1-lookon.patch
  21. Patch17: man-1.5m2-utf8.patch
  22. # Vine Source(s)/Patch(es)
  23. Patch101: man-1.5h1-gencat.patch
  24. Patch106: man-man2html_aux_path.patch
  25. Patch107: man-1.5m2-hman-use-w3m.patch
  26. Patch108: man-1.5m2-no-mansearch.patch
  27. Patch110: man-1.5o-tmpcache.patch
  28. Patch120: man-1.5o-convert-manpage-to-utf8.patch
  29. Patch130: man-1.5o-utf8-msgs.patch
  30. Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  31. BuildRequires: bzip2, gzip
  32. Requires: groff, less, findutils, coreutils
  33. Requires: nkf
  34. Requires: bzip2, gzip
  35. Requires(post): coreutils
  36. Vendor: Project Vine
  37. Distribution: Vine Linux
  38. Packager: shaolin, daisuke
  39. %description
  40. The man package includes three tools for finding information and/or
  41. documentation about your Linux system: man, apropos and whatis. The
  42. man system formats and displays on-line manual pages about commands or
  43. functions on your system. Apropos searches the whatis database
  44. (containing short descriptions of system commands) for a string.
  45. Whatis searches its own database for a complete word.
  46. The man package should be installed on your system because it is the
  47. primary way to find documentation on a Linux system.
  48. %description -l ja
  49. マニュアルページを表示するためのプログラム man の日本語対応版です.
  50. 日本語対応の groffパッケージが必要です. 特定のキーワードに関連する文書
  51. を探すための whatis や apropos も含んでいます.
  52. 環境変数 LANG=ja_JP.* の時には、
  53. 1.JMANプロジェクトまたはオリジナルソースに付随する日本語マニュアル
  54. 2.オリジナル・ソースに付随する英語マニュアル
  55. という順でマニュアルの検索がなされます。英語マニュアルを見る場合は、
  56. LANG=C man などとして利用してください。
  57. %package -n man2html
  58. Summary: manroff to HTML converter
  59. Summary(ja): manroff から HTML への変換器
  60. Group: Applications/System
  61. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  62. %description -n man2html
  63. This package contains manroff to HTML converter.
  64. %description -n man2html -l ja
  65. このパッケージには、manroff から HTMLへのコンバータが含まれています。
  66. %prep
  67. %setup -q
  68. %patch1 -p1 -b .confpath
  69. %patch6 -p1 -b .security
  70. %patch7 -p1 -b .mandirs
  71. %patch9 -p1 -b .sofix
  72. %patch10 -p1 -b .less
  73. %patch12 -p1 -b .usr
  74. %patch101 -p1
  75. %patch17 -p1 -b .utf8
  76. %patch106 -p1 -b .aux
  77. %patch107 -p1 -b .w3m
  78. %if ! 0%{?mansearch}
  79. %patch108 -p1 -b .search
  80. %endif
  81. %patch110 -p1 -b .tmpcache
  82. %patch120 -p1 -b .convert-man-to-utf8
  83. %patch130 -p1 -b .utf8-msgs
  84. pushd msgs
  85. %__mv mess.ja mess.ja_JP.eucJP
  86. %__mv mess.ja.codeset mess.ja_JP.eucJP.codeset
  87. iconv -f euc-jp -t utf-8 mess.ja_JP.eucJP > mess.ja
  88. echo "$ codeset=utf-8" > mess.ja.codeset
  89. popd
  90. %build
  91. ./configure -default +fhs +lang en,ja,ja_JP.eucJP -confdir %{_sysconfdir}
  92. make CC="gcc $RPM_OPT_FLAGS -D_GNU_SOURCE"
  93. pushd src
  94. mv man.conf man.conf.orig
  95. sed -e 's/less -is/less -isMr/g' man.conf.orig > man.conf
  96. #sed -e 's/less -is/lv -c/g' man.conf.orig > man.conf
  97. popd
  98. %install
  99. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  100. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/cron.{daily,weekly}
  101. make install PREFIX=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  102. %__mv %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man5/man.conf.5 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man5/man.config.5
  103. %__mv %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/ja/man5/man.conf.5 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/ja/man5/man.config.5
  104. install -m755 %{_sourcedir}/makewhatis.cronweekly %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/cron.weekly/makewhatis.cron
  105. install -m755 %{_sourcedir}/makewhatis.crondaily %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/cron.daily/makewhatis.cron
  106. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/cache
  107. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/cache/man/local
  108. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/cache/man/X11R6
  109. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/cache/ja
  110. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/cache/man/local/ja
  111. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/cache/man/X11R6/ja
  112. for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n; do
  113. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/cache/man/cat$i
  114. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/cache/man/local/cat$i
  115. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/cache/man/X11R6/cat$i
  116. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/cache/man/ja/cat$i
  117. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/cache/man/local/ja/cat$i
  118. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/cache/man/X11R6/ja/cat$i
  119. done
  120. # added man2html stuff
  121. cd man2html
  122. make install PREFIX=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  123. # symlinks for manpath
  124. ( cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  125. ln -s man ./usr/bin/manpath
  126. ln -s man.1.gz .%{_mandir}/man1/manpath.1.gz
  127. ln -s man.1.gz .%{_mandir}/ja/man1/manpath.1.gz
  128. )
  129. # symlinks for compatibility
  130. ln -s man $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/jman
  131. %preun
  132. # Clean up accumulated cat litter.
