ruby-vl.spec 74 KB

  1. %global major_version 1
  2. %global minor_version 9
  3. %global teeny_version 3
  4. %global patch_level 392
  5. %global major_minor_version %{major_version}.%{minor_version}
  6. %global ruby_version %{major_minor_version}.%{teeny_version}
  7. %global ruby_version_patch_level %{major_minor_version}.%{teeny_version}.%{patch_level}
  8. %global ruby_abi %{major_minor_version}.1
  9. %global ruby_archive %{name}-%{ruby_version}-p%{patch_level}
  10. %global ruby_libdir %{_datadir}/%{name}/%{ruby_abi}
  11. %global ruby_libarchdir %{_libdir}/%{name}/%{ruby_abi}
  12. %global ruby_hdrdir %{_includedir}/%{name}-%{ruby_abi}
  13. # This is the local lib/arch and should not be used for packaging.
  14. %global ruby_sitedir site_ruby
  15. %global ruby_sitelibdir %{_prefix}/local/share/ruby/%{ruby_sitedir}/%{ruby_abi}
  16. %global ruby_sitearchdir %{_prefix}/local/%{_lib}/ruby/%{ruby_sitedir}/%{ruby_abi}
  17. # This is the general location for libs/archs compatible with all
  18. # or most of the Ruby versions
  19. %global ruby_vendordir vendor_ruby
  20. %global ruby_vendorlibdir %{_prefix}/share/ruby/%{ruby_vendordir}/%{ruby_abi}
  21. %global ruby_vendorarchdir %{_libdir}/ruby/%{ruby_vendordir}/%{ruby_abi}
  22. %global rubygems_version 1.8.23
  23. # The RubyGems library has to stay out of Ruby directory tree, since the
  24. # RubyGems should be share by all Ruby implementations.
  25. %global rubygems_dir %{_datadir}/rubygems
  26. # Specify custom RubyGems root.
  27. %global gem_dir %{_datadir}/gems
  28. %global gem_extdir %{_libdir}/gems
  29. %global gem_extdirs %{_exec_prefix}/lib{,64}/gems
  30. %global rake_version
  31. # TODO: The IRB has strange versioning. Keep the Ruby's versioning ATM.
  32. #
  33. %global irb_version %{ruby_version_patch_level}
  34. %global rdoc_version 3.9.5
  35. %global bigdecimal_version 1.1.0
  36. %global io_console_version 0.3
  37. %global json_version 1.5.5
  38. %global minitest_version 2.5.1
  39. %bcond_without emacsen
  40. %define rbmode ruby-mode
  41. %define rbmode_el ruby-mode
  42. %global _normalized_cpu %(echo %{_target_cpu} | sed 's/^ppc/powerpc/;s/i.86/i686/;s/sparcv./sparc/')
  43. Summary: An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
  44. Summary(ja): オブジェクト指向言語 Ruby インタプリタ
  45. Name: ruby
  46. Version: %{ruby_version_patch_level}
  47. # Note:
  48. # As seen on perl srpm, as this (ruby) srpm contains several sub-components,
  49. # we cannot reset the release number to 1 even when the main (ruby) version
  50. # is updated - because it may be that the versions of sub-components don't
  51. # change.
  52. Release: 10%{?_dist_release}
  53. Group: Development/Languages
  54. # Public Domain for example for: include/ruby/st.h, strftime.c, ...
  55. License: (Ruby or BSD) and Public Domain
  56. URL:
  57. Source0:{name}/%{major_minor_version}/%{ruby_archive}.tar.bz2
  58. Source1: operating_system.rb
  59. Source6: %{rbmode_el}
  60. Source7: %{rbmode_el}
  61. Source8: %{rbmode_el}-init.el
  62. # changelog of fedora package
  63. Source10: Changelog.fedora
  64. #
  65. Patch0: ruby-1.9.3-disable-versioned-paths.patch
  66. # TODO: Should be submitted upstream?
  67. Patch1: ruby-1.9.3-arch-specific-dir.patch
  68. #
  69. Patch2: ruby-1.9.3-added-site-and-vendor-arch-flags.patch
  70. # Force multiarch directories for i.86 to be always named i686.
  71. Patch3: ruby-1.9.3-always-use-i686.patch
  72. #
  73. Patch4: ruby-1.9.3-fix-s390x-build.patch
  74. # Fix the uninstaller, so that it doesn't say that gem doesn't exist
  75. # when it exists outside of the GEM_HOME (already fixed in the upstream)
  76. Patch5: ruby-1.9.3-rubygems-1.8.11-uninstaller.patch
  77. # Already fixed upstream:
  78. #
  79. Patch7: ruby-1.9.3-bignum-test-fix.patch
  80. # Allows to install RubyGems into custom directory, outside of Ruby's tree.
  81. #
  82. Patch8: ruby-1.9.3-custom-rubygems-location.patch
  83. # Add support for installing binary extensions according to FHS.
  84. #
  85. Patch9: rubygems-1.8.11-binary-extensions.patch
  86. # On koji, network related tests sometimes cause internal server error,
  87. # ignore these
  88. Patch10: ruby-1.9.3-p327-ignore-internal-server-error-on-test.patch
  89. # Make mkmf verbose by default
  90. Patch12: ruby-1.9.3-mkmf-verbose.patch
  91. Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
  92. Requires: ruby(rubygems) >= %{rubygems_version}
  93. # Make the bigdecimal gem a runtime dependency of Ruby to avoid problems
  94. # with user-installed gems, that don't require it in gemspec/Gemfile
  95. # See
  96. # and
  97. Requires: rubygem(bigdecimal) >= %{bigdecimal_version}
  98. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  99. BuildRequires: autoconf
  100. BuildRequires: gdbm-devel
  101. BuildRequires: ncurses-devel
  102. BuildRequires: db4-devel
  103. BuildRequires: libffi-devel
  104. BuildRequires: openssl-devel
  105. BuildRequires: libyaml-devel
  106. BuildRequires: readline-devel
  107. BuildRequires: tcl tk
  108. BuildRequires: libX11-devel
  109. BuildRequires: zlib-devel
  110. # Needed to pass test_set_program_name(TestRubyOptions)
  111. BuildRequires: procps
  112. Distribution: Vine Linux
  113. Vendor: Project Vine
  114. Packager: daisuke
  115. %description
  116. Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy
  117. object-oriented programming. It has many features to process text
  118. files and to do system management tasks (as in Perl). It is simple,
  119. straight-forward, and extensible.
  120. %description -l ja
  121. Rubyはシンプルかつ強力なオブジェクト指向スクリプト言語です.Rubyは最初
  122. から純粋なオブジェクト指向言語として設計されていますから,オブジェクト
  123. 指向プログラミングを手軽に行う事が出来ます.もちろん通常の手続き型のプ
  124. ログラミングも可能です.
  125. Rubyはテキスト処理関係の能力などに優れ,Perlと同じくらい強力です.さら
  126. にシンプルな文法と,例外処理やイテレータなどの機構によって,より分かり
  127. やすいプログラミングが出来ます.
  128. %package devel
  129. Summary: A Ruby development environment
  130. Summary(ja): Ruby 開発環境
  131. Group: Development/Languages
  132. # Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
  133. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  134. %description devel
  135. Header files and libraries for building an extension library for the
  136. Ruby or an application embedding Ruby.
  137. %description devel -l ja
  138. Rubyのための拡張ライブラリやRubyを組み込んだアプリケーションを作るため
  139. に必要となるへッダファイルやライブラリです.
  140. %package libs
  141. Summary: Libraries necessary to run Ruby
  142. Group: Development/Libraries
  143. License: Ruby or BSD
  144. Provides: ruby(abi) = %{ruby_abi}
  145. Provides: libruby = %{version}-%{release}
  146. Obsoletes: libruby < 1.9
  147. Obsoletes: drb erb
  148. Obsoletes: ruby-csv ruby-optparse ruby-rexml ruby-strscan rubyunit racc-runtime
  149. Obsoletes: ruby-openssl < 1.9
  150. %description libs
  151. This package includes the libruby, necessary to run Ruby.
  152. %description libs -l ja
  153. このパッケージには Ruby を利用するために必要となるライブラリが含まれ
  154. ています.
  155. %package rubygems
  156. Summary: Packaging system for Ruby application or library
  157. Summary(ja): Ruby アプリケーションやライブラリのためのパッケージシステム
  158. Version: %{rubygems_version}
  159. Group: Development/Libraries
  160. License: Ruby or MIT
  161. Requires: ruby(abi) = %{ruby_abi}
  162. Requires: rubygem(rdoc) >= %{rdoc_version}
  163. Requires: rubygem(io-console) >= %{io_console_version}
  164. Provides: gem = %{version}-%{release}
  165. Provides: ruby(rubygems) = %{version}-%{release}
  166. Obsoletes: rubygems <= 1.8.24-1vl7
  167. BuildArch: noarch
  168. %description rubygems
  169. RubyGems is the Ruby standard for publishing and managing third party
  170. libraries.
  171. %description rubygems -l ja
  172. RubyGems は Ruby 標準のサードパーティ製ライブラリのパッケージ管理
  173. システムです。
  174. %package rubygems-devel
  175. Summary: Macros and development tools for packaging RubyGems
  176. Version: %{rubygems_version}
  177. Group: Development/Libraries
  178. License: Ruby or MIT
  179. Requires: ruby(rubygems) = %{version}-%{release}
  180. BuildArch: noarch
  181. %description rubygems-devel
  182. Macros and development tools for packaging RubyGems.
  183. %package -n rubygem-rake
  184. Summary: Ruby based make-like utility
  185. Summary(ja): Ruby ベースの make のようなユーティリティ
  186. Version: %{rake_version}
  187. Group: Development/Libraries
  188. License: Ruby or MIT
  189. Requires: ruby(abi) = %{ruby_abi}
  190. Requires: ruby(rubygems) >= %{rubygems_version}
  191. Provides: rake = %{version}-%{release}
  192. Provides: rubygem(rake) = %{version}-%{release}
  193. BuildArch: noarch
  194. %description -n rubygem-rake
  195. Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are
  196. specified in standard Ruby syntax.
  197. %description -n rubygem-rake -l ja
  198. Rake は Ruby ベースの make のようなユーティリティです。
  199. %package irb
  200. Summary: The Interactive Ruby
  201. Summary(ja): インタラクティブ Ruby
  202. Version: %{irb_version}
  203. Group: Development/Libraries
  204. Requires: %{name}-libs = %{ruby_version_patch_level}
  205. Obsoletes: irb < 1.9
  206. Provides: irb = %{version}-%{release}
  207. Provides: ruby(irb) = %{version}-%{release}
  208. BuildArch: noarch
  209. %description irb
  210. The irb is acronym for Interactive Ruby. It evaluates ruby expression
  211. from the terminal.
  212. %description irb -l ja
  213. irb は Interactive RuBy の略で、対話的にRubyの式を入力し、
  214. 評価させることが可能です。
  215. %package -n rubygem-rdoc
  216. Summary: A tool to generate HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects
  217. Summary(ja): Rubyのソースコードからドキュメントを生成するツール
  218. Version: %{rdoc_version}
  219. Group: Development/Libraries
  220. License: GPLv2 and Ruby and MIT
  221. Requires: ruby(abi) = %{ruby_abi}
  222. Requires: ruby(rubygems) >= %{rubygems_version}
  223. Requires: ruby(irb) = %{irb_version}
  224. Provides: rdoc = %{version}-%{release}
  225. Provides: ri = %{version}-%{release}
  226. Provides: rubygem(rdoc) = %{version}-%{release}
  227. Obsoletes: rdoc < 1.9
  228. Obsoletes: ruby-rdoc < %{version}
  229. Obsoletes: ruby-ri < %{version}
  230. BuildArch: noarch
  231. %description -n rubygem-rdoc
  232. RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects. RDoc
  233. includes the 'rdoc' and 'ri' tools for generating and displaying online
  234. documentation.
