texlive-collection-latexextra-vl.spec 235 KB

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  2008. Source1993: smartref.tar.xz
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  2412. Source2397: warpcol.doc.tar.xz
  2413. Source2398: warpcol.source.tar.xz
  2414. Source2399: warpcol.tar.xz
  2415. Source2400: was.doc.tar.xz
  2416. Source2401: was.source.tar.xz
  2417. Source2402: was.tar.xz
  2418. Source2403: widetable.doc.tar.xz
  2419. Source2404: widetable.source.tar.xz
  2420. Source2405: widetable.tar.xz
  2421. Source2406: williams.doc.tar.xz
  2422. Source2407: williams.tar.xz
  2423. Source2408: withargs.doc.tar.xz
  2424. Source2409: withargs.tar.xz
  2425. Source2410: wordlike.doc.tar.xz
  2426. Source2411: wordlike.source.tar.xz
  2427. Source2412: wordlike.tar.xz
  2428. Source2413: wrapfig.doc.tar.xz
  2429. Source2414: wrapfig.tar.xz
  2430. Source2415: xargs.doc.tar.xz
  2431. Source2416: xargs.source.tar.xz
  2432. Source2417: xargs.tar.xz
  2433. Source2418: xcomment.doc.tar.xz
  2434. Source2419: xcomment.tar.xz
  2435. Source2420: xhfill.doc.tar.xz
  2436. Source2421: xhfill.tar.xz
  2437. Source2422: xtab.doc.tar.xz
  2438. Source2423: xtab.source.tar.xz
  2439. Source2424: xtab.tar.xz
  2440. Source2425: xdoc.doc.tar.xz
  2441. Source2426: xdoc.source.tar.xz
  2442. Source2427: xdoc.tar.xz
  2443. Source2428: xfor.doc.tar.xz
  2444. Source2429: xfor.source.tar.xz
  2445. Source2430: xfor.tar.xz
  2446. Source2431: xifthen.doc.tar.xz
  2447. Source2432: xifthen.tar.xz
  2448. Source2433: xint.doc.tar.xz
  2449. Source2434: xint.source.tar.xz
  2450. Source2435: xint.tar.xz
  2451. Source2436: xmpincl.doc.tar.xz
  2452. Source2437: xmpincl.source.tar.xz
  2453. Source2438: xmpincl.tar.xz
  2454. Source2439: xnewcommand.doc.tar.xz
  2455. Source2440: xnewcommand.tar.xz
  2456. Source2441: xoptarg.doc.tar.xz
  2457. Source2442: xoptarg.tar.xz
  2458. Source2443: xpatch.doc.tar.xz
  2459. Source2444: xpatch.source.tar.xz
  2460. Source2445: xpatch.tar.xz
  2461. Source2446: xpeek.doc.tar.xz
  2462. Source2447: xpeek.source.tar.xz
  2463. Source2448: xpeek.tar.xz
  2464. Source2449: xpunctuate.doc.tar.xz
  2465. Source2450: xpunctuate.source.tar.xz
  2466. Source2451: xpunctuate.tar.xz
  2467. Source2452: xstring.doc.tar.xz
  2468. Source2453: xstring.tar.xz
  2469. Source2454: xwatermark.doc.tar.xz
  2470. Source2455: xwatermark.tar.xz
  2471. Source2456: xytree.doc.tar.xz
  2472. Source2457: xytree.tar.xz
  2473. Source2458: yafoot.doc.tar.xz
  2474. Source2459: yafoot.source.tar.xz
  2475. Source2460: yafoot.tar.xz
  2476. Source2461: yagusylo.doc.tar.xz
  2477. Source2462: yagusylo.source.tar.xz
  2478. Source2463: yagusylo.tar.xz
  2479. Source2464: ydoc.doc.tar.xz
  2480. Source2465: ydoc.source.tar.xz
  2481. Source2466: ydoc.tar.xz
  2482. Source2467: yplan.doc.tar.xz
  2483. Source2468: yplan.tar.xz
  2484. Source2469: zed-csp.doc.tar.xz
  2485. Source2470: zed-csp.tar.xz
  2486. Source2471: ziffer.doc.tar.xz
  2487. Source2472: ziffer.tar.xz
  2488. Source2473: zwgetfdate.doc.tar.xz
  2489. Source2474: zwgetfdate.tar.xz
  2490. Source2475: zwpagelayout.doc.tar.xz
  2491. Source2476: zwpagelayout.tar.xz
  2492. Requires: texlive = %{version}
  2493. Requires: texlive-collection-latexrecommended = %{version}
  2494. Requires: texlive-collection-pictures = %{version}
  2495. Requires(post): texlive = %{version}
  2496. Requires(postun): texlive = %{version}
  2497. BuildArch: noarch
  2498. Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  2499. Vendor: Project Vine
  2500. Distribution: Vine Linux
  2501. Packager: munepi
  2502. %description
  2503. The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system for a
  2504. variety of Unix, Macintosh, Windows and other platforms. It
  2505. encompasses programs for editing, typesetting, previewing and printing
  2506. of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection
  2507. of TeX macros and font libraries.
  2508. The distribution includes extensive general documentation about TeX,
  2509. as well as the documentation for the included software packages.
  2510. This package is a collection of LaTeX additional packages:
  2511. A very large collection of add-on packages for LaTeX.
  2512. This package contains the following CTAN packages:
  2513. 2up:
  2514. ESIEEcv: Curriculum vitae for French use.
  2515. GS1: Typeset EAN barcodes using TeX rules, only.
  2516. HA-prosper: Patches and improvements for prosper.
  2517. Tabbing: Tabbing with accented letters.
  2518. a0poster: Support for designing posters on large paper.
  2519. a4wide: "Wide" a4 layout.
  2520. a5comb: Support for a5 paper sizes.
  2521. abraces: Asymmetric over-/underbraces in maths.
  2522. abstract: Control the typesetting of the abstract environment.
  2523. achemso: Support for American Chemical Society journal submissions.
  2524. acro: Typeset acronyms.
  2525. acronym: Expand acronyms at least once.
  2526. acroterm: Manage and index acronyms and terms.
  2527. actuarialangle: Symbol for use in "present value" statements of an annuity.
  2528. addlines: A user-friendly wrapper around enlargethispage.
  2529. adjmulticol: Adjusting margins for multicolumn and single column output.
  2530. adjustbox: Graphics package-alike macros for "general" boxes.
  2531. adrconv: BibTeX styles to implement an address database.
  2532. advdate: Print a date relative to "today".
  2533. akktex: A collection of packages and classes.
  2534. akletter: Comprehensive letter support.
  2535. alnumsec: Alphanumeric section numbering.
  2536. alterqcm: Multiple choice questionnaires in two column tables.
  2537. altfont: Alternative font handling in LaTeX.
  2538. amsaddr: Alter the position of affiliations in amsart.
  2539. animate: Create PDF animations from graphics files and inline graphics.
  2540. anonchap: Make chapters be typeset like sections.
  2541. answers: Setting questions (or exercises) and answers.
  2542. anyfontsize: Select any font size in LaTeX.
  2543. appendix: Extra control of appendices.
  2544. appendixnumberbeamer: Manage frame numbering in appendixes in beamer.
  2545. apptools: Tools for customising appendices.
  2546. arcs: Draw arcs over and under text
  2547. arrayjobx: Array data structures for (La)TeX.
  2548. arraysort: Sort arrays (or portions of them).
  2549. arydshln: Horizontal and vertical dashed lines in arrays and tabulars.
  2550. assignment: A class file for typesetting homework and lab assignments
  2551. assoccnt: Associate counters, making them step when a master steps.
  2552. attachfile: Attach arbitrary files to a PDF document
  2553. autopdf: Conversion of graphics to pdfLaTeX-compatible formats.
  2554. authoraftertitle: Make author, etc., available after maketitle.
  2555. authorindex: Index citations by author names.
  2556. autonum: Automatic equation references.
  2557. avremu: An 8-Bit Microcontroller Simulator written in LaTeX.
  2558. background: Placement of background material on pages of a document.
  2559. bashful: Invoke bash commands from within LaTeX.
  2560. basicarith: Macros for typesetting basic arithmetic.
  2561. bchart: Draw simple bar charts in LaTeX.
  2562. beamer2thesis: Thesis presentations using beamer.
  2563. beameraudience: Assembling beamer frames according to audience
  2564. beamerdarkthemes: Dark color themes for beamer.
  2565. beamerposter: Extend beamer and a0poster for custom sized posters.
  2566. beamersubframe: Reorder frames in the PDF file.
  2567. beamertheme-upenn-bc: Beamer themies for Boston College and the University of Pennsylvania.
  2568. beamerthemejltree: Contributed beamer theme.
  2569. beamerthemenirma: A Beamer theme for academic presentations.
  2570. beamerthemephnompenh:
  2571. beton: Use Concrete fonts.
  2572. bez123: Support for Bezier curves.
  2573. bezos: Packages by Javier Bezos.
  2574. bhcexam: An exam class designed for Mathematics Teachers in China.
  2575. bigfoot: Footnotes for critical editions.
  2576. bigints: Writing big integrals.
  2577. bizcard: Typeset business cards.
  2578. blindtext: Producing 'blind' text for testing.
  2579. blkarray: Extended array and tabular.
  2580. block: A block letter style for the letter class.
  2581. blowup: Upscale or downscale all pages of a document.
  2582. bnumexpr: Extends eTeX's numexpr...relax construct to big integers.
  2583. boites: Boxes that may break across pages
  2584. bold-extra: Use bold small caps and typewriter fonts.
  2585. bookest: Extended book class.
  2586. booklet: Aids for printing simple booklets.
  2587. boolexpr: A boolean expression evaluator and a switch command.
  2588. bophook: Provides an At-Begin-Page hook.
  2589. boxedminipage: A package for producing framed minipages.
  2590. boxhandler: Flexible Captioning and Deferred Box/List Printing.
  2591. bracketkey: Produce bracketed identification keys.
  2592. braket: Dirac bra-ket and set notations.
  2593. breakurl: Line-breakable url-like links in hyperref when compiling via dvips/ps2pdf.
  2594. bullcntr: Display list item counter as regular pattern of bullets.
  2595. bussproofs: Proof trees in the style of the sequent calculus.
  2596. bxdpx-beamer: Dvipdfmx extras for use with beamer.
  2597. calcage: Calculate the age of something, in years.
  2598. calctab: Language for numeric tables.
  2599. calculator: Use LaTeX as a scientific calculator.
  2600. calrsfs: Copperplate calligraphic letters in LaTeX.
  2601. cals: Multipage tables with wide range of features.
  2602. calxxxx-yyyy: Print a calendar for a group of years.
  2603. cancel: Place lines through maths formulae.
  2604. canoniclayout: Create canonical page layouts with memoir.
  2605. capt-of: Captions on more than floats.
  2606. captcont: Retain float number across several floats.
  2607. captdef: Declare free-standing caption commands.
  2608. cases: Numbered cases environment
  2609. casyl: Typeset Cree/Inuktitut in Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics.
  2610. catchfilebetweentags: Catch text delimited by docstrip tags.
  2611. catechis: Macros for typesetting catechisms.
  2612. catoptions: Preserving and recalling standard catcodes.
  2613. cbcoptic: Coptic fonts and LaTeX macros for general usage and for philology.
  2614. ccaption: Continuation headings and legends for floats.
  2615. cclicenses: Typeset Creative Commons licence logos.
  2616. cd: Typeset CD covers.
  2617. cd-cover: Typeset CD covers.
  2618. cdpbundl: Business letters in the Italian style.
  2619. cellspace: Ensure minimal spacing of table cells.
  2620. censor: Facilities for controlling restricted text in a document.
  2621. changebar: Generate changebars in LaTeX documents.
  2622. changelayout: Change the layout of individual pages and their text.
  2623. changepage: Margin adjustment and detection of odd/even pages.
  2624. changes: Manual change markup.
  2625. chappg: Page numbering by chapter.
  2626. chapterfolder: Package for working with complicated folder structures.
  2627. chet: LaTeX layout inspired by harvmac.
  2628. chextras: A companion package for the Swiss typesetter.
  2629. chkfloat: Warn whenever a float is placed "to far away".
  2630. chletter: Class for typesetting letters to Swiss rules.
  2631. chngcntr: Change the resetting of counters.
  2632. chronology: Provides a horizontal timeline.
  2633. circ: Macros for typesetting circuit diagrams.
  2634. classics: Cite classic works.
  2635. clefval: Key/value support with a hash.
  2636. cleveref: Intelligent cross-referencing.
  2637. clipboard: Copy and paste into and across documents.
  2638. clock: Graphical and textual clocks for TeX and LaTeX.
  2639. cmdstring: Get command name reliably.
  2640. cmdtrack: Check used commands.
  2641. cmsd: Interfaces to the CM Sans Serif Bold fonts.
  2642. cnltx: LaTeX tools and documenting facilities.
  2643. cntformats: A different way to read counters.
  2644. codedoc: LaTeX code and documentation in LaTeX-format file.
  2645. codepage: Support for variant code pages.
  2646. codesection: Provides an environment that may be conditionally included.
  2647. collcell: Collect contents of a tabular cell as argument to a macro.
  2648. collectbox: Collect and process macro arguments as boxes.
  2649. colordoc: Coloured syntax highlights in documentation.
  2650. colorinfo: Retrieve colour model and values for defined colours.
  2651. colortab: Shade cells of tables and halign.
  2652. colorwav: Colours by wavelength of visible light.
  2653. colorweb: Extend the color package colour space.
  2654. colourchange: colourchange
  2655. combelow: Typeset "comma-below" letters, as in Romanian.
  2656. combine: Bundle individual documents into a single document.
  2657. comma: Formats a number by inserting commas.
  2658. commado: Expandable iteration on comma-separated and filename lists.
