xorg-x11-server-vl.spec 61 KB

  1. %define pkgname xorg-server
  2. #define gitdate 20100319
  3. Summary: X.Org X11 X server
  4. Summary(ja): X.Org X11 X サーバ
  5. Name: xorg-x11-server
  6. Version: 1.11.4
  7. Release: 1%{?_dist_release}
  8. URL: http://www.x.org
  9. License: MIT/X11
  10. Group: User Interface/X
  11. %if 0%{?gitdate}
  12. Source0: ftp://ftp.x.org/pub/individual/xserver/%{pkgname}-%{gitdate}.tar.xz
  13. %else
  14. Source0: ftp://ftp.x.org/pub/individual/xserver/%{pkgname}-%{version}.tar.bz2
  15. %endif
  16. Source4: 10-quirks.conf
  17. Source10: xserver.pamd
  18. Source20: http://svn.exactcode.de/t2/trunk/package/xorg/xorg-server/xvfb-run.sh
  19. Patch5: xserver-1.8.1-pic-libxf86config.patch
  20. Patch2014: xserver-1.5.0-projector-fb-size.patch
  21. # Trivial things to never merge upstream ever:
  22. # This really could be done prettier.
  23. Patch5002: xserver-1.4.99-ssh-isnt-local.patch
  24. # force mode debugging on for randr 1.2 drivers
  25. Patch6002: xserver-1.5.1-mode-debug.patch
  26. # don't build the (broken) acpi code
  27. Patch6011: xserver-1.6.0-less-acpi-brokenness.patch
  28. # needs to upstream this
  29. Patch6027: xserver-1.10.0-displayfd.patch
  30. Patch6028: xserver-1.6.99-randr-error-debugging.patch
  31. Patch6030: xserver-1.10.0-right-of.patch
  32. Patch6033: xserver-1.6.99-default-modes.patch
  33. # misc
  34. Patch7005: xserver-1.9.0-qxl-fallback.patch
  35. ## Vine Patch
  36. # autodetect nvidia driver
  37. Patch10010: xorg-x11-server-1.9.2-nvidia.patch
  38. # autodetect fglrx driver
  39. Patch10020: xorg-x11-server-1.9.2-fglrx.patch
  40. # autodetect virtual video device (qemu) driver
  41. Patch10030: xorg-x11-server-1.9.2-qemu.patch
  42. # finally fallback to vesa driver
  43. Patch10040: xorg-x11-server-1.9.2-vesa-fallback.patch
  44. # do not disable kbd driver even if AllowEmptyInput option is on.
  45. Patch20000: xorg-x11-server-1.10.0-dont-dsiable-kbd-if-AEI-on.patch
  46. %define moduledir %{_libdir}/xorg/modules
  47. %define drimoduledir %{_libdir}/dri
  48. %define sdkdir %{_includedir}/xorg
  49. %ifarch s390 s390x
  50. %define with_hw_servers 0
  51. %else
  52. %define with_hw_servers 1
  53. %endif
  54. %if %{with_hw_servers}
  55. %define enable_xorg --enable-xorg
  56. %else
  57. %define enable_xorg --disable-xorg
  58. %endif
  59. %define kdrive --enable-kdrive --enable-xephyr --disable-xsdl --disable-xfake --disable-xfbdev
  60. %define xservers --enable-xvfb --enable-xnest %{kdrive} %{enable_xorg}
  61. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
  62. # FIXME: Temporary Build deps on autotools, as needed...
  63. BuildRequires: automake autoconf libtool
  64. BuildRequires: pkgconfig
  65. BuildRequires: xorg-x11-util-macros >= 1.6.0
  66. BuildRequires: xorg-x11-proto-devel >= 7.4-9
  67. BuildRequires: xorg-x11-xtrans-devel >= 1.2.3
  68. BuildRequires: xorg-x11-font-utils
  69. BuildRequires: libXfont-devel
  70. BuildRequires: libXau-devel
  71. BuildRequires: libxkbfile-devel
  72. # libXres-devel needed for something that links to libXres that I never
  73. # bothered to figure out yet
  74. BuildRequires: libXres-devel
  75. # libfontenc-devel needed for Xorg, but not specified by
  76. # upstream deps. Build fails without it.
  77. BuildRequires: libfontenc-devel
  78. # Required for Xtst examples
  79. BuildRequires: libXtst-devel >= 1.1.0-2
  80. # libXdmcp-devel needed for Xdmx, Xnest, Xephyr
  81. BuildRequires: libXdmcp-devel
  82. # libX11-devel needed for Xdmx, Xnest, Xephyr
  83. BuildRequires: libX11-devel
  84. # libXext-devel needed for Xdmx, Xnest, Xephyr
  85. BuildRequires: libXext-devel
  86. BuildRequires: libpciaccess-devel
  87. BuildRequires: pixman-devel >= 0.14.0
  88. BuildRequires: openssl-devel
  89. # XXX Really? Why would we need this, Xfont should hide it.
  90. BuildRequires: freetype2-devel
  91. BuildRequires: libgudev1-devel
  92. # DMX config utils buildreqs.
  93. BuildRequires: libXt-devel
  94. BuildRequires: libdmx-devel >= 1.1.0-2
  95. BuildRequires: libXmu-devel
  96. BuildRequires: libXrender-devel
  97. BuildRequires: libXi-devel
  98. BuildRequires: libXpm-devel
  99. BuildRequires: libXaw-devel >= 1.0.5
  100. BuildRequires: libXfixes-devel
  101. BuildRequires: libXdamage-devel
  102. BuildRequires: libXv-devel
  103. BuildRequires: mesa-libGL-devel >= 7.8
  104. BuildRequires: mesa-source >= 7.8
  105. # XXX silly...
  106. BuildRequires: libdrm-devel >= 2.4.0-3
  107. %if %{with_hw_servers}
  108. Requires: libdrm
  109. %endif
  110. # Make sure libXfont has the catalogue FPE
  111. Requires: libXfont
  112. # All server subpackages have a virtual provide for the name of the server
  113. # they deliver. The Xorg one is versioned, the others are intentionally
  114. # unversioned.
  115. Vendor: Project Vine
  116. Distribution: Vine Linux
  117. %description
  118. X.Org X11 X server
  119. %package common
  120. Summary: Xorg server common files
  121. Summary(ja): Xorg サーバ共通ファイル
  122. Group: User Interface/X
  123. %description common
  124. Common files shared among all X servers.
  125. %if %{with_hw_servers}
  126. %package Xorg
  127. Summary: Xorg X server
  128. Summary(ja): Xorg X サーバ
  129. Group: User Interface/X
  130. Provides: Xorg = %{version}-%{release}
  131. Provides: Xserver
  132. # Requires: xorg-x11-drivers >= 0.99.2-4
  133. Requires: xorg-x11-drv-keyboard xorg-x11-drv-vesa
  134. Requires: xorg-x11-drv-void xorg-x11-drv-evdev
  135. # virtuals. XXX fix the xkbcomp fork() upstream.
  136. Requires: xkbdata xkbcomp
  137. Requires: xorg-x11-server-common >= %{version}-%{release}
  138. Requires: libdrm
  139. Requires: system-setup-keyboard
  140. Obsoletes: XFree86, XOrg
  141. %description Xorg
  142. X.org X11 is an open source implementation of the X Window System. It
  143. provides the basic low level functionality which full fledged
  144. graphical user interfaces (GUIs) such as GNOME and KDE are designed
  145. upon.
  146. %endif
  147. %package Xnest
  148. Summary: Xnest server
  149. Summary(ja): Xnest サーバ
  150. Group: User Interface/X
  151. Obsoletes: XFree86-Xnest, XOrg-Xnest
  152. Requires: xorg-x11-server-common >= %{version}-%{release}
  153. Provides: Xnest
  154. %description Xnest
  155. Xnest is an X server, which has been implemented as an ordinary
  156. X application. It runs in a window just like other X applications,
  157. but it is an X server itself in which you can run other software. It
  158. is a very useful tool for developers who wish to test their
  159. applications without running them on their real X server.
  160. %package Xdmx
  161. Summary: Distributed Multihead X Server and utilities
  162. Summary(ja): 分散マルチヘッド X サーバおよびユーティリティ
  163. Group: User Interface/X
  164. Requires: xorg-x11-server-common >= %{version}-%{release}
  165. Provides: Xdmx
  166. %description Xdmx
  167. Xdmx is proxy X server that provides multi-head support for multiple displays
  168. attached to different machines (each of which is running a typical X server).
  169. When Xinerama is used with Xdmx, the multiple displays on multiple machines
  170. are presented to the user as a single unified screen. A simple application
  171. for Xdmx would be to provide multi-head support using two desktop machines,
  172. each of which has a single display device attached to it. A complex
  173. application for Xdmx would be to unify a 4 by 4 grid of 1280x1024 displays
  174. (each attached to one of 16 computers) into a unified 5120x4096 display.
