calligra-l10n-vl.spec 14 KB

  1. %define calligra_core_version %{version}
  2. %define koffice_obsoletes 1:2.3.4
  3. Name: calligra-l10n
  4. Summary: Language files for calligra
  5. Summary(ja): Calligra 用の言語ファイル
  6. Version: 2.9.11
  7. Release: 1%{?_dist_release}
  8. License: GPLv2+
  9. Group: Applications/Productivity
  10. URL:
  11. Vendor: Project Vine
  12. Distribution: Vine Linux
  13. #Source1:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-ar-%{version}.tar.xz
  14. #Source2:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-bg-%{version}.tar.xz
  15. Source3:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-bs-%{version}.tar.xz
  16. Source4:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-ca-%{version}.tar.xz
  17. Source5:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-ca@valencia-%{version}.tar.xz
  18. Source6:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-cs-%{version}.tar.xz
  19. Source7:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-da-%{version}.tar.xz
  20. Source8:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-de-%{version}.tar.xz
  21. Source9:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-el-%{version}.tar.xz
  22. Source10:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-en_GB-%{version}.tar.xz
  23. #Source11:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-eo-%{version}.tar.xz
  24. Source12:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-es-%{version}.tar.xz
  25. Source13:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-et-%{version}.tar.xz
  26. #Source14:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-eu-%{version}.tar.xz
  27. #Source15:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-fa-%{version}.tar.xz
  28. Source16:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-fi-%{version}.tar.xz
  29. Source17:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-fr-%{version}.tar.xz
  30. #Source18:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-fy-%{version}.tar.xz
  31. #Source19:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-ga-%{version}.tar.xz
  32. Source20:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-gl-%{version}.tar.xz
  33. #Source21:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-he-%{version}.tar.xz
  34. Source22:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-hu-%{version}.tar.xz
  35. #Source23:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-ia-%{version}.tar.xz
  36. Source24:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-it-%{version}.tar.xz
  37. Source25:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-ja-%{version}.tar.xz
  38. Source26:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-kk-%{version}.tar.xz
  39. #Source27:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-km-%{version}.tar.xz
  40. #Source27:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-lv-%{version}.tar.xz
  41. #Source28:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-ms-%{version}.tar.xz
  42. Source29:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-nb-%{version}.tar.xz
  43. #Source30:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-nds-%{version}.tar.xz
  44. #Source31:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-ne-%{version}.tar.xz
  45. Source32:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-nl-%{version}.tar.xz
  46. Source33:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-pl-%{version}.tar.xz
  47. Source34:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-pt-%{version}.tar.xz
  48. Source35:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-pt_BR-%{version}.tar.xz
  49. Source36:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-ru-%{version}.tar.xz
  50. #Source37:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-se-%{version}.tar.xz
  51. Source38:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-sk-%{version}.tar.xz
  52. #Source39:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-sl-%{version}.tar.xz
  53. #Source39:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-sr-%{version}.tar.xz
  54. #Source40:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-sr@Latn-%{version}.tar.xz
  55. Source40:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-sv-%{version}.tar.xz
  56. #Source41:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-ta-%{version}.tar.xz
  57. Source42:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-tr-%{version}.tar.xz
  58. Source43:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-uk-%{version}.tar.xz
  59. #Source44:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-wa-%{version}.tar.xz
  60. Source45:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-zh_CN-%{version}.tar.xz
  61. Source46:{stable}/calligra-%{version}/calligra-l10n/calligra-l10n-zh_TW-%{version}.tar.xz
  62. Source1000: subdirs-calligra-l10n
  63. ## upstreamable patches
  64. ## upstream patches
  65. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
  66. BuildArch: noarch
  67. BuildRequires: gettext
  68. BuildRequires: kdelibs4-devel
  69. BuildRequires: libxml2
  70. %description
  71. %{summary}.