  235. %description -n rubygem-rdoc -l ja
  236. RDocはRubyのソースコードからドキュメントを生成するツールです.
  237. %package doc
  238. Summary: Documentation for %{name}
  239. Summary(ja): %{name} のドキュメント
  240. Group: Applications/Documentation
  241. Requires: %{_bindir}/ri
  242. # TODO: It seems that ri documentation differs from platform to platform due to
  243. # some encoding bugs, therefore the documentation should be split out of this gem
  244. # or kept platform specific.
  245. #
  246. # BuildArch: noarch
  247. %description doc
  248. This package contains documentation for %{name}.
  249. %package -n rubygem-bigdecimal
  250. Summary: BigDecimal provides arbitrary-precision floating point decimal arithmetic
  251. Version: %{bigdecimal_version}
  252. Group: Development/Libraries
  253. License: GPL+ or Artistic
  254. Requires: ruby(abi) = %{ruby_abi}
  255. Requires: ruby(rubygems) >= %{rubygems_version}
  256. Provides: rubygem(bigdecimal) = %{version}-%{release}
  257. %description -n rubygem-bigdecimal
  258. Ruby provides built-in support for arbitrary precision integer arithmetic.
  259. For example:
  260. 42**13 -> 1265437718438866624512
  261. BigDecimal provides similar support for very large or very accurate floating
  262. point numbers. Decimal arithmetic is also useful for general calculation,
  263. because it provides the correct answers people expect–whereas normal binary
  264. floating point arithmetic often introduces subtle errors because of the
  265. conversion between base 10 and base 2.
  266. %package -n rubygem-io-console
  267. Summary: IO/Console is a simple console utilizing library
  268. Version: %{io_console_version}
  269. Group: Development/Libraries
  270. Requires: ruby(abi) = %{ruby_abi}
  271. Requires: ruby(rubygems) >= %{rubygems_version}
  272. Provides: rubygem(io-console) = %{version}-%{release}
  273. %description -n rubygem-io-console
  274. IO/Console provides very simple and portable access to console. It doesn't
  275. provide higher layer features, such like curses and readline.
  276. %package -n rubygem-json
  277. Summary: This is a JSON implementation as a Ruby extension in C
  278. Version: %{json_version}
  279. Group: Development/Libraries
  280. License: Ruby or GPLv2
  281. Requires: ruby(abi) = %{ruby_abi}
  282. Requires: ruby(rubygems) >= %{rubygems_version}
  283. Provides: rubygem(json) = %{version}-%{release}
  284. %description -n rubygem-json
  285. This is a implementation of the JSON specification according to RFC 4627.
  286. You can think of it as a low fat alternative to XML, if you want to store
  287. data to disk or transmit it over a network rather than use a verbose
  288. markup language.
  289. %package -n rubygem-minitest
  290. Summary: Minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities.
  291. Version: %{minitest_version}
  292. Group: Development/Libraries
  293. License: MIT
  294. Requires: ruby(abi) = %{ruby_abi}
  295. Requires: ruby(rubygems) >= %{rubygems_version}
  296. Provides: rubygem(minitest) = %{version}-%{release}
  297. BuildArch: noarch
  298. %description -n rubygem-minitest
  299. minitest/unit is a small and incredibly fast unit testing framework.
  300. minitest/spec is a functionally complete spec engine.
  301. minitest/benchmark is an awesome way to assert the performance of your
  302. algorithms in a repeatable manner.
  303. minitest/mock by Steven Baker, is a beautifully tiny mock object
  304. framework.
  305. minitest/pride shows pride in testing and adds coloring to your test
  306. output.
  307. %package tcltk
  308. Summary: Tcl/Tk interface for scripting language Ruby
  309. Summary(ja): RubyのTcl/Tkインタフェースライブラリ
  310. Group: Development/Languages
  311. Requires: %{name}-libs = %{ruby_version_patch_level}
  312. Provides: ruby(tcltk) = %{ruby_version_patch_level}-%{release}
  313. %description tcltk
  314. Tcl/Tk interface for the object-oriented scripting language Ruby.
  315. %description -n ruby-tcltk -l ja
  316. RubyにTcl/Tkライブラリへのインタフェースを提供する拡張ライブラリです.
  317. %if %{with emacsen}
  318. %package mode
  319. Summary: Emacs-lisp ruby-mode for the scripting language Ruby
  320. Summary(ja): Emacs上でRubyスクリプトを書くためのモード
  321. Group: Applications/Editors/Emacs
  322. Requires(post): emacsen, emacsen-common >= 0.1
  323. Requires(preun): emacsen, emacsen-common >= 0.1
  324. BuildArch: noarch
  325. %description -n %{rbmode_el}
  326. Emacs-lisp ruby-mode for the object-oriented scripting language Ruby.
  327. %description -n %{rbmode_el} -l ja
  328. Emacs上でRubyスクリプトを書くのに便利なモードです.
  329. %endif
  330. %prep
  331. %setup -q -n %{ruby_archive}
  332. %patch0 -p1
  333. %patch1 -p1
  334. %patch2 -p1
  335. %patch3 -p1
  336. %patch4 -p1
  337. %patch5 -p1
  338. %patch7 -p1
  339. %patch8 -p1
  340. %patch9 -p1
  341. %patch10 -p1
  342. %patch12 -p1
  343. %build
  344. autoconf
  345. %configure \
  346. --with-rubylibprefix='%{ruby_libdir}' \
  347. --with-archdir='%{ruby_libarchdir}' \
  348. --with-sitedir='%{ruby_sitelibdir}' \
  349. --with-sitearchdir='%{ruby_sitearchdir}' \
  350. --with-vendordir='%{ruby_vendorlibdir}' \
  351. --with-vendorarchdir='%{ruby_vendorarchdir}' \
  352. --with-rubyhdrdir='%{_includedir}' \
  353. --with-rubygemsdir='%{rubygems_dir}' \
  354. --disable-rpath \
  355. --enable-shared \
  356. --disable-versioned-paths
  357. # Q= makes the build output more verbose and allows to check compiler options.
  358. make %{?_smp_mflags} COPY="cp -p" Q=
  359. %install
  360. rm -rf %{buildroot}
  361. make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
  362. # install ruby-mode
  363. %if %{with emacsen}
  364. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/%{rbmode}
  365. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_prefix}/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install
  366. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_prefix}/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove
  367. cp misc/*.el %{SOURCE8} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/%{rbmode}
  368. %_installemacsenscript %{rbmode} %{SOURCE6}
  369. %_removeemacsenscript %{rbmode} %{SOURCE7}
  370. %endif
  371. # Dump the macros into macro.ruby to use them to build other Ruby libraries.
  372. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rpm
  373. cat >> %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rpm/macros.ruby << \EOF
  374. %%ruby_libdir %%{_datadir}/%{name}/%{ruby_abi}
  375. %%ruby_libarchdir %%{_libdir}/%{name}/%{ruby_abi}
  376. # This is the local lib/arch and should not be used for packaging.
  377. %%ruby_sitedir site_ruby
  378. %%ruby_sitelibdir %%{_prefix}/local/share/%{name}/%%{ruby_sitedir}/%{ruby_abi}
  379. %%ruby_sitearchdir %%{_prefix}/local/%%{_lib}/%{name}/%%{ruby_sitedir}/%{ruby_abi}
  380. # This is the general location for libs/archs compatible with all
  381. # or most of the Ruby versions
  382. %%ruby_vendordir vendor_ruby
  383. %%ruby_vendorlibdir %%{_datadir}/%{name}/%%{ruby_vendordir}/%{ruby_abi}
  384. %%ruby_vendorarchdir %%{_libdir}/%{name}/%%{ruby_vendordir}/%{ruby_abi}
  385. EOF
  386. cat >> %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rpm/macros.rubygems << \EOF
  387. # The RubyGems root folder.
  388. %%gem_dir %{gem_dir}
  389. # Common gem locations and files.
  390. %%gem_instdir %%{gem_dir}/gems/%%{gem_name}-%%{version}
  391. %%gem_extdir %%{_libdir}/gems/exts/%%{gem_name}-%%{version}
  392. %%gem_libdir %%{gem_instdir}/lib
  393. %%gem_cache %%{gem_dir}/cache/%%{gem_name}-%%{version}.gem
  394. %%gem_spec %%{gem_dir}/specifications/%%{gem_name}-%%{version}.gemspec
  395. %%gem_docdir %%{gem_dir}/doc/%%{gem_name}-%%{version}
  396. EOF
  397. # Install custom operating_system.rb.
  398. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{rubygems_dir}/rubygems/defaults
  399. cp %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{rubygems_dir}/rubygems/defaults
  400. # Move gems root into common direcotry, out of Ruby directory structure.
  401. mv %{buildroot}%{ruby_libdir}/gems/%{ruby_abi} %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}
  402. # Create folders for gem binary extensions.
  403. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_extdirs}/exts
  404. # Move bundled rubygems to %%gem_dir and %%gem_extdir
  405. # make symlinks for io-console and bigdecimal,
  406. # which are considered to be part of stdlib by other Gems
  407. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/gems/rake-%{rake_version}/lib
  408. mv %{buildroot}%{ruby_libdir}/rake* %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/gems/rake-%{rake_version}/lib
  409. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/gems/rdoc-%{rdoc_version}/lib
  410. mv %{buildroot}%{ruby_libdir}/rdoc* %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/gems/rdoc-%{rdoc_version}/lib
  411. # gem_dir
  412. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/gems/bigdecimal-%{bigdecimal_version}/lib
  413. mv %{buildroot}%{ruby_libdir}/bigdecimal %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/gems/bigdecimal-%{bigdecimal_version}/lib
  414. ln -s %{gem_dir}/gems/bigdecimal-%{bigdecimal_version}/lib/bigdecimal %{buildroot}%{ruby_libdir}/bigdecimal
  415. # gem_extdir
  416. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_extdir}/exts/bigdecimal-%{bigdecimal_version}/lib
  417. mv %{buildroot}%{ruby_libarchdir}/ %{buildroot}%{gem_extdir}/exts/bigdecimal-%{bigdecimal_version}/lib
  418. ln -s %{gem_extdir}/exts/bigdecimal-%{bigdecimal_version}/lib/ %{buildroot}%{ruby_libarchdir}/
  419. # gem_dir
  420. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/gems/io-console-%{io_console_version}/lib
  421. mv %{buildroot}%{ruby_libdir}/io %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/gems/io-console-%{io_console_version}/lib
  422. ln -s %{gem_dir}/gems/io-console-%{io_console_version}/lib/io %{buildroot}%{ruby_libdir}/io
  423. # gem_extdir
  424. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_extdir}/exts/io-console-%{io_console_version}/lib/io
  425. mv %{buildroot}%{ruby_libarchdir}/io/ %{buildroot}%{gem_extdir}/exts/io-console-%{io_console_version}/lib/io
  426. ln -s %{gem_extdir}/exts/io-console-%{io_console_version}/lib/io/ %{buildroot}%{ruby_libarchdir}/io/
  427. # gem_dir
  428. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/gems/json-%{json_version}/lib
  429. mv %{buildroot}%{ruby_libdir}/json* %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/gems/json-%{json_version}/lib
  430. # gem_extdir
  431. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_extdir}/exts/json-%{json_version}/lib
  432. mv %{buildroot}%{ruby_libarchdir}/json/ %{buildroot}%{gem_extdir}/exts/json-%{json_version}/lib/
  433. mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/gems/minitest-%{minitest_version}/lib
  434. mv %{buildroot}%{ruby_libdir}/minitest %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/gems/minitest-%{minitest_version}/lib
  435. # Adjust the gemspec files so that the gems will load properly
  436. sed -i '2 a\
  437. s.require_paths = ["lib"]' %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/specifications/rake-%{rake_version}.gemspec
  438. sed -i '2 a\
  439. s.require_paths = ["lib"]' %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/specifications/rdoc-%{rdoc_version}.gemspec
  440. sed -i '2 a\
  441. s.require_paths = ["lib"]\
  442. s.extensions = [""]' %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/specifications/bigdecimal-%{bigdecimal_version}.gemspec
  443. sed -i '2 a\
  444. s.require_paths = ["lib"]\
  445. s.extensions = ["io/"]' %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/specifications/io-console-%{io_console_version}.gemspec
  446. sed -i '2 a\
  447. s.require_paths = ["lib"]\
  448. s.extensions = ["json/ext/", "json/ext/"]' %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/specifications/json-%{json_version}.gemspec
  449. sed -i '2 a\
  450. s.require_paths = ["lib"]' %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/specifications/minitest-%{minitest_version}.gemspec
  451. %check
  453. # OpenSSL 1.0.1 is breaking the drb test suite.