  175. %package Xvfb
  176. Summary: Virtual framebuffer X server.
  177. Summary(ja): 仮想フレームバッファ X サーバ
  178. Group: User Interface/X
  179. Obsoletes: XFree86-Xvfb, XOrg-Xvfb
  180. Requires: xorg-x11-server-common >= %{version}-%{release}
  181. Provides: Xvfb
  182. %description Xvfb
  183. Xvfb (X Virtual Frame Buffer) is an X server that is able to run on
  184. machines with no display hardware and no physical input devices.
  185. Xvfb simulates a dumb framebuffer using virtual memory. Xvfb does
  186. not open any devices, but behaves otherwise as an X display. Xvfb
  187. is normally used for testing servers.
  188. %package Xephyr
  189. Summary: Xephyr X server
  190. Summary(ja): Xephyr X サーバ
  191. Group: User Interface/X
  192. Requires: xorg-x11-server-common >= %{version}-%{release}
  193. Provides: Xephyr
  194. %description Xephyr
  195. Xephyr is an X server, which has been implemented as an ordinary
  196. X application. It runs in a window just like other X applications,
  197. but it is an X server itself in which you can run other software. It
  198. is a very useful tool for developers who wish to test their
  199. applications without running them on their real X server. Unlike
  200. Xnest, Xephyr renders to an X image rather than relaying the
  201. X protocol, and therefore supports the newer X extensions like
  202. Render and Composite.
  203. %if %{with_hw_servers}
  204. %package sdk
  205. Summary: SDK for X server driver module development
  206. Summary(ja): X サーバドライバモジュール開発用 SDK
  207. Group: User Interface/X
  208. Obsoletes: XFree86-sdk, XOrg-sdk
  209. Requires: xorg-x11-util-macros
  210. Requires: xorg-x11-proto-devel
  211. Requires: pixman-devel
  212. Requires: libpciaccess-devel
  213. Requires: pkgconfig
  214. Requires(pre): xorg-x11-filesystem
  215. Provides: libxf86config-devel = %{version}-%{release}
  216. %description sdk
  217. The SDK package provides the developmental files which are necessary for
  218. developing X server driver modules, and for compiling driver modules
  219. outside of the standard X11 source code tree. Developers writing video
  220. drivers, input drivers, or other X modules should install this package.
  221. %endif
  222. %package source
  223. Summary: Xserver source code required to build VNC server (Xvnc)
  224. Summary(ja): VNC サーバ (Xvnc) をビルドするために必要な X サーバのソースコード
  225. Group: Development/Libraries
  226. %description source
  227. Xserver source code needed to build VNC server (Xvnc)
  228. %prep
  229. %setup -q -n %{pkgname}-%{version}
  230. #%setup -q -n %{pkgname}-%{gitdate}
  231. %patch5 -p1 -b .pic-libxf86config
  232. %patch2014 -p1 -b .projector-fb-size
  233. %patch5002 -p1 -b .ssh-isnt-local
  234. %patch6002 -p1 -b .mode-debug
  235. # don't build the (broken) acpi code
  236. %patch6011 -p1 -b .less-acpi-brokenness
  237. # needs to upstream this
  238. %patch6027 -p1 -b .displayfd
  239. %patch6028 -p1 -b .randr-error-debugging
  240. %patch6030 -p1 -b .right-of
  241. %patch7005 -p1 -b .qxl
  242. # Vine patch
  243. %patch10010 -p1 -b .nvidia
  244. %patch10020 -p1 -b .fglrx
  245. %patch10030 -p1 -b .virtual-device
  246. %patch10040 -p1 -b .vesa-fallback
  247. # Vine
  248. %patch20000 -p1 -b .dont-disable-kbd
  249. %build
  250. %define default_font_path "catalogue:/etc/X11/fontpath.d,built-ins"
  251. %if %{with_hw_servers}
  252. %define dri_flags --with-dri-driver-path=%{drimoduledir}
  253. %else
  254. %define dri_flags --disable-dri
  255. %endif
  256. # --with-pie ?
  257. autoreconf -v --install
  258. export CFLAGS="${RPM_OPT_FLAGS} -Wstrict-overflow -rdynamic $CFLAGS"
  259. %configure \
  260. %{xservers} \
  261. --disable-static \
  262. --with-pic \
  263. --with-int10=x86emu \
  264. --with-default-font-path=%{default_font_path} \
  265. --with-module-dir=%{moduledir} \
  266. --with-os-name="Vine Linux 7" \
  267. --with-vendor-web="http://vinelinux.org/" \
  268. --with-vendor-name="Project Vine" \
  269. --with-builderstring="Build ID: %{name} %{version}-%{release}" \
  270. --with-xkb-output=%{_localstatedir}/lib/xkb \
  271. --with-rgb-path=%{_datadir}/X11/rgb \
  272. --enable-install-libxf86config \
  273. --disable-xselinux --enable-record \
  274. --enable-config-udev \
  275. %{dri_flags} \
  276. ${CONFIGURE}
  277. make -s %{?_smp_mflags} LIBTOOL=/usr/bin/libtool
  278. %install
  279. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  280. make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT moduledir=%{moduledir} LIBTOOL=/usr/bin/libtool
  281. %if %{with_hw_servers}
  282. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/xorg/modules/libxf8_16bpp.so
  283. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/xorg/modules/{drivers,input}
  284. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xorg
  285. install -m 0444 hw/xfree86/common/{vesa,extra}modes $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xorg/
  286. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d
  287. install -m 644 %{SOURCE10} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/xserver
  288. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/X11/xorg.conf.d
  289. install -m 644 %{SOURCE4} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/X11/xorg.conf.d
  290. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/X11/xorg.conf.d
  291. %endif
  292. # Make the source package
  293. %define xserver_source_dir %{_datadir}/xorg-x11-server-source
  294. %define inst_srcdir %{buildroot}/%{xserver_source_dir}
  295. mkdir -p %{inst_srcdir}/{Xext,xkb,GL,hw/{xquartz/bundle,xfree86/common}}
  296. mkdir -p %{inst_srcdir}/{hw/dmx/doc,man,doc,hw/dmx/doxygen}
  297. cp {,%{inst_srcdir}/}hw/xquartz/bundle/cpprules.in
  298. cp {,%{inst_srcdir}/}man/Xserver.man
  299. cp {,%{inst_srcdir}/}doc/smartsched
  300. cp {,%{inst_srcdir}/}hw/dmx/doxygen/doxygen.conf.in
  301. cp {,%{inst_srcdir}/}xserver.ent.in
  302. cp xkb/README.compiled %{inst_srcdir}/xkb
  303. cp hw/xfree86/xorgconf.cpp %{inst_srcdir}/hw/xfree86
  304. install -m 0755 %{SOURCE20} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/xvfb-run
  305. find . -type f | egrep '.*\.(c|h|am|ac|inc|m4|h.in|pc.in|man.pre|pl|txt)$' |
  306. xargs tar cf - | (cd %{inst_srcdir} && tar xf -)
  307. find %{inst_srcdir}/hw/xfree86 -name \*.c -delete
  308. # Remove unwanted files/dirs
  309. {
  310. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/X11/Options
  311. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/in?
  312. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/ioport
  313. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/out?