  2659. comment: Selectively include/excludes portions of text.
  2660. concepts: Keeping track of formal 'concepts' for a particular field.
  2661. concprog: Concert programmes.
  2662. constants: Automatic numbering of constants.
  2663. contour: Print a coloured contour around text.
  2664. contracard: Generate calling cards for dances.
  2665. cooking: Typeset recipes.
  2666. cool: COntent-Oriented LaTeX.
  2667. coollist: Manipulate COntent Oriented LaTeX Lists.
  2668. coolstr: String manipulation in LaTeX.
  2669. coolthms: Reference items in a theorem environment.
  2670. cooltooltips: Associate a pop-up window and tooltip with PDF hyperlinks.
  2671. coordsys: Draw cartesian coordinate systems.
  2672. copyrightbox: Provide copyright notices for images in a document.
  2673. coseoul: Context sensitive outline elements
  2674. counttexruns: Count compilations of a document.
  2675. courseoutline: Prepare university course outlines.
  2676. coursepaper: Prepare university course papers.
  2677. coverpage: Automatic cover page creation for scientific papers.
  2678. cprotect: Allow verbatim, etc., in macro arguments.
  2679. crbox: Boxes with crossed corners.
  2680. crossreference: Crossreferences within documents.
  2681. csquotes: Context sensitive quotation facilities.
  2682. csvsimple: Simple CSV file processing.
  2683. csvtools: Reading data from CSV files.
  2684. cuisine: Typeset recipes.
  2685. currfile: Provide file name and path of input files.
  2686. currvita: Typeset a curriculum vitae.
  2687. cutwin: Cut a window in a paragraph, typeset material in it.
  2688. cv: A package for creating a curriculum vitae.
  2689. cv4tw: LaTeX CV class, with extended details.
  2690. cweb-latex: A LaTeX version of CWEB.
  2691. dashbox: Draw dashed boxes.
  2692. dashrule: Draw dashed rules.
  2693. dashundergaps: Underline with dotted or dashed lines.
  2694. dataref: Manage references to experimental data.
  2695. datatool: Tools to load and manipulate data.
  2696. dateiliste: Extensions of the listfiles concept.
  2697. datenumber: Convert a date into a number and vice versa.
  2698. datetime: Change format of today with commands for current time.
  2699. dblfloatfix: Fixes for twocolumn floats.
  2700. decimal: LaTeX package for the English raised decimal point.
  2701. decorule: Decorative swelled rule using font character.
  2702. delim: Simplify typesetting mathematical delimiters.
  2703. delimtxt: Read and parse text tables.
  2704. detlev-cm:
  2705. diagbox: Table heads with diagonal lines.
  2706. diagnose: A diagnostic tool for a TeX installation.
  2707. dialogl: Macros for constructing interactive LaTeX scripts.
  2708. dichokey: Construct dichotomous identification keys.
  2709. dinbrief: German letter DIN style.
  2710. directory: An address book using BibTeX.
  2711. dirtytalk: A package to typeset quotations easier.
  2712. dlfltxb: Macros related to "Introdktion til LaTeX".
  2713. dnaseq: Format DNA base sequences.
  2714. docmfp: Document non-LaTeX code.
  2715. docmute: Input files ignoring LaTeX preamble, etc.
  2716. doctools: Tools for the documentation of LaTeX code.
  2717. documentation: Documentation support for C, Java and assembler code.
  2718. doi: Create correct hyperlinks for DOI numbers.
  2719. dotarrow: Extendable dotted arrows.
  2720. dotseqn: Flush left equations with dotted leaders to the numbers.
  2721. download: Allow LaTeX to download files using an external process.
  2722. dox: Extend the doc package.
  2723. dpfloat: Support for double-page floats.
  2724. dprogress: LaTeX-relevant log information for debugging.
  2725. drac: Declare active character substitution, robustly.
  2726. draftcopy: Identify draft copies.
  2727. draftwatermark: Put a grey textual watermark on document pages.
  2728. dtk: Document class for the journal of DANTE.
  2729. dtxgallery: A small collection of minimal DTX examples.
  2730. dvdcoll: A class for typesetting DVD archives
  2731. dynblocks: A simple way to create dynamic blocks for Beamer.
  2732. easy: A collection of easy-to-use macros.
  2733. easy-todo: To-do notes in a document.
  2734. easyfig: Simplifying the use of common figures.
  2735. easylist: Lists using a single active character.
  2736. ean13isbn: Print EAN13 for ISBN.
  2737. ebezier: Device independent picture environment enhancement.
  2738. ecclesiastic: Typesetting Ecclesiastic Latin.
  2739. ecv: A fancy Curriculum Vitae class.
  2740. ed: Editorial Notes for LaTeX documents.
  2741. edmargin: Multiple series of endnotes for critical editions.
  2742. eemeir: Adjust the gender of words in a document.
  2743. efbox: Extension of fbox, with controllable frames and colours.
  2744. egplot: Encapsulate Gnuplot sources in LaTeX documents.
  2745. ellipsis: Fix uneven spacing around ellipses in LaTeX text mode.
  2746. elmath: Mathematics in Greek texts.
  2747. elpres: A simple class for electronic presentations
  2748. emarks: Named mark registers with e-TeX.
  2749. embedall: Embed source files into the generated PDF.
  2750. embrac: Upright brackets in emphasised text.
  2751. emptypage: Make empty pages really empty.
  2752. emulateapj: Produce output similar to that of APJ.
  2753. endfloat: Move floats to the end, leaving markers where they belong.
  2754. endheads: Running headers of the form "Notes to pp.xx-yy"
  2755. endnotes: Place footnotes at the end.
  2756. engpron: Helps to type the pronunciation of English words.
  2757. engrec: Enumerate with lower- or uppercase Greek letters.
  2758. enotez: Support for end-notes.
  2759. enumitem: Control layout of itemize, enumerate, description.
  2760. enumitem-zref: Extended references to items for enumitem package.
  2761. envbig: Printing addresses on envelopes.
  2762. environ: A new interface for environments in LaTeX.
  2763. envlab: Addresses on envelopes or mailing labels.
  2764. epigraph: A package for typesetting epigraphs.
  2765. epiolmec: Typesetting the Epi-Olmec Language.
  2766. eqell: Sympathetically spaced ellipsis after punctuation.
  2767. eqlist: Description lists with equal indentation.
  2768. eqname: Name tags for equations.
  2769. eqparbox: Create equal-widthed parboxes.
  2770. errata: Error markup for LaTeX documents.
  2771. esami: Typeset exams with scrambled questions and answers.
  2772. esdiff: Simplify typesetting of derivatives.
  2773. esint: Extended set of integrals for Computer Modern.
  2774. esint-type1: Font esint10 in Type 1 format
  2775. etaremune: Reverse-counting enumerate environment.
  2776. etextools: e-TeX tools for LaTeX users and package writers.
  2777. etoc: Completely customisable TOCs.
  2778. etoolbox: Tool-box for LaTeX programmers using e-TeX.
  2779. eukdate: UK format dates, with weekday.
  2780. europecv: Unofficial class for European curricula vitae.
  2781. everyhook: Hooks for standard TeX token lists.
  2782. everypage: Provide hooks to be run on every page of a document.
  2783. exam: Package for typesetting exam scripts.
  2784. exam-n: Exam class, focused on collaborative authoring.
  2785. examdesign: LaTeX class for typesetting exams.
  2786. example: Typeset examples for TeX courses.
  2787. examplep: Verbatim phrases and listings in LaTeX.
  2788. exceltex: Get data from Excel files into LaTeX.
  2789. excludeonly: Prevent files being include-ed.
  2790. exercise: Typeset exercises, problems, etc. and their answers
  2791. exp-testopt: Expandable @testopt (and related) macros.
  2792. expdlist: Expanded description environments.
  2793. export: Import and export values of LaTeX registers.
  2794. exsheets: Create exercise sheets and exams.
  2795. exsol: Exercises and solutions from the same source, into a book.
  2796. extract: Extract parts of a document and write to another document.
  2797. facsimile: Document class for preparing faxes.
  2798. factura: Write invoices according to Venezuelan law.
  2799. fancylabel: Complex labelling with LaTeX.
  2800. fancynum: Typeset numbers.
  2801. fancypar: Decoration of individual paragraphs.
  2802. fancytabs: Fancy page border tabs.
  2803. fancytooltips: Include a wide range of material in PDF tooltips.
  2804. fifo-stack: FIFO and stack implementation for package writers
  2805. figsize: Auto-size graphics.
  2806. filecontents: Extended filecontents and filecontents* environments
  2807. filedate: Access and compare info and modification dates.
  2808. filehook: Hooks for input files.
  2809. fileinfo: Enhanced display of LaTeX File Information.
  2810. filemod: Provide file modification times, and compare them.
  2811. fink: The LaTeX2e File Name Keeper.
  2812. finstrut: Adjust behaviour of the ends of footnotes.
  2813. fixfoot: Multiple use of the same footnote text.
  2814. fixme: Insert "fixme" notes into draft documents.
  2815. fixmetodonotes: Add notes on document development.
  2816. fjodor: A selection of layout styles.
  2817. flabels: Labels for files and folders.
  2818. flacards: Generate flashcards for printing.
  2819. flagderiv: Flag style derivation package
  2820. flashcards: A class for typesetting flashcards.
  2821. flashmovie: Directly embed flash movies into PDF files.
  2822. flipbook: Typeset flipbook animations, in the corners of documents.
  2823. flippdf: Horizontal flipping of pages with pdfLaTeX.
  2824. floatflt: Wrap text around floats.
  2825. floatrow: Modifying the layout of floats.
  2826. flowfram: Create text frames for posters, brochures or magazines.
  2827. fmp: Include Functional MetaPost in LaTeX.
  2828. fmtcount: Display the value of a LaTeX counter in a variety of formats.
  2829. fn2end: Convert footnotes to endnotes.
  2830. fnbreak: Warn for split footnotes.
  2831. fncychap: Seven predefined chapter heading styles.
  2832. fncylab: Alter the format of label references.
  2833. fnpara: Footnotes in paragraphs.
  2834. fnpct: Manage footnote marks' interaction with punctuation.
  2835. fnumprint: Print a number in 'appropriate' format.
  2836. foilhtml: Interface between foiltex and LaTeX2HTML.
  2837. fontaxes: Additional font axes for LaTeX.
  2838. fonttable: Print font tables from a LaTeX document.
  2839. footmisc: A range of footnote options.
  2840. footnotebackref: Back-references from footnotes.
  2841. footnoterange: References to ranges of footnotes.
  2842. footnpag: Per-page numbering of footnotes.
  2843. forarray: Using array structures in LaTeX.
  2844. foreign: Systematic treatment of 'foreign' words in documents.
  2845. forloop: Iteration in LaTeX.
  2846. formlett: Letters to multiple recipients.
  2847. formular: Create forms containing field for manual entry.
  2848. fragments: Fragments of LaTeX code.
  2849. frame: Framed boxes for Plain TeX.
  2850. framed: Framed or shaded regions that can break across pages.
  2851. frankenstein: A collection of LaTeX packages.
  2852. frege: Typeset fregean Begriffsschrift.
  2853. ftcap: Allows caption at the beginning of a table-environment.
  2854. ftnxtra: Extend the applicability of the footnote command.
  2855. fullblck: Left-blocking for letter class.
  2856. fullminipage: Minipage spanning a complete page
  2857. fullwidth: Adjust margins of text block.
  2858. fundus-calligra: Support for the calligra font in LaTeX documents.
  2859. fundus-cyr: Support for Washington University Cyrillic fonts.
  2860. fundus-sueterlin: Sutterlin
  2861. fwlw: Get first and last words of a page.
  2862. g-brief: Letter document class.
  2863. gauss: A package for Gaussian operations.
  2864. gcard: Arrange text on a sheet to fold into a greeting card.
  2865. gcite: Citations in a reader-friendly style.
  2866. genmpage: Generalization of LaTeX's minipages.
  2867. getfiledate: Find the date of last modification of a file.
  2868. ginpenc: Modification of inputenc for German.
  2869. gitinfo: Access metadata from the git distributed version control system.
  2870. gitinfo2: Access metadata from the git distributed version control system.
  2871. gloss: Create glossaries using BibTeX.
  2872. glossaries: Create glossaries and lists of acronyms.
  2873. gmdoc: Documentation of LaTeX packages.
  2874. gmdoc-enhance: Some enhancements to the gmdoc package.
  2875. gmiflink: Simplify usage of hypertarget and hyperlink.
  2876. gmutils: Support macros for other packages.
  2877. gmverb: A variant of LaTeX verb, verbatim and shortvrb.
  2878. graphbox: Extend graphicx to improve placement of graphics.
  2879. graphicx-psmin: Reduce size of PostScript files by not repeating images.
  2880. graphicxbox: Insert a graphical image as a background.
  2881. grfpaste: Include fragments of a dvi file.
  2882. grid: Grid typesetting in LaTeX.
  2883. grid-system: Page organisation, modelled on CSS facilities.
  2884. gridset: Grid, a.k.a. in-register, setting.
  2885. gtl: Manipulating generalized token lists.
  2886. guitlogo: Macros for typesetting the GuIT logo.
  2887. handout: Create handout for auditors of a talk
  2888. hanging: Hanging paragraphs.
  2889. hardwrap: Hard wrap text to a certain character length.
  2890. harnon-cv: A CV document class with a vertical timeline for experience.
  2891. harpoon: Extra harpoons, using the graphics package.
  2892. hc: Replacement for the LaTeX classes.
  2893. he-she: Alternating pronouns to aid gender-neutral writing.
  2894. hhtensor: Print vectors, matrices, and tensors.
  2895. histogr: Draw histograms with the LaTeX picture environment.
  2896. hitec: Class for documentation.
  2897. hletter: Flexible letter typesetting with flexible page headings.