  133. rm -f /var/cache/man/cat[123456789n]/*
  134. rm -f /var/cache/man/local/cat[123456789n]/*
  135. rm -f /var/cache/man/X11R6/cat[123456789n]/*
  136. rm -f /var/cache/man/ja/cat[123456789n]/*
  137. rm -f /var/cache/man/local/ja/cat[123456789n]/*
  138. rm -f /var/cache/man/X11R6/ja/cat[123456789n]/*
  139. %post
  140. rm -f /var/cache/man/cat[123456789n]/*
  141. rm -f /var/cache/man/local/cat[123456789n]/*
  142. rm -f /var/cache/man/X11R6/cat[123456789n]/*
  143. rm -f /var/cache/man/ja/cat[123456789n]/*
  144. rm -f /var/cache/man/local/ja/cat[123456789n]/*
  145. rm -f /var/cache/man/X11R6/ja/cat[123456789n]/*
  146. %clean
  147. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  148. %files
  149. %defattr(-,root,root)
  151. %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/cron.weekly/makewhatis.cron
  152. %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/cron.daily/makewhatis.cron
  153. %attr(2755,root,man) /usr/bin/man
  154. /usr/bin/jman
  155. /usr/bin/manpath
  156. /usr/bin/apropos
  157. /usr/bin/whatis
  158. /usr/sbin/makewhatis
  159. %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/man.config
  160. #%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/man-j.config
  161. %{_mandir}/man1/man.1*
  162. %{_mandir}/man1/manpath.1*
  163. %{_mandir}/man1/apropos.1*
  164. %{_mandir}/man1/whatis.1*
  165. %{_mandir}/man5/man.config.5*
  166. %{_mandir}/man8/makewhatis.8*
  167. %{_mandir}/ja/man1/man.1*
  168. %{_mandir}/ja/man1/manpath.1*
  169. %{_mandir}/ja/man1/apropos.1*
  170. %{_mandir}/ja/man1/whatis.1*
  171. %{_mandir}/ja/man5/man.config.5*
  172. /usr/share/locale/*/man
  173. %attr(0775,root,man) %dir /var/cache/man
  174. %attr(0775,root,man) %dir /var/cache/man/cat[123456789n]
  175. %attr(0775,root,man) %dir /var/cache/man/local
  176. %attr(0775,root,man) %dir /var/cache/man/local/cat[123456789n]
  177. %attr(0775,root,man) %dir /var/cache/man/X11R6
  178. %attr(0775,root,man) %dir /var/cache/man/X11R6/cat[123456789n]
  179. %attr(0775,root,man) %dir /var/cache/man/ja
  180. %attr(0775,root,man) %dir /var/cache/man/ja/cat[123456789n]
  181. %attr(0775,root,man) %dir /var/cache/man/local/ja
  182. %attr(0775,root,man) %dir /var/cache/man/local/ja/cat[123456789n]
  183. %attr(0775,root,man) %dir /var/cache/man/X11R6/ja
  184. %attr(0775,root,man) %dir /var/cache/man/X11R6/ja/cat[123456789n]
  185. %files -n man2html
  186. %defattr(-,root,root)
  187. %doc man2html/README man2html/TODO
  188. /usr/bin/man2html
  189. %{_mandir}/man1/man2html.1*
  190. %if 0%{?mansearch}
  191. /home/httpd/cgi-bin/man/mansearch
  192. /home/httpd/cgi-bin/man/mansearchhelp
  193. %{_datadir}/man2html/mansearch.aux
  194. %{_datadir}/man2html/mansearchhelp.aux
  195. /var/man2html/.glimpse_filters
  196. %endif
  197. %changelog
  198. * Fri Sep 24 2010 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 1.5o-5
  199. - used less as pager again
  200. - fixed SOURCE1, 2 <BTS:846>
  201. * Sun Aug 16 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.5o-4
  202. - remove Patch120(run-groff-in-eucjp)
  203. - add new Patch120 to convert manpage to utf8 before formatting.