  314. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/pcitweak
  315. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/pcitweak.1*
  316. find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name '*.la' | xargs rm -f -- || :
  317. find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/xorg/modules -type f -name '*.a' | xargs rm -f -- || :
  318. %if !%{with_hw_servers}
  319. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/xorg-server.pc
  320. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/aclocal/xorg-server.m4
  321. %endif
  322. }
  323. %clean
  324. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  325. %if %{with_hw_servers}
  326. %pre Xorg
  327. {
  328. pushd /etc/X11
  329. for configfile in XF86Config XF86Config-4 ; do
  330. if [ -r $configfile ]; then
  331. if [ -r xorg.conf ]; then
  332. mv -f $configfile $configfile.obsoleted
  333. else
  334. mv -f $configfile xorg.conf
  335. fi
  336. fi
  337. done
  338. [ -e xorg.conf ] || return 0
  339. perl -p -i -e 's/^.*Load.*"(pex5|xie|xtt).*\n$"//gi' xorg.conf
  340. perl -p -i -e 's/^\s*Driver(.*)"keyboard"/Driver\1"kbd"/gi' xorg.conf
  341. perl -p -i -e 's/^.*Option.*"XkbRules".*"(xfree86|xorg)".*\n$//gi' xorg.conf
  342. perl -p -i -e 's#^\s*RgbPath.*$##gi' xorg.conf
  343. # lame, the nvidia driver needs to override this
  344. if ! grep -q 'ModulePath.*nvidia' xorg.conf ; then
  345. perl -p -i -e 's#^\s*ModulePath.*$##gi' xorg.conf
  346. fi
  347. popd
  348. } &> /dev/null || :
  349. %endif
  350. %files common
  351. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  352. %{_mandir}/man1/Xserver.1*
  353. %{_libdir}/xorg/protocol.txt
  354. %dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/xkb
  355. %{_localstatedir}/lib/xkb/README.compiled
  356. %if %{with_hw_servers}
  357. %files Xorg
  358. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  359. %config %attr(0644,root,root) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/xserver
  360. %{_bindir}/X
  361. %attr(4711, root, root) %{_bindir}/Xorg
  362. %{_bindir}/gtf
  363. %{_bindir}/cvt
  364. %dir %{_datadir}/xorg
  365. %{_datadir}/xorg/vesamodes
  366. %{_datadir}/xorg/extramodes
  367. %dir %{_libdir}/xorg
  368. %dir %{_libdir}/xorg/modules
  369. %dir %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/drivers
  370. %dir %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/extensions
  371. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so
  372. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri.so
  373. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri2.so
  374. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/extensions/libdbe.so
  375. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/extensions/libextmod.so
  376. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/extensions/librecord.so
  377. %dir %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/input
  378. %dir %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/multimedia
  379. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/multimedia/bt829_drv.so
  380. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/multimedia/fi1236_drv.so
  381. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/multimedia/msp3430_drv.so
  382. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/multimedia/tda8425_drv.so
  383. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/multimedia/tda9850_drv.so
  384. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/multimedia/tda9885_drv.so
  385. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/multimedia/uda1380_drv.so
  386. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/libexa.so
  387. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/libfb.so
  388. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/libfbdevhw.so
  389. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/libint10.so
  390. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/libshadow.so
  391. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/libshadowfb.so
  392. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/libvbe.so
  393. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/libvgahw.so
  394. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/libwfb.so
  395. %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/libxaa.so
  396. %{_mandir}/man1/gtf.1*
  397. %{_mandir}/man1/Xorg.1*
  398. %{_mandir}/man1/cvt.1*
  399. %{_mandir}/man4/fbdevhw.4*
  400. %{_mandir}/man4/exa.4*
  401. %{_mandir}/man5/xorg.conf.5*
  402. %{_mandir}/man5/xorg.conf.d.5*
  403. %dir %{_sysconfdir}/X11/xorg.conf.d
  404. %dir %{_datadir}/X11/xorg.conf.d
  405. %{_datadir}/X11/xorg.conf.d/*.conf
  406. %endif
  407. %files Xnest
  408. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  409. %{_bindir}/Xnest
  410. %{_mandir}/man1/Xnest.1*
  411. %files Xdmx
  412. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  413. %{_bindir}/Xdmx
  414. %{_bindir}/dmxaddinput
  415. %{_bindir}/dmxaddscreen
  416. %{_bindir}/dmxreconfig
  417. %{_bindir}/dmxresize
  418. %{_bindir}/dmxrminput
  419. %{_bindir}/dmxrmscreen
  420. %{_bindir}/dmxtodmx
  421. %{_bindir}/dmxwininfo
  422. %{_bindir}/vdltodmx
  423. %{_bindir}/dmxinfo
  424. %{_bindir}/xdmxconfig
  425. %{_mandir}/man1/Xdmx.1*
  426. %{_mandir}/man1/dmxtodmx.1*
  427. %{_mandir}/man1/vdltodmx.1*
  428. %{_mandir}/man1/xdmxconfig.1*
  429. %files Xvfb
  430. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  431. %{_bindir}/Xvfb
  432. %{_bindir}/xvfb-run
  433. %{_mandir}/man1/Xvfb.1*
  434. %files Xephyr
  435. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  436. %{_bindir}/Xephyr
  437. %{_mandir}/man1/Xephyr.1*
  438. %if %{with_hw_servers}
  439. %files sdk
  440. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  441. %{_libdir}/libxf86config.a
  442. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/xorg-server.pc
  443. %dir %{_includedir}/xorg
  444. %{sdkdir}/*.h
  445. %{_datadir}/aclocal/xorg-server.m4
  446. %endif
  447. %files source
  448. %defattr(-, root, root, -)
  449. %{xserver_source_dir}
  450. %changelog
  451. * Sun Jan 29 2012 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 1.11.4-1
  452. - new upstream release
  453. * Fri Dec 23 2011 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 1.11.3-1
  454. - new upstream release
  455. * Sat Nov 05 2011 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 1.11.2-1
  456. - new upstream release
  457. * Tue Nov 01 2011 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp>
  458. - new upstream release
  459. * Sat Aug 20 2011 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 1.10.4-1
  460. - new upstream release
  461. * Sun May 29 2011 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 1.10.2-1
  462. - new upstream release
  463. * Mon Apr 25 2011 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 1.10.1-1
  464. - new upstream release
  465. * Mon Feb 28 2011 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 1.10.0-1
  466. - new upstream release
  467. - fix %%install to add xmlrules.in
  468. - drop Patch103,6049
  469. - update Patch6027,6030,20000
  470. - add Patch7005 (xserver-1.9.0-qxl-fallback.patch)
  471. * Sat Feb 05 2011 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 1.9.4-1
  472. - new upstream release
  473. * Mon Jan 10 2011 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 1.9.3-2
  474. - rebuild with openssl-1.0.0c
  475. * Sat Dec 18 2010 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 1.9.3-1
  476. - new upstream release
  477. - drop Patch6045,6051
  478. * Sun Nov 07 2010 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 1.9.2-1
  479. - new upstream release
  480. - update Patch6027,6030,6045,10010,10020,10030,10040
  481. - drop Patch6033
  482. - add environment variable LIBTOOL for make command
  483. - fix %%files
  484. * Sun Sep 26 2010 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 1.8.1-2
  485. - rebuild with rpm-4.8.1 for pkg-config file
  486. - add BuildRequires: xorg-x11-font-utils, libgudev1-devel
  487. * Tue May 11 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.8.1-1
  488. - new upstream release
  489. - remove upstream patch (Patch6057)
  490. * Sat Apr 17 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.8.0-2
  491. - add Patch6057 to import xorg.conf.d changes from upstream.
  492. - change /etc/xorg.conf.d to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
  493. - system provided configs should go to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d
  494. * Fri Apr 02 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.8.0-1
  495. - new upstream release
  496. * Wed Mar 24 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  497. - update to new git snapshot
  498. * Tue Mar 16 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  499. - update to new git snapshot
  500. - cleanup spec file
  501. - import patch2014,6028,6049,6051 from fedora
  502. * Thu Mar 11 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  503. - update to 1.8rc1 (
  504. - import patch5002,6002,6030,6033 from fedora
  505. - add 00-evdev.conf, 10-quirks.conf
  506. - build against mesa-7.8(git snapshot)
  507. * Fri Feb 19 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.7.5-1
  508. - new upstream release
  509. * Mon Feb 08 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.7.4-2
  510. - rebuild with new toolchain
  511. - run autoreconf
  512. * Sat Jan 09 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.7.4-1
  513. - new upstream release
  514. * Sat Dec 05 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.7.3-1
  515. - new upstream release
  516. * Fri Nov 27 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.7.2-1
  517. - new upstream release
  518. * Tue Nov 24 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.7.1-3
  519. - add BR: openssl-devel (<BTS:0826>)
  520. - build against mesa-7.6
  521. - update BR: mesa-libGL-devel >= 7.6-1
  522. * Sat Nov 21 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.7.1-2
  523. - add R: pixman-devel, libpciaccess-devel to -sdk (<BTS:820>)
  524. * Wed Nov 18 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.7.1-1
  525. - new upstream release
  526. * Mon Sep 14 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.6.3-2
  527. - update Patch6012 to use vesa for poulsbo
  528. - merge patch6029
  529. - add Patch6040 to autodetect nvidia driver
  530. - add Patch6041 to autodetect fglrx driver
  531. - add Patch6042 to autodetect virtual video driver
  532. - add Patch6042 to autodetect geode driver
  533. - add Pathc6050 to fallback to vesa driver
  534. - add BR: libXdamage-devel, libXv-devel
  535. * Sat Aug 01 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.6.3-1
  536. - new upstream release
  537. * Thu Jul 09 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.6.2-1
  538. - new upstream release
  539. * Thu Apr 30 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.6.1-3
  540. - import fedora and/or upstream patch
  541. - remove Requires: xorg-x11-drv-mouse (we use evdev for mouse)
  542. * Sat Apr 25 2009 NAKAMURA Kenta <kenta@vinelinux.org> 1.6.1-2
  543. - updated Patch1003: xserver-1.6.1-pic-libxf86config.patch to build libxf86config with fPIC
  544. * Thu Apr 16 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.6.1-1
  545. - new upstream release
  546. * Sun Mar 22 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.6.0-1
  547. - new upstream releaase
  548. - add Patch1003 to build libxf86config with -fPIC
  549. - add BR: pixman-devel >= 0.14.0
  550. - add BR: xorg-x11-xtrans-devel >= 1.2.3
  551. * Sun Nov 09 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.5.3-2
  552. - rebuild with libXaw.so.7 (libXaw-1.0.5)
  553. * Sat Nov 08 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.5.3-1
  554. - new upstream release
  555. - add Patch2000
  556. - do not diable kbd driver even if AllowEmptyInput is on.
