lxde-icon-theme-vl.spec 2.4 KB

  1. Name: lxde-icon-theme
  2. Version: 0.5.1
  3. Release: 1%{?_dist_release}
  4. Summary: Default icon theme for LXDE
  5. Summary(ja): LXDE のデフォルトアイコンテーマ
  6. Group: User Interface/Desktops
  7. License: LGPLv3
  8. URL: http://lxde.sourceforge.net/
  9. #original nuoveXT
  10. #URL: http://nuovext.pwsp.net/
  11. Source0: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/lxde/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
  12. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  13. BuildArch: noarch
  14. %description
  15. nuoveXT is a very complete set of icons for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. It is
  16. also the default icon-theme of LXDE, the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment.
  17. %description -l ja
  18. nuoveXT は Linux や Mac OS X、Windows 用の完全なアイコンセットです。
  19. LXDE - the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment - の
  20. デフォルトのアイコンテーマでもあります。
  21. %prep
  22. %setup -q
  23. %build
  24. %configure
  25. %install
  26. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  27. make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT INSTALL="install -p"
  28. touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/nuoveXT2/icon-theme.cache
  29. %clean
  30. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  31. %post
  32. touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/nuoveXT2 &>/dev/null || :
  33. %postun
  34. if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
  35. touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/nuoveXT2 &>/dev/null
  36. gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/nuoveXT2 &>/dev/null || :
  37. fi
  38. %posttrans
  39. gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/nuoveXT2 &>/dev/null || :
  40. %files
  42. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  43. %dir %{_datadir}/icons/nuoveXT2/
  44. %{_datadir}/icons/nuoveXT2/*/*
  45. %{_datadir}/icons/nuoveXT2/index.theme
  46. %ghost %{_datadir}/icons/nuoveXT2/icon-theme.cache
  47. %changelog
  48. * Sat Oct 25 2014 Toshiharu Kudoh <toshi.kd2@gmail.com> - 0.5.1-1
  49. - new upstream release
  50. - changed archive type to bz2 to xz
  51. * Sat Jul 26 2014 Toshiharu Kudoh <toshi.kd2@gmail.com> - 0.5.0-2
  52. - rebuilt with current environment
  53. * Sun May 20 2012 Toshiharu Kudoh <toshi.kd2@gmail.com> - 0.5.0-1
  54. - new upstream release
  55. * Sat Mar 13 2010 Toshiharu Kudoh <toshi.kd2@gmail.com> - 0.4.2-4
  56. - applied new naming policy to spec
  57. * Fri Mar 5 2010 Toshiharu Kudoh <toshi.kd2@gmail.com> - 0.4.2-3
  58. - bumped up release number
  59. - Because already installed package is removed.
  60. * Thu Mar 4 2010 Toshiharu Kudoh <toshi.kd2@gmail.com> - 0.4.2-1
  61. - initial build for VineSeed
  62. - This package is provisional. LXDE Original release source is 0.0.1...