  2898. hpsdiss: A dissertation class.
  2899. hrefhide: Suppress hyper links when printing.
  2900. hvindex: Support for indexing.
  2901. hypdvips: Hyperref extensions for use with dvips.
  2902. hyper: Hypertext cross referencing.
  2903. hypernat: Allow hyperref and natbib to work together.
  2904. hyperref-docsrc:
  2905. hyperxmp: Embed XMP metadata within a LaTeX document.
  2906. hyphenat: Disable/enable hypenation.
  2907. idxcmds: Semantic commands for adding formatted index entries.
  2908. idxlayout: Configurable index layout, responsive to KOMA-Script and memoir.
  2909. ifmslide: Presentation slides for screen and printouts.
  2910. ifmtarg: If-then-else command for processing potentially empty arguments.
  2911. ifnextok: Utility macro: peek ahead without ignoring spaces.
  2912. ifoddpage: Determine if the current page is odd or even.
  2913. ifplatform: Conditionals to test which platform is being used.
  2914. ifthenx: Extra tests for ifthenelse.
  2915. iitem: Multiple level of lists in one list-like environment.
  2916. image-gallery: Create an overview of pictures from a digital camera or from other sources.
  2917. imakeidx: A package for producing multiple indexes.
  2918. import: Establish input relative to a directory.
  2919. incgraph: Sophisticated graphics inclusion in a PDF document.
  2920. inlinedef: Inline expansions within definitions.
  2921. inputtrc: Trace which file loads which.
  2922. interactiveworkbook: LaTeX-based interactive PDF on the Web.
  2923. interfaces: Set parameters for other packages, conveniently.
  2924. inversepath: Calculate inverse file paths.
  2925. invoice: Generate invoices.
  2926. iso: Generic ISO standards typesetting macros.
  2927. iso10303: Typesetting the STEP standards.
  2928. isodate: Tune the output format of dates according to language.
  2929. isonums: Display numbers in maths mode according to ISO 31-0.
  2930. isodoc: A LaTeX class for typesetting letters and invoices.
  2931. isorot: Rotation of document elements.
  2932. isotope: A package for typesetting isotopes
  2933. issuulinks: Produce external links instead of internal ones.
  2934. iwhdp: Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) Discussion Papers.
  2935. jlabels: Make letter-sized pages of labels.
  2936. jvlisting: A replacement for LaTeX's verbatim package.
  2937. kantlipsum: Generate sentences in Kant's style.
  2938. kerntest: Print tables and generate control files to adjust kernings.
  2939. keycommand: Simple creation of commands with key-value arguments.
  2940. keyreader: A robust interface to xkeyval.
  2941. keystroke: Graphical representation of keys on keyboard.
  2942. keyval2e: A lightweight and robust key-value parser.
  2943. kix: Typeset KIX codes.
  2944. koma-moderncvclassic: Makes the style and command of moderncv (style classic) available for koma-classes and thus compatible with biblatex.
  2945. koma-script-sfs: Koma-script letter class option for Finnish.
  2946. komacv: Typesetting a beuatiful CV with various style options.
  2947. ktv-texdata: Extract subsets of documents.
  2948. l3build: A testing and building system for (La)TeX.
  2949. labbook: Typeset laboratory journals.
  2950. labelcas: Check the existence of labels, and fork accordingly.
  2951. labels: Print sheets of sticky labels.
  2952. lastpackage: Indicates the last loaded package.
  2953. lastpage: Reference last page for Page N of M type footers.
  2954. latexdemo: Demonstrate LaTeX code with its resulting output.
  2955. latex-tds: A structured copy of the LaTeX distribution.
  2956. layouts: Display various elements of a document's layout.
  2957. lazylist: Lists in TeX's "mouth".
  2958. lcd: Alphanumerical LCD-style displays.
  2959. lcg: Generate random integers.
  2960. leading: Define leading with a length.
  2961. leaflet: Create small handouts (flyers).
  2962. leftidx: Left and right subscripts and superscripts in math mode.
  2963. lengthconvert: Express lengths in arbitrary units.
  2964. lettre: Letters and faxes in French.
  2965. lettrine: Typeset dropped capitals.
  2966. lewis: Draw Lewis structures.
  2967. lhelp: Miscellaneous helper packages.
  2968. libgreek: Use Libertine or Biolinum Greek glyphs in mathematics.
  2969. limap: Typeset maps and blocks according to the Information Mapping method.
  2970. linegoal: A "dimen" that returns the space left on the line.
  2971. lipsum: Easy access to the Lorem Ipsum dummy text.
  2972. lisp-on-tex: Execute LISP code in a LaTeX document.
  2973. listing: Produce formatted program listings.
  2974. listlbls: Creates a list of all labels used throughout a document
  2975. listofsymbols: Create and manipulate lists of symbols
  2976. listliketab: Typeset lists as tables.
  2977. lkproof: LK Proof figure macros.
  2978. lmake: Process lists to do repetitive actions.
  2979. locality: Various macros for keeping things local.
  2980. localloc: Macros for localizing TeX register allocations.
  2981. logbox: e-TeX showbox facilities for exploration purposes.
  2982. logical-markup-utils: Packages for language-dependent inline quotes and dashes.
  2983. logpap: Generate logarithmic graph paper with LaTeX.
  2984. longfigure: Provides a figure-like environment that break over pages.
  2985. longnamefilelist: Tidy listfiles with long file names.
  2986. loops: General looping macros for use with LaTeX.
  2987. lsc: Typesetting Live Sequence Charts.
  2988. lstaddons: Add-on packages for listings: autogobble and line background.
  2989. lt3graph: Provide a graph datastructure for experimental LaTeX3.
  2990. ltablex: Table package extensions.
  2991. ltabptch: Bug fix for longtable.
  2992. ltxdockit: Documentation support.
  2993. ltxindex: A LaTeX package to typeset indices with GNU's Texindex.
  2994. ltxkeys: A robust key parser for LaTeX.
  2995. ltxnew: A simple means of creating commands.
  2996. ltxtools: A collection of LaTeX API macros.
  2997. macroswap: Swap the definitions of two LaTeX macros.
  2998. magaz: Magazine layout.
  2999. mailing: Macros for mail merging.
  3000. mailmerge: Repeating text field substitution.
  3001. makebarcode: Print various kinds 2/5 and Code 39 bar codes.
  3002. makebox: Defines a makebox* command.
  3003. makecell: Tabular column heads and multilined cells.
  3004. makecirc: A MetaPost library for drawing electrical circuit diagrams.
  3005. makecmds: The new makecommand command always (re)defines a command.
  3006. makedtx: Perl script to help generate dtx and ins files
  3007. makeglos: Include a glossary into a document.
  3008. mandi: Macros for introductory physics and astronomy.
  3009. manfnt: LaTeX support for the TeX book symbols.
  3010. manuscript: Emulate look of a document typed on a typewriter.
  3011. marginfix: Patch marginpar to avoid overfull margins.
  3012. marginnote: Notes in the margin, even where marginpar fails
  3013. mathalfa: General package for loading maths alphabets in LaTeX.
  3014. mathastext: Use the text font in maths mode.
  3015. mathexam: Package for typesetting exams.
  3016. maybemath: Make math bold or italic according to context.
  3017. mbenotes: Notes in tables or images.
  3018. mcaption: Put captions in the margin.
  3019. mceinleger: Creating covers for music cassettes.
  3020. mcite: Multiple items in a single citation.
  3021. mciteplus: Enhanced multiple citations.
  3022. mdframed: Framed environments that can split at page boundaries.
  3023. media9: Multimedia inclusion package with Adobe Reader-9/X compatibility.
  3024. meetingmins: Format written minutes of meetings.
  3025. memexsupp: Experimental memoir support.
  3026. memory: Containers for data in LaTeX.
  3027. menu: Typesetting menus.
  3028. menukeys: Format menu sequences, paths and keystrokes from lists.
  3029. method: Typeset method and variable declarations.
  3030. metre: Support for the work of classicists
  3031. mftinc: Pretty-print Metafont source.
  3032. midpage: Environment for vertical centring.
  3033. minibox: A simple type of box for LaTeX.
  3034. minifp: Fixed-point real computations to 8 decimals.
  3035. minipage-marginpar: Minipages with marginal notes.
  3036. minitoc: Produce a table of contents for each chapter, part or section.
  3037. minorrevision: Quote and refer to a manuscript for minor revisions.
  3038. minted: Highlighted source code for LaTeX.
  3039. minutes: Typeset the minutes of meetings.
  3040. mla-paper: Proper MLA formatting.
  3041. mlist: Logical markup for lists.
  3042. mmap: Include CMap resources in PDF files from PDFTeX.
  3043. mnotes: Margin annotation for collaborative writing.
  3044. moderncv: A modern curriculum vitae class.
  3045. moderntimeline: Timelines for use with moderncv.
  3046. modref: Customisation of cross-references in LaTeX.
  3047. modroman: Write numbers in lower case roman numerals.
  3048. monofill: Alignment of plain text.
  3049. moreenum: More enumeration options.
  3050. morefloats: Increase the number of simultaneous LaTeX floats.
  3051. morehype: Hypertext tools for use with LaTeX.
  3052. moresize: Allows font sizes up to 35.83pt.
  3053. moreverb: Extended verbatim.
  3054. morewrites: Always room for a new write stream.
  3055. movie15: Multimedia inclusion package.
  3056. mparhack: Work around a LaTeX bug in marginpars.
  3057. msc: Draw MSC diagrams.
  3058. msg: A package for LaTeX localisation.
  3059. mslapa: Michael Landy's APA citation style.
  3060. mtgreek: Use italic and upright greek letters with mathtime.
  3061. multenum: Multi-column enumerated lists.
  3062. multibbl: Multiple bibliographies.
  3063. multicap: Format captions inside multicols
  3064. multienv: Multiple environments using a "key=value" syntax.
  3065. multiexpand: Variations on the primitive command expandafter.
  3066. multirow: Create tabular cells spanning multiple rows.
  3067. mversion: Keeping track of document versions.
  3068. mwe: Packages and image files for MWEs.
  3069. mweights: Support for multiple-weight font packages.
  3070. mycv: A list-driven CV class, allowing TikZ decorations.
  3071. mylatexformat: Build a format based on the preamble of a LaTeX file.
  3072. nag: Detecting and warning about obsolete LaTeX commands
  3073. nameauth: Name authority mechanism for consistency in body text and index.
  3074. namespc: Rudimentary C++-like namespaces in LaTeX.
  3075. ncclatex: An extended general-purpose class
  3076. ncctools: A collection of general packages for LaTeX
  3077. needspace: Insert pagebreak if not enough space.
  3078. nestquot: Alternate quotes between double and single with nesting.
  3079. newcommand: Generate new LaTeX command definitions.
  3080. newenviron: Processing an environment's body.
  3081. newfile: User level management of LaTeX input and output.
  3082. newlfm: Write letters, facsimiles, and memos.
  3083. newspaper: Typeset newsletters to resemble newspapers.
  3084. newunicodechar: Definitions of the meaning of Unicode characters.
  3085. newvbtm: Define your own verbatim-like environment.
  3086. newverbs: Define new versions of verb, including short verb versions.
  3087. nextpage: Generalisations of the page advance commands.
  3088. nfssext-cfr: Extensions to the LaTeX NFSS.
  3089. nicefilelist: Provide listfiles alignment.
  3090. niceframe: Support for fancy frames.
  3091. nicetext: Minimal markup for simple text (Wikipedia style) and documentation.
  3092. nlctdoc: Package documentation class.
  3093. noconflict: Resolve macro name conflict between packages.
  3094. noindentafter: Tool to prevent paragraph indentation after environments/macros.
  3095. noitcrul: Improved underlines in mathematics.
  3096. nolbreaks: No line breaks in text.
  3097. nomencl: Produce lists of symbols as in nomenclature.
  3098. nomentbl: Nomenclature typeset in a longtable
  3099. nonfloat: Non-floating table and figure captions.
  3100. nonumonpart: Prevent page numbers on part pages.
  3101. nopageno: No page numbers in LaTeX documents.
  3102. notes: Mark sections of a document.
  3103. notoccite: Prevent trouble from citations in table of contents, etc.
  3104. nowidow: Avoid widows.
  3105. nox: Adaptable tables.
  3106. ntheorem: Enhanced theorem environment.
  3107. numberedblock: Print a block of code, with unique index number.
  3108. numname: Convert a number to its English expression.
  3109. numprint: Print numbers with separators and exponent if necessary.
  3110. ocg-p: PDF OCG support in LaTeX.
  3111. ocgx: Use OCGs within a PDF document without JavaScript.
  3112. ocr-latex: LaTeX support for ocr fonts.
  3113. octavo: Typeset books following classical design and layout.
  3114. oldstyle: Old style numbers in OT1 encoding.
  3115. onlyamsmath: Inhibit use of non-amsmath mathematics markup when using amsmath.
  3116. opcit: Footnote-style bibliographical references.
  3117. optional: Facilitate optional printing of parts of a document.
  3118. outline: List environment for making outlines.
  3119. outliner: Change section levels easily.
  3120. outlines: Produce "outline" lists.
  3121. overpic: Combine LaTeX commands over included graphics.
  3122. pagecolor: Interrogate page colour.
  3123. pagecont: Page numbering that continues between documents.
  3124. pagenote: Notes at end of document.
  3125. pagerange: Flexible and configurable page range typesetting.
  3126. pageslts: Variants of last page labels.
  3127. paper: Versions of article class, tuned for scholarly publications.
  3128. papercdcase: Origami-style folding paper CD case.
  3129. papermas: Compute the mass of a printed version of a document.
  3130. papertex: Class for newspapers, etc.
  3131. paracol: Multiple columns with texts "in parallel".
  3132. paralist: Enumerate and itemize within paragraphs.
  3133. paresse: Define simple macros for greek letters.