  204. - add Requires: nkf
  205. * Wed Jul 29 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.5o-3
  206. - remove jman and man-j.config
  207. * Mon Apr 13 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.5o-2
  208. - spec in utf-8
  209. - drop man2html cgi script
  210. * Sat May 10 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.5o-1
  211. - add Patch120 to run groff in eucJP locale if current locale
  212. is eucJP or not.
  213. - add Patch130 to add utf8 messages
  214. - use lv as pager
  215. - add lv to Requires, remove less.
  216. * Sun Dec 2 2007 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 1.5o-0vl5
  217. - update man[-j].config (using -r option instead of -R on less)
  218. * Sun Sep 23 2007 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 1.5o-0vl4
  219. - update man[-j].config (less option @ PAGER)
  220. * Wed Dec 20 2006 Kazutaka HARADA <> 1.5o-0vl3
  221. - update makewhatis.cronweekly: always use -w option. <BTS:VineLinux:336>
  222. * Sat Dec 16 2006 Kazutaka HARADA <> 1.5o-0vl2
  223. - update Source1 & 2: set LANG variable for makewhatis. <BTS:VineLinux:336>
  224. - add patch110 to make makewhatis -u works correctly. <BTS:VineLinux:336>
  225. * Mon Aug 30 2004 NISHIMURA Daisuke <> 1.5o-0vl1
  226. - update to 1.5o
  227. - remove patches reflected in base: 105(mansec-loop), 109(man-ja-typo).
  228. - remove patch104(msgs): resolved by adding codeset to gencat.
  229. * Fri Jun 18 2004 NISHIMURA Daisuke <> 1.5m2-0vl2
  230. - separate man2html package for man2html and CGI scripts,
  231. and make it depends on apache.
  232. - change owner of /var/man2html from nobody to apache
  233. - Patch107: hman use w3m by default
  234. - Patch108: remove mansearch CGI because it does not work without glimpse
  235. - Patch106: move cgi-aux directory to %{_datadir}/man2html (from PLD Linux)
  236. - Patch105: fix a fatal bug in mansec CGI
  237. - Patch109: fix typo in Japanese man.1 man page
  238. - re-enable Patch17(utf) not to output latin-1 to euc-jp terminal
  239. - add Japanese manpath.1 man page
  240. - add docs
  241. - add dependencies to bzip2 and gzip
  242. * Wed May 26 2004 NISHIMURA Daisuke <> 1.5m2-0vl1
  243. - update to 1.5m2
  244. - remove patches reflected in base:
  245. 2(i18n) 14(newline) 18(root) 19(overflow)
  246. 20(quote) 21(fixcache) 22(nocache) 100(ja)
  247. - default config change to create cache
  248. - makewhatis now does not read Japanese man pages by default
  249. - noreplace config files
  250. - drop Patch5(nonascii): grep -a is not needed for most non-ASCII text
  251. - drop Patch8(bug11621): less -r is not needed and rather dangerous
  252. - drop Patch15(lookon): incorporated but disabled because of its disadvantage
  253. - drop Patch17(utf8) and Patch103(configure.nroff): they canceled each other
  254. - modify patches (1,6,7,9,10,12) to apply to 1.5m2
  255. - rename man page of man.config by mv, not patch(3,4)
  256. - give owner/group of buildroot/var/man2html as parameters instead of patch102
  257. - gencat now requires LC_CTYPE is set properly
  258. - add Patch104(msgs): only make catalogs of specified languages
  259. * Mon Dec 31 2001 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.5i-0vl5
  260. - Oh my /usr/share/locale/{en,ja}/man were missing. Fixed.
  261. * Thu Oct 18 2001 Jun Nishii <> 1.5i-0vl4
  262. - added PATH in makewhatis.cron*
  263. * Mon Sep 03 2001 Toru Sagami <>
  264. - 1.5i-0vl3: fix grammatical error in makewhatis
  265. * Sat Sep 1 2001 Jun Nishii <>
  266. - build for VineSeed
  267. * Sat Sep 1 2001 Jun Nishii <> 1.5i-0vl1
  268. - follow up with rawhide for security fix
  269. * Thu Jul 19 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa <>
  270. - added makewhatis (8) man.