  557. * Tue Oct 21 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.5.2-2
  558. - rebuild with libdrm-2.4.0-3, mesa-7.2
  559. * Mon Oct 13 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.5.2-1
  560. - new upstream release
  561. * Thu Sep 25 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.5.1-1
  562. - new upstream release
  563. * Thu Sep 04 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.5.0-1
  564. - new upstream release
  565. - disable dri2 (upstream default)
  566. * Thu Jul 24 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  567. - new upstream release
  568. * Thu Jul 24 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  569. - add dix/protocol.txt to -source subpackage
  570. * Sat Jul 05 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  571. - add Patch101, 1014 from fedora
  572. * Wed Jul 02 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  573. - update to (1.5RC5)
  574. - add -common subpackage
  575. * Thu Jun 12 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.4.2-1
  576. - new upstream release
  577. * Wed Jun 11 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.4.1-1
  578. - new upstream release
  579. * Sun May 18 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  580. - new versioning policy
  581. * Fri Jan 18 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  582. - initial build for Vine Linux
  583. * Mon Sep 17 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  584. - xserver-1.3.0-edid-quirk-backports.patch: Update the EDID quirks code
  585. to match current git.
  586. * Thu Sep 06 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  587. - xserver-1.3.0-xrandr-timestamp-buglet.patch: Make sure xrandr doesn't
  588. stop working after several hours. (Marius Gedminas, #273801)
  589. * Fri Aug 24 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  590. - Bump BuildRequires: xorg-x11-xtrans-devel to pull in abstract socket
  591. support.
  592. * Thu Aug 23 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  593. - xserver-1.3.0-document-fontpath-correctly.patch: Fix man page to point to
  594. directories that exist. (#251203, Matト嬲 Cepl)
  595. * Wed Aug 15 2007 Dave Airlie <airlied@redhat.com>
  596. - xserver-1.3.0-newglx-offscreen-pixmaps.patch: fix zero-copy TFP again
  597. * Tue Aug 14 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  598. - xserver-1.3.0-newglx-offscreen-pixmaps.patch: Zero-copy TFP is busted
  599. on at least my laptop, so turn it off again.
  600. * Mon Aug 13 2007 Dave Airlie <airlied@redhat.com>
  601. - xserver-1.3.0-mesa7.patch: Add support for building against mesa 7.0.1
  602. along with DRI zero-copy TFP hopefully
  603. - xserver-1.3.0-exaupgrade.patch: Add updated EXA support
  604. - dropped xserver- - upstream
  605. - rebase xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-offscreen-pixmaps.patch to xserver-1.3.0-newglx-offscreen-pixmaps.patch
  606. - dropped xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-glcore-visual-matching.patch - fixed upstream
  607. * Thu Aug 09 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  608. - xserver-1.3.0-default-dpi.patch: Switch default DPI to 100, on the
  609. principle that 75 is almost never right and 100 is much more likely.
  610. * Thu Aug 02 2007 Dave Airlie <airlied@redhat.com>
  611. - xserver-1.3.0-add-really-slow-bcopy.patch: Speed server start on some cards
  612. * Thu Jul 12 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  613. - xserver-1.3.0-edid-quirk-backports.patch: Backport EDID quirks from
  614. master; fixes some Samsung monitors. (#232810)
  615. * Thu Jul 12 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  616. - xserver-1.3.0-composite-version.patch: Force the server to report the
  617. Composite extension version it supports, not simply the version defined
  618. by the protocol headers it was built against.
  619. * Mon Jul 02 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  620. - Add IDLETIME sync counter for great powersaving justice.
  621. - Conditionalise default font path for F7 spec compatibility.
  622. * Wed Jun 27 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  623. - Tweak %%post Xorg slightly to not demolish ModulePath lines installed by
  624. the nvidia driver. (#244359)
  625. * Wed Jun 27 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  626. - Obsolete the joystick and elo2300 drivers, they never worked and shouldn't
  627. be installed.
  628. * Fri Jun 22 2007 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> -
  629. - Change the default font path to catalogue:/etc/X11/fontpath.d,built-ins
  630. - Drop build dependency xorg-x11-font-utils.
  631. * Mon Jun 11 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  632. - xserver-1.3.0-reput-video.patch: Don't crash when minimizing an Xv
  633. window. (#241214)
  634. * Wed Jun 06 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  635. - xserver-1.3.0-ramdac-export.patch: Make sure the old ramdac symbols are
  636. exported, since they're in-server now. (#242800)
  637. * Mon Jun 04 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  638. - xserver-1.3.0-randrama-no-zero-screens.patch: For RANDR 1.2's fake
  639. Xinerama info, don't report Xinerama as being active if there are no
  640. RANDR 1.2 CRTCs active for that screen. (#234567)
  641. - xserver-1.3.0-arm-iopl.patch: Add __arm__ conditionals to many #ifdefs.
  642. * Sat May 26 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  643. - Make sdk subpackage Require: pkgconfig. Spotted in review for
  644. xorg-x11-drv-apm. (#226577)
  645. * Fri May 11 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  646. - xserver-1.3.0-fbdevhw-magic-numbers.patch: If the fbdev driver claims to
  647. have a zero pixel clock, believe it. Fixes Xen paravirt. (#238451)
  648. * Mon May 07 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  649. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-offscreen-pixmaps.patch: Fix a crash when activating
  650. GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap without XAA.
  651. - xserver-1.3.0-randr12-config-hack.patch: If a Modes line is given in
  652. the Screen section, and no PreferredMode option is given for a RANDR 1.2
  653. monitor, use the first mode in the Modes line as the preferred mode.
  654. Fixes anaconda ugliness on monitors larger than 800x600. (#238991)
  655. * Mon Apr 30 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  656. - xserver-1.3.0-xkb-and-loathing.patch: Ignore (not just block) SIGALRM
  657. around calls to Popen()/Pclose(). Fixes a hang in openoffice when
  658. opening menus.
  659. - Modify BuildRequires to use the virtual protocol Provides.
  660. * Wed Apr 25 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  661. - xserver-1.3.0-less-randr-fakerama.patch: Disable RANDR's fake Xinerama
  662. geometry when there's more than one protocol screen. (#231257)
  663. * Mon Apr 23 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  664. - xserver 1.3.0.
  665. * Fri Apr 13 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  666. - xserver-rc5-to-now.patch: Updates from git.
  667. * Wed Apr 11 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  668. - xserver-1.3.0-no-prerelease-warning.patch: Hush the useless prerelease
  669. warning if we happen to be building one (and even if not).
  670. - xserver-1.3.0-pci-device-enable.patch: Make sure the PCI device is enabled
  671. in sysfs before we start touching it, otherwise, armageddon.
  672. * Tue Apr 10 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  673. - xserver-1.3.0-domain-obiwan.patch: Fix a PCI domain off-by-one. (#235861)
  674. - xserver-1.3.0-x86emu-imul-int64.patch: Fix imul in x86emu. (#235861)
  675. * Mon Apr 09 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  676. - xserver-1.3.0-pci-bus-count.patch: Allocate the PCI bus array dynamically,
  677. so as not to run off the end of it.
  678. - xserver-1.3.0-mmap-failure-check.patch: Check for failure when mmap'ing
  679. bus memory. (#234073)
  680. - xserver-1.3.0-rom-search.patch: Look for the sysfs ROM file in the (flat)
  681. /sys/bus/pci/devices tree, instead of the (bus-topological) /sys/devices,
  682. so we don't fail to find ROMs merely because they're behind a bridge.
  683. - xserver-1.3.0-no-pseudocolor-composite.patch: Refuse to initialize
  684. Composite when Render is missing or when the root window is using
  685. a pseudocolor visual. (#217388)
  686. - xserver-1.3.0-xnest-exposures.patch: Fix Motif app redraw in Xnest. (#229350)
  687. * Fri Apr 06 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  688. - xserver 1.3 RC5.
  689. * Fri Mar 30 2007 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@redhat.com>
  690. - Fix regression with PCI domains, but disjoint bus numbers (#207659)
  691. * Fri Mar 30 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  692. - xserver 1.3 RC3.
  693. * Mon Mar 19 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  694. - xserver 1.3 RC2.
  695. * Tue Mar 13 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  696. - xserver- Fix yet another GLX visual
  697. mess. (#231425)
  698. * Mon Mar 05 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  699. - xserver 1.3 RC1. RANDR 1.2 hotness in the hizzouse.
  700. - xserver-1.2.0-honor-displaysize.patch: Honor the DisplaySize config
  701. directive again (#220248)
  702. - Clean up the post-install cleanup
  703. * Fri Mar 02 2007 Adam Tkac <atkac@redhat.com> 1.2.0-10
  704. - change permissions of files in source package to default from read-only
  705. * Mon Feb 26 2007 Adam Tkac <atkac@redhat.com> 1.2.0-9
  706. - Created new package (xorg-x11-server-source) which is needed to build VNC
  707. server.