  3134. parnotes: Notes after every paragraph (or elsewhere).
  3135. parselines: Apply a macro to each line of an environment.
  3136. pas-cours: Macros useful in preparing teaching material.
  3137. pas-cv: Flexible typesetting of Curricula Vitae.
  3138. pas-tableur: Create a spreadsheet layout.
  3139. patch: Patch loaded packages, etc..
  3140. patchcmd: Change the definition of an existing command.
  3141. pauldoc: German LaTeX package documentation.
  3142. pawpict: Using graphics from PAW.
  3143. pax: Extract and reinsert PDF annotations with pdfTeX.
  3144. pbox: A variable-width parbox command.
  3145. pbsheet: Problem sheet class.
  3146. pdf14: Restore PDF 1.4 to a TeX live 2010 format.
  3147. pdfcomment: A user-friendly interface to pdf annotations.
  3148. pdfcprot: Activating and setting of character protruding using pdflatex.
  3149. pdfmarginpar: Generate marginpar-equivalent PDF annotations.
  3150. pdfscreen: Support screen-based document design.
  3151. pdfslide: Presentation slides using pdftex.
  3152. pdfsync: Provide links between source and PDF.
  3153. pdfwin:
  3154. pdfx: PDF/X-1a and PDF/A-1b support for pdfTeX.
  3155. pecha: Print Tibetan text in the classic pecha layout style.
  3156. perfectcut: Brackets whose size adjusts to the nesting.
  3157. perltex: Define LaTeX macros in terms of Perl code
  3158. permute: Support for symmetric groups.
  3159. petiteannonce: A class for small advertisements.
  3160. philex: Cross references for named and numbered environments.
  3161. photo: A float environment for photographs.
  3162. piff: Macro tools by Mike Piff.
  3163. pkgloader: Managing the options and loading order of other packages.
  3164. placeins: Control float placement.
  3165. plates: Arrange for "plates" sections of documents.
  3166. plantslabels: Write labels for plants.
  3167. plweb: Literate Programming for Prolog with LaTeX.
  3168. polynom: Macros for manipulating polynomials.
  3169. polynomial: Typeset (univariate) polynomials.
  3170. polytable: Tabular-like environments with named columns.
  3171. postcards: Facilitates mass-mailing of postcards (junkmail).
  3172. poster-mac: Make posters and banners with TeX.
  3173. ppr-prv: Prosper preview.
  3174. preprint: A bundle of packages provided "as is".
  3175. pressrelease: A class for typesetting press releases.
  3176. prettyref: Make label references "self-identify".
  3177. preview: Extract bits of a LaTeX source for output.
  3178. printlen: Print lengths using specified units.
  3179. probsoln: Generate problem sheets and their solution sheets.
  3180. program: Typesetting programs and algorithms.
  3181. progress: Creates an overview of a document's state.
  3182. progressbar: Visualize shares of total amounts in the form of a (progress-)bar.
  3183. properties: Load properties from a file.
  3184. prosper: LaTeX class for high quality slides.
  3185. protex: Literate programming package.
  3186. protocol: A class for minutes of meetings.
  3187. psfragx: A psfrag eXtension.
  3188. pst-pdf: Make PDF versions of graphics by processing between runs.
  3189. pstool: Support for psfrag within pdfLaTeX.
  3190. pxgreeks: Shape selection for PX fonts Greek letters.
  3191. python: Embed Python code in LaTeX.
  3192. qcm: A LaTeX2e class for making multiple choice questionnaires
  3193. quoting: Consolidated environment for displayed text.
  3194. qstest: Bundle for unit tests and pattern matching.
  3195. qsymbols: Maths symbol abbreviations.
  3196. quotchap: Decorative chapter headings.
  3197. quotmark: Consistent quote marks.
  3198. ran_toks: Randomise token strings.
  3199. randtext: Randomise the order of characters in strings.
  3200. rccol: Decimal-centered optionally rounded numbers in tabular.
  3201. rcs-multi: Typeset RCS version control in multiple-file documents.
  3202. rcsinfo: Support for the revision control system.
  3203. readarray: Read, store and recall array-formatted data.
  3204. realboxes: Variants of common box-commands that read their content as real box and not as macro argument.
  3205. recipe: A LaTeX class to typeset recipes.
  3206. recipecard: Typeset recipes in note-card-sized boxes.
  3207. rectopma: Recycle top matter.
  3208. refcheck: Check references (in figures, table, equations, etc).
  3209. refenums: Define reference labels items with names of their own.
  3210. reflectgraphics: Techniques for reflecting graphics.
  3211. refman: Format technical reference manuals.
  3212. refstyle: Advanced formatting of cross references.
  3213. regcount: Display the allocation status of the TeX registers.
  3214. regexpatch: High level patching of commands.
  3215. register: Typeset programmable elements in digital hardware (registers).
  3216. regstats: Information about register use.
  3217. relenc: A "relaxed" font encoding.
  3218. relsize: Set the font size relative to the current font size.
  3219. repeatindex: Repeat items in an index after a page or column break
  3220. repltext: Control how text gets copied from a PDF file.
  3221. rjlparshap: Support for use of parshape in LaTeX.
  3222. rlepsf: Rewrite labels in EPS graphics.
  3223. rmpage: A package to help change page layout parameters in LaTeX.
  3224. robustcommand: Declare robust command, with newcommand checks.
  3225. robustindex: Create index with pagerefs.
  3226. romanbar: Write roman number with "bars".
  3227. romanneg: Roman page numbers negative.
  3228. romannum: Generate roman numerals instead of arabic digits.
  3229. rotfloat: Rotate floats.
  3230. rotpages: Typeset sets of pages upside-down and backwards.
  3231. roundbox: Round boxes in LaTeX.
  3232. rterface: Access to R analysis from within a document.
  3233. rtkinenc: Input encoding with fallback procedures.
  3234. rulercompass: A TikZ library for straight-edge and compass diagrams.
  3235. rvwrite: Increase the number of available output streams in LaTeX.
  3236. sauerj: A bundle of utilities by Jonathan Sauer.
  3237. savefnmark: Save name of the footnote mark for reuse.
  3238. savesym: Redefine symbols where names conflict.
  3239. savetrees: Optimise the use of each page of a LaTeX document.
  3240. scale: Scale document by sqrt(2) or magstep(2).
  3241. scalebar: Create scalebars for maps, diagrams or photos.
  3242. scalerel: Constrained scaling and stretching of objects.
  3243. scanpages: Support importing and embellishing scanned documents.
  3244. sdrt: Macros for Segmented Discourse Representation Theory.
  3245. secdot: Section numbers with trailing dots.
  3246. sectionbox: Create fancy boxed ((sub)sub)sections.
  3247. sectsty: Control sectional headers.
  3248. seealso: Improve the performance of see macros with makeindex.
  3249. selectp: Select pages to be output.
  3250. semantic: Help for writing programming language semantics.
  3251. semioneside: Put only special contents on left-hand pages in two sided layout.
  3252. sepfootnotes: Support footnotes and endnotes from separate files.
  3253. seqsplit: Split long sequences of characters in a neutral way.
  3254. sf298: Standard form 298.
  3255. sffms: Typesetting science fiction/fantasy manuscripts.
  3256. sfmath: Sans-serif mathematics.
  3257. shadow: Shadow boxes.
  3258. shadowtext: shadowtext
  3259. shadethm: Theorem environments that are shaded
  3260. shapepar: A macro to typeset paragraphs in specific shapes.
  3261. shipunov: A collection of LaTeX packages and classes.
  3262. shorttoc: Table of contents with different depths.
  3263. show2e: Variants of show for LaTeX2e.
  3264. showcharinbox: Show characters inside a box.
  3265. showdim: Variants on printing dimensions.
  3266. showexpl: Typesetting LaTeX source code.
  3267. showlabels: Show label commands in the margin.
  3268. sidecap: Typeset captions sideways.
  3269. sidenotes: Typeset notes containing rich content, in the margin.
  3270. silence: Selective filtering of error messages and warnings.
  3271. simplecd: Simple CD, DVD covers for printing.
  3272. simplecv: A simple class for writing curricula vitae.
  3273. simplewick: Simple Wick contractions.
  3274. sitem: Save the optional argument of item.
  3275. skb: Tools for a repository of long-living documents.
  3276. skdoc: Documentation and extraction for packages and document classes.
  3277. skeycommand: Create commands using parameters and keyval in parallel.
  3278. skeyval: Key-value parsing combining features of xkeyval and pgfkeys.
  3279. skrapport: 'Simple' class for reports, etc.
  3280. slantsc: Access different-shaped small-caps fonts.
  3281. smalltableof: Create listoffigures etc. in a single chapter.
  3282. smartref: Extend LaTeX's ref capability.
  3283. snapshot: List the external dependencies of a LaTeX document.
  3284. snotez: Typeset notes, in the margin.
  3285. soul: Hyphenation for letterspacing, underlining, and more.
  3286. spanglish: Simplified Spanish support for Babel.
  3287. sparklines: Drawing sparklines: intense, simple, wordlike graphics.
  3288. sphack: Patch LaTeX kernel spacing macros.
  3289. spreadtab: Spreadsheet features for LaTeX tabular environments.
  3290. spverbatim: Allow line breaks within verb and verbatim output.
  3291. splitindex: Unlimited number of indexes.
  3292. spot: Spotlight highlighting for Beamer.
  3293. spotcolor: Spot colours for pdfLaTeX.
  3294. srbook-mem:
  3295. srcltx: Jump between DVI and TeX files.
  3296. sseq: Typesetting spectral sequence charts.
  3297. sslides: Slides with headers and footers.
  3298. stack: Tools to define and use stacks.
  3299. stackengine: Highly customised stacking of objects, insets, baseline changes, etc.
  3300. standalone: Compile TeX pictures stand-alone or as part of a document.
  3301. statistik: Store statistics of a document.
  3302. stdclsdv: Provide sectioning information for package writers.
  3303. stdpage: Standard pages with n lines of at most m characters each.
  3304. stex: An Infrastructure for Semantic Preloading of LaTeX Documents.
  3305. storebox: Storing information for reuse.
  3306. storecmd: Store the name of a defined command in a container.
  3307. stringstrings: String manipulation for cosmetic and programming application.
  3308. sttools: Various macros.
  3309. stubs: Create tear-off stubs at the bottom of a page.
  3310. subdepth: Unify maths subscript height.
  3311. subeqn: Package for subequation numbering.
  3312. subeqnarray: Equation array with sub numbering.
  3313. subfigmat: Automates layout when using the subfigure package.
  3314. subfigure: Deprecated: Figures divided into subfigures.
  3315. subfiles: Individual typesetting of subfiles of a "main" document.
  3316. subfloat: Sub-numbering for figures and tables.
  3317. substitutefont: Easy font substitution.
  3318. substr: Deal with substrings in strings.
  3319. supertabular: A multi-page tables package.
  3320. svg: Include and extract SVG pictures using Inkscape.
  3321. svgcolor: Define SVG named colours.
  3322. svn: Typeset Subversion keywords.
  3323. svn-multi: Subversion keywords in multi-file LaTeX documents
  3324. svn-prov: Subversion variants of Provides... macros.
  3325. svninfo: Typeset Subversion keywords.
  3326. syntax: Creation of syntax diagrams.
  3327. syntrace: Labels for tracing in a syntax tree.
  3328. synttree: Typeset syntactic trees.
  3329. tabfigures: Maintain vertical alignment of figures.
  3330. tableaux: Construct tables of signs and variations.
  3331. tablefootnote: Permit footnotes in tables.
  3332. tableof: Tagging tables of contents.
  3333. tablestyles:
  3334. tablists: Tabulated lists of short items.
  3335. tabls: Better vertical spacing in tables and arrays.
  3336. tabstackengine: "Tabbing" front-end to stackengine.
  3337. tabto-ltx: "Tab" to a measured position in the line.
  3338. tabu: Flexible LaTeX tabulars.
  3339. tabularborder: Remove excess space at left and right of tabular.
  3340. tabularcalc: Calculate formulas in a tabular environment.
  3341. tabularew: A variation on the tabular environment.
  3342. tabulary: Tabular with variable width columns balanced.
  3343. tagging: Document configuration with tags.
  3344. talk: A LaTeX class for presentations.
  3345. tamefloats: Experimentally use holdinginserts with LaTeX floats.
  3346. tasks: Horizontally columned lists.
  3347. tcldoc: Doc/docstrip for tcl.
  3348. tcolorbox: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems, etc.
  3349. tdclock: A ticking digital clock package for PDF output.
  3350. technics: A package to format technical documents.
  3351. ted: A (primitive) token list editor.
  3352. templatetools: Commands useful in LaTeX templates.
  3353. termcal: Print a class calendar.
  3354. termlist: Label any kind of term with a continuous counter.
  3355. testhyphens: Testing hyphenation patterns
  3356. tex-label: Place a classification on each page of a document
  3357. texlogos: Ready-to-use LaTeX logos.
  3358. texmate: Comprehensive chess annotation in LaTeX.
  3359. texments: Using the Pygments highlighter in LaTeX.
  3360. texpower: Create dynamic online presentations with LaTeX.
  3361. texshade: Package for setting nucleotide and peptide alignments.
  3362. textfit: Fit text to a desired size.
  3363. textgreek: Upright greek letters in text.
  3364. textmerg: Merge text in TeX and LaTeX.
  3365. textpos: Place boxes at arbitrary positions on the LaTeX page.
  3366. theoremref: References with automatic theorem names.
  3367. threadcol: Organize document columns into PDF "article thread".
  3368. threeparttable: Tables with captions and notes all the same width.
  3369. threeparttablex: Notes in longtables.
  3370. thinsp: A stretchable thinspace for LaTeX.
  3371. thmtools: Extensions to theorem environments.
  3372. thumb: Thumb marks in documents.