  72. %package ja
  73. Summary: Japanese language pack for calligra
  74. Summary(ja): Calligra の日本語サポートパッケージ
  75. Obsoletes: koffice-langpack-ja < %{koffice_obsoletes}
  76. Requires: calligra-core >= %{calligra_core_version}
  77. %description ja
  78. %{summary}.
  79. %package extra
  80. Summary: Language pack for calligra
  81. Summary(ja): Calligra の国際化サポートパッケージ(日本語以外)
  82. Group: Applications/Productivity
  83. Obsoletes: koffice-langpack < %{koffice_obsoletes}
  84. Obsoletes: koffice-langpack-extra < %{koffice_obsoletes}
  85. Requires: calligra-core >= %{calligra_core_version}
  86. %description extra
  87. Provides additional translations for calligra
  88. %prep
  89. %setup -T -c -q -n %{name}-%{version}
  90. for i in $(cat %{SOURCE1000}) ; do
  91. echo $i | grep -v '^#' && \
  92. %{__xz} -dc %{_sourcedir}/calligra-l10n-$i-%{version}.tar.xz | tar -xf -
  93. done
  94. %build
  95. for calligra_lang in * ; do
  96. if [ -f $calligra_lang/CMakeLists.txt ]; then
  97. pushd $calligra_lang
  98. mkdir -p %{_target_platform}
  99. pushd %{_target_platform}
  100. %cmake \
  101. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release \
  102. -DDATA_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%{_datadir}/kde4/apps \
  103. -DINCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%{_includedir}/kde4 \
  104. -DLIBEXEC_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%{_libexecdir}/kde4 \
  105. ..
  106. make %{?_smp_mflags}
  107. popd
  108. popd
  109. fi
  110. done
  111. %install
  112. for calligra_lang in * ; do
  113. if [ -f $calligra_lang/CMakeLists.txt ]; then
  114. make install/fast DESTDIR=%{buildroot} -C $calligra_lang/%{_target_platform}
  115. fi
  116. done
  117. ## unpackaged files
  118. rm -rfv %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/kde4/apps/koffice/autocorrect
  119. %files ja
  120. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  121. %lang(ja) %{_datadir}/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/*
  122. %files extra
  123. #files bs
  124. %lang(bs) %{_datadir}/locale/bs/LC_MESSAGES/*
  125. #files ca
  126. %lang(ca) %{_datadir}/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/*
  127. %lang(ca) %{_docdir}/HTML/ca/*
  128. #files ca-valencia
  129. %lang(ca@valencia) %{_datadir}/locale/ca@valencia/LC_MESSAGES/*
  130. #files cs
  131. %lang(cs) %{_datadir}/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/*
  132. #files da
  133. %lang(da) %{_datadir}/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/*
  134. #files de
  135. %lang(de) %{_datadir}/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/*
  136. %lang(de) %{_datadir}/kde4/apps/calligra/autocorrect/de.xml
  137. %lang(de) %{_docdir}/HTML/de/*
  138. #files el
  139. %lang(el) %{_datadir}/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/*
  140. #files en_GB
  141. %lang(en_GB) %{_datadir}/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/*
  142. #files es
  143. %lang(es) %{_datadir}/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/*
  144. %lang(es) %{_docdir}/HTML/es/*
  145. #files et
  146. %lang(et) %{_datadir}/locale/et/LC_MESSAGES/*
  147. %lang(et) %{_docdir}/HTML/et/
  148. #files eu