  708. * Fri Feb 23 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.2.0-8
  709. - xserver-1.2.0-proper-randr-version.patch: Report the RANDR version we
  710. actually implement, instead of the version defined by the protocol headers.
  711. * Thu Feb 22 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.2.0-7
  712. - Various backports from git master:
  713. - xserver-1.2.0-xfixes-clientgone-check.patch: Avoids a crash when sending
  714. events to clients that just disconnected.
  715. - xserver-1.2.0-os-memory-leak.patch: Plugs a per-connection memory leak.
  716. - xserver-1.2.0-int10-rdtsc.patch: Implement rdtsc in the int10 emulator.
  717. - xserver-1.2.0-glcore-visual-count.patch: Count glcore visuals properly,
  718. fixes crash at exit.
  719. * Mon Feb 05 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.2.0-6
  720. - xorg-x11-server-Red-Hat-extramodes.patch:
  721. - Add 1360x768 normal and reduced-blanking.
  722. - Add reduced-blanking versions of 1680x1050 and 1920x{1200,1080}.
  723. - Remove the >60Hz versions of 2560x1600. Even leaving the 60Hz timing is
  724. kind of ridiculous, since every real LCD that size I've seen uses the
  725. reduced blanking timings. But presumably if you have that nice of a
  726. monitor, you also have a video card with working DDC.
  727. * Sun Feb 04 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.2.0-5
  728. - Massive spec formatting and style cleanup.
  729. - Build Xdmx on all arches.
  730. - Enable GL support even on non-DRI machines.
  731. - Re-add DRI to ppc64.
  732. - Update BuildRequires to current versions.
  733. - Remove some bogus Requires.
  734. * Wed Jan 31 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.2.0-4
  735. - Fix typo in SDK header. (#222487)
  736. * Mon Jan 29 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.2.0-3
  737. - Fix MMX check on AMD CPUs. (#222332)
  738. - Fix Xephyr keysym init on LP64. (#224311)
  739. * Wed Jan 24 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.2.0-2
  740. - Delete ModulePath lines rather than attempt to munge them. (#186338)
  741. * Tue Jan 23 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.2.0-1
  742. - Xorg server 1.2.0.
  743. * Tue Jan 09 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.1.1-57
  744. - xorg-xserver-1.1.0-dbe-render.diff: CVE #2006-6101
  745. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.0-redhat-xephyr-only-hack.patch: Skip building the
  746. non-Xephyr kdrive servers entirely.
  747. * Mon Dec 18 2006 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.1.1-56
  748. - RHEL5 sync:
  749. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-maxpixclock-option.patch: Allow the maximum pixel
  750. clock of a monitor to be specified in the config file.
  751. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-glcore-visual-matching.patch: Fix a client crash
  752. when creating software indirect GLX contexts.
  753. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-vt-activate-is-a-terrible-api.patch: During server
  754. init, abort if either VT activation ioctl fails. During shutdown, be
  755. sure to wait for the VT switch to finish before exiting.
  756. * Mon Dec 11 2006 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.1.1-55
  757. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-lid-close-crash.patch: Added, backport from head.
  758. (#197921)
  759. * Mon Dec 11 2006 Adam Tkac <atkac redhat com> 1.1.1-54.1.fc7
  760. - fixed building against mesa-6.5.2
  761. * Fri Dec 1 2006 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.1.1-54.fc7
  762. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-xkb-vidmode-switch.patch: Fix string matching on
  763. XKB actions to be case-insensitive again. (#216656)
  764. * Fri Dec 1 2006 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.1.1-53.fc7
  765. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-automake-1.10-fixes.patch: Tweak automakefiles to be
  766. 1.10-compliant.
  767. - Misc spec fixes.
  768. * Mon Nov 27 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-52.fc7
  769. - RHEL5 sync:
  770. - Deliver SecurityPolicy in Xvfb when !with_hw_servers (s390, s390x)
  771. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-ia64-int10.patch: Fix int10 on ia64.
  772. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-ia64-pci-chipsets.patch: ia64 PCI chipset support.
  773. - Unify the autoconfig patches.
  774. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-xf86config-comment-less.patch: Added, makes
  775. pyxf86config not grow the config file every time it's run.
  776. - Remove with_developer_utils macro.
  777. * Fri Nov 10 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-51.fc7
  778. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-no-scanpci.patch: Drop scanpci, it's huge and
  779. there's no added value relative to lspci.
  780. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-spurious-libxf1bpp-link.patch: Minor linktime
  781. fixup. There's no reason for libxf4bpp to link against libxf1bpp.
  782. * Thu Nov 9 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-50.fc7
  783. - Fix man page globs to not care whether it's .1.gz or .1x.gz, etc.
  784. * Wed Nov 8 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-49.fc7
  785. - Switch to using the x86emu version of libint10 even on x86. Unifies
  786. behaviour among CPUs and works around Xen vm86 emulation bogosity.
  787. * Wed Nov 8 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com>
  788. - Add FC7 todo list
  789. - Bump Release number back to 48, got reduced somehow.
  790. * Fri Oct 13 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-48.fc7
  791. - Do not try own /usr/lib/pkgconfig in sdk package.
  792. - Drop dependency on xorg-x11-fonts-base now that we compile in
  793. 'fixed' and 'cursor' fonts.
  794. - Drop xorg-redhat-die-ugly-pattern-die-die-die.patch; use -br option
  795. instead.
  796. * Wed Oct 4 2006 Soren Sandmann <sandmann@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-47.fc6
  797. - graphics-expose.patch: Call miHandleExposures() with non-translated
  798. coordinates.
  799. * Wed Oct 4 2006 Soren Sandmann <sandmann@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-46.fc6
  800. - Fix over-zealous code deletion in graphics-expose.patch.
  801. * Wed Oct 4 2006 Soren Sandmann <sandmann@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-45.fc6
  802. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-graphics-expose.patch: call
  803. miHandleExposures() in CopyArea/CopyPlane explicitly in cw to
  804. generate GraphicsExposes correctly. (#209336).
  805. * Mon Oct 2 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-44.fc6
  806. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-offscreen-pixmaps.patch: Take the server lock
  807. before calling back into XAA to evict pixmaps (#204810).
  808. * Wed Sep 27 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-43.fc6
  809. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-vt-activate-is-a-terrible-api.patch: Since the
  810. VT_ACTIVATE/VT_WAITACTIVE pair are never guaranteed to successfully
  811. complete, set a 5 second timeout on the WAITACTIVE, and retry the pair
  812. until we win. (#207746)
  813. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.0-pci-scan-fixes.patch: Partial revert to unbreak some
  814. (but not all) domainful machines, including Pegasos. (#207659)
  815. * Mon Sep 25 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-42.fc6
  816. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-getconfig-pl-die-die-die.patch: Fix XGI cards (#208000)
  817. * Fri Sep 22 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-41.fc6
  818. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-vbe-filter-less.patch: Be gentler about rejecting
  819. VESA modes early, since xf86ValidateModes should handle them just fine.
  820. * Wed Sep 20 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-40.fc6
  821. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-pclose-confusion.patch: Be sure to call Pclose()
  822. on pipes created with Popen(), since the additional magic done by Popen()
  823. relative to popen() is not undone by plain pclose(). (Third base!)
  824. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-edid-hex-dump.patch: Backport EDID hex dump code
  825. from git.
  826. * Wed Sep 20 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> 1.1.1-39.fc6
  827. - Bump xorg-x11-proto-devel BuildRequires version and add Conflict
  828. line for older mesa releases, so GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap opcodes
  829. match.
  830. * Thu Sep 7 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.coM> - 1.1.1-38.fc6
  831. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-believe-monitor-rb-modes.patch: Always believe the
  832. monitor when it reports a reduced-blanking mode, even over VGA.
  833. * Thu Sep 7 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-37.fc6
  834. - Add "built-ins" to default font path.
  835. * Wed Sep 6 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-36.fc6
  836. - Enable builtin fallback versions of cursor and fixed fonts.
  837. * Tue Sep 5 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-35.fc6
  838. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-always-mouse-thyself.patch: Fix the check to look
  839. for mouse/void drivers in the running layout, as opposed to the config file,
  840. so as not to synthesize two mouse devices.
  841. * Thu Aug 31 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-34.fc6
  842. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-infer-virtual.patch: Be slightly more paranoid about
  843. setting line pitch, and rescan the mode list after pruning to re-validate
  844. the estimated virtual size.
  845. * Wed Aug 30 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-33.fc6
  846. - Update xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-offscreen-pixmaps.patch to evict pixmap
  847. when GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is first used.
  848. * Wed Aug 30 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-32.fc6
  849. - Drop xorg-x11-server-1.1.0-gl-include-inferiors.patch now that
  850. compiz can uses the composite overlay window.