  3373. thumbs: Create thumb indexes.
  3374. thumby: Create thumb indexes for printed books.
  3375. ticket: Make labels, visiting-cards, pins with LaTeX.
  3376. titlecaps: Setting rich-text input into Titling Caps.
  3377. titlefoot: Add special material to footer of title page.
  3378. titlepic: Add picture to title page of a document.
  3379. titleref: A "titleref" command to cross-reference section titles.
  3380. titlesec: Select alternative section titles.
  3381. titling: Control over the typesetting of the maketitle command.
  3382. tocbibind: Add bibliography/index/contents to Table of Contents.
  3383. tocloft: Control table of contents, figures, etc.
  3384. tocvsec2: Section numbering and table of contents control.
  3385. todo: Make a to-do list for a document.
  3386. todonotes: Marking things to do in a LaTeX document.
  3387. tokenizer: A tokenizer.
  3388. toolbox: Tool macros.
  3389. topfloat: Move floats to the top of the page.
  3390. totcount: Find the last value of a counter.
  3391. totpages: Count pages in a document, and report last page number.
  3392. translations: Internationalisation of LaTeX2e packages.
  3393. trfsigns: Typeset transform signs.
  3394. trimspaces: Trim spaces around an argument or within a macro.
  3395. trsym: Symbols for transformations.
  3396. trivfloat: Quick float definitions in LaTeX.
  3397. truncate: Truncate text to a specified width.
  3398. tucv: Support for typesetting a CV or resumee.
  3399. turnthepage: Provide "turn page" instructions.
  3400. twoinone: Print two pages on a single page.
  3401. twoup: Print two virtual pages on each physical page.
  3402. txgreeks: Shape selection for TX fonts Greek letters.
  3403. type1cm: Arbitrary size font selection in LaTeX.
  3404. typeface: Select a balanced set of fonts.
  3405. typogrid: Print a typographic grid.
  3406. ucs: Extended UTF-8 input encoding support for LaTeX.
  3407. uebungsblatt: A LaTeX class for writing exercise sheets.
  3408. umoline: Underline text allowing line breaking.
  3409. underlin: Underlined running heads.
  3410. underoverlap: Position decorations over and under expressions.
  3411. undolabl: Override existing labels.
  3412. units: Typeset units.
  3413. unravel: Watching TeX digest tokens.
  3414. upmethodology: Writing specifications such as for UP-based methodologies.
  3415. upquote: Show "realistic" quotes in verbatim.
  3416. uri: Hyperlinks for a wide range of URIs.
  3417. ushort: Shorter (and longer) underlines and underbars.
  3418. uwmslide: Slides with a simple Power Point like appearance.
  3419. varindex: Luxury frontend to the index command.
  3420. varsfromjobname: Extract variables from the name of the LaTeX file.
  3421. varwidth: A variable-width minipage.
  3422. vdmlisting: Typesetting VDM in ASCII syntax.
  3423. verbasef: VERBatim Automatic Splitting of External Files.
  3424. verbatimbox: Deposit verbatim text in a box.
  3425. verbatimcopy: Make copies of text documents from within LaTeX.
  3426. verbdef: Define commands which expand to verbatim text
  3427. verbments: Syntax highlighting of source code in LaTeX documents.
  3428. version: Conditionally include text.
  3429. versions: Optionally omit pieces of text.
  3430. vertbars: Mark vertical rules in margin of text.
  3431. vgrid: Overlay a grid on the printed page.
  3432. vhistory: Support for creating a change log.
  3433. vmargin: Set various page dimensions.
  3434. volumes: Typeset only parts of a document, with complete indexes etc.
  3435. vpe: Source specials for PDF output.
  3436. vruler: Numbering text.
  3437. vwcol: Variable-width multiple text columns.
  3438. wallpaper: Easy addition of wallpapers (background images) to LaTeX documents, including tiling.
  3439. warning: Global warnings at the end of the logfile.
  3440. warpcol: Relative alignment of rows in numeric columns in tabulars.
  3441. was: A collection of small packages by Walter Schmidt.
  3442. widetable: An environment for typesetting tables of specified width
  3443. williams: Miscellaneous macros by Peter Williams.
  3444. withargs: Ephemeral macro use.
  3445. wordlike: Simulating word processor layout.
  3446. wrapfig: Produces figures which text can flow around.
  3447. xargs: Define commands with many optional arguments.
  3448. xcomment: Allows selected environments to be included/excluded.
  3449. xhfill: Extending hrulefill.
  3450. xtab: Break tables across pages.
  3451. xdoc: Extending the LaTeX doc system.
  3452. xfor: A reimplementation of the LaTeX for-loop macro.
  3453. xifthen: Extended conditional commands.
  3454. xint: Expandable operations on long numbers.
  3455. xmpincl: Include eXtensible Metadata Platform data in PDFLaTeX.
  3456. xnewcommand: Define global and protected commands with newcommand.
  3457. xoptarg: Expandable macros that take an optional argument.
  3458. xpatch: Extending etoolbox patching commands.
  3459. xpeek: Define commands that peek ahead in the input stream.
  3460. xpunctuate: Process trailing punctuation which may be redundant.
  3461. xstring: String manipulation for (La)TeX.
  3462. xwatermark: Graphics and text watermarks on selected pages.
  3463. xytree: Tree macros using XY-Pic.
  3464. yafoot: A bundle of miscellaneous footnote packages.
  3465. yagusylo: A symbol loader.
  3466. ydoc: Macros for documentation of LaTeX classes and packages.
  3467. yplan: Daily planner type calendar.
  3468. zed-csp: Typesetting Z and CSP format specifications.
  3469. ziffer: Conversion of punctuation in maths mode.
  3470. zwgetfdate: Get package or file date.
  3471. zwpagelayout: Page layout and crop-marks.
  3472. %description -l ja
  3473. TeX Live ソフトウェアディストリビューションは、
  3474. さまざまな Unix, Macintosh, Windows、および
  3475. 他のプラットホームに対して完全な TeX システムを提供します。
  3476. 多くの異なった言語を含む TeX ドキュメントの
  3477. 編集、組版、閲覧、印刷するためのプログラム、
  3478. そして、TeX マクロやフォントライブラリの大きなコレクションを
  3479. 同梱しています。
  3480. このディストリビューションは
  3481. 同梱しているソフトウェアパッケージのためのドキュメントばかりでなく、
  3482. TeX に関するたくさんの一般的なドキュメントを含んでいます。
  3483. このパッケージは以下のようなパッケージ集です。
  3484. LaTeX additional packages:
  3485. A very large collection of add-on packages for LaTeX.
  3486. このパッケージは以下の CTAN パッケージを含んでいます:
  3487. 2up:
  3488. ESIEEcv: Curriculum vitae for French use.
  3489. GS1: Typeset EAN barcodes using TeX rules, only.
  3490. HA-prosper: Patches and improvements for prosper.
  3491. Tabbing: Tabbing with accented letters.
  3492. a0poster: Support for designing posters on large paper.
  3493. a4wide: "Wide" a4 layout.
  3494. a5comb: Support for a5 paper sizes.
  3495. abraces: Asymmetric over-/underbraces in maths.
  3496. abstract: Control the typesetting of the abstract environment.
  3497. achemso: Support for American Chemical Society journal submissions.
  3498. acro: Typeset acronyms.
  3499. acronym: Expand acronyms at least once.
  3500. acroterm: Manage and index acronyms and terms.
  3501. actuarialangle: Symbol for use in "present value" statements of an annuity.
  3502. addlines: A user-friendly wrapper around enlargethispage.
  3503. adjmulticol: Adjusting margins for multicolumn and single column output.
  3504. adjustbox: Graphics package-alike macros for "general" boxes.
  3505. adrconv: BibTeX styles to implement an address database.
  3506. advdate: Print a date relative to "today".
  3507. akktex: A collection of packages and classes.
  3508. akletter: Comprehensive letter support.
  3509. alnumsec: Alphanumeric section numbering.
  3510. alterqcm: Multiple choice questionnaires in two column tables.
  3511. altfont: Alternative font handling in LaTeX.
  3512. amsaddr: Alter the position of affiliations in amsart.
  3513. animate: Create PDF animations from graphics files and inline graphics.
  3514. anonchap: Make chapters be typeset like sections.
  3515. answers: Setting questions (or exercises) and answers.
  3516. anyfontsize: Select any font size in LaTeX.
  3517. appendix: Extra control of appendices.
  3518. appendixnumberbeamer: Manage frame numbering in appendixes in beamer.
  3519. apptools: Tools for customising appendices.
  3520. arcs: Draw arcs over and under text
  3521. arrayjobx: Array data structures for (La)TeX.
  3522. arraysort: Sort arrays (or portions of them).
  3523. arydshln: Horizontal and vertical dashed lines in arrays and tabulars.
  3524. assignment: A class file for typesetting homework and lab assignments
  3525. assoccnt: Associate counters, making them step when a master steps.
  3526. attachfile: Attach arbitrary files to a PDF document
  3527. autopdf: Conversion of graphics to pdfLaTeX-compatible formats.
  3528. authoraftertitle: Make author, etc., available after maketitle.
  3529. authorindex: Index citations by author names.
  3530. autonum: Automatic equation references.
  3531. avremu: An 8-Bit Microcontroller Simulator written in LaTeX.
  3532. background: Placement of background material on pages of a document.
  3533. bashful: Invoke bash commands from within LaTeX.
  3534. basicarith: Macros for typesetting basic arithmetic.
  3535. bchart: Draw simple bar charts in LaTeX.
  3536. beamer2thesis: Thesis presentations using beamer.
  3537. beameraudience: Assembling beamer frames according to audience
  3538. beamerdarkthemes: Dark color themes for beamer.
  3539. beamerposter: Extend beamer and a0poster for custom sized posters.
  3540. beamersubframe: Reorder frames in the PDF file.
  3541. beamertheme-upenn-bc: Beamer themies for Boston College and the University of Pennsylvania.
  3542. beamerthemejltree: Contributed beamer theme.
  3543. beamerthemenirma: A Beamer theme for academic presentations.
  3544. beamerthemephnompenh:
  3545. beton: Use Concrete fonts.
  3546. bez123: Support for Bezier curves.
  3547. bezos: Packages by Javier Bezos.
  3548. bhcexam: An exam class designed for Mathematics Teachers in China.
  3549. bigfoot: Footnotes for critical editions.
  3550. bigints: Writing big integrals.
  3551. bizcard: Typeset business cards.
  3552. blindtext: Producing 'blind' text for testing.
  3553. blkarray: Extended array and tabular.
  3554. block: A block letter style for the letter class.
  3555. blowup: Upscale or downscale all pages of a document.
  3556. bnumexpr: Extends eTeX's numexpr...relax construct to big integers.
  3557. boites: Boxes that may break across pages
  3558. bold-extra: Use bold small caps and typewriter fonts.
  3559. bookest: Extended book class.
  3560. booklet: Aids for printing simple booklets.
  3561. boolexpr: A boolean expression evaluator and a switch command.
  3562. bophook: Provides an At-Begin-Page hook.
  3563. boxedminipage: A package for producing framed minipages.
  3564. boxhandler: Flexible Captioning and Deferred Box/List Printing.
  3565. bracketkey: Produce bracketed identification keys.
  3566. braket: Dirac bra-ket and set notations.
  3567. breakurl: Line-breakable url-like links in hyperref when compiling via dvips/ps2pdf.
  3568. bullcntr: Display list item counter as regular pattern of bullets.
  3569. bussproofs: Proof trees in the style of the sequent calculus.
  3570. bxdpx-beamer: Dvipdfmx extras for use with beamer.
  3571. calcage: Calculate the age of something, in years.
  3572. calctab: Language for numeric tables.
  3573. calculator: Use LaTeX as a scientific calculator.
  3574. calrsfs: Copperplate calligraphic letters in LaTeX.
  3575. cals: Multipage tables with wide range of features.
  3576. calxxxx-yyyy: Print a calendar for a group of years.
  3577. cancel: Place lines through maths formulae.
  3578. canoniclayout: Create canonical page layouts with memoir.
  3579. capt-of: Captions on more than floats.
  3580. captcont: Retain float number across several floats.
  3581. captdef: Declare free-standing caption commands.
  3582. cases: Numbered cases environment
  3583. casyl: Typeset Cree/Inuktitut in Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics.
  3584. catchfilebetweentags: Catch text delimited by docstrip tags.
  3585. catechis: Macros for typesetting catechisms.
  3586. catoptions: Preserving and recalling standard catcodes.
  3587. cbcoptic: Coptic fonts and LaTeX macros for general usage and for philology.
  3588. ccaption: Continuation headings and legends for floats.
  3589. cclicenses: Typeset Creative Commons licence logos.
  3590. cd: Typeset CD covers.
  3591. cd-cover: Typeset CD covers.
  3592. cdpbundl: Business letters in the Italian style.
  3593. cellspace: Ensure minimal spacing of table cells.
  3594. censor: Facilities for controlling restricted text in a document.
  3595. changebar: Generate changebars in LaTeX documents.
  3596. changelayout: Change the layout of individual pages and their text.
  3597. changepage: Margin adjustment and detection of odd/even pages.
  3598. changes: Manual change markup.
  3599. chappg: Page numbering by chapter.
  3600. chapterfolder: Package for working with complicated folder structures.
  3601. chet: LaTeX layout inspired by harvmac.
  3602. chextras: A companion package for the Swiss typesetter.
  3603. chkfloat: Warn whenever a float is placed "to far away".
  3604. chletter: Class for typesetting letters to Swiss rules.
  3605. chngcntr: Change the resetting of counters.
  3606. chronology: Provides a horizontal timeline.
  3607. circ: Macros for typesetting circuit diagrams.
  3608. classics: Cite classic works.
  3609. clefval: Key/value support with a hash.
  3610. cleveref: Intelligent cross-referencing.