  454. #
  455. DISABLE_TESTS="-x test_drbssl.rb $DISABLE_TESTS"
  456. %ifarch armv7l armv7hl armv7hnl
  457. # test_call_double(DL::TestDL) fails on ARM HardFP
  458. #
  459. DISABLE_TESTS="-x test_dl2.rb $DISABLE_TESTS"
  460. %endif
  461. %ifnarch ppc ppc64
  462. make check TESTS="-v $DISABLE_TESTS"
  463. %endif
  464. %post libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
  465. %postun libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
  466. %if %{with emacsen}
  467. %post -n %{rbmode_el}
  468. if [ "$1" = 2 ]; then
  469. %_emacsenPackageRemove %{rbmode}
  470. fi
  471. %_addemacsenlist %{rbmode}
  472. %_emacsenPackageInstall %{rbmode}
  473. %preun -n %{rbmode_el}
  474. if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then
  475. %_emacsenPackageRemove %{rbmode}
  476. %_removeemacsenlist %{rbmode}
  477. fi
  478. %endif
  479. %files
  480. %doc COPYING
  481. %lang(ja) %doc COPYING.ja
  482. %doc GPL
  483. %doc LEGAL
  484. %{_bindir}/erb
  485. %{_bindir}/ruby
  486. %{_bindir}/testrb
  487. %{_mandir}/man1/erb*
  488. %{_mandir}/man1/ruby*
  489. #
  490. %exclude %{_libdir}/libruby-static.a
  491. %files devel
  492. %doc COPYING*
  493. %doc GPL
  494. %doc LEGAL
  495. %doc README.EXT
  496. %lang(ja) %doc README.EXT.ja
  497. %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/rpm/macros.ruby
  498. %{_includedir}/*
  499. %{_libdir}/
  500. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/ruby-%{major_minor_version}.pc
  501. %files libs
  502. %doc COPYING
  503. %lang(ja) %doc COPYING.ja
  504. %doc GPL
  505. %doc LEGAL
  506. %doc README
  507. %lang(ja) %doc README.ja
  508. %doc NEWS
  509. %doc doc/NEWS-*
  510. %{ruby_sitelibdir}
  511. %{ruby_sitearchdir}
  512. %{ruby_vendorlibdir}
  513. %{ruby_vendorarchdir}
  514. # List all these files explicitly to prevent surprises
  515. # Platform independent libraries.
  516. %dir %{ruby_libdir}
  517. %{ruby_libdir}/*.rb
  518. %exclude %{ruby_libdir}/*-tk.rb
  519. %exclude %{ruby_libdir}/irb.rb
  520. %exclude %{ruby_libdir}/tcltk.rb
  521. %exclude %{ruby_libdir}/tk*.rb
  522. %{ruby_libdir}/cgi
  523. %{ruby_libdir}/date
  524. %{ruby_libdir}/digest
  525. %{ruby_libdir}/dl
  526. %{ruby_libdir}/drb
  527. %{ruby_libdir}/fiddle
  528. %exclude %{ruby_libdir}/gems
  529. %exclude %{ruby_libdir}/irb
  530. %{ruby_libdir}/matrix
  531. %{ruby_libdir}/net
  532. %{ruby_libdir}/openssl
  533. %{ruby_libdir}/optparse
  534. %{ruby_libdir}/psych
  535. %{ruby_libdir}/racc
  536. %{ruby_libdir}/rbconfig
  537. %{ruby_libdir}/rexml
  538. %{ruby_libdir}/rinda
  539. %{ruby_libdir}/ripper
  540. %{ruby_libdir}/rss
  541. %{ruby_libdir}/shell
  542. %{ruby_libdir}/syck
  543. %{ruby_libdir}/test
  544. %exclude %{ruby_libdir}/tk
  545. %exclude %{ruby_libdir}/tkextlib
  546. %{ruby_libdir}/uri
  547. %{ruby_libdir}/webrick
  548. %{ruby_libdir}/xmlrpc
  549. %{ruby_libdir}/yaml
  550. # Platform specific libraries.
  551. %{_libdir}/*
  552. %dir %{ruby_libarchdir}
  553. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  554. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  555. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  556. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  557. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  558. %dir %{ruby_libarchdir}/digest
  559. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  560. %{ruby_libarchdir}/digest/
  561. %{ruby_libarchdir}/digest/
  562. %{ruby_libarchdir}/digest/
  563. %{ruby_libarchdir}/digest/
  564. %{ruby_libarchdir}/digest/
  565. %dir %{ruby_libarchdir}/dl
  566. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  567. %{ruby_libarchdir}/dl/
  568. %dir %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc
  569. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  570. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  571. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  572. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  573. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  574. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  575. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  576. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  577. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  578. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  579. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  580. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  581. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  582. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  583. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  584. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  585. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  586. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  587. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  588. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  589. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  590. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  591. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  592. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  593. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  594. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  595. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  596. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  597. %dir %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans
  598. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  599. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  600. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  601. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  602. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  603. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  604. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  605. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  606. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  607. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  608. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  609. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  610. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  611. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  612. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  613. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  614. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  615. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  616. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/trans/
  617. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  618. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  619. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  620. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  621. %{ruby_libarchdir}/enc/
  622. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  623. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  624. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  625. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  626. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  627. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  628. %dir %{ruby_libarchdir}/io
  629. %{ruby_libarchdir}/io/
  630. %{ruby_libarchdir}/io/
  631. %dir %{ruby_libarchdir}/mathn
  632. %{ruby_libarchdir}/mathn/
  633. %{ruby_libarchdir}/mathn/
  634. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  635. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  636. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  637. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  638. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  639. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  640. %dir %{ruby_libarchdir}/racc
  641. %{ruby_libarchdir}/racc/
  642. %{ruby_libarchdir}/rbconfig.rb
  643. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  644. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  645. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  646. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  647. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  648. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  649. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  650. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  651. %exclude %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  652. %exclude %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  653. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  654. %files rubygems
  655. %{_bindir}/gem
  656. %{rubygems_dir}
  657. %{gem_dir}
  658. %exclude %{gem_dir}/gems/*
  659. %{_exec_prefix}/lib*/gems
  660. %exclude %{_exec_prefix}/lib*/gems/exts/bigdecimal-%{bigdecimal_version}
  661. %exclude %{_exec_prefix}/lib*/gems/exts/io-console-%{io_console_version}
  662. %exclude %{_exec_prefix}/lib*/gems/exts/json-%{json_version}
  663. %exclude %{gem_dir}/gems/rake-%{rake_version}
  664. %exclude %{gem_dir}/gems/rdoc-%{rdoc_version}
  665. %exclude %{gem_dir}/specifications/bigdecimal-%{bigdecimal_version}.gemspec
  666. %exclude %{gem_dir}/specifications/io-console-%{io_console_version}.gemspec
  667. %exclude %{gem_dir}/specifications/json-%{json_version}.gemspec
  668. %exclude %{gem_dir}/specifications/minitest-%{minitest_version}.gemspec
  669. %exclude %{gem_dir}/specifications/rake-%{rake_version}.gemspec
  670. %exclude %{gem_dir}/specifications/rdoc-%{rdoc_version}.gemspec
  671. %files rubygems-devel
  672. %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/rpm/macros.rubygems
  673. %files -n rubygem-rake
  674. %{_bindir}/rake
  675. %{gem_dir}/gems/rake-%{rake_version}
  676. %{gem_dir}/specifications/rake-%{rake_version}.gemspec
  677. %{_mandir}/man1/rake.1*
  678. %files irb
  679. %{_bindir}/irb
  680. %{ruby_libdir}/irb.rb
  681. %{ruby_libdir}/irb
  682. %{_mandir}/man1/irb.1*
  683. %files -n rubygem-rdoc
  684. %{_bindir}/rdoc
  685. %{_bindir}/ri
  686. %{gem_dir}/gems/rdoc-%{rdoc_version}
  687. %{gem_dir}/specifications/rdoc-%{rdoc_version}.gemspec
  688. %{_mandir}/man1/ri*
  689. %files doc
  690. %doc README
  691. %lang(ja) %doc README.ja
  692. %doc ChangeLog
  693. %doc doc/ChangeLog-*
  694. %{_datadir}/ri
  695. %{_docdir}/ruby
  696. %files -n rubygem-bigdecimal
  697. %{ruby_libdir}/bigdecimal
  698. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  699. %{gem_extdir}/exts/bigdecimal-%{bigdecimal_version}
  700. %{gem_dir}/gems/bigdecimal-%{bigdecimal_version}
  701. %{gem_dir}/specifications/bigdecimal-%{bigdecimal_version}.gemspec
  702. %files -n rubygem-io-console
  703. %{ruby_libdir}/io
  704. %{ruby_libarchdir}/io/
  705. %{gem_extdir}/exts/io-console-%{io_console_version}
  706. %{gem_dir}/gems/io-console-%{io_console_version}
  707. %{gem_dir}/specifications/io-console-%{io_console_version}.gemspec
  708. %files -n rubygem-json
  709. %{gem_extdir}/exts/json-%{json_version}
  710. %{gem_dir}/gems/json-%{json_version}
  711. %{gem_dir}/specifications/json-%{json_version}.gemspec
  712. %files -n rubygem-minitest
  713. %{gem_dir}/gems/minitest-%{minitest_version}
  714. %{gem_dir}/specifications/minitest-%{minitest_version}.gemspec
  715. %files tcltk
  716. %{ruby_libdir}/*-tk.rb
  717. %{ruby_libdir}/tcltk.rb
  718. %{ruby_libdir}/tk*.rb
  719. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  720. %{ruby_libarchdir}/
  721. %{ruby_libdir}/tk
  722. %{ruby_libdir}/tkextlib
  723. %if %{with emacsen}
  724. %files mode
  725. %defattr(-, root, root)
  726. %doc misc/README
  727. %{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/%{rbmode}
  728. %{_prefix}/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/*
  729. %{_prefix}/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/*
  730. %endif
  731. %changelog
  732. * Mon Feb 25 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  733. - update to 1.9.3-p392
  734. * Tue Feb 12 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  735. - update to 1.9.3-p385
  736. * Mon Jan 21 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  737. - update to 1.9.3-p374
  738. * Mon Jan 7 2013 IWAI, Masaharu <>
  739. - build with Tcl/Tk 8.5.7-1
  740. * Wed Dec 26 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  741. - update to 1.9.3-p362
  742. * Thu Nov 29 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  743. - remove ruby_abi from gem_dir
  744. * Sun Nov 11 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  745. - update to 1.9.3-p327
  746. - add patch10 to skip network related test
  747. - add patch11 to skip test_str_crypt (upstream bug)
  748. * Fri Oct 26 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  749. - fix gem_extdir to include ruby_abi number
  750. - fix macros.ruby to include ruby_abi number
  751. - include site_ruby dir
  752. * Tue Oct 23 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  753. - update to 1.9.3-p286
  754. - rebase with fedora package
  755. - change filesystem structure compatible with Vine ruby package
  756. - rename rubygems to ruby-rubygems
  757. - modify ruby filesystem structure
  758. - /usr{,/local}/share/ruby for arch-independent files
  759. - /usr{,/local}/lib{,64}/ruby for arch-dependent files
  760. - move gems to /usr/share/gems, /usr/lib{,64}/gems
  761. - merge rubygems, rake to ruby sub-package
  762. - add subpackages for ruby standard gems
  763. * Sat Jun 30 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.1-1
  764. - update to 1.8.7-p370
  765. * Sun May 06 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  766. - update to 1.8.7-p358
  767. - add patch1100 to build with glibc-2.14
  768. * Mon Feb 28 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  769. - update to 1.8.7-p334
  770. * Tue Jan 18 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  771. - update to 1.8.7-p330
  772. - change License tag (Ruby or GPLv2)
  773. * Tue Feb 02 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  774. - update to 1.8.7-p249
  775. - rebuild with db4-4.8.0
  776. - drop unneccesary patches: 809, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004
  777. * Tue Sep 08 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  778. - move noarch ruby libraries to /usr/lib/ruby.
