wxGlade-vl.spec 4.7 KB

  1. Summary: A wxWidgets/wxPython/wxPerl GUI designer
  2. Name: wxGlade
  3. Version: 0.7.2
  4. Release: 1%{?_dist_release}
  5. Source0: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/wxglade/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
  6. Source1: wxglade.desktop
  7. Source2: wxglade.png
  8. License: MIT
  9. URL: http://wxglade.sourceforge.net/
  10. Group: Development/Tools
  11. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
  12. BuildArch: noarch
  13. BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
  14. Requires: python >= 2.2
  15. Requires: wxPython >= 2.8
  16. BuildRequires: python-setuptools
  17. Distribution: Vine Linux
  18. Vendor: Project Vine
  19. %description
  20. wxGlade is a GUI designer written in Python with the popular GUI
  21. toolkit wxPython, that helps you create wxWidgets/wxPython user
  22. interfaces. At the moment it can generate Python, C++, Perl and XRC
  23. (wxWidgets' XML resources) code.
  24. %prep
  25. %setup -q
  26. %build
  27. python setup.py build
  28. %install
  29. # cleanup
  30. %__rm -rf %{buildroot}
  31. python setup.py install --prefix=%{_prefix} -O1 --skip-build --root=%{buildroot}
  32. # Let's handle licenses by ourselves.
  33. rm -frv %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/wxglade/LICENSE.txt
  34. # Install desktop related entries
  35. desktop-file-install --dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications %{S:1}
  36. install -pm 755 -d %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps
  37. install -pm 644 %{S:2} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps
  38. %post
  39. touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
  40. %{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
  41. update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications &>/dev/null || :
  42. %postun
  43. touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
  44. %{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
  45. update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications &>/dev/null || :
  46. %clean
  47. %__rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  48. %files
  49. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  50. %doc %{_docdir}/wxglade/
  51. %license LICENSE.txt
  52. %{_bindir}/wxglade*
  53. %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*x*/apps/*
  54. %{_datadir}/applications/*
  55. %{_datadir}/wxglade
  56. %{_mandir}/man1/wxglade.1*
  57. %{python_sitelib}/wxglade/
  58. %{python_sitelib}/%{name}-%{version}-py2.7.egg-info
  59. %changelog
  60. * Sat Jul 9 2016 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net> 0.7.2-1
  61. - new upstream release.
  62. * Mon May 16 2011 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@vinelinux.org> 0.6.3-1.tip20110516
  63. - initial build
  64. * Mon Feb 07 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.6.3tip20100625-3
  65. - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
  66. * Wed Aug 11 2010 David Malcolm <dmalcolm@redhat.com> - 0.6.3tip20100625-2
  67. - recompiling .py files against Python 2.7 (rhbz#623417)
  68. * Fri Jun 25 2010 ZC Miao <hellwolf.misty@gmail.com> - 0.6.3tip20100625-1
  69. - update to tip20100625
  70. * Sun Jun 6 2010 ZC Miao <hellwolf.misty@gmail.com> - 0.6.3tip20091130-2
  71. - update source
  72. * Mon Nov 30 2009 ZC Miao <hellwolf.misty@gmail.com> - 0.6.3tip20091130-1
  73. - update to tip version
  74. * Mon Jul 27 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.6.3-4
  75. - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
  76. * Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.6.3-3
  77. - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
  78. * Sat May 24 2008 ZC Miao <hellwolf.misty@gmail.com> - 0.6.3-2
  79. - update to 0.6.3
  80. * Sat Nov 24 2007 ZC Miao <hellwolf.misty@gmail.com> - 0.6.1-1
  81. - update to 0.6.1
  82. - remove docs path patch, add a docs symlink instead
  83. * Thu Jul 19 2007 ZC Miao <hellwolf.misty@gmail.com> - 0.5-6
  84. - 248795 , patch for launch help docs correctly
  85. * Mon Apr 16 2007 ZC Miao <hellwolf.misty@gmail.com> - 0.5-5
  86. - update to fix EVR problem
  87. * Sun Apr 15 2007 ZC Miao <hellwolf.misty@gmail.com> - 0.5-2
  88. - file permissions with install command
  89. * Sun Apr 15 2007 ZC Miao <hellwolf.misty@gmail.com> - 0.5-1
  90. - update to 0.5
  91. - launch script with quoted $@
  92. - name to wxGlade
  93. * Tue Feb 27 2007 ZC Miao <hellwolf.misty@gmail.com> - 0.4.1-3
  94. - Desktop entry do not need version number
  95. - remove some comments
  96. * Sun Feb 25 2007 ZC Miao <hellwolf.misty@gmail.com> - 0.4.1-2
  97. - install icon to hicolor directory
  98. - change name to wxglade
  99. - BuildRequires desktop-file-utils
  100. - remove Application category in desktop file
  101. - remove some macro redefination
  102. * Fri Feb 16 2007 ZC Miao <hellwolf.misty@gmail.com> - 0.4.1-2
  103. - Add missing icons
  104. * Fri Feb 16 2007 ZC Miao <hellwolf.misty@gmail.com> - 0.4.1-1
  105. - update to 0.4.1
  106. * Wed Oct 27 2004 Alberto Griggio <agriggio@users.sf.net> 0.3.5-1
  107. - Updated to version 0.3.5
  108. * Wed Mar 10 2004 Alberto Griggio <agriggio@users.sf.net> 0.3.4-1
  109. - Updated to version 0.3.4
  110. * Wed Mar 10 2004 Alberto Griggio <albgrig@tiscalinet.it> 0.3.2-1
  111. - Updated to version 0.3.2
  112. * Tue Sep 02 2003 Alberto Griggio <albgrig@tiscalinet.it> 0.3.1-1
  113. - Updated to version 0.3.1
  114. * Fri Aug 29 2003 Robin Dunn <robind@alldunn.com> 0.3-5
  115. - Initial version