  3611. clipboard: Copy and paste into and across documents.
  3612. clock: Graphical and textual clocks for TeX and LaTeX.
  3613. cmdstring: Get command name reliably.
  3614. cmdtrack: Check used commands.
  3615. cmsd: Interfaces to the CM Sans Serif Bold fonts.
  3616. cnltx: LaTeX tools and documenting facilities.
  3617. cntformats: A different way to read counters.
  3618. codedoc: LaTeX code and documentation in LaTeX-format file.
  3619. codepage: Support for variant code pages.
  3620. codesection: Provides an environment that may be conditionally included.
  3621. collcell: Collect contents of a tabular cell as argument to a macro.
  3622. collectbox: Collect and process macro arguments as boxes.
  3623. colordoc: Coloured syntax highlights in documentation.
  3624. colorinfo: Retrieve colour model and values for defined colours.
  3625. colortab: Shade cells of tables and halign.
  3626. colorwav: Colours by wavelength of visible light.
  3627. colorweb: Extend the color package colour space.
  3628. colourchange: colourchange
  3629. combelow: Typeset "comma-below" letters, as in Romanian.
  3630. combine: Bundle individual documents into a single document.
  3631. comma: Formats a number by inserting commas.
  3632. commado: Expandable iteration on comma-separated and filename lists.
  3633. comment: Selectively include/excludes portions of text.
  3634. concepts: Keeping track of formal 'concepts' for a particular field.
  3635. concprog: Concert programmes.
  3636. constants: Automatic numbering of constants.
  3637. contour: Print a coloured contour around text.
  3638. contracard: Generate calling cards for dances.
  3639. cooking: Typeset recipes.
  3640. cool: COntent-Oriented LaTeX.
  3641. coollist: Manipulate COntent Oriented LaTeX Lists.
  3642. coolstr: String manipulation in LaTeX.
  3643. coolthms: Reference items in a theorem environment.
  3644. cooltooltips: Associate a pop-up window and tooltip with PDF hyperlinks.
  3645. coordsys: Draw cartesian coordinate systems.
  3646. copyrightbox: Provide copyright notices for images in a document.
  3647. coseoul: Context sensitive outline elements
  3648. counttexruns: Count compilations of a document.
  3649. courseoutline: Prepare university course outlines.
  3650. coursepaper: Prepare university course papers.
  3651. coverpage: Automatic cover page creation for scientific papers.
  3652. cprotect: Allow verbatim, etc., in macro arguments.
  3653. crbox: Boxes with crossed corners.
  3654. crossreference: Crossreferences within documents.
  3655. csquotes: Context sensitive quotation facilities.
  3656. csvsimple: Simple CSV file processing.
  3657. csvtools: Reading data from CSV files.
  3658. cuisine: Typeset recipes.
  3659. currfile: Provide file name and path of input files.
  3660. currvita: Typeset a curriculum vitae.
  3661. cutwin: Cut a window in a paragraph, typeset material in it.
  3662. cv: A package for creating a curriculum vitae.
  3663. cv4tw: LaTeX CV class, with extended details.
  3664. cweb-latex: A LaTeX version of CWEB.
  3665. dashbox: Draw dashed boxes.
  3666. dashrule: Draw dashed rules.
  3667. dashundergaps: Underline with dotted or dashed lines.
  3668. dataref: Manage references to experimental data.
  3669. datatool: Tools to load and manipulate data.
  3670. dateiliste: Extensions of the listfiles concept.
  3671. datenumber: Convert a date into a number and vice versa.
  3672. datetime: Change format of today with commands for current time.
  3673. dblfloatfix: Fixes for twocolumn floats.
  3674. decimal: LaTeX package for the English raised decimal point.
  3675. decorule: Decorative swelled rule using font character.
  3676. delim: Simplify typesetting mathematical delimiters.
  3677. delimtxt: Read and parse text tables.
  3678. detlev-cm:
  3679. diagbox: Table heads with diagonal lines.
  3680. diagnose: A diagnostic tool for a TeX installation.
  3681. dialogl: Macros for constructing interactive LaTeX scripts.
  3682. dichokey: Construct dichotomous identification keys.
  3683. dinbrief: German letter DIN style.
  3684. directory: An address book using BibTeX.
  3685. dirtytalk: A package to typeset quotations easier.
  3686. dlfltxb: Macros related to "Introdktion til LaTeX".
  3687. dnaseq: Format DNA base sequences.
  3688. docmfp: Document non-LaTeX code.
  3689. docmute: Input files ignoring LaTeX preamble, etc.
  3690. doctools: Tools for the documentation of LaTeX code.
  3691. documentation: Documentation support for C, Java and assembler code.
  3692. doi: Create correct hyperlinks for DOI numbers.
  3693. dotarrow: Extendable dotted arrows.
  3694. dotseqn: Flush left equations with dotted leaders to the numbers.
  3695. download: Allow LaTeX to download files using an external process.
  3696. dox: Extend the doc package.
  3697. dpfloat: Support for double-page floats.
  3698. dprogress: LaTeX-relevant log information for debugging.
  3699. drac: Declare active character substitution, robustly.
  3700. draftcopy: Identify draft copies.
  3701. draftwatermark: Put a grey textual watermark on document pages.
  3702. dtk: Document class for the journal of DANTE.
  3703. dtxgallery: A small collection of minimal DTX examples.
  3704. dvdcoll: A class for typesetting DVD archives
  3705. dynblocks: A simple way to create dynamic blocks for Beamer.
  3706. easy: A collection of easy-to-use macros.
  3707. easy-todo: To-do notes in a document.
  3708. easyfig: Simplifying the use of common figures.
  3709. easylist: Lists using a single active character.
  3710. ean13isbn: Print EAN13 for ISBN.
  3711. ebezier: Device independent picture environment enhancement.
  3712. ecclesiastic: Typesetting Ecclesiastic Latin.
  3713. ecv: A fancy Curriculum Vitae class.
  3714. ed: Editorial Notes for LaTeX documents.
  3715. edmargin: Multiple series of endnotes for critical editions.
  3716. eemeir: Adjust the gender of words in a document.
  3717. efbox: Extension of fbox, with controllable frames and colours.
  3718. egplot: Encapsulate Gnuplot sources in LaTeX documents.
  3719. ellipsis: Fix uneven spacing around ellipses in LaTeX text mode.
  3720. elmath: Mathematics in Greek texts.
  3721. elpres: A simple class for electronic presentations
  3722. emarks: Named mark registers with e-TeX.
  3723. embedall: Embed source files into the generated PDF.
  3724. embrac: Upright brackets in emphasised text.
  3725. emptypage: Make empty pages really empty.
  3726. emulateapj: Produce output similar to that of APJ.
  3727. endfloat: Move floats to the end, leaving markers where they belong.
  3728. endheads: Running headers of the form "Notes to pp.xx-yy"
  3729. endnotes: Place footnotes at the end.
  3730. engpron: Helps to type the pronunciation of English words.
  3731. engrec: Enumerate with lower- or uppercase Greek letters.
  3732. enotez: Support for end-notes.
  3733. enumitem: Control layout of itemize, enumerate, description.
  3734. enumitem-zref: Extended references to items for enumitem package.
  3735. envbig: Printing addresses on envelopes.
  3736. environ: A new interface for environments in LaTeX.
  3737. envlab: Addresses on envelopes or mailing labels.
  3738. epigraph: A package for typesetting epigraphs.
  3739. epiolmec: Typesetting the Epi-Olmec Language.
  3740. eqell: Sympathetically spaced ellipsis after punctuation.
  3741. eqlist: Description lists with equal indentation.
  3742. eqname: Name tags for equations.
  3743. eqparbox: Create equal-widthed parboxes.
  3744. errata: Error markup for LaTeX documents.
  3745. esami: Typeset exams with scrambled questions and answers.
  3746. esdiff: Simplify typesetting of derivatives.
  3747. esint: Extended set of integrals for Computer Modern.
  3748. esint-type1: Font esint10 in Type 1 format
  3749. etaremune: Reverse-counting enumerate environment.
  3750. etextools: e-TeX tools for LaTeX users and package writers.
  3751. etoc: Completely customisable TOCs.
  3752. etoolbox: Tool-box for LaTeX programmers using e-TeX.
  3753. eukdate: UK format dates, with weekday.
  3754. europecv: Unofficial class for European curricula vitae.
  3755. everyhook: Hooks for standard TeX token lists.
  3756. everypage: Provide hooks to be run on every page of a document.
  3757. exam: Package for typesetting exam scripts.
  3758. exam-n: Exam class, focused on collaborative authoring.
  3759. examdesign: LaTeX class for typesetting exams.
  3760. example: Typeset examples for TeX courses.
  3761. examplep: Verbatim phrases and listings in LaTeX.
  3762. exceltex: Get data from Excel files into LaTeX.
  3763. excludeonly: Prevent files being include-ed.
  3764. exercise: Typeset exercises, problems, etc. and their answers
  3765. exp-testopt: Expandable @testopt (and related) macros.
  3766. expdlist: Expanded description environments.
  3767. export: Import and export values of LaTeX registers.
  3768. exsheets: Create exercise sheets and exams.
  3769. exsol: Exercises and solutions from the same source, into a book.
  3770. extract: Extract parts of a document and write to another document.
  3771. facsimile: Document class for preparing faxes.
  3772. factura: Write invoices according to Venezuelan law.
  3773. fancylabel: Complex labelling with LaTeX.
  3774. fancynum: Typeset numbers.
  3775. fancypar: Decoration of individual paragraphs.
  3776. fancytabs: Fancy page border tabs.
  3777. fancytooltips: Include a wide range of material in PDF tooltips.
  3778. fifo-stack: FIFO and stack implementation for package writers
  3779. figsize: Auto-size graphics.
  3780. filecontents: Extended filecontents and filecontents* environments
  3781. filedate: Access and compare info and modification dates.
  3782. filehook: Hooks for input files.
  3783. fileinfo: Enhanced display of LaTeX File Information.
  3784. filemod: Provide file modification times, and compare them.
  3785. fink: The LaTeX2e File Name Keeper.
  3786. finstrut: Adjust behaviour of the ends of footnotes.
  3787. fixfoot: Multiple use of the same footnote text.
  3788. fixme: Insert "fixme" notes into draft documents.
  3789. fixmetodonotes: Add notes on document development.
  3790. fjodor: A selection of layout styles.
  3791. flabels: Labels for files and folders.
  3792. flacards: Generate flashcards for printing.
  3793. flagderiv: Flag style derivation package
  3794. flashcards: A class for typesetting flashcards.
  3795. flashmovie: Directly embed flash movies into PDF files.
  3796. flipbook: Typeset flipbook animations, in the corners of documents.
  3797. flippdf: Horizontal flipping of pages with pdfLaTeX.
  3798. floatflt: Wrap text around floats.
  3799. floatrow: Modifying the layout of floats.
  3800. flowfram: Create text frames for posters, brochures or magazines.
  3801. fmp: Include Functional MetaPost in LaTeX.
  3802. fmtcount: Display the value of a LaTeX counter in a variety of formats.
  3803. fn2end: Convert footnotes to endnotes.
  3804. fnbreak: Warn for split footnotes.
  3805. fncychap: Seven predefined chapter heading styles.
  3806. fncylab: Alter the format of label references.
  3807. fnpara: Footnotes in paragraphs.
  3808. fnpct: Manage footnote marks' interaction with punctuation.
  3809. fnumprint: Print a number in 'appropriate' format.
  3810. foilhtml: Interface between foiltex and LaTeX2HTML.
  3811. fontaxes: Additional font axes for LaTeX.
  3812. fonttable: Print font tables from a LaTeX document.
  3813. footmisc: A range of footnote options.
  3814. footnotebackref: Back-references from footnotes.
  3815. footnoterange: References to ranges of footnotes.
  3816. footnpag: Per-page numbering of footnotes.
  3817. forarray: Using array structures in LaTeX.
  3818. foreign: Systematic treatment of 'foreign' words in documents.
  3819. forloop: Iteration in LaTeX.
  3820. formlett: Letters to multiple recipients.
  3821. formular: Create forms containing field for manual entry.
  3822. fragments: Fragments of LaTeX code.
  3823. frame: Framed boxes for Plain TeX.
  3824. framed: Framed or shaded regions that can break across pages.
  3825. frankenstein: A collection of LaTeX packages.
  3826. frege: Typeset fregean Begriffsschrift.
  3827. ftcap: Allows caption at the beginning of a table-environment.
  3828. ftnxtra: Extend the applicability of the footnote command.
  3829. fullblck: Left-blocking for letter class.
  3830. fullminipage: Minipage spanning a complete page
  3831. fullwidth: Adjust margins of text block.
  3832. fundus-calligra: Support for the calligra font in LaTeX documents.
  3833. fundus-cyr: Support for Washington University Cyrillic fonts.
  3834. fundus-sueterlin: Sutterlin
  3835. fwlw: Get first and last words of a page.
  3836. g-brief: Letter document class.
  3837. gauss: A package for Gaussian operations.
  3838. gcard: Arrange text on a sheet to fold into a greeting card.
  3839. gcite: Citations in a reader-friendly style.
  3840. genmpage: Generalization of LaTeX's minipages.
  3841. getfiledate: Find the date of last modification of a file.
  3842. ginpenc: Modification of inputenc for German.
  3843. gitinfo: Access metadata from the git distributed version control system.
  3844. gitinfo2: Access metadata from the git distributed version control system.
  3845. gloss: Create glossaries using BibTeX.
  3846. glossaries: Create glossaries and lists of acronyms.
  3847. gmdoc: Documentation of LaTeX packages.
  3848. gmdoc-enhance: Some enhancements to the gmdoc package.
  3849. gmiflink: Simplify usage of hypertarget and hyperlink.
  3850. gmutils: Support macros for other packages.