  779. - add Patch960
  780. - add --with-ruby-prefix=%%{_prefix}/lib
  781. - add deprecated search path for 64bit arch.
  782. - --with-search-path=%%{_libdir}/ruby/%%{rubyxver}
  783. * Wed Aug 12 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  784. - import Patch100[12345] from debian package
  785. * Added debian/patches/090811_thread_and_select.dpatch:
  786. threads may hangup when called from two or more threads.
  787. * Added debian/patches/090812_finalizer_at_exit.dpatch:
  788. finalizers should be run at exit (Closes: #534241)
  789. * Added debian/patches/090812_class_clone_segv.dpatch:
  790. avoid segv when an object cloned. (Closes: #533329)
  791. * Added debian/patches/090812_eval_long_exp_segv.dpatch:
  792. fix segv when eval a long expression. (Closes: #510561)
  793. * Added debian/patches/090812_openssl_x509_warning.dpatch:
  794. suppress warning from OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory. (Closes: #489443)
  795. * Tue Jun 16 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  796. - new upstream release 1.8.7-p174
  797. - fix CVE-2009-1904
  799. * Mon Jun 01 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  800. - new upstream version 1.8.7-p160.
  801. - drop unneccesary patches: Patch807, Patch1010
  802. * Mon Sep 22 2008 NAKAMURA Kenta <>
  803. - updated Patch950: ruby-1.8.7-p72-multilib.patch
  804. * Thu Sep 11 2008 akira yamada <>
  805. - new upstream version 1.8.7-p72.
  806. - droped unnecessary patches: Patch802.
  807. * Thu Sep 11 2008 akira yamada <>
  808. - new upstream version 1.8.6-p287.
  809. - droped unnecessary patches: Patch805, Patch1000.
  810. - updated Patch808 for 1.8.6-p287.
  811. - added Patch809: rcov may crash because of backwards incompatibility.
  812. (backported r14826:15141 of trunk).
  813. - added Patch1010 to fix CVE-2008-3790.
  814. * Sat Sep 6 2008 Ryoichi INAGAKI <>
  815. - applied new versioning policy
  816. - spec in UTF-8
  817. - removed BuildRequires: XOrg-devel
  818. * Wed Oct 24 2007 akira yamada <>
  819. - added ruby-
  820. - fixed: Document#write undefined local variable or method `transitive'.
  821. * Tue Oct 23 2007 akira yamada <>
  822. - new upstream version
  823. - added ruby-
  824. - security fixes for CVE-2007-5162. It is backported r13657 from ruby_1_8
  825. branch.
  826. - added ruby-
  827. - ConditionVariable#wait may raise "not owner" exceptions.
  828. - added ruby-
  829. - Sync#try_lock always fails due to wrong variable name.
  830. * Thu May 17 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.8.6-0vl4
  831. - rebuild with new openssl
  832. * Thu May 10 2007 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.8.6-0vl3
  833. - rebuilt with new toolchain and db4-4.3.x
  834. * Sun Mar 25 2007 NAKAMURA Kenta <> 1.8.6-0vl2
  835. - modified emacsen-common path
  836. * Mon Mar 19 2007 akira yamada <> 1.8.6-0vl1
  837. - new upstream version 1.8.6.
  838. * Mon Dec 04 2006 Satoshi IWAMOTO <> 1.8.5-0vl1.1
  839. - add pacth1000 for fix cgi.rb issue (JVN#84798830)
  840. * Wed Nov 1 2006 akira yamada <> 1.8.5-0vl1
  841. - new upstream version 1.8.5.
  842. - added ruby-1.8.5-rexml_encoding.patch:
  843. - REXML should accept UTF-16. [ruby-list:42737]
  844. - added ruby-1.8.5-rdoc.patch:
  845. - Don't unescape HTML in HtmlFormatter. Submitted by Kent Sibilev <ksruby
  846. at>. [ruby-core:08392].
  847. - lib/rdoc/generators/ri_generator.rb: do not chdir twice.
  848. - added ruby-1.8.5-hash_memory_reak.patch:
  849. - hash.c (rb_hash_s_create): fixed memory leak, based on the patch by Kent
  850. Sibilev <ksruby at>. fixed: [ruby-talk:211233]
  851. - added ruby-1.8.5-top_cref.patch:
  852. - eval.c (ruby_init): rename top_cref to ruby_top_cref and export, along
  853. with ruby_cref, for use by the sandbox. [ruby-core:08762]
  854. - added ruby-1.8.5-tcltk.patch:
  855. - ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt.rb: double dashes (--) option doesn't work
  856. properly on some versions of BLT (wrong description on the manual of
  857. `blt::bgexec'?).
  858. - ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb: TkFont#current_configinfo() doesn't work on
  859. Tcl/Tk8.x.
  860. - ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: update RELEASE_DATE.
  861. - added ruby-1.8.5-acl.patch:
  862. - patterns which include '*' should not cause getaddress() call.
  863. [ruby-dev:29406]
  864. - added ruby-1.8.5-socket.patch:
  865. - ext/socket/extconf.rb: check arpa/inet.h for ntohs.
  866. - ext/socket/socket.c: include arpa/inet.h if available.
  867. - ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_connect): sockerrlen should be socklen_t.
  868. - added ruby-1.8.5-exec_vs_nullbyte.patch:
  869. - io.c (pipe_open): null character should be saved for command name.
  870. [ruby-dev:29421]
  871. - process.c (proc_spawn): ditto.
  872. - process.c (proc_spawn_n): ditto.
  873. - process.c (rb_f_system): ditto.
  874. - added ruby-1.8.5-mimedec.patch:
  875. - CGI#out should not decode base64 strings. [ruby-dev:29284]
  876. - Kconv::toeuc should decode base64 strings. (reverted to old behaviour for
  877. compatibility.) [ruby-dev:29505]
  878. - corrected regexp for EUC-JP (Kconv::RegexpEucjp). [ruby-dev:29344]
  879. - added ruby-1.8.5-strftime_nullbyte.patch:
  880. - Time#strftime should save null character. [ruby-dev:29422]
  881. - added ruby-1.8.5-dbm_extconf.patch:
  882. - ext/dbm/extconf.rb: create makefile according to the result of check for
  883. dbm header. fixed: [ruby-dev:29445]
  884. - ext/dbm/extconf.rb: allow multiple candidates for dbm-type.
  885. - added ruby-1.8.5-check_sticky_bit.patch:
  886. - file.c (path_check_0): check if sticky bit is set on parent directories
  887. for executable path. fixed: [ruby-dev:29415]
  888. - Fix documentation submitted by Rick Ohnemus. ruby-Bugs-5529.
  889. [ruby-core:08725]
  890. - added ruby-1.8.5-float_hash.patch:
  891. - improve hash collision of Float objects. [ruby-dev:29352]
  892. - added ruby-1.8.5-time_vardecl.patch:
  893. - time.c (time_to_s): variable declaration after an execution statement.
  894. - added ruby-1.8.5-bignum.patch:
  895. - numeric.c (fix_plus): addition in Fixnum will never overflow long. a
  896. patch from Ondrej Bilka <neleai at>. [ruby-core:08794]
  897. - numeric.c (fix_minus): ditto.
  898. - bignum.c (rb_big_pow): eagerly truncate resulting bignum.
  899. [ruby-core:08794]
  900. - added ruby-1.8.5-migration_macro.patch:
  901. - ruby.h (RSTRING_PTR): add migration macro.
  902. - ruby.h (RARRAY_PTR): ditto.
  903. - added ruby-1.8.5-webrick_cookie.patch:
  904. - lib/webrick/cookie.rb (WEBrick::Cookie.parse_set_cookies): new method to
  905. parse multiple cookies per Set-Cookie header. Thanks to Aaron Patterson
  906. <aaron_patterson at>. [ruby-core:08802]
  907. - added ruby-1.8.5-suppress_warnings.patch:
  908. - mkconfig.rb, ext/extmk.rb, lib/mkmf.rb: suppress warnings with $VERBOSE.
  909. - ext/extmk.rb: Proc#call does not pass the block in 1.8.
  910. -, win32/Makefile.sub (MINIRUBY): append MINIRUBYOPT.
  911. - added ruby-1.8.5-pstore_binmode.patch:
  912. - lib/pstore.rb: open all in binary mode, and get rid of the quirk of
  913. msvcrt. fixed: [ruby-dev:29518]
  914. - added ruby-1.8.5-testunit_rescue.patch:
  915. - Rescue Exception in Test::Unit::TestCase#run. [ruby-core:08783]
  916. - added ruby-1.8.5-prevent_loading_twice.patch:
  917. - eval.c (rb_require_safe): prevent loading twice from extensions. fixed:
  918. [ruby-dev:29523]
  919. - added ruby-1.8.5-prohibit_intern_tainted_string.patch:
  920. - string.c (rb_str_intern): prohibit interning tainted string.
  921. - added ruby-1.8.5-ruby_mode.patch:
  922. - misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-partial): better here-doc support. a patch
  923. from Marshall T. Vandegrift <llasram at>. [ruby-core:08804]
  924. - added ruby-1.8.5-readme_ext.patch:
  925. - README.EXT: English adjustment. [ruby-core:08851] [ruby-core:08852]
  926. [ruby-core:08855]
  927. - added ruby-1.8.5-check_safe_level_for_str_intern.patch:
  928. - string.c (rb_str_intern): raise SecurityError only when $SAFE level is
  929. greater than zero. [ruby-core:08862]
  930. - parse.y (rb_interned_p): new function to check if a string is already
  931. interned.
  932. - object.c (str_to_id): use rb_str_intern().
  933. - added ruby-1.8.5-pty.patch:
  934. - ext/pty/pty.c (establishShell): parent pid is not used.
  935. - ext/pty/pty.c (freeDevice): not used.
  936. - ext/pty/pty.c (get_device_once): removed garbage right brace.
  937. - ext/pty/pty.c (establishShell): remove remaining unused line.
  938. - added ruby-1.8.5-imap_extraspace.patch:
  939. - net/imap can accept extra space in server responses. The patch from Tom
  940. Soderlund.
  941. - added ruby-1.8.5-rdoc_nameerror.patch:
  942. - rdoc/ri/ri_options.rb should require 'rdoc/ri/ri_paths'.
