aufs-util-vl.spec 1.4 KB

  1. Name: aufs-util
  2. Version: 0.0.20120619
  3. Release: 1%{?_dist_release}
  4. License: GNU/GPLv2+
  5. URL:
  6. Group: System/Filesystems
  7. Summary: Another unionfs implementation
  8. Summary(ja): もうひとつの unionfs 実装
  9. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
  10. Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
  11. Patch0: aufs-util-install.patch
  12. BuildRequires: kernel-headers >= 3.4.3-1
  13. BuildRequires: glibc-static
  14. %description
  15. Aufs is a stackable unification file system, which can merge the
  16. contents of several directories (so called branches) while keeping
  17. their physical content separate. It allows any mix of read-only and
  18. read-write branches, as well as insertion and deletion of branches on
  19. the fly.
  20. %pre
  21. %prep
  22. %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
  23. %patch0 -p1
  24. %build
  25. make %{?_smp_mflags}
  26. %install
  27. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  28. make %{?_smp_mflags} install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT LIBDIR=%{_libdir}
  29. %files
  30. %defattr(-,root,root)
  31. %doc COPYING README sample/
  32. %{_sysconfdir}/default/aufs
  33. /sbin/auibusy
  34. /sbin/auplink
  35. /sbin/mount.aufs
  36. /sbin/umount.aufs
  37. %{_bindir}/aubrsync
  38. %{_bindir}/aubusy
  39. %{_bindir}/auchk
  40. %{_libdir}/
  41. %{_libdir}/*
  42. %{_mandir}/man5/aufs.5*
  43. %clean
  44. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  45. %changelog
  46. * Tue Jun 19 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 0.0.20120619-1
  47. - update to git aufs3.0 branch head
  48. * Fri Jan 27 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 0.0.20120127-1
  49. - initial build for Vine Linux