  271. - modified security patch for cache path.
  272. * Wed Jul 13 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa <>
  273. - renew SPEC from rawhide.
  274. - removed /home/httpd/cgi-{bin|aux}/man* from %files that does not exist.
  275. - modified ja patch to recognize "/jman/" dir as Japanese manual.
  276. - remove unnecessary SGID from jman command.
  277. * Mon Jun 12 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <>
  278. - gzip the man pages manually - since file doesn't recognize them as
  279. man pages, the build root policy doesn't do it (Bug #12015)
  280. * Tue May 16 2000 Preston Brown <>
  281. - default man path is now /usr/share/man. /usr/man maintained for compat.
  282. - remove +sgid option to allow builds as a normal user. SPEC file maintains
  283. proper permissions.
  284. * Tue May 9 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa <>
  285. - modified man-ja patch to fix my stupid mistake of
  286. * Tue Apr 18 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa <>
  287. - modified to set ja_JP.eucJP locale.
  288. * Tue Apr 18 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa <>
  289. - updated to 1.5h1
  290. - modified man-j.config to sync with man-1.5h1 default.
  291. - renew SPEC from RH6.2
  292. * Wed Mar 3 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <>
  293. - Add kerberos man paths to man.config (Bug #11168 + extra fixes)
  294. * Tue Feb 29 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <>
  295. - 1.5h1 - this has a better fix for the security problems.
  296. - remove manpath patch (now in base)
  297. - remove loop patch (now in base)
  298. * Mon Feb 28 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <>
  299. - Fix security problems related to buffer overruns caused by oversized
  300. enviroment variables
  301. * Thu Feb 3 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <>
  302. - deal with rpm gziping man pages
  303. - fix file locking (Bug #8947)
  304. * Thu Dec 23 1999 Yasuyuki Furukawa <>
  305. - replace jman script to keep orignal man binary.
  306. - renew man-ja patch
  307. * Fri Nov 12 1999 Jun Nishii <>
  308. - ported for Vine Linux
  309. * Mon Sep 13 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
  310. - strip man2html
  311. * Fri Sep 10 1999 Cristian Gafton <>
  312. - revert to latin1 instead of ascii
  313. * Wed Jun 16 1999 Cristian Gafton <>
  314. - fixed man2html loop on terminfo.5 (patrch from the author; #3316)
  315. * Mon May 10 1999 Michael K. Johnson <>
  316. - fixed #2532 by adding /usr/local/sbin as a MANPATH_MAP
  317. * Fri Apr 09 1999 Michael K. Johnson <>
  318. - cron.weekly rebuilds, cron.daily updates in minimal time
  319. * Fri Apr 09 1999 Preston Brown <>
  320. - man 1.5g bugfix release
  321. * Sun Mar 21 1999 Cristian Gafton <>
  322. - auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 5)
  323. * Thu Feb 18 1999 Jeff Johnson <>
  324. - add manpath symlinks (#1138).
  325. * Fri Feb 12 1999 Michael Maher <>
  326. - fixed bug #792
  327. - added man2html files
  328. * Tue Dec 29 1998 Cristian Gafton <>
  329. - build for 6.0
  330. - upgraded to 1.5e
  331. - properly buildrooted
  332. * Thu Aug 13 1998 Jeff Johnson <>
  333. - enable fsstnd organization
  334. - change /var/catman/X11 to X11R6
  335. - %post/%preun to clean up cat litter
  336. * Tue Jun 02 1998 Prospector System <>
  337. - translations modified for de
  338. * Tue Jun 02 1998 Erik Troan <>
  339. - you can't do free(malloc(10) + 4) <sigh>
  340. * Wed May 06 1998 Cristian Gafton <>
  341. - upgraded to 1.5d
  342. * Fri Apr 24 1998 Prospector System <>
  343. - translations modified for de, fr, tr
  344. * Fri Apr 10 1998 Cristian Gafton <>
  345. - updated to 1.5a
  346. * Sun Oct 19 1997 Erik Troan <>
  347. - uses a build root
  348. * Mon Sep 22 1997 Erik Troan <>
  349. - updated to man-1.4j, which fixes some security problems; release 1 is
  350. for RH 4.2, release 2 is for glibc
  351. * Mon Jun 02 1997 Erik Troan <>
  352. - built against glibc
  353. * Tue Mar 25 1997 Erik Troan <>
  354. - Added /usr/lib/perl5/man to default manpath