  943. - added ruby-1.8.5-gdbm_docs.patch and updated ruby-1.8.5-.document.patch:
  944. - added GDBM documents.
  945. - added ruby-1.8.5-etc_uid_t.patch:
  946. - etc.c should use uid_t instead of int. [ruby-core:08897]
  947. - added ruby-1.8.5-cgi_empty_content.patch:
  948. - invalid multipart data can make cgi.rb infinite loop and CPU consumption.
  949. (CVE-2006-5467)
  950. - added ruby-1.8.5-sandbox.patch:
  951. - added Thread#kill!. [ruby-core:08768]
  952. - added ruby-1.8.5-update_docs.patch:
  953. - small fixes and updates for rdocs.
  954. - added ruby-1.8.5-array.patch:
  955. - fixed a potential leaks caused by shift. [ruby-talk:216055]
  956. [ruby-core:08922] [ruby-list:42907]
  957. - added ruby-1.8.5-dir_checkdir.patch:
  958. - internal existence test for "/" fails anytime. [ruby-core:08913]
  959. - added ruby-1.8.5-mkmf.patch:
  960. - set default $LDFLAGS. [ruby-talk:216256]
  961. - check function pointer first and macro next. [ruby-core:08949]
  962. - fixed the bug of handling COMMON_MACROS.
  963. - added ruby-1.8.5-jcode.patch:
  964. - succ! in jcode.rb doesn't work on $KCODE == 'n'. [ruby-talk:216845]
  965. - added ruby-1.8.5-eval.patch:
  966. - check protected visibility based on real self, not ruby_frame->self.
  967. [ruby-talk:217822]
  968. - added ruby-1.8.5-include_module.patch:
  969. - remove unnecessary check. [ruby-talk:218402]
  970. - added ruby-1.8.5-bignum_shift.patch:
  971. - a bug in right shift of negative bignums. [ruby-core:09020]
  972. - added ruby-1.8.5-rexml_enc.patch:
  973. - spaces are allowed around equal sign. [ruby-core:09032]
  974. - added ruby-1.8.5-wrong_id_check.patch:
  975. - wrong id check. [ruby-core:09158]
  976. - typo fixed. [ruby-core:09168]
  977. - added ruby-1.8.5-rb_warning.patch:
  978. - some error message may contain format specifiers. [ruby-dev:29657]
  979. - added ruby-1.8.5-parse.y.patch.patch:
  980. - no need to re-create NODE_SELF() again. [ruby-core:09177]
  981. - use particular enums. [ruby-core:09221]
  982. - added ruby-1.8.5-signal.patch:
  983. - handle SIGTERM. [ruby-list:42895]
  984. - don't set SA_RESTART. a backport from the HEAD. [ruby-talk:220937]
  985. [ruby-talk:147220]
  986. - added ruby-1.8.5-string_tainted.patch:
  987. - should be infected with only original string, but not the shared string.
  988. [ruby-core:09152]
  989. - strnig.c (rb_str_new4): keep shared string untainted when orignal string
  990. is tainted. [ruby-dev:29672]
  991. - added ruby-1.8.5-configure_alloca.patch:
  992. - alloca is broken; use C_ALLOCA instead. [ruby-dev:29416]
  993. - added ruby-1.8.5-openssl.patch:
  994. - ossl_pkcs7_verify, ossl_spki_initialize: should clear error.
  995. - Use digest/md5 instead of obsolete md5.
  996. - added ruby-1.8.5-imap_nomodseq.patch:
  997. - net/imap chokes on NOMODSEQ response. [ruby-Bugs#6026]
  998. - added ruby-1.8.5-soap.patch:
  999. - huge memory usage with the Ebay API.
  1000. <>
  1001. - applied debian/patches/149_bignum_to_s.patch
  1002. - should preserve leading zero information for negative %b and %x.
  1003. [ruby-talk:221347]
  1004. - applied debian/patches/150_time_dup.patch
  1005. - duplicate the class of original time. [ruby-core:09357]
  1006. - applied debian/patches/151_super.patch
  1007. - fixed bug of zsuper with both of opt and rest. [ruby-list:42928]
  1008. - applied debian/patches/152_dir_glob.patch
  1009. - get rid of possible memory leak.
  1010. * Tue Sep 12 2006 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 1.8.4-0vl5
  1011. - changed ruby-mode Group to Appliations/Editors/Emacs <BTS:VineLinux:163>
  1012. - changed ruby-doc Group to Appliations/Documentation <BTS:VineLinux:163>
  1013. - changed libruby Group to System Environment/Libraries
  1014. - rebuilt with openssl-0.9.7k
  1015. * Sat Jul 29 2006 NAKAMURA Kenta <> 1.8.4-0vl4
  1016. - x86_64 architecture support
  1017. - added ruby-1.8.4-multilib.patch
  1018. - added ruby-1.8.4-tcltk-multilib.patch
  1019. - modified emacsen-common path
  1020. * Fri Jul 14 2006 akira yamada <> 1.8.4-0vl3
  1021. - added ruby-1.8.4-135.patch:
  1022. - should check if chars are multibyte for regexp-i option.
  1023. [ruby-dev:28598] [ruby-list:42096]
  1024. - added ruby-1.8.4-136.patch:
  1025. - jcode.rb breaks String#tr_s. [ruby-list:42090]
  1026. - added ruby-1.8.4-137.patch:
  1027. - Array#pack supports CRLF newlines. [ruby-dev:28601]
  1028. - added ruby-1.8.4-138.patch:
  1029. - should initialize variables first. [ruby-core:07785] [ruby-core:07810]
  1030. - avoid accessing uninitialized array element. [ruby-core:07809]
  1031. - added ruby-1.8.4-139.patch:
  1032. - Numeric#div should use floor rather than Interger. [ruby-dev:28589]
  1033. - the first element of Float#divmod should be an integer.
  1034. [ruby-dev:28589]
  1035. - added ruby-1.8.4-140.patch:
  1036. - avoids memory leak of YAML. [ruby-core:7808]
  1037. - added ruby-1.8.4-141.patch:
  1038. - fixes out of bounds array access. [ruby-core:07823]
  1039. - added ruby-1.8.4-142.patch:
  1040. - use AF_INET6 for nameservers containing colons.
  1041. - added ruby-1.8.4-143.patch:
  1042. - should not modify untainted objects in safe levels higher than 3.
  1043. - should not allow modifying literal regexps.
  1044. - added ruby-1.8.4-144.patch:
  1045. - should not close untainted dir stream in $SAVE >= 4.
  1046. - should not call a vararg function rb_sys_warning() indirectly.
  1047. [ruby-core:07886]
  1048. - added ruby-1.8.4-145.patch:
  1049. - should round for usec floating number. [ruby-core:07896]
  1050. - added ruby-1.8.4-146.patch:
  1051. - constant in Fixnum access with instance_eval dumps core.
  1052. [ruby-dev:28327]
  1053. - inspect for overriden method. [ruby-dev:28636]
  1054. - set_trace_func dumps core. [ruby-dev:28632]
  1055. - set_trace_func: binding has wrong self value for return events.
  1056. [ruby-core:07928]
  1057. - added ruby-1.8.4-147.patch:
  1058. - fixed typo of openssl/ssl.rb.
  1059. - added ruby-1.8.4-148.patch:
  1060. - fixed memory leak and alignment bug of the dl library. [ruby-dev:28665]
  1061. - added ruby-1.8.4-149.patch:
  1062. - new method: IO#read_nonblock, IO#write_nonblock,
  1063. Socket#connect_nonblock, Socket#accept_nonblock and
  1064. Socket#recvfrom_nonblock. [ruby-core:7917]
  1065. - use rb_read_pending instead of rb_io_read_pending. [ruby-dev:28663]
  1066. - new method: IPSocket#recvfrom_nonblock, TCPServer#accept_nonblock,
  1067. UNIXServer#accept_nonblock.
  1068. - reject non-AF_UNIX sockaddr. [ruby-dev:28691]
  1069. - added ruby-1.8.4-mkconfig.rb.patch:
  1070. - mkconfig.rb should remove "|#_!!_#|" and unquote commas generated by
  1071. autoconf > 2.59 (CVS).
  1072. * Wed May 10 2006 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.8.4-0vl2
  1073. - dirty fix to rb_arch macro for ppc
  1074. (_target_cpu should be powerpc, but rpm macro will translate to ppc anyhow)
  1075. this fix will be removed after rpm-4.4 macro issue is cleared up.
  1076. * Sun Apr 23 2006 akira yamada <> 1.8.4-0vl1
  1077. - new upstream version 1.8.4.
  1078. - updated ruby-refm-rdp.
  1079. - applied following bug-fix-patches.
  1080. - added ruby-1.8.4-100.patch:
  1081. - fixed a bug in constant reference during instance_eval for some type of
  1082. objects. [yarv-dev:707]
  1083. - added ruby-1.8.4-101.patch:
  1084. - allow dynamic symbols (:"...") to undef and alias. [ruby-dev:28105]
  1085. - added ruby-1.8.4-102.patch:
  1086. - (openssl) treat wildcard character in commonName. [ruby-dev:28121]
  1087. - (openssl) should use "rb_str_new(0, 0)" to make empty string.
  1088. - added ruby-1.8.4-103.patch:
  1089. - callcc or thread may leak memory [ruby-Bugs:1364] [ruby-dev:28154]
  1090. [ruby-dev:28172]
  1091. - mark objects refered from aborting threads. [ruby-dev:28190]
  1092. - added ruby-1.8.4-104.patch:
  1093. - avoid a GC problem with RUBY_ALWAYS_GC= ./ruby -e ''.
  1094. - declare rb_gc_abort_threads.
  1095. - added ruby-1.8.4-105.patch:
  1096. - should not recycle scope object used in a thread. [ruby-dev:28177]
  1097. - added ruby-1.8.4-106.patch (urgency medium):
  1098. - get rid of segfault on syntax error. [ruby-core:07070]
  1099. - added ruby-1.8.4-107.patch:
  1100. - fixed typo in webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb: fixed typo.
  1101. [ruby-core:7075]
  1102. - added ruby-1.8.4-108.patch (urgency medium):
  1103. - YAML loading of quoted Symbols broken. [ruby-Bugs:2535]
  1104. - YAML could not load Bignum in ruby 1.8.3/1.8.4. [ruby-core:6115]
  1105. - YAML could not dump Subclass of Numeric properly. [ruby-core:7047]
  1106. - should be able to load "!ruby/object:Bignum" syntax 1.8.3 dumped.
  1107. [ruby-core:6159]
  1108. - workaround for SEGV. ex: YAML.load("!map:B {}"). [ruby-core:7217]
  1109. - fixed a typo in yaml.rb. [ruby-talk:165285] [ruby-core:6995]
  1110. - YAML should output complex key mark even if map's key is empty seq/map.
  1111. [ruby-core:7129]
  1112. - added ruby-1.8.4-109.patch:
  1113. - fixed possibility of memmory corruption.
  1114. - added ruby-1.8.4-111.patch:
  1115. - don't clobber %l7 of SPARC if enable-shared.
  1116. - workaround for FreeBSD/i386 getcontext/setcontext bug. [ruby-dev:28263]
  1117. - added ruby-1.8.4-112.patch:
  1118. - FileUtils#mv should remove file after copying. [ruby-dev:28223]
  1119. - added ruby-1.8.4-113.patch:
  1120. - avoids compile error (use system routine if provided).