  3851. gmverb: A variant of LaTeX verb, verbatim and shortvrb.
  3852. graphbox: Extend graphicx to improve placement of graphics.
  3853. graphicx-psmin: Reduce size of PostScript files by not repeating images.
  3854. graphicxbox: Insert a graphical image as a background.
  3855. grfpaste: Include fragments of a dvi file.
  3856. grid: Grid typesetting in LaTeX.
  3857. grid-system: Page organisation, modelled on CSS facilities.
  3858. gridset: Grid, a.k.a. in-register, setting.
  3859. gtl: Manipulating generalized token lists.
  3860. guitlogo: Macros for typesetting the GuIT logo.
  3861. handout: Create handout for auditors of a talk
  3862. hanging: Hanging paragraphs.
  3863. hardwrap: Hard wrap text to a certain character length.
  3864. harnon-cv: A CV document class with a vertical timeline for experience.
  3865. harpoon: Extra harpoons, using the graphics package.
  3866. hc: Replacement for the LaTeX classes.
  3867. he-she: Alternating pronouns to aid gender-neutral writing.
  3868. hhtensor: Print vectors, matrices, and tensors.
  3869. histogr: Draw histograms with the LaTeX picture environment.
  3870. hitec: Class for documentation.
  3871. hletter: Flexible letter typesetting with flexible page headings.
  3872. hpsdiss: A dissertation class.
  3873. hrefhide: Suppress hyper links when printing.
  3874. hvindex: Support for indexing.
  3875. hypdvips: Hyperref extensions for use with dvips.
  3876. hyper: Hypertext cross referencing.
  3877. hypernat: Allow hyperref and natbib to work together.
  3878. hyperref-docsrc:
  3879. hyperxmp: Embed XMP metadata within a LaTeX document.
  3880. hyphenat: Disable/enable hypenation.
  3881. idxcmds: Semantic commands for adding formatted index entries.
  3882. idxlayout: Configurable index layout, responsive to KOMA-Script and memoir.
  3883. ifmslide: Presentation slides for screen and printouts.
  3884. ifmtarg: If-then-else command for processing potentially empty arguments.
  3885. ifnextok: Utility macro: peek ahead without ignoring spaces.
  3886. ifoddpage: Determine if the current page is odd or even.
  3887. ifplatform: Conditionals to test which platform is being used.
  3888. ifthenx: Extra tests for ifthenelse.
  3889. iitem: Multiple level of lists in one list-like environment.
  3890. image-gallery: Create an overview of pictures from a digital camera or from other sources.
  3891. imakeidx: A package for producing multiple indexes.
  3892. import: Establish input relative to a directory.
  3893. incgraph: Sophisticated graphics inclusion in a PDF document.
  3894. inlinedef: Inline expansions within definitions.
  3895. inputtrc: Trace which file loads which.
  3896. interactiveworkbook: LaTeX-based interactive PDF on the Web.
  3897. interfaces: Set parameters for other packages, conveniently.
  3898. inversepath: Calculate inverse file paths.
  3899. invoice: Generate invoices.
  3900. iso: Generic ISO standards typesetting macros.
  3901. iso10303: Typesetting the STEP standards.
  3902. isodate: Tune the output format of dates according to language.
  3903. isonums: Display numbers in maths mode according to ISO 31-0.
  3904. isodoc: A LaTeX class for typesetting letters and invoices.
  3905. isorot: Rotation of document elements.
  3906. isotope: A package for typesetting isotopes
  3907. issuulinks: Produce external links instead of internal ones.
  3908. iwhdp: Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) Discussion Papers.
  3909. jlabels: Make letter-sized pages of labels.
  3910. jvlisting: A replacement for LaTeX's verbatim package.
  3911. kantlipsum: Generate sentences in Kant's style.
  3912. kerntest: Print tables and generate control files to adjust kernings.
  3913. keycommand: Simple creation of commands with key-value arguments.
  3914. keyreader: A robust interface to xkeyval.
  3915. keystroke: Graphical representation of keys on keyboard.
  3916. keyval2e: A lightweight and robust key-value parser.
  3917. kix: Typeset KIX codes.
  3918. koma-moderncvclassic: Makes the style and command of moderncv (style classic) available for koma-classes and thus compatible with biblatex.
  3919. koma-script-sfs: Koma-script letter class option for Finnish.
  3920. komacv: Typesetting a beuatiful CV with various style options.
  3921. ktv-texdata: Extract subsets of documents.
  3922. l3build: A testing and building system for (La)TeX.
  3923. labbook: Typeset laboratory journals.
  3924. labelcas: Check the existence of labels, and fork accordingly.
  3925. labels: Print sheets of sticky labels.
  3926. lastpackage: Indicates the last loaded package.
  3927. lastpage: Reference last page for Page N of M type footers.
  3928. latexdemo: Demonstrate LaTeX code with its resulting output.
  3929. latex-tds: A structured copy of the LaTeX distribution.
  3930. layouts: Display various elements of a document's layout.
  3931. lazylist: Lists in TeX's "mouth".
  3932. lcd: Alphanumerical LCD-style displays.
  3933. lcg: Generate random integers.
  3934. leading: Define leading with a length.
  3935. leaflet: Create small handouts (flyers).
  3936. leftidx: Left and right subscripts and superscripts in math mode.
  3937. lengthconvert: Express lengths in arbitrary units.
  3938. lettre: Letters and faxes in French.
  3939. lettrine: Typeset dropped capitals.
  3940. lewis: Draw Lewis structures.
  3941. lhelp: Miscellaneous helper packages.
  3942. libgreek: Use Libertine or Biolinum Greek glyphs in mathematics.
  3943. limap: Typeset maps and blocks according to the Information Mapping method.
  3944. linegoal: A "dimen" that returns the space left on the line.
  3945. lipsum: Easy access to the Lorem Ipsum dummy text.
  3946. lisp-on-tex: Execute LISP code in a LaTeX document.
  3947. listing: Produce formatted program listings.
  3948. listlbls: Creates a list of all labels used throughout a document
  3949. listofsymbols: Create and manipulate lists of symbols
  3950. listliketab: Typeset lists as tables.
  3951. lkproof: LK Proof figure macros.
  3952. lmake: Process lists to do repetitive actions.
  3953. locality: Various macros for keeping things local.
  3954. localloc: Macros for localizing TeX register allocations.
  3955. logbox: e-TeX showbox facilities for exploration purposes.
  3956. logical-markup-utils: Packages for language-dependent inline quotes and dashes.
  3957. logpap: Generate logarithmic graph paper with LaTeX.
  3958. longfigure: Provides a figure-like environment that break over pages.
  3959. longnamefilelist: Tidy listfiles with long file names.
  3960. loops: General looping macros for use with LaTeX.
  3961. lsc: Typesetting Live Sequence Charts.
  3962. lstaddons: Add-on packages for listings: autogobble and line background.
  3963. lt3graph: Provide a graph datastructure for experimental LaTeX3.
  3964. ltablex: Table package extensions.
  3965. ltabptch: Bug fix for longtable.
  3966. ltxdockit: Documentation support.
  3967. ltxindex: A LaTeX package to typeset indices with GNU's Texindex.
  3968. ltxkeys: A robust key parser for LaTeX.
  3969. ltxnew: A simple means of creating commands.
  3970. ltxtools: A collection of LaTeX API macros.
  3971. macroswap: Swap the definitions of two LaTeX macros.
  3972. magaz: Magazine layout.
  3973. mailing: Macros for mail merging.
  3974. mailmerge: Repeating text field substitution.
  3975. makebarcode: Print various kinds 2/5 and Code 39 bar codes.
  3976. makebox: Defines a makebox* command.
  3977. makecell: Tabular column heads and multilined cells.
  3978. makecirc: A MetaPost library for drawing electrical circuit diagrams.
  3979. makecmds: The new makecommand command always (re)defines a command.
  3980. makedtx: Perl script to help generate dtx and ins files
  3981. makeglos: Include a glossary into a document.
  3982. mandi: Macros for introductory physics and astronomy.
  3983. manfnt: LaTeX support for the TeX book symbols.
  3984. manuscript: Emulate look of a document typed on a typewriter.
  3985. marginfix: Patch marginpar to avoid overfull margins.
  3986. marginnote: Notes in the margin, even where marginpar fails
  3987. mathalfa: General package for loading maths alphabets in LaTeX.
  3988. mathastext: Use the text font in maths mode.
  3989. mathexam: Package for typesetting exams.
  3990. maybemath: Make math bold or italic according to context.
  3991. mbenotes: Notes in tables or images.
  3992. mcaption: Put captions in the margin.
  3993. mceinleger: Creating covers for music cassettes.
  3994. mcite: Multiple items in a single citation.
  3995. mciteplus: Enhanced multiple citations.
  3996. mdframed: Framed environments that can split at page boundaries.
  3997. media9: Multimedia inclusion package with Adobe Reader-9/X compatibility.
  3998. meetingmins: Format written minutes of meetings.
  3999. memexsupp: Experimental memoir support.
  4000. memory: Containers for data in LaTeX.
  4001. menu: Typesetting menus.
  4002. menukeys: Format menu sequences, paths and keystrokes from lists.
  4003. method: Typeset method and variable declarations.
  4004. metre: Support for the work of classicists
  4005. mftinc: Pretty-print Metafont source.
  4006. midpage: Environment for vertical centring.
  4007. minibox: A simple type of box for LaTeX.
  4008. minifp: Fixed-point real computations to 8 decimals.
  4009. minipage-marginpar: Minipages with marginal notes.
  4010. minitoc: Produce a table of contents for each chapter, part or section.
  4011. minorrevision: Quote and refer to a manuscript for minor revisions.
  4012. minted: Highlighted source code for LaTeX.
  4013. minutes: Typeset the minutes of meetings.
  4014. mla-paper: Proper MLA formatting.
  4015. mlist: Logical markup for lists.
  4016. mmap: Include CMap resources in PDF files from PDFTeX.
  4017. mnotes: Margin annotation for collaborative writing.
  4018. moderncv: A modern curriculum vitae class.
  4019. moderntimeline: Timelines for use with moderncv.
  4020. modref: Customisation of cross-references in LaTeX.
  4021. modroman: Write numbers in lower case roman numerals.
  4022. monofill: Alignment of plain text.
  4023. moreenum: More enumeration options.
  4024. morefloats: Increase the number of simultaneous LaTeX floats.
  4025. morehype: Hypertext tools for use with LaTeX.
  4026. moresize: Allows font sizes up to 35.83pt.
  4027. moreverb: Extended verbatim.
  4028. morewrites: Always room for a new write stream.
  4029. movie15: Multimedia inclusion package.
  4030. mparhack: Work around a LaTeX bug in marginpars.
  4031. msc: Draw MSC diagrams.
  4032. msg: A package for LaTeX localisation.
  4033. mslapa: Michael Landy's APA citation style.
  4034. mtgreek: Use italic and upright greek letters with mathtime.
  4035. multenum: Multi-column enumerated lists.
  4036. multibbl: Multiple bibliographies.
  4037. multicap: Format captions inside multicols
  4038. multienv: Multiple environments using a "key=value" syntax.
  4039. multiexpand: Variations on the primitive command expandafter.
  4040. multirow: Create tabular cells spanning multiple rows.
  4041. mversion: Keeping track of document versions.
  4042. mwe: Packages and image files for MWEs.
  4043. mweights: Support for multiple-weight font packages.
  4044. mycv: A list-driven CV class, allowing TikZ decorations.
  4045. mylatexformat: Build a format based on the preamble of a LaTeX file.
  4046. nag: Detecting and warning about obsolete LaTeX commands
  4047. nameauth: Name authority mechanism for consistency in body text and index.
  4048. namespc: Rudimentary C++-like namespaces in LaTeX.
  4049. ncclatex: An extended general-purpose class
  4050. ncctools: A collection of general packages for LaTeX
  4051. needspace: Insert pagebreak if not enough space.
  4052. nestquot: Alternate quotes between double and single with nesting.
  4053. newcommand: Generate new LaTeX command definitions.
  4054. newenviron: Processing an environment's body.
  4055. newfile: User level management of LaTeX input and output.
  4056. newlfm: Write letters, facsimiles, and memos.
  4057. newspaper: Typeset newsletters to resemble newspapers.
  4058. newunicodechar: Definitions of the meaning of Unicode characters.
  4059. newvbtm: Define your own verbatim-like environment.
  4060. newverbs: Define new versions of verb, including short verb versions.
  4061. nextpage: Generalisations of the page advance commands.
  4062. nfssext-cfr: Extensions to the LaTeX NFSS.
  4063. nicefilelist: Provide listfiles alignment.
  4064. niceframe: Support for fancy frames.
  4065. nicetext: Minimal markup for simple text (Wikipedia style) and documentation.
  4066. nlctdoc: Package documentation class.
  4067. noconflict: Resolve macro name conflict between packages.
  4068. noindentafter: Tool to prevent paragraph indentation after environments/macros.
  4069. noitcrul: Improved underlines in mathematics.
  4070. nolbreaks: No line breaks in text.
  4071. nomencl: Produce lists of symbols as in nomenclature.
  4072. nomentbl: Nomenclature typeset in a longtable
  4073. nonfloat: Non-floating table and figure captions.
  4074. nonumonpart: Prevent page numbers on part pages.
  4075. nopageno: No page numbers in LaTeX documents.
  4076. notes: Mark sections of a document.
  4077. notoccite: Prevent trouble from citations in table of contents, etc.
  4078. nowidow: Avoid widows.
  4079. nox: Adaptable tables.
  4080. ntheorem: Enhanced theorem environment.
  4081. numberedblock: Print a block of code, with unique index number.
  4082. numname: Convert a number to its English expression.
  4083. numprint: Print numbers with separators and exponent if necessary.
  4084. ocg-p: PDF OCG support in LaTeX.