  851. * Mon Aug 28 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-31.fc6
  852. - Update xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-offscreen-pixmaps.patch to log transitions.
  853. - Update xorg-x11-server-1.1.0-tfp-damage.patch to always bind to
  855. * Fri Aug 25 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-30.fc6
  856. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-pci-paranoia.patch: In xf86MatchPciInstances, fail
  857. gracefully if xf86PciVideoInfo is NULL (like, on Xen).
  858. * Fri Aug 25 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-29.fc6
  859. - Add xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-aiglx-happy-vt-switch.patch to fix VT
  860. switching (and suspend/resume) when using AIGLX. (#199692, fdo #7916).
  861. - Bump mesa source and libGL BuildRequires.
  862. - Update mesa-6.5.1 patch to work with 6.5.1 rc1 (slang_version_syn.h
  863. renamed to slang_pp_version_syn.h).
  864. * Thu Aug 24 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-28.fc6
  865. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-infer-virtual.patch: Only flag modes as preferred
  866. if the EDID block says to.
  867. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-mode-sort-kung-fu.patch: Enforce a sort order on
  868. modes during lookup: builtin before driver before userdef before other,
  869. and preferred modes within a class before others in that class.
  870. * Tue Aug 22 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-27.fc6
  871. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-edid-quirks-list.patch: Don't set an arbitrary
  872. pixclock limit if the monitor didn't claim to have one.
  873. * Mon Aug 21 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-26.fc6
  874. - Add Tilman Sauerbecks patch to fix AIGLX DRI locking.
  875. * Fri Aug 18 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-25.fc6
  876. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-xvfb-composite-crash.patch: Fix Xvfb's -render flag
  877. to also disable the Composite extension.
  878. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-mesa-6.5.1.patch: Update build system to account for
  879. Mesa 6.5.1 snapshots.
  880. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.0-edid-mode-injection-2.patch: Add all available
  881. standard timings from EDID rather than just the first five.
  882. * Fri Aug 18 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-24.fc6
  883. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-edid-quirks-list.patch: Unbreak.
  884. * Fri Aug 18 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-23.fc6
  885. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-xkb-in-xnest.patch: Added. (#193431)
  886. * Thu Aug 17 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-22.fc6
  887. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-infer-virtual.patch: When no modes or virtual size
  888. are given in the config file, attempt to pick a sensible one by examining
  889. the EDID modes and physical geometry. Also generally make the server
  890. aware of driver-provided modes.
  891. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-edid-quirks-list.patch: Redo, since the property I was
  892. checking for is both fairly common and fairly predictable.
  893. * Tue Aug 15 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-21.fc6
  894. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-fix-default-mouse-device-yet-again.patch: Added.
  895. * Thu Aug 10 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-20.fc6
  896. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-always-mouse-thyself.patch: If we lack a mouse
  897. device in the config, and the user hasn't asked for any void devices,
  898. synthesize a mouse section. (#200347)
  899. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-edid-quirks-list.patch: Better formatting.
  900. * Wed Aug 9 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-19.fc6
  901. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-builderstring.patch: Enable the builder info
  902. string at configure time;
  903. - ... and use it to print the package name and version.
  904. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-defaultdepth-24.patch: Set default depth to 24.
  905. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-edid-quirks-list.patch: Add EDID quirks list as
  906. an experiment; needs a better solution though.
  907. * Tue Aug 8 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-18.fc6
  908. - Update offscreen-pixmaps patch to migrate pixmaps when the compiz
  909. selection is taken.
  910. * Mon Aug 7 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-17.fc5.aiglx
  911. - Build for fc5 aiglx repo.
  912. * Mon Aug 7 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-17.fc6
  913. - Add xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-offscreen-pixmaps.patch to default
  914. XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps to false, for now.
  915. * Mon Aug 7 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-16.fc6
  916. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.0-edid-mode-injection-2.patch: Off-by-one error in
  917. range storage.
  918. * Wed Aug 2 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-15.fc6
  919. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.0-edid-mode-injection-2.patch: Allow HorizSync and
  920. VertRefresh to be overridden independently.
  921. * Fri Jul 28 2006 Kevin E Martin <kem@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-14.fc6
  922. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-revert-xkb-change.patch: Revert change to xkb that
  923. broke XkbGetKeyboard().
  924. * Fri Jul 28 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-13.fc5.aiglx
  925. - Add conflicts for ABI incompatible version of xorg-x11-drv-i810 and
  926. xorg-x11-drv-ati.
  927. * Fri Jul 28 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-13.fc6
  928. - Comment out the 848x480 modes from the extramodes patch. Any panel that
  929. wants it should be doing EDID injection by now, and it screws up
  930. autoconfig by _just_ fitting in the ranges for 800x600.
  931. * Wed Jul 26 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.1.1-12.fc6
  932. - Added "1920x1080" CVT modes to Red-Hat-extramodes patch for (#195272)
  933. - Sorted the extramodes file by X res, then Y res for ease of maintenance.
  934. * Tue Jul 25 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-11.fc6
  935. - Add selinux{,-devel} buildreqs.
  936. * Tue Jul 25 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-10.fc6
  937. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-selinux-awareness.patch: Added for new Mesa
  938. selinux code.
  939. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-Xdmx-render-fix-fdo7482.patch: Backport a Render
  940. fix for Xdmx.
  941. - xorg-x11-server-1.1.1-no-composite-in-xnest.patch: Disable Composite in
  942. Xnest, as it's known not to work.
  943. - Fix default font path to match the config file we used to generate.
  944. - Fix default module set to match the config file we used to generate.
  945. - Disable use of TLS GLX dispatch to match Mesa selinux nonsense.
  946. * Mon Jul 24 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.1.1-8.fc6
  947. - Added "1440x900@60" CVT mode to Red-Hat-extramodes patch for (#179865)
  948. * Fri Jul 21 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com>
  949. - Added "1152x864 @ 100.00" GTF mode to Red-Hat-extramodes patch (#49264)
  950. * Fri Jul 21 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.1.1-7.fc6
  951. - Only ship pcitweak manpage if we are building it (#199653)
  952. - Fix dist tag usage (Was {dist}, should be {?dist})
  953. - Added xorg-x11-server-libxf86config-dont-write-empty-sections.patch to
  954. prevent config file parser/writer from writing out empty sections (#198653)
  955. - Add dependency on xorg-x11-fonts-base to all X server subpackages (#186091)
  956. * Tue Jul 18 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> 1.1.1-6.fc6
  957. - Saner defaults for hsync/vrefresh on monitors that can't be probed
  958. * Thu Jul 13 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> 1.1.1-5.fc6
  959. - Tag as 1.1.1-5.fc6.
  960. * Wed Jul 12 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> 1.1.1-5.fc5.aiglx
  961. - Enable composite by default.
  962. - Split spiffiffity patch into one patch per change:
  963. xorg-x11-server-1.1.0-no-move-damage.patch and
  964. xorg-x11-server-1.1.0-dont-backfill-bg-none.patch.
  965. * Wed Jul 12 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-4.fc6
  966. - Restore placing the raw EDID block on the root window.
  967. * Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> 1.1.1-3.1.fc6
  968. - rebuild
  969. * Tue Jul 11 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-3.fc6
  970. - Enable DPMS by default.
  971. * Tue Jul 11 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-2.fc6
  972. - Remove nonsensical runtime perl dependency.
  973. * Sat Jul 08 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.1-1.fc6
  974. - Update to 1.1.1.
  975. * Sat Jul 08 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> 1.1.0-27.fc6
  976. - Enable TLS for GLX to match the mesa build config.
  977. * Fri Jul 07 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> 1.1.0-26
  978. - Add xorg-x11-server-1.1.0-mesa-copy-sub-buffer.patch to hook up the
  979. GLX_MESA_copy_sub_buffer extension.
  980. * Fri Jun 30 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.1.0-25.fc6
  981. - Start using the new %%{dist} tag <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DistTag>
  982. experimentally in the package Release field to help prevent problems like
  983. (#197266) from occuring in the future.
  984. * Wed Jun 28 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com>
  985. - Disable build dependency on zlib-devel now that we are not uselessly linking
  986. against it.
  987. * Tue Jun 27 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.0-24
  988. - Don't (uselessly) link the server against zlib.
  989. - Fix the 1680x1050 modes to be the CVT timings instead of GTF.
  990. * Mon Jun 26 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.0-23
  991. - Fix an open-coded check for reduced-blanking modes to only apply to analog
  992. connectors.
  993. - Reorder the EDID patches slightly.
  994. * Tue Jun 20 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.1.0-22
  995. - Added xorg-xserver-1.1.0-setuid.diff to fix potential security issue (#196094)
  996. - Disable DRI on ppc64 builds.
  997. - Conditionalize inclusion of DRI related X server modules to with_dri builds.
  998. * Tue Jun 20 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> 1.1.0-21
  999. - Update xorg-x11-server-1.1.0-tfp-damage.patch to use glTexSubImage2D
  1000. to only update the part of the texture that changed, based on damage
  1001. regions.