  1121. [ruby-core:07195]
  1122. - added ruby-1.8.4-114.patch:
  1123. - need not to protect $SAFE value. [ruby-core:07177]
  1124. - added ruby-1.8.4-115.patch:
  1125. - (2**32).to_s(2) fails with exception where sizeof(int) == 4 <
  1126. sizeof(long). [ruby-core:7300] [ruby-Bugs:3438]
  1127. - added ruby-1.8.4-116.patch:
  1128. - PStore#fetch should return default value if name is not found.
  1129. [ruby-core:7304]
  1130. - added ruby-1.8.4-117.patch:
  1131. - defined RSTRUCT_LEN and RSTRUCT_PTR for source level compatibility with
  1132. ruby 1.9.
  1133. - alias RbConfig for Config for compatibility with ruby 1.9.
  1134. - added ruby-1.8.4-118.patch:
  1135. - should not access ruby objects in finalizer of Zlib. [ruby-dev:28286]
  1136. - added ruby-1.8.4-119.patch:
  1137. - no need to push ruby_class. [ruby-dev:28176] [ruby-dev:28580]
  1138. - check if ruby_cbase is nil (during instance_eval for objects cannot have
  1139. singleton classes, e.g. fixnums and symbols). [ruby-dev:28178]
  1140. [ruby-dev:28580] [ruby-dev:28582]
  1141. - argument update propagation. [ruby-dev:28044]
  1142. - avoid unnecessary extra argument. [ruby-core:07366] [ruby-dev:28583]
  1143. [ruby-dev:28583]
  1144. - added ruby-1.8.4-120.patch:
  1145. - support non 32bit time_t environments.
  1146. - added ruby-1.8.4-121.patch:
  1147. - zsuper (with define_method) dumps core. [ruby-dev:28181]
  1148. - added ruby-1.8.4-122.patch:
  1149. - should no singleton classes for true, false, and nil. [ruby-dev:28186]
  1150. - added ruby-1.8.4-124.patch:
  1151. - sleep should always sleep for specified amount of time.
  1152. [ruby-talk:180067]
  1153. - added ruby-1.8.4-125.patch:
  1154. - unpack("l") did not work where sizeof(long) != 4. [ruby-talk:180024]
  1155. - fixed integer overflow on template "w" of pack. [ruby-talk:180126]
  1156. - added ruby-1.8.4-126.patch:
  1157. - removed unnecessary MY_FILE_NAME constant. [ruby-core:07376]
  1158. - added ruby-1.8.4-127.patch:
  1159. - odd break behavior. [ruby-talk:180420]
  1160. - added ruby-1.8.4-128.patch:
  1161. - unexpected syntax error. [ruby-talk:180648]
  1162. - added ruby-1.8.4-129.patch:
  1163. - fixed that irb can't parse /\^/. [ruby-dev:28404] [ruby-Bugs:3302]
  1164. - rdoc could not handle /\^/. [ruby-talk:181631] [ruby-dev:28404]
  1165. - added ruby-1.8.4-130.patch:
  1166. - symbols overlap ordinary objects. [ruby-core:07414]
  1167. - heap_slots may overflow.
  1168. - align VALUE with sizeof(RVALUE) globally. [ruby-talk:178364]
  1169. [ruby-core:7305]
  1170. - added ruby-1.8.4-131.patch:
  1171. - should not re-schedule output from KILLED thread.
  1172. - added ruby-1.8.4-133.patch:
  1173. - reports aliased method names in a generated backtrace. [ruby-dev:28471]
  1174. - insecure calling should be checked for non NODE_SCOPE method invocations
  1175. too.
  1176. - should preserve the current safe level as well as method definition.
  1177. - added ruby-1.8.4-134.patch:
  1178. - (bignum) second operand may be too big even if it's a Fixnum.
  1179. [ruby-talk:187984]
  1180. - libruby1.8-dbg: applied a patch from Matthew Palmer to provide detached
  1181. symbols.
  1182. * Wed Nov 9 2005 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 1.8.1-0vl22
  1183. - added BuildRequires: zlib-devel
  1184. * Sat Jul 2 2005 KANEKO Seiji <> 1.8.1-0vl21
  1185. - rebuild for VineSeed
  1186. - rename BuildRequires: XFree86-devel to XOrg-devel
  1187. * Thu Jun 23 2005 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl20.1
  1188. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-xmlrpc-util.rb.patch:
  1189. - fixed arbitrary command execution on XMLRPC server.
  1190. (CAN-2005-1992) [ruby-core:5237]
  1191. * Wed Nov 03 2004 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.8.1-0vl20
  1192. - increased release number to avoid discrepancy against 3.0/errata package
  1193. * Wed Nov 03 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl19
  1194. - updated and enabled ruby-1.8.2pre2-cvs-update-104.patch.
  1195. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-io-open.patch:
  1196. - (important) additional changes for "open dumps core again^2."
  1197. [ruby-dev:24656]
  1198. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-array-uniq.patch:
  1199. - Array#uniq should not freeze elements. [ruby-dev:24695]
  1200. * Wed Nov 03 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl18
  1201. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-cvs-update-104.patch:
  1202. - (important) Enumerable#grep dumps core. [ruby-dev:24671]
  1203. - (important) open dumps core again^2. [ruby-dev:24656]
  1204. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-ostruct-revert.patch and removed
  1205. ruby-1.8.2pre2-ostruct-marshal.patch:
  1206. - reverted lib/ostruct.rb.
  1207. * Sun Oct 31 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl17
  1208. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-cvs-updates-103.patch:
  1209. - (important) temporarily frozen string causes core dump. [ruby-dev:24552]
  1210. - removed ruby-1.8.2pre2-cgi.rb-macie.patch,
  1211. ruby-1.8.2pre2-ostruct-marshal.patch,
  1212. ruby-1.8.2pre2-zlib-flush_next_in.patch and
  1213. ruby-1.8.2pre2-ruby_finalize_1-segv.patch: they ware included into the
  1214. above patch.
  1215. * Sat Oct 30 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl16
  1216. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-eval.c-memory-leak.patch:
  1217. - (important) another memory leak in ruby_1_8. [ruby-core:03619]
  1218. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-io-path.patch:
  1219. - (important) IO#path may cause segv. [ruby-talk:118234]
  1220. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-enum-sort_by.patch:
  1221. - (important) Enumerable#sort_by dumps core again^4. [ruby-dev:24642]
  1222. * Fri Oct 29 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl15
  1223. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-cvs-updates-100.patch:
  1224. - minor bug fix.
  1225. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-cvs-updates-101.patch:
  1226. - (important) "IO.allocate.reopen('/nothing')" on irb causes SEGV.
  1227. [ruby-core:03288]
  1228. - YAML fails to load/dump non-printable characters. [ruby-core:03280]
  1229. [ruby-core:03286]
  1230. - Bug#265429: mysteriously hangs [ruby-dev:24072]
  1231. [ruby-dev:24075]
  1232. - Pathological slowdown in 1.8 [ruby-core:02662]
  1233. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-cvs-updates-102.patch:
  1234. - (important) fixed some segmentation fault bugs listed in
  1235. - <URL:>.
  1236. - raise dumps core. [ruby-dev:24519]
  1237. - unpack("p") dumps core. [ruby-dev:24594]
  1238. - Enumerable#sort_by dumps core again. [ruby-dev:24386]
  1239. - Enumerable#sort_by dumps core again(2). [ruby-dev:24399]
  1240. - A class of return value of Array#*. [ruby-dev:24526]
  1241. - Zlib::Deflate#deflate causes core dump. [ruby-dev:24530]
  1242. - PStore#transaction may raise Errno::ENOENT. [ruby-dev:24561]
  1243. - String#include? ?\x80. [ruby-dev:24558]
  1244. - httpresponse.rb: ensure to close @body.
  1245. - (important) fixed memory leak. [ruby-core:03549]
  1246. - Zlib::GzipReader#ungetc does not work correctly.
  1247. - (important) core dump with binding, eval, instance_eval and class
  1248. variable. [ruby-dev:24120]
  1249. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-cgi.rb-macie.patch:
  1250. - cgi.rb: workaround for Mac IE. [ruby-list:40136]
  1251. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-ostruct-marshal.patch:
  1252. - ostruct.rb: OpenStruct can't be dumped. [ruby-dev:24625]
  1253. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-zlib-flush_next_in.patch:
  1254. - (important) Zlib::Deflate#flush_next_in causes core dump.
  1255. [ruby-dev:24621]
  1256. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-ruby_finalize_1-segv.patch:
  1257. - (important) raising zlib dumps core again. [ruby-dev:24627]
  1258. - removed ruby-1.8.2pre2-cgi-session-filename.patch and
  1259. ruby-1.8.2pre2-cgi.rb-infinity-loop.patch: they ware included into the
  1260. above patch.
  1261. * Fri Oct 29 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl14
  1262. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-cgi-session-filename.patch:
  1263. - (important) CGI::Session::FilesStore and CGI::Session::PStore should not
  1264. use a session id as a filename.
  1265. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-cgi.rb-infinity-loop.patch:
  1266. - (security) cgi.rb: avoids infinity loop.
  1267. * Wed Oct 13 2004 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.8.1-0vl13
  1268. - rebuilt with db4-4.2.25
  1269. * Fri Jul 30 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl12
  1270. - new upstream source, ruby-1.8.2-preview2.
  1271. - removed patches which is included into upstream:
  1272. ruby-1.8.2pr1-sleep.patch, ruby-1.8.2pr1-version.h.patch,
  1273. ruby-1.8.2pr1-yaml-rubytypes.rb.patch, ruby-1.8.2pr1-ruby-mode.patch,
  1274. ruby-1.8.2pr1-yaml-load-exception.patch,
  1275. ruby-1.8.2pr1-config.guess-revert.patch, ruby-1.8.2pr1-callcc.patch,
  1276. ruby-1.8.2pr1-net-imap.patch, ruby-1.8.2pr1-uri-ldap.patch,
  1277. ruby-1.8.2pr1-use-NULL.patch, ruby-1.8.2pr1-cgi-session.patch and
  1278. ruby-1.8.2pr1-run-final.patch.
  1279. - renamed to ruby-1.8.2pre2-delegate.rb.patch from
  1280. ruby-1.8.2pr1-delegate.rb.patch.
  1281. * Wed Jul 28 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl11
  1282. - enabled Patch811(ruby-1.8.2pr1-cgi-session.patch).
  1283. - added a patch:
  1284. - ruby-1.8.2pr1-run-final.patch: ObjectSpace.define_finalizer may cause
  1285. Segmentation falult. [ruby-dev:23957]
  1286. * Wed Jul 21 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl10
  1287. - new upstream source, ruby-1.8.2-preview1.
  1288. - removed patches which included into upstream:
  1289. ruby-1.8.1-{100..108}-cvs-updates.patch,
  1290. ruby-1.8.1-ia64-stack-limit-hack.patch,
  1291. ruby-1.8.1-zlib_64bit_gzfile_get32.patch,
  1292. ruby-1.8.1-rdoc-parse.rb.patch.
  1293. - updated patches:
  1294. - ruby-1.8.1-sleep.patch -> ruby-1.8.2pr1-sleep.patch
  1295. - ruby-1.8.1-yaml-rubytypes.rb.patch -> ruby-1.8.2pr1-yaml-rubytypes.rb.patch
  1296. - ruby-1.8.1-ruby-mode.patch -> ruby-1.8.2pr1-ruby-mode.patch
  1297. - ruby-1.8.1-delegate.rb.patch -> ruby-1.8.2pr1-delegate.rb.patch
  1298. - ruby-1.8.1-config.guess-revert.patch -> ruby-1.8.2pr1-config.guess-revert.patch
  1299. - ruby-1.8.1-ri-pager.patch -> ruby-1.8-ri-pager.patch
  1300. - added patches:
  1301. - ruby-1.8.2pr1-version.h.patch: added some constans.