  149. #%lang(eu) %{_datadir}/locale/eu/LC_MESSAGES/*
  150. #files fi
  151. %lang(fi) %{_datadir}/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/*
  152. #files fr
  153. %lang(fr) %{_datadir}/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/*
  154. %lang(fr) %{_docdir}/HTML/fr/*
  155. #files gl
  156. %lang(gl) %{_datadir}/locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES/*
  157. #files hu
  158. %lang(hu) %{_datadir}/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/*
  159. #files it
  160. %lang(it) %{_datadir}/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/*
  161. %lang(it) %{_docdir}/HTML/it/*
  162. #files kk
  163. %lang(kk) %{_datadir}/locale/kk/LC_MESSAGES/*
  164. #files nb
  165. %lang(nb) %{_datadir}/kde4/apps/calligra/autocorrect/nb.xml
  166. %lang(nb) %{_datadir}/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/*
  167. #files nds
  168. #%lang(nds) %{_datadir}/locale/nds/LC_MESSAGES/*
  169. #files nl
  170. %lang(nl) %{_datadir}/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/*
  171. %lang(nl) %{_docdir}/HTML/nl/*
  172. #files pl
  173. %lang(pl) %{_datadir}/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/*
  174. #files pt
  175. %lang(pt) %{_datadir}/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/*
  176. %lang(pt) %{_docdir}/HTML/pt/*
  177. #files pt_BR
  178. %lang(pt_BR) %{_datadir}/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/*
  179. %lang(pt_BR) %{_docdir}/HTML/pt_BR/*
  180. #files ru
  181. %lang(ru) %{_datadir}/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/*
  182. %lang(ru) %{_docdir}/HTML/ru/*
  183. #files sk
  184. %lang(sk) %{_datadir}/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/*
  185. #files sv
  186. %lang(sv) %{_datadir}/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/*
  187. %lang(sv) %{_docdir}/HTML/sv/*
  188. #files tr
  189. %lang(tr) %{_datadir}/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/*
  190. #files uk
  191. %lang(uk) %{_datadir}/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/*
  192. %lang(uk) %{_docdir}/HTML/uk/*
  193. #files zh_CN
  194. %lang(zh_CN) %{_datadir}/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/*
  195. #files zh_TW
  196. %lang(zh_TW) %{_datadir}/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/*
  197. %changelog
  198. * Sun Jul 3 2016 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <> 2.9.11-1
  199. - new upstream release.
  200. * Wed Jan 14 2015 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 2.8.7-1
  201. - based on koffice-langpack package
  202. * Sun Mar 27 2011 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> - 2.3.2-2
  203. - Initial build for Vine Linux
  204. * Mon Feb 21 2011 Rex Dieter <> - 2:2.3.2-1
  205. - 2.3.2
  206. * Mon Feb 07 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2:2.3.1-2
  207. - Rebuilt for
  208. * Wed Jan 26 2011 Rex Dieter <> - 2:2.3.1-1
  209. - koffice-l10n-2.3.1
  210. * Sat Nov 13 2010 Rex Dieter <> - 2:2.2.84-1
  211. - koffice-l10n-2.2.84 (2.3beta4)
  212. * Sat Aug 21 2010 Rex Dieter <> - 2:2.2.2-1
  213. - koffice-l10n-2.2.2
  214. * Wed Jul 14 2010 Rex Dieter <> - 2:2.2.1-1
  215. - koffice-l10n-2.2.1