  1002. * Mon Jun 19 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.1.0-20
  1003. - Remove with_xnest_server conditional, and fix more BuildRequires to pull
  1004. in libX11-devel, libXext-devel, zlib-devel, etc. for Xnest and Xephyr.
  1005. - Remove unwanted files leftover in buildroot for s390/s390x builds.
  1006. - Add Xserver.1x manpage to multiple subpackages, as it applies equally to
  1007. Xorg, Xnest, Xvfb, Xephyr.
  1008. * Mon Jun 19 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> 1.1.0-19
  1009. - Add with_xnest_server conditional and disable on s390, since Xnest
  1010. fails to build on there (Xlib doesn't get added to the link line).
  1011. - Add -f to removal of xorgconfig and others which may or may not be built.
  1012. * Mon Jun 19 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> 1.1.0-18
  1013. - Add xorg-x11-server-1.1.0-convolution-filter-fix.patch and
  1014. xorg-x11-server-1.1.0-tfp-damage.patch backported to make compiz go
  1015. faster and make compiz shadows work.
  1016. * Mon Jun 19 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.0-17
  1017. - Disable filling in monitor gamma info from EDID momentarily, since drivers
  1018. will use that field to set the card's gamma ramp.
  1019. - Backport some stuff from git: cw crash fix, faster pci scanning, some
  1020. log message cleanup.
  1021. * Fri Jun 16 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.1.0-16
  1022. - Enable spec support for s390, s390x, alpha, sparc, and sparc64 architectures.
  1023. - Add with_hw_servers conditional to disable hardware servers on s390/s390x.
  1024. - Add with_dmx_server to disable DMX on s390/s390x.
  1025. - Added "release" number to "BuildRequires: freetype-devel >= 2.1.9-1" for
  1026. dependency futureproofing.
  1027. - Force "--disable-dri" on s390/s390x, to attempt to work around ./configure
  1028. failure to find libdrm, which should not be needed on s390 builds anyway.
  1029. * Thu Jun 15 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.0-15
  1030. - Add loader infrastructure for publishing PCI ID lists in the drivers, and
  1031. autodetecting drivers based on that. Currently unused since no drivers
  1032. publish such a list yet.
  1033. - Fix mouse autoconfig to use /dev/input/mice instead of /dev/mouse.
  1034. * Wed Jun 14 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> 1.1.0-14
  1035. - Change selection atom to _COMPIZ_GL_INCLUDE_INFERIORS in
  1036. xorg-x11-server-1.1.0-gl-include-inferiors.patch.
  1037. * Tue Jun 13 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> 1.1.0-13
  1038. - put back my -fPIC patch, libxf86config isn't built with fPIC otherwise
  1039. * Tue Jun 13 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.0-12
  1040. - Add EDID mode autodetection.
  1041. * Mon Jun 12 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> 1.1.0-11
  1042. - Add xorg-x11-server-1.1.0-gl-include-inferiors.patch to let GL
  1043. rendering include child windows.
  1044. * Mon Jun 12 2006 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.1.0-10
  1045. - Misc build fixes for ppc64.
  1046. * Mon Jun 12 2006 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.1.0-9
  1047. - --enable-xorg on ppc64 too.
  1048. - Re-add cvt, got dropped somehow.
  1049. * Fri Jun 09 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com> 1.1.0-8
  1050. - Add our friend, libtool, to BuildRequires.
  1051. * Thu Jun 08 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.1.0-7
  1052. - Change "BuildRequires: freetype-devel >= 2.1.10" to 2.1.9, as Xorg 7.0
  1053. contains 2.1.9 in "extras" and 7.1 does not appear to have a requirement on
  1054. a newer freetype.
  1055. - Janitorial cleanups for spec file changelog consistency.
  1056. - Call aclocal before automake, otherwise automake >= 1.9.6 is required in
  1057. order to rebuild the package.
  1058. - Build 1.1.0-4, 1.1.0-5, and 1.1.0-6 appear to have failed in brew but nobody
  1059. fixed them. It appears automake 1.9 breaks the build.
  1060. * Wed Jun 07 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> 1.1.0-6
  1061. - BR automake and autoconf
  1062. * Wed Jun 07 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> 1.1.0-5
  1063. - build on ppc64 so that we have an X server there
  1064. * Tue Jun 06 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.0-4
  1065. - Hack the kdrive makefile to only attempt to build Xephyr, avoids linking
  1066. sixteen extra servers just to delete them.
  1067. - Move cvt to the default install set, same as gtf.
  1068. * Mon Jun 05 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.0-3
  1069. - Drop the libxf86config -fPIC patch, just build the whole thing with
  1070. --with-pic instead. Add void and evdev to the required driver list for
  1071. upcoming autoconfig magic.
  1072. * Thu May 25 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.1.0-2
  1073. - Add "Requires: xorg-x11-proto-devel >= 7.1-1" to sdk for numerous (52) bug
  1074. reports of drivers failing to build with mock.
  1075. * Tue May 23 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com> 1.1.0-1
  1076. - Xorg 7.1 final.
  1077. * Tue May 23 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com>
  1078. - Disable dependency on xorg-x11-drivers package, for OLPC. (#191781)
  1079. - Add "BuildRequires: freetype-devel >= 2.1.10" for bug (#192021)
  1080. * Fri May 12 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com>
  1081. - Update to 7.1RC3, plus experimental fix for fdo bug #6827.
  1082. * Mon May 01 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com>
  1083. - Update to 7.1RC2 plus fix for CVE 2006-1526. Disable the fastpathing
  1084. patch for fdo bug #4320 since that should be covered in the generic
  1085. Render code now.
  1086. * Mon Apr 24 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com>
  1087. - Backport a Render crash fix from HEAD.
  1088. * Thu Apr 13 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com>
  1089. - Update spiffiffity patch to only suppress move damage events for
  1090. manually redirected windows.
  1091. * Wed Apr 12 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com>
  1092. - Bump for rawhide build.
  1093. * Wed Apr 12 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com>
  1094. - Add xorg-x11-server- to fix crash when
  1095. releasing the COW.
  1096. * Tue Apr 11 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com>
  1097. - Bump for fc5 build.
  1098. * Sat Apr 08 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson@redhat.com>
  1099. - Update to 7.1 RC1.
  1100. * Thu Apr 06 2006 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
  1101. - Remove LBX to match upstream policy.
  1102. - Add Xephyr server.
  1103. * Tue Apr 04 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com>
  1104. - Update to snapshot and go back to using mesa-source package.
  1105. - Drop xorg-server-1.0.99-composite-visibility.patch.
  1106. - Drop xorg-server-1.0.1-backtrace.patch.
  1107. - Drop xorg-server-0.99.3-rgb.txt-dix-config-fix.patch.
  1108. - Add xorg-server-
  1109. * Thu Mar 23 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com>
  1110. - Pass --with-dri-driver-path so we're sure to point it to the right path.
  1111. * Wed Mar 22 2006 Soren Sandmann <sandmann@redhat.com>
  1112. - Add xorg-server-1.0.99-composite-visibility.patch to get rid of flashing
  1113. titlebars in compositing metacity.
  1114. * Tue Mar 21 2006 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com>
  1115. - Update to snapshot.
  1116. * Mon Mar 06 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> 1.0.1-8
  1117. - build libxf86config with -fPIC (#181292)
  1118. - fix sgi 1600sw extra mode (#182430)
  1119. * Wed Feb 22 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> 1.0.1-7
  1120. - install randrstr.h as part of sdk as required for building some drivers
  1121. * Tue Feb 21 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com>
  1122. - Added xorg-server-1.0.1-backtrace.patch which enables the Xorg server's
  1123. built in backtrace support by default, as it was inadvertently disabled in
  1124. 7.0.
  1125. * Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> 1.0.1-6.1
  1126. - bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)
  1127. * Wed Feb 08 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.0.1-6
  1128. - Added xorg-x11-server-1.0.1-Red-Hat-extramodes.patch which is a merger of
  1129. XFree86- and
  1130. xorg-x11-6.8.2-laptop-modes.patch from FC4 for (#180301)
  1131. - Install a copy of the vesamodes and extramodes files which contain the list
  1132. of video modes that are built into the X server, so that the "rhpxl" package
  1133. does not have to carry around an out of sync copy for itself. (#180301)
  1134. * Tue Feb 07 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.0.1-5
  1135. - Updated "BuildRequires: mesa-source >= 6.4.2-2" to get fix for (#176976)
  1136. * Mon Feb 06 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.0.1-4
  1137. - Fix brown paper bag error introduced in rpm post script in 1.0.1-4.
  1138. * Mon Feb 06 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.0.1-3
  1139. - Added xorg-x11-server-1.0.1-composite-fastpath-fdo4320.patch with changes
  1140. suggested by ajax to fix (fdo#4320).
  1141. - Cosmetic cleanups to satiate the banshees.
