unarj-vl.spec 3.4 KB

  1. Summary: An uncompressor for .arj format archive files.
  2. Summary(ja): .arj フォーマットのアーカイブファイルの展開プログラム
  3. Name: unarj
  4. Version: 2.65
  5. Release: 1%{?_dist_release}
  6. Group: Applications/Archiving
  7. License: distributable
  8. Source: ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/utils/compress/unarj-%{version}.tar.gz
  9. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  10. %description
  11. The UNARJ program is used to uncompress .arj format archives. The
  12. .arj format archive was mostly used on DOS machines.
  13. Install the unarj package if you need to uncompress .arj format
  14. archives.
  15. %description -l ja
  16. unarj プログラムは .arj フォーマットのアーカイブ展開に使われます.
  17. .arj フォーマットアーカイブは主に DOS 機で使われるものです.
  18. .arj フォーマットのアーカイブを展開する必要がある場合は
  19. unarj パッケージをインストールして下さい.
  20. %prep
  21. %setup -q -n unarj-%{version}
  22. %build
  23. make clean
  24. make %{?_smp_mflags}
  25. %install
  26. [ -n "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -a "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != / ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  27. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
  28. install -m 755 unarj $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
  29. %clean
  30. [ -n "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -a "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != / ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  31. %files
  32. %defattr(-,root,root)
  33. %doc *.txt
  34. %{_bindir}/unarj
  35. %changelog
  36. * Sun Jun 21 2009 Toshiharu Kudoh <toshi.kd2@gmail.com> - 2.65-1
  37. - new upstream release
  38. - spec in UTF-8
  39. * Tue Apr 29 2008 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com> - 2.63a-3
  40. - applied new versioning policy
  41. - added some files to %%doc
  42. * Sat Jan 14 2006 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com> - 2.63a-2vl3
  43. - fixed spec file encoding
  44. - s/Copyright/License/
  45. * Sun Dec 1 2002 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com>
  46. - 2.63a-2vl2
  47. - fixed changelog
  48. * Sun Dec 1 2002 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com>
  49. - 2.63a-2vl1
  50. - based on 2.63a-2 from Rawhide
  51. - Tue Nov 13 2002 Lon Hohberger <lhh@redhat.com>
  52. - Version 2.63a ships without docs.
  53. - Fri Jun 21 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
  54. - automated rebuild
  55. - Thu May 23 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
  56. - automated rebuild
  57. - Wed Feb 27 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrøä <teg@redhat.com> 2.43-10
  58. - Rebuild
  59. - Wed Jan 09 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
  60. - automated rebuild
  61. - Sun Jun 24 2001 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
  62. - Bump release + rebuild.
  63. * Tue Dec 26 2000 MATSUBAYASHI 'Shaolin' Kohji <shaolin@rhythmaning.org>
  64. - 2.43-6vl1
  65. - based on 2.43-6 from Rawhide
  66. - added Japanese summary and description
  67. - use better macros
  68. * Tue Aug 8 2000 Philipp Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com>
  69. - Bugfix for missing subdirectory creation during extract (#13297)
  70. - Compile warnings fixed
  71. * Wed Jul 12 2000 Prospector <bugzilla@redhat.com>
  72. - automatic rebuild
  73. * Sun Jun 11 2000 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com>
  74. - rebuild in new environment
  75. * Mon Feb 14 2000 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com>
  76. - Wow. We've been shipping i386 binaries on alpha for a while...
  77. * Fri Jul 30 1999 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com>
  78. - update to 2.43
  79. * Sun Mar 21 1999 Cristian Gafton <gafton@redhat.com>
  80. - auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 9)
  81. * Thu Dec 17 1998 Michael Maher <mike@redhat.com>
  82. - built package for 6.0
  83. * Tue Aug 11 1998 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  84. - build root
  85. * Mon Apr 27 1998 Prospector System <bugs@redhat.com>
  86. - translations modified for de, fr, tr
  87. * Wed Oct 22 1997 Otto Hammersmith <otto@redhat.com>
  88. - fixed src url
  89. * Fri Jul 18 1997 Erik Troan <ewt@redhat.com>
  90. - built against glibc