  1302. - ruby-1.8.2pr1-yaml-load-exception.patch: YAML.load
  1303. couldn't load Exception objects. [ruby-talk:104405]
  1304. - ruby-1.8.2pr1-callcc.patch: callcc method may cause unknown data type
  1305. bug. [ruby-talk:106657]
  1306. - ruby-1.8.2pr1-net-imap.patch: wait command continuation requests before
  1307. sending octet data of literals.
  1308. - ruby-1.8.2pr1-uri-ldap.patch: method hierarchical? in uri/ldap.rb should
  1309. be in URI::LDAP.
  1310. - ruby-1.8.2pr1-use-NULL.patch: use NULL instead of 0.
  1311. - ruby-1.8.2pr1-cgi-session.patch: sets the permission of the session data
  1312. file to 0600. [ruby-dev:23952]
  1313. * Wed Jun 23 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl9
  1314. - added ruby-1.8.1-rdoc-parse.rb.patch:
  1315. - [ruby-talk:104190] %r{...} is a regular expression but RDoc prints it
  1316. as %{...}.
  1317. - added ruby-1.8.1-config.guess-revert.patch:
  1318. - [ruby-dev:23753] revert to original config.guess
  1319. <URL:>.
  1320. * Tue Jun 22 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl8
  1321. - added ruby-1.8.1-yaml-rubytypes.rb.patch:
  1322. - backported from CVS HEAD.
  1323. * Tue Jun 22 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl7
  1324. - added ruby-1.8.1-106-cvs-updates.patch:
  1325. - [ruby-dev:23550], Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0)
  1326. dumps core.
  1327. - [ruby-core:02793] ruby -e 'a[*b]+=c' dups core.
  1328. - [ruby-dev:23487] core dump by delete_if on 1.8
  1329. - options for Net::Telnet::login can take regexps for login prompt
  1330. and/or password prompt.
  1331. - added ruby-1.8.1-107-cvs-updates.patch:
  1332. - upgraded to stable-snapshot (2004-06-05).
  1333. - added debian/patches/108_cvs_updates.patch:
  1334. - [ruby-dev:22631] should not dump singleton class.
  1335. - limit safe level.
  1336. - [ruby-dev:23713] allow changing $SAFE.
  1337. - added ruby-1.8.1-820_zlib_64bit_gzfile_get32.patch:
  1338. - the value in gzfile_get32 can accidentally be sign extended on 64 bit
  1339. systems. Thanks to Matthew Mueller. (see Debian Bug#255442)
  1340. - removed ruby-1.8.1-time.c.patch, ruby-1.8.1-find.rb.patch,
  1341. ruby-1.8.1-telnet.rb.patch, ruby-1.8.1-yaml.patch,
  1342. ruby-1.8.1-proc_eq.patch, ruby-1.8.1-misc-escape.patch and
  1343. ruby-1.8.1-parse.y-reverse.patch. they ware included into the above
  1344. patch.
  1345. - updated SOURCE2. [VineSeed:09109]
  1346. - removed unusable "Prefix:".
  1347. * Fri Feb 06 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl6
  1348. - configure with --with-bundled-{sha1,md5,rmd160}. it free libruby1.8 from
  1349. libssl.
  1350. - added ruby-1.8.1-105-cvs-updates.patch:
  1351. - "undef" for methods does not work. [ruby-list:39058]
  1352. - blocks in "#{}" makes syntax error. [ruby-list:39061]
  1353. - Net::IMAP accepts 8-bit characters in quoted strings for Novell
  1354. GroupWise Internet Agent.
  1355. - Socket#recvfrom makes an invalid argument error in non-blocking mode.
  1356. [ruby-talk:89962]
  1357. - util.c (mblen): fix overrun. (DJGPP ONLY) [ruby-dev:22672]
  1358. - delegate.rb should use Kernel::raise for Thread. [ruby-dev:22681]
  1359. [ruby-dev:22684]
  1360. - delegate.rb should not delegate singleton_method_added.
  1361. [ruby-dev:22685]
  1362. - added ruby-1.8.1-find.rb.patch:
  1363. - Find.find raises SecurityError in $SAFE>=1. [ruby-dev:22641]
  1364. - Find.find("xyz") will yield "xyz" even if no such file exists.
  1365. [ruby-core:02319]
  1366. - added ruby-1.8.1-telnet.rb.patch:
  1367. - net/telnet.rb accepts "Login" prompt.
  1368. - added ruby-1.8.1-yaml.patch:
  1369. - syck library does not dump tv_usec correctly. [ruby-core:02305]
  1370. - syck cannot dump a Range of strings. [ruby-core:02306]
  1371. - added ruby-1.8.1-ruby-mode.patch:
  1372. - font-lock could not treat %"..." correctry. [ruby-dev:22705]
  1373. - added ruby-1.8.1-proc_eq.patch:
  1374. - Proc with empty body may not be equal. [ruby-dev:22590]
  1375. [ruby-dev:22594][ruby-dev:22602]
  1376. - added ruby-1.8.1-misc-escape.patch:
  1377. - Here-document in lib/rexml/encodings/ISO-8859-1.rb requires quotation,
  1378. as in US-ASCII.rb. [ruby-talk:88650]
  1379. - avoid warnings in rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb.
  1380. * Thu Jan 22 2004 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.8.1-0vl5
  1381. - changed the arguments when generating RI (in the %%install section)
  1382. against "ppc vs powerpc" issue (thanks Akira Yamada-san for helping)
  1383. * Wed Jan 21 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl4
  1384. - added ruby-1.8.1-104-cvs-updates.patch:
  1385. - removed O_NONBLOCK for a socket used by DRb.
  1386. - Net::IMAP accepts an NIL-envelope.
  1387. * Tue Jan 20 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl3
  1388. - added ruby-1.8.1-103-cvs-updates.patch:
  1389. - io.c: initializer of lineno should be "INT2FIX(0)".
  1390. - disabled optimization on ia64. (-O1/2 makes ruby unusable.)
  1391. - added ruby-1.8.1-ia64-stack-limit-hack.patch:
  1392. - disable IA64_MAGIC_STACK_LIMIT trick when optimization is disabled.
  1393. [ruby-dev:22650]
  1394. * Mon Jan 19 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl2
  1395. - added ruby-1.8.1-101-cvs-updates.patch:
  1396. - should raise EOFError. [ruby-core:2078]
  1397. - don't increment lineno when gzfile_read_all returns "". [ruby-core:2078]
  1398. - ARGF.readline should raise EOFError at EOF. [ruby-dev:22458]
  1399. - both of and should concatenate input files when
  1400. length argument is nil. [ruby-dev:22450]
  1401. - ARGF.lineno should return 0 even if ARGF have not been read.
  1402. [ruby-dev:22460]
  1403. - ARGF.each_byte should return self. [ruby-dev:22465]
  1404. - ARGF.eof? should not have any side effect. [ruby-dev:22469]
  1405. - should not abort when module_function is called for undefined method.
  1406. [ruby-dev:22498]
  1407. - makes an error when it gets EOF. [ruby-bugs-ja:PR#585]
  1408. - synchronized with date2 library version 3.5. it includes fixes for
  1409. [ruby-talk:90063].
  1410. - added ruby-1.8.1-102-cvs-updates.patch:
  1411. - documents of methods of IO is missing.
  1412. - added ruby-1.8.1-sleep.patch:
  1413. - sleep is broken with --enable-pthread. [ruby-core:2133]
  1414. [ruby-core:2137]
  1415. - added ruby-1.8.1-time.c.patch:
  1416. - Time#usec should not return neither a negative number nor a number which
  1417. is larger than 1000000. [ruby-dev:22614], [ruby-dev:22617]
  1418. - added ruby-1.8.1-ri-pager.patch:
  1419. - changed pager search order: ENV['PAGER'], pager, ...
  1420. - put datafiles of ri into rdoc package.
  1421. * Sat Dec 27 2003 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl1
  1422. - new upstream version.
  1423. - applied bugfix patch. ruby-1.8.1-100-cvs-updates.patch:
  1424. - Kernel::require searches actual file name once when no extension
  1425. specified.
  1426. - fixes Ruby/Tk crash bug. (but does not fix block bug.) [ruby-talk:88830]
  1427. - Array#pack checks sign for "i" and "I". [ruby-dev:22427]
  1428. - IO::readlines should return lines when record-separater is nil.
  1429. [ruby-core:02077][ruby-core:02078]
  1430. - accepts "nil" for argument. [ruby-dev:22433]
  1431. - updated ruby-refm-rdp-1.6.8-ja-html.tar.gz.
  1432. - added ruby-mode-init.el.
  1433. - updated and
  1434. * Mon Dec 08 2003 akira yamada <> 1.8.0-0vl5
  1435. - updated ruby-1.8.1pr3-cvs-updates.patch.
  1436. * Sat Dec 06 2003 akira yamada <> 1.8.0-0vl3
  1437. - updated to Ruby 1.8.1-preview3.
  1438. - applied patches from the CVS.
  1439. * Thu Oct 16 2003 akira yamada <> 1.8.0-0vl2
  1440. - libruby obsoletes drb, erb, ruby-csv, ruby-optparse, ruby-rexml,
  1441. ruby-strscan, rubyunit and racc-runtime.
  1442. * Mon Oct 06 2003 akira yamada <> 1.8.0-0vl1
  1443. - new upstream version.
  1444. - applied patches from the CVS.
  1445. - new sub-package: ruby-openssl.
  1446. * Mon Mar 31 2003 KOBAYASHI R. Taizo <> 1.6.8-0vl2
  1447. - rebuild with tcltk-8.4.2
  1448. * Tue Jan 21 2003 akira yamada <> 1.6.8-0vl1
  1449. - new upstream version.
  1450. - applied a patch:
  1451. - [ruby-dev:18702] [PATCH] .rb/.so with same feature name
  1452. - build with db4-devel. ( is linked with
  1453. * Tue Mar 19 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.7-0vl5
  1454. - applied bug fix patch:
  1455. - ruby-dev#16462: preserve reference for GC, but link should be cut.
  1456. (ruby-dev#16411: block local var.)
  1457. - RUBY_RELEASE_DATE "2002-03-19"
  1458. (ruby-1.6.7-103.patch)
  1459. * Sun Mar 17 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.7-0vl4
  1460. - applied bug fix patch:
  1461. - ruby-dev#16274: patch for 'wm state' (tk.rb)
  1462. - PR#206ja: SEGV handle EXIT
  1463. - updated NEWS
  1464. - RUBY_RELEASE_DATE "2002-03-14"
  1465. (ruby-1.6.7-100.patch)
  1466. - ruby-list#34313: singleton should not be Marshal.dump'ed
  1467. - ruby-dev#16411: block local var
  1468. - RUBY_RELEASE_DATE "2001-03-15"
  1469. (ruby-1.6.7-101.patch)
  1470. - handling multibyte chars is partially broken.
  1471. - RUBY_RELEASE_DATE "2002-03-18"
  1472. (ruby-1.6.7-102.patch)
  1473. - removed ruby-1.6.7-500-marshal-proc.patch and
  1474. ruby-1.6.7-501-class-var.patch. they are included (or rewrited) into the
  1475. above patch.
  1476. - updated refm. (
  1477. - prefixed %%lang(ja) to %%doc for Japanese documents.
  1478. * Fri Mar 08 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.7-0vl3
  1479. - applied patch501.
  1480. * Fri Mar 08 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.7-0vl2
  1481. - updated refm. (
  1482. * Sun Mar 03 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.7-0vl1
  1483. - new upstream version.
  1484. - uri library is included.
  1485. - time.rb is new.
  1486. - some bugs are fixed.
  1487. - added
  1488. - applied bug fix patch:
  1489. - ruby-dev#16178: Marshal::dump shuld call Proc#call.