  1142. * Sun Feb 05 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.0.1-2
  1143. - Added xorg-x11-server-1.0.1-fbpict-fix-rounding.patch from CVS HEAD.
  1144. - Added xorg-x11-server-1.0.1-SEGV-on-null-interface.patch which prevents a
  1145. SEGV on null interfaces (#174279,178986)
  1146. * Wed Jan 18 2006 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.0.1-1
  1147. - Updated to xserver 1.0.1 from X11R7.0
  1148. * Thu Dec 22 2005 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.0.0-3
  1149. - Added "Provides: libxf86config-devel = %{version}-%{release}" to sdk package.
  1150. * Wed Dec 21 2005 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.0.0-2
  1151. - Added xserver-1.0.0-parser-add-missing-headers-to-sdk.patch to provide the
  1152. necessary libxf86config.a headers to be able to use the library. (#173084)
  1153. * Sat Dec 17 2005 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 1.0.0-1
  1154. - Updated to xserver 1.0.0 from X11R7 RC4
  1155. - Removed the following patches, which are now integrated upstream:
  1156. - xorg-server-0.99.3-rgb.txt-dix-config-fix.patch,
  1157. - xorg-server-0.99.3-fbmmx-fix-for-non-SSE-cpu.patch
  1158. - Changed manNx directories to manN to match upstream defaults.
  1159. - Added libxf86config.a to sdk subpackage.
  1160. - Updated build dependency of "mesa-libGL-devel >= 6.4.1-1"
  1161. - Added "BuildRequires: xorg-x11-font-utils >= 1.0.0-1" to be able to query
  1162. the fontdir from fontutil.pc which is implemented currently by a custom
  1163. patch.
  1164. - Enable xtrap, xcsecurity, xevie, and lbx on all builds, not just DRI builds.
  1165. - Fix sdk installation path, so that drivers can find the files again.
  1166. - Update file manifest, to deal with X server modules that have moved to
  1167. a subdir, etc.
  1168. * Mon Nov 28 2005 Kristian Hテクgsberg <krh@redhat.com>
  1169. - Add a few missing BuildRequires.
  1170. * Fri Nov 25 2005 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 0.99.2-9
  1171. - Added "Requires: xorg-x11-drivers >= 0.99.2-4" as a dependency of the Xorg
  1172. subpackage, to ensure that anaconda installs all of the drivers during OS
  1173. installs and upgrades, as requested by Jeremy Katz.
  1174. * Fri Nov 25 2005 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 0.99.2-8
  1175. - Added xorg-server-0.99.3-rgb.txt-dix-config-fix.patch which fixes the
  1176. --with-rgb-path option to actually *work*.
  1177. - Updated libdrm dep to 1.0.5
  1178. * Wed Nov 23 2005 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 0.99.2-7
  1179. - Update xorg-x11-server-utils dep to 0.99.2-5 to ensure rgb.txt is installed
  1180. in correct location - _datadir/X11/rgb
  1181. - Added --with-rgb-path configure option to specify _datadir/X11/rgb so the
  1182. X server finds the rgb.txt database properly, for bugs (#173453, 173435,
  1183. 173428, 173483, 173734, 173737, 173594)
  1184. - Added xorg-server-0.99.3-fbmmx-fix-for-non-SSE-cpu.patch to prevent SSE/MMX
  1185. code from being activated on non-capable VIA CPU. (#173384,fdo#5093)
  1186. * Thu Nov 17 2005 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 0.99.2-6
  1187. - Add the missing rpm pre script from monolithic xorg-x11 packaging,
  1188. clean it up a bit, reorder it for slight performance gain.
  1189. - Add some perl magic to pre script to remove RgbPath from xorg.conf,
  1190. in order to fix bug (#173036, 173435, 173453, 173428)
  1191. - Add more perl magic to pre script to update ModulePath to the new
  1192. location if it is specified in xorg.conf.
  1193. - Added xorg-x11-server-0.99.3-init-origins-fix.patch ported from monolithic
  1194. xorg-x11 package to fix Xinerama bug.
  1195. - Added xorg-redhat-die-ugly-pattern-die-die-die.patch to kill the ugly grey
  1196. stipple once again for bug (#173423).
  1197. - Added "BuildRequires: libdrm-devel" for DRI enabled builds.
  1198. * Mon Nov 14 2005 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> 0.99.3-5
  1199. - Xorg server should be suid for users to be able to run startx (#173064)
  1200. * Mon Nov 14 2005 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 0.99.2-4
  1201. - Added temporary "BuildRequires: libXfont-devel >= 0.99.2-3" and
  1202. "Requires: libXfont-devel >= 0.99.2-3" to ensure early-testers of
  1203. pre-rawhide modular X have installed the work around for (#172997).
  1204. - Added implementation specific "Requires: xkbdata" to Xorg subpackage, as
  1205. we want to ensure the xkb data files are present, but allow us the option
  1206. of easily switching implementations to "xkeyboard-config" at a future
  1207. date, if we decide to go that route.
  1208. - Re-enable _smp_mflags during build.
  1209. - Added "Requires: xorg-x11-drv-vesa" to Xorg subpackage (#173060)
  1210. * Mon Nov 14 2005 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> 0.99.3-3
  1211. - provide Xserver
  1212. - add another requires for basic bits
  1213. * Sun Nov 13 2005 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> 0.99.3-2
  1214. - add some deps to the Xorg subpackage for base fonts, keyboard and mouse
  1215. drivers, and rgb.txt that the server really wont work without
  1216. * Fri Nov 11 2005 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 0.99.3-1
  1217. - Update to xorg-server-0.99.3 from X11R7 RC2.
  1218. - Add xorg-server.m4 to sdk subpackage, and "X" symlink to Xorg subpackage.
  1219. * Thu Nov 10 2005 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 0.99.2-4
  1220. - Added "Requires: xkbcomp" for Xorg server, as it invokes it internally.
  1221. * Wed Nov 09 2005 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 0.99.2-3
  1222. - Added "BuildRequires: libXtst-devel" for Xtst examples.
  1223. * Mon Nov 07 2005 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 0.99.2-2
  1224. - Added versioning to Xorg virtual Provide, to allow config tools and driver
  1225. packages to have version based requires.
  1226. * Thu Oct 27 2005 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 0.99.2-1
  1227. - Update to xorg-server-0.99.2 from X11R7 RC1.
  1228. - Add "BuildRequires: xorg-x11-util-macros >= 0.99.1".
  1229. - Add "BuildRequires: mesa-source >= 6.4-4" for DRI builds.
  1230. - Added dmx related utilities to Xdmx subpackage.
  1231. - Individually list each X server module in file manifest.
  1232. - Hack man1 manpages to be installed into man1x.
  1233. - Add the following ./configure options --disable-dependency-tracking,
  1234. --enable-composite, --enable-xtrap, --enable-xcsecurity, --enable-xevie,
  1235. --enable-lbx, --enable-dri, --with-mesa-source, --with-module-dir,
  1236. --with-os-name, --with-os-vendor, --with-xkb-output, --disable-xorgcfg
  1237. - Added getconfig, scanpci et al to Xorg subpackage
  1238. - Added inb, inl, inw, ioport, outboutl, outw, pcitweak utils to Xorg package
  1239. conditionally, defaulting to "off". These utilities are potentially
  1240. dangerous and can physically damage hardware and/or destroy data, so are
  1241. not shipped by default.
  1242. - Added "BuildRequires: libdmx-devel" for dmx utilities
  1243. - Added "BuildRequires: libXres-devel" for Xres examples
  1244. - Added {_libdir}/xserver/SecurityPolicy to Xorg subpackage for XSECURITY
  1245. * Mon Oct 03 2005 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 0.99.1-2.cvs20050830.2
  1246. - Fix license tag to be "MIT/X11"
  1247. - Change Xdmx subpackage to Obsolete xorg-x11-Xdmx instead of xorg-x11-Xnest
  1248. * Sun Oct 02 2005 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 0.99.1-2.cvs20050830.1
  1249. - Update BuildRequires for new library package naming (libX...)
  1250. - Use Fedora Extras style BuildRoot tag
  1251. - Invoke make with _smp_mflags to take advantage of SMP systems
  1252. * Tue Aug 30 2005 Kristian Hogsberg <krh@redhat.com> 0.99.1-2.cvs20050830
  1253. - Go back to %spec -n, use new cvs snapshot that supports overriding
  1254. moduledir during make install, use %makeinstall.
  1255. - Drop %{moduledir}/multimedia globs.
  1256. * Fri Aug 26 2005 Mike A. Harris <mharris@redhat.com> 0.99.1-2.cvs20050825.0
  1257. - Added build dependency on xorg-x11-libfontenc-devel, as the build fails
  1258. half way through without it, even though upstream dependencies do not
  1259. specify it as required.
  1260. * Tue Aug 23 2005 Kristian Hogsberg <krh@redhat.com> 0.99.1-1
  1261. - Initial spec file for the modular X server.