  216. * Mon May 24 2010 Rex Dieter <> - 2:2.2.0-1
  217. - koffice-l10n-2.2.0
  218. * Sat May 15 2010 Kevin Kofler <> - 2:2.1.91-2
  219. - don't ship translations of the kivio documentation
  220. * Mon Apr 26 2010 Rex Dieter <> - 2:2.1.91-1
  221. - koffice-l10n-2.1.91
  222. * Tue Apr 06 2010 Rex Dieter <> - 2:2.1.82-1
  223. - koffice-l10n-2.1.82
  224. * Thu Mar 18 2010 Rex Dieter <> - 2:2.1.81-1
  225. - koffice-l10n-2.1.81
  226. * Thu Nov 26 2009 Kevin Kofler <> - 2:2.1.0-3
  227. - fix Requires for -wa to include Epoch
  228. * Wed Nov 25 2009 Rex Dieter <> - 2:2.1.0-2
  229. - Epoch++ (to trump F-12 branch)
  230. * Sat Nov 21 2009 Rex Dieter <> - 1:2.1.0-1
  231. - koffice-l10n-2.1.0
  232. * Fri Oct 23 2009 Rex Dieter <> - 1:2.0.91-2
  233. - koffice-l10n-2.0.91
  234. * Sat Oct 03 2009 Rex Dieter <> - 1:2.0.83-2
  235. - main virtual subpkg
  236. - fix a fix missing %%defattr's
  237. * Sat Oct 03 2009 Rex Dieter <> - 1:2.0.83-1
  238. - koffice-l10n-2.0.83
  239. * Fri Sep 11 2009 Rex Dieter <> - 1:2.0.82-1
  240. - koffice-l10n-2.0.82
  241. * Wed Aug 26 2009 Rex Dieter <> - 1:2.0.81-1
  242. - koffice-l10n-2.0.81
  243. * Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:2.0.0-2
  244. - Rebuilt for
  245. * Sun May 24 2009 Rex Dieter <> 1:2.0.0-1
  246. - koffice-l10n-2.0.0
  247. * Wed Apr 08 2009 Rex Dieter <> 1:
  248. - koffice-l10n-
  249. * Wed Feb 18 2009 Rex Dieter <>
  250. - koffice-l10n-
  251. * Fri Jan 09 2009 Rex Dieter <>
  252. - koffice-l10n-
  253. * Sun Dec 09 2007 Rex Dieter <rdieter[AT]>
  254. 1.6.3-2
  255. - BR: kdelibs3-devel
  256. - License: GPLv2+
  257. * Fri Jun 01 2007 Rex Dieter <rdieter[AT]>
  258. 1.6.3-1
  259. - koffice-l10n-1.6.3
  260. * Wed Feb 28 2007 Rex Dieter <rdieter[AT]>
  261. 1.6.2-1
  262. - koffice-l10n-1.6.2
  263. - drop %%dist
  264. * Fri Dec 01 2006 Rex Dieter <rexdieter[AT]>
  265. 1.6.1-1
  266. - koffice-l10n-1.6.1
  267. - avoid file conflict (LC_MESSAGES/ with kde-i18n (kde bug #75096)
  268. * Sat Oct 21 2006 Andreas Bierfert <andreas.bierfert[AT]>
  269. 1.6.0-1
  270. - version upgrade
  271. * Thu Aug 03 2006 Andreas Bierfert <andreas.bierfert[AT]>
  272. 1.5.2-1
  273. - version upgrade
  274. - add zh_TW
  275. * Tue May 30 2006 Andreas Bierfert <andreas.bierfert[AT]>
  276. 1.5.1-1
  277. - version upgrade
  278. * Sat Apr 22 2006 Andreas Bierfert <andreas.bierfert[AT]>
  279. 1.5.0-1
  280. - version upgrade
  281. * Wed Feb 15 2006 Andreas Bierfert <andreas.bierfert[AT]>
  282. 1.4.2-2
  283. - Rebuild for Fedora Extras 5
  284. * Sat Oct 15 2005 Andreas Bierfert <andreas.bierfert[AT]>
  285. 1.4.2-1
  286. - version upgrade
  287. - add eu
  288. * Sun Aug 14 2005 Andreas Bierfert <andreas.bierfert[AT]>
  289. 1.4.1-3
  290. - add dist tag
  291. * Mon Aug 01 2005 Andreas Bierfert <andreas.bierfert[AT]>
  292. 1.4.1-2
  293. - change Requires koffice-core from v-r to v only
  294. * Sun Jul 31 2005 Andreas Bierfert <andreas.bierfert[AT]>
  295. 1.4.1-1
  296. - upgrade
  297. * Sun Jul 31 2005 Andreas Bierfert <andreas.bierfert[AT]>
  298. 1.4.0-2
  299. - move all languages to one langpack srpm
  300. * Mon Jul 04 2005 Andreas Bierfert <andreas.bierfert[AT]>
  301. 1.4.0-1
  302. - Split languages from koffice spec