  1490. (ruby-1.6.7-500-marshal-proc.patch)
  1491. - ruby-talk#35157: class vars broken in 1.6.7
  1492. (ruby-1.6.7-501-class-var.patch)
  1493. - removed: ruby-1.6.6-10[12].patch, ruby-1.6.6-502-net_pop.patch.
  1494. * Mon Feb 04 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.6-0vl5
  1495. - applied bug fix patch:
  1496. - ruby-dev#15684: reject prefix followed by spaces only.
  1497. - PR#183: SEGV on remove_class_variable
  1498. (ruby-1.6.6-101.patch)
  1499. - PR#184: Net::APOP.auth_only is not usable
  1500. (ruby-1.6.6-502-net_pop.patch)
  1501. - removed ruby-1.6.6-502-net_pop.patch. it is included by
  1502. 101_ruby-1.6.6.patch.
  1503. - site_ruby moved to under /usr/local/lib.
  1504. - added db1-devel to BuildRequires.
  1505. * Wed Jan 09 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.6-0vl4
  1506. - added a bug fix patch: ruby-1.6.6-501-ruby-mode.patch
  1507. - ruby-talk#30479: ruby-mode.el disables font-lock coloring
  1508. * Tue Jan 08 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.6-0vl3
  1509. - added a bug fix patch: ruby-1.6.6-100.patch
  1510. - ruby-talk#30203: Ruby 1.6.6 bug and fix
  1511. - ruby-list#33047: regex bug
  1512. - PR#230: problem with -d in 1.6.6
  1513. - removed patches: ruby-900-XXX-strtod.patch ruby-503-weakref.rb.patch.
  1514. included into ruby-1.6.6-100.patch.
  1515. * Fri Jan 04 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.6-0vl2
  1516. - added a patch:
  1517. - ruby-1.6.6-901-sparc.patch: PR#225: sparc linux needs different
  1519. - renamed to ruby-mode from ruby-mode-el.
  1520. * Wed Dec 26 2001 akira yamada <> 1.6.6-0vl1
  1521. - new upstream version.
  1522. * Sun Nov 18 2001 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.6.5-0vl3
  1523. - rebuilt with new tcl/tk packages
  1524. - added patches: ruby-900-XXX-strtod.patch ruby-503-weakref.rb.patch
  1525. * Wed Oct 10 2001 akira yamada <> 1.6.5-0vl2
  1526. - applied bug fix patch from upstrem cvs repository.
  1527. - ruby-dev#14810, ruby-dev#14813 (ruby-1.6.5-100.patch)
  1528. - applied bug fix patch:
  1529. - ruby-list#31570 for net/pop.rb (ruby-1.6.5-501-net-pop.rb.patch)
  1530. - %%{_mandir} hack.
  1531. - emacsen_pkg hack. (very dirty for %%_foo() in %%if-%%endif. but it is
  1532. wrong of spec-specification... sigh.)
  1533. * Wed Sep 19 2001 akira yamada <> 1.6.5-0vl1
  1534. - new upstream version.
  1535. - add XFree86-devel to BuildRequires. (tk.h requires X11/Xlib.h.)
  1536. * Mon Sep 03 2001 akira yamada <> 1.6.4-0vl8
  1537. - removed files related on emacsen-common from libruby.
  1538. - updated upstream URLs.
  1539. * Tue Aug 07 2001 akira yamada <>
  1540. - 1.6.4-0vl7
  1541. - added ruby-1.6.4-108.patch.
  1542. - fixed: causes segv to mod_ruby.
  1543. - do not recurse if method_missing is undefined.
  1544. - m68k work around.
  1545. * Fri Aug 03 2001 akira yamada <>
  1546. - 1.6.4-0vl5
  1547. - new sub-package ruby-mode-el. it provides ruby-mode for emacsen.
  1548. * Wed Aug 01 2001 akira yamada <>
  1549. - 1.6.4-0vl4
  1550. - added ruby-1.6.4-10[67].patch.
  1551. - remove ruby-1.6.4-501.patch. (fixed on upstream.)
  1552. - marshal verbose warning bug.
  1553. - ruby-1.6-2001.07.31.
  1554. - packages except libruby and irb requires libruby = %%{version}-%%{release}.
  1555. - irb requires ruby = %%{version}-%%{release}.
  1556. * Thu Jul 26 2001 akira yamada <>
  1557. - 1.6.4-0vl3
  1558. - added ruby-1.6.4-10[345].patch and ruby-1.6.4-501.patch.
  1559. - tilde expansion problem and PR#158.
  1560. - some documents moved to libruby.rpm from ruby.rpm.
  1561. - stopped using %%configure macros, because it breaks
  1562. Config::CONFIG["libdir"] variable: %%configure sets
  1563. it to "/usr/lib" but it should be
  1564. "$(exec_prefix)/lib" for some packages which uses
  1565. ruby.
  1566. * Tue Jul 17 2001 akira yamada <>
  1567. - 1.6.4-0vl2
  1568. - added ruby-1.6.4-10[12].patch.
  1569. - fixed a bug around order of "$:".
  1570. - updated config.{guess,sub}.
  1571. - eval.c bug.
  1572. - marshal version 4.6.
  1573. * Mon Jun 04 2001 akira yamada <>
  1574. - 1.6.4-0vl1
  1575. - upgrade to nwe upstream version 1.6.4.
  1576. * Mon Apr 02 2001 akira yamada <>
  1577. - applied patch:
  1578. - fixed method cache bug. etc. (Patch103, Patch104)
  1579. * Tue Mar 27 2001 akira yamada <>
  1580. - applied patch:
  1581. - fixed marshal for bignum bug.
  1582. - fixed scope of constant variables bug.
  1583. * Tue Mar 20 2001 akira yamada <>
  1584. - upgraded to new upstream version 1.6.3.
  1585. * Fri Feb 09 2001 akira yamada <>
  1586. - fixed bad group for libruby.
  1587. - Applied patch: upgraded to cvs version (2001-02-08):
  1588. fixed minor bugs.
  1589. * Thu Jan 18 2001 akira yamada <>
  1590. - Applied patch: upgraded to cvs version (2001-01-15):
  1591. fixed minor bugs(e.g. ruby makes extention librares too large...).
  1592. * Wed Jan 10 2001 akira yamada <>
  1593. - Applied patch: upgraded to cvs version (2001-01-09):
  1594. fixed minor bugs.
  1595. * Sat Dec 30 2000 akira yamada <>
  1596. - Applied bug fix patch.
  1597. * Mon Dec 25 2000 akira yamada <>
  1598. - Updated to new upstream version 1.6.2.
  1599. * Fri Dec 22 2000 akira yamada <>
  1600. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000122019.patch, added ruby_cvs.2000122215.patch
  1601. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version, 1.6.2-preview4).
  1602. * Wed Dec 20 2000 akira yamada <>
  1603. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000121413.patch, added ruby_cvs.2000122019.patch
  1604. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1605. - new package: libruby
  1606. * Thu Dec 14 2000 akira yamada <>
  1607. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000101901.patch, added ruby_cvs.2000121413.patch
  1608. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1609. - Removed ruby-dev.11262.patch, ruby-dev.11265.patch,
  1610. and ruby-dev.11268.patch (included into above patch).
  1611. * Sun Nov 12 2000 MACHINO, Satoshi <> 1.6.1-0vl9
  1612. - build on gcc-2.95.3
  1613. * Thu Oct 19 2000 akira yamada <>
  1614. - Added ruby-dev.11268.patch.
  1615. * Thu Oct 19 2000 akira yamada <>
  1616. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000101117.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000101901.patch
  1617. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1618. - Added ruby-dev.11262.patch.
  1619. - Added ruby-dev.11265.patch.
  1620. * Wed Oct 11 2000 akira yamada <>
  1621. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000100313.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000101117.patch
  1622. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1623. * Mon Oct 09 2000 akira yamada <>
  1624. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000100313.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000100313.patch
  1625. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1626. * Tue Oct 03 2000 akira yamada <>
  1627. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000100218.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000100313.patch
  1628. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1629. * Mon Oct 02 2000 akira yamada <>
  1630. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000092718.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000100218.patch
  1631. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1632. * Wed Sep 27 2000 akira yamada <>
  1633. - Updated to upstream version 1.6.1.
  1634. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000082901.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000092718.patch
  1635. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1636. * Tue Aug 29 2000 akira yamada <>
  1637. - Updated to version 1.4.6.
  1638. - removed ruby-dev.10123.patch(included into ruby-1.4.6).
  1639. - Added ruby_cvs.2000082901.patch(upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1640. * Tue Jun 27 2000 akira yamada <>
  1641. - Updated manuals to version 1.4.5.
  1642. * Sun Jun 25 2000 akira yamada <>
  1643. - Added ruby-dev.10123.patch.
  1644. * Sat Jun 24 2000 akira yamada <>
  1645. - Updated to version 1.4.5.
  1646. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000062401.patch(included into ruby-1.4.5).
  1647. * Thu Jun 22 2000 akira yamada <>
  1648. - Updated to version 1.4.4(06/22/2000 CVS).
  1649. - Removed ruby-dev.10054.patch(included into ruby_cvs.patch).
  1650. * Thu Jun 22 2000 akira yamada <>
  1651. - Renamed to ruby_cvs20000620.patch from ruby_cvs.patch.
  1652. * Tue Jun 20 2000 akira yamada <>
  1653. - Updated to version 1.4.4(06/20/2000 CVS).
  1654. - Removed ruby-list.23190.patch(included into ruby_cvs.patch).
  1655. - Added ruby-dev.10054.patch.
  1656. * Thu Jun 15 2000 akira yamada <>
  1657. - Updated to version 1.4.4(06/12/2000 CVS).
  1658. - Added manuals and FAQs.
  1659. - Split into ruby, ruby-devel, ruby-tcltk, ruby-docs, irb.
  1660. * Tue Jun 13 2000 Mitsuo Hamada <>
  1661. - Updated to version 1.4.4
  1662. * Wed Dec 08 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <>
  1663. - Updated to version 1.4.3
  1664. * Mon Sep 20 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <>
  1665. - Updated to version 1.4.2 (Sep 18)
  1666. * Fri Sep 17 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <>
  1667. - Updated to version 1.4.2
  1668. * Tue Aug 17 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <>
  1669. - Updated to version 1.4.0
  1670. * Fri Jul 23 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <>
  1671. - 2nd release
  1672. - Updated to version 1.2.6(15 Jul 1999)
  1673. - striped %{prefix}/bin/ruby
  1674. * Mon Jun 28 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <>
  1675. - Updated to version 1.2.6(21 Jun 1999)
  1676. * Wed Apr 14 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <>
  1677. - Updated to version 1.2.5
  1678. * Fri Apr 09 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <>
  1679. - Updated to version 1.2.4
  1680. * Fri Dec 25 1998 Toru Hoshina <>
  1681. - Version up to 1.2 stable.
  1682. * Fri Nov 27 1998 Toru Hoshina <>
  1683. - Version up to 1.1c9.
  1684. * Thu Nov 19 1998 Toru Hoshina <>
  1685. - Version up to 1.1c8, however it appear short life :-P
  1686. * Fri Nov 13 1998 Toru Hoshina <>
  1687. - Version up.
  1688. * Tue Sep 22 1998 Toru Hoshina <>
  1689. - To make a
  1690. * Mon Sep 21 1998 Toru Hoshina <>
  1691. - Modified SPEC in order to install libruby.a so that it should be used by
  1692. another ruby entention.
  1693. - 2nd release.
  1694. * Mon Mar 9 1998 Shoichi OZAWA <>
  1695. - Added a powerPC arch part. Thanks, MURATA Nobuhiro <>