  4085. ocgx: Use OCGs within a PDF document without JavaScript.
  4086. ocr-latex: LaTeX support for ocr fonts.
  4087. octavo: Typeset books following classical design and layout.
  4088. oldstyle: Old style numbers in OT1 encoding.
  4089. onlyamsmath: Inhibit use of non-amsmath mathematics markup when using amsmath.
  4090. opcit: Footnote-style bibliographical references.
  4091. optional: Facilitate optional printing of parts of a document.
  4092. outline: List environment for making outlines.
  4093. outliner: Change section levels easily.
  4094. outlines: Produce "outline" lists.
  4095. overpic: Combine LaTeX commands over included graphics.
  4096. pagecolor: Interrogate page colour.
  4097. pagecont: Page numbering that continues between documents.
  4098. pagenote: Notes at end of document.
  4099. pagerange: Flexible and configurable page range typesetting.
  4100. pageslts: Variants of last page labels.
  4101. paper: Versions of article class, tuned for scholarly publications.
  4102. papercdcase: Origami-style folding paper CD case.
  4103. papermas: Compute the mass of a printed version of a document.
  4104. papertex: Class for newspapers, etc.
  4105. paracol: Multiple columns with texts "in parallel".
  4106. paralist: Enumerate and itemize within paragraphs.
  4107. paresse: Define simple macros for greek letters.
  4108. parnotes: Notes after every paragraph (or elsewhere).
  4109. parselines: Apply a macro to each line of an environment.
  4110. pas-cours: Macros useful in preparing teaching material.
  4111. pas-cv: Flexible typesetting of Curricula Vitae.
  4112. pas-tableur: Create a spreadsheet layout.
  4113. patch: Patch loaded packages, etc..
  4114. patchcmd: Change the definition of an existing command.
  4115. pauldoc: German LaTeX package documentation.
  4116. pawpict: Using graphics from PAW.
  4117. pax: Extract and reinsert PDF annotations with pdfTeX.
  4118. pbox: A variable-width parbox command.
  4119. pbsheet: Problem sheet class.
  4120. pdf14: Restore PDF 1.4 to a TeX live 2010 format.
  4121. pdfcomment: A user-friendly interface to pdf annotations.
  4122. pdfcprot: Activating and setting of character protruding using pdflatex.
  4123. pdfmarginpar: Generate marginpar-equivalent PDF annotations.
  4124. pdfscreen: Support screen-based document design.
  4125. pdfslide: Presentation slides using pdftex.
  4126. pdfsync: Provide links between source and PDF.
  4127. pdfwin:
  4128. pdfx: PDF/X-1a and PDF/A-1b support for pdfTeX.
  4129. pecha: Print Tibetan text in the classic pecha layout style.
  4130. perfectcut: Brackets whose size adjusts to the nesting.
  4131. perltex: Define LaTeX macros in terms of Perl code
  4132. permute: Support for symmetric groups.
  4133. petiteannonce: A class for small advertisements.
  4134. philex: Cross references for named and numbered environments.
  4135. photo: A float environment for photographs.
  4136. piff: Macro tools by Mike Piff.
  4137. pkgloader: Managing the options and loading order of other packages.
  4138. placeins: Control float placement.
  4139. plates: Arrange for "plates" sections of documents.
  4140. plantslabels: Write labels for plants.
  4141. plweb: Literate Programming for Prolog with LaTeX.
  4142. polynom: Macros for manipulating polynomials.
  4143. polynomial: Typeset (univariate) polynomials.
  4144. polytable: Tabular-like environments with named columns.
  4145. postcards: Facilitates mass-mailing of postcards (junkmail).
  4146. poster-mac: Make posters and banners with TeX.
  4147. ppr-prv: Prosper preview.
  4148. preprint: A bundle of packages provided "as is".
  4149. pressrelease: A class for typesetting press releases.
  4150. prettyref: Make label references "self-identify".
  4151. preview: Extract bits of a LaTeX source for output.
  4152. printlen: Print lengths using specified units.
  4153. probsoln: Generate problem sheets and their solution sheets.
  4154. program: Typesetting programs and algorithms.
  4155. progress: Creates an overview of a document's state.
  4156. progressbar: Visualize shares of total amounts in the form of a (progress-)bar.
  4157. properties: Load properties from a file.
  4158. prosper: LaTeX class for high quality slides.
  4159. protex: Literate programming package.
  4160. protocol: A class for minutes of meetings.
  4161. psfragx: A psfrag eXtension.
  4162. pst-pdf: Make PDF versions of graphics by processing between runs.
  4163. pstool: Support for psfrag within pdfLaTeX.
  4164. pxgreeks: Shape selection for PX fonts Greek letters.
  4165. python: Embed Python code in LaTeX.
  4166. qcm: A LaTeX2e class for making multiple choice questionnaires
  4167. quoting: Consolidated environment for displayed text.
  4168. qstest: Bundle for unit tests and pattern matching.
  4169. qsymbols: Maths symbol abbreviations.
  4170. quotchap: Decorative chapter headings.
  4171. quotmark: Consistent quote marks.
  4172. ran_toks: Randomise token strings.
  4173. randtext: Randomise the order of characters in strings.
  4174. rccol: Decimal-centered optionally rounded numbers in tabular.
  4175. rcs-multi: Typeset RCS version control in multiple-file documents.
  4176. rcsinfo: Support for the revision control system.
  4177. readarray: Read, store and recall array-formatted data.
  4178. realboxes: Variants of common box-commands that read their content as real box and not as macro argument.
  4179. recipe: A LaTeX class to typeset recipes.
  4180. recipecard: Typeset recipes in note-card-sized boxes.
  4181. rectopma: Recycle top matter.
  4182. refcheck: Check references (in figures, table, equations, etc).
  4183. refenums: Define reference labels items with names of their own.
  4184. reflectgraphics: Techniques for reflecting graphics.
  4185. refman: Format technical reference manuals.
  4186. refstyle: Advanced formatting of cross references.
  4187. regcount: Display the allocation status of the TeX registers.
  4188. regexpatch: High level patching of commands.
  4189. register: Typeset programmable elements in digital hardware (registers).
  4190. regstats: Information about register use.
  4191. relenc: A "relaxed" font encoding.
  4192. relsize: Set the font size relative to the current font size.
  4193. repeatindex: Repeat items in an index after a page or column break
  4194. repltext: Control how text gets copied from a PDF file.
  4195. rjlparshap: Support for use of parshape in LaTeX.
  4196. rlepsf: Rewrite labels in EPS graphics.
  4197. rmpage: A package to help change page layout parameters in LaTeX.
  4198. robustcommand: Declare robust command, with newcommand checks.
  4199. robustindex: Create index with pagerefs.
  4200. romanbar: Write roman number with "bars".
  4201. romanneg: Roman page numbers negative.
  4202. romannum: Generate roman numerals instead of arabic digits.
  4203. rotfloat: Rotate floats.
  4204. rotpages: Typeset sets of pages upside-down and backwards.
  4205. roundbox: Round boxes in LaTeX.
  4206. rterface: Access to R analysis from within a document.
  4207. rtkinenc: Input encoding with fallback procedures.
  4208. rulercompass: A TikZ library for straight-edge and compass diagrams.
  4209. rvwrite: Increase the number of available output streams in LaTeX.
  4210. sauerj: A bundle of utilities by Jonathan Sauer.
  4211. savefnmark: Save name of the footnote mark for reuse.
  4212. savesym: Redefine symbols where names conflict.
  4213. savetrees: Optimise the use of each page of a LaTeX document.
  4214. scale: Scale document by sqrt(2) or magstep(2).
  4215. scalebar: Create scalebars for maps, diagrams or photos.
  4216. scalerel: Constrained scaling and stretching of objects.
  4217. scanpages: Support importing and embellishing scanned documents.
  4218. sdrt: Macros for Segmented Discourse Representation Theory.
  4219. secdot: Section numbers with trailing dots.
  4220. sectionbox: Create fancy boxed ((sub)sub)sections.
  4221. sectsty: Control sectional headers.
  4222. seealso: Improve the performance of see macros with makeindex.
  4223. selectp: Select pages to be output.
  4224. semantic: Help for writing programming language semantics.
  4225. semioneside: Put only special contents on left-hand pages in two sided layout.
  4226. sepfootnotes: Support footnotes and endnotes from separate files.
  4227. seqsplit: Split long sequences of characters in a neutral way.
  4228. sf298: Standard form 298.
  4229. sffms: Typesetting science fiction/fantasy manuscripts.
  4230. sfmath: Sans-serif mathematics.
  4231. shadow: Shadow boxes.
  4232. shadowtext: shadowtext
  4233. shadethm: Theorem environments that are shaded
  4234. shapepar: A macro to typeset paragraphs in specific shapes.
  4235. shipunov: A collection of LaTeX packages and classes.
  4236. shorttoc: Table of contents with different depths.
  4237. show2e: Variants of show for LaTeX2e.
  4238. showcharinbox: Show characters inside a box.
  4239. showdim: Variants on printing dimensions.
  4240. showexpl: Typesetting LaTeX source code.
  4241. showlabels: Show label commands in the margin.
  4242. sidecap: Typeset captions sideways.
  4243. sidenotes: Typeset notes containing rich content, in the margin.
  4244. silence: Selective filtering of error messages and warnings.
  4245. simplecd: Simple CD, DVD covers for printing.
  4246. simplecv: A simple class for writing curricula vitae.
  4247. simplewick: Simple Wick contractions.
  4248. sitem: Save the optional argument of item.
  4249. skb: Tools for a repository of long-living documents.
  4250. skdoc: Documentation and extraction for packages and document classes.
  4251. skeycommand: Create commands using parameters and keyval in parallel.
  4252. skeyval: Key-value parsing combining features of xkeyval and pgfkeys.
  4253. skrapport: 'Simple' class for reports, etc.
  4254. slantsc: Access different-shaped small-caps fonts.
  4255. smalltableof: Create listoffigures etc. in a single chapter.
  4256. smartref: Extend LaTeX's ref capability.
  4257. snapshot: List the external dependencies of a LaTeX document.
  4258. snotez: Typeset notes, in the margin.
  4259. soul: Hyphenation for letterspacing, underlining, and more.
  4260. spanglish: Simplified Spanish support for Babel.
  4261. sparklines: Drawing sparklines: intense, simple, wordlike graphics.
  4262. sphack: Patch LaTeX kernel spacing macros.
  4263. spreadtab: Spreadsheet features for LaTeX tabular environments.
  4264. spverbatim: Allow line breaks within verb and verbatim output.
  4265. splitindex: Unlimited number of indexes.
  4266. spot: Spotlight highlighting for Beamer.
  4267. spotcolor: Spot colours for pdfLaTeX.
  4268. srbook-mem:
  4269. srcltx: Jump between DVI and TeX files.
  4270. sseq: Typesetting spectral sequence charts.
  4271. sslides: Slides with headers and footers.
  4272. stack: Tools to define and use stacks.
  4273. stackengine: Highly customised stacking of objects, insets, baseline changes, etc.
  4274. standalone: Compile TeX pictures stand-alone or as part of a document.
  4275. statistik: Store statistics of a document.
  4276. stdclsdv: Provide sectioning information for package writers.
  4277. stdpage: Standard pages with n lines of at most m characters each.
  4278. stex: An Infrastructure for Semantic Preloading of LaTeX Documents.
  4279. storebox: Storing information for reuse.
  4280. storecmd: Store the name of a defined command in a container.
  4281. stringstrings: String manipulation for cosmetic and programming application.
  4282. sttools: Various macros.
  4283. stubs: Create tear-off stubs at the bottom of a page.
  4284. subdepth: Unify maths subscript height.
  4285. subeqn: Package for subequation numbering.
  4286. subeqnarray: Equation array with sub numbering.
  4287. subfigmat: Automates layout when using the subfigure package.
  4288. subfigure: Deprecated: Figures divided into subfigures.
  4289. subfiles: Individual typesetting of subfiles of a "main" document.
  4290. subfloat: Sub-numbering for figures and tables.
  4291. substitutefont: Easy font substitution.
  4292. substr: Deal with substrings in strings.
  4293. supertabular: A multi-page tables package.
  4294. svg: Include and extract SVG pictures using Inkscape.
  4295. svgcolor: Define SVG named colours.
  4296. svn: Typeset Subversion keywords.
  4297. svn-multi: Subversion keywords in multi-file LaTeX documents
  4298. svn-prov: Subversion variants of Provides... macros.
  4299. svninfo: Typeset Subversion keywords.
  4300. syntax: Creation of syntax diagrams.
  4301. syntrace: Labels for tracing in a syntax tree.
  4302. synttree: Typeset syntactic trees.
  4303. tabfigures: Maintain vertical alignment of figures.
  4304. tableaux: Construct tables of signs and variations.
  4305. tablefootnote: Permit footnotes in tables.
  4306. tableof: Tagging tables of contents.
  4307. tablestyles:
  4308. tablists: Tabulated lists of short items.
  4309. tabls: Better vertical spacing in tables and arrays.
  4310. tabstackengine: "Tabbing" front-end to stackengine.
  4311. tabto-ltx: "Tab" to a measured position in the line.
  4312. tabu: Flexible LaTeX tabulars.
  4313. tabularborder: Remove excess space at left and right of tabular.
  4314. tabularcalc: Calculate formulas in a tabular environment.
  4315. tabularew: A variation on the tabular environment.
  4316. tabulary: Tabular with variable width columns balanced.
  4317. tagging: Document configuration with tags.
  4318. talk: A LaTeX class for presentations.
  4319. tamefloats: Experimentally use holdinginserts with LaTeX floats.
  4320. tasks: Horizontally columned lists.
  4321. tcldoc: Doc/docstrip for tcl.
  4322. tcolorbox: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems, etc.
  4323. tdclock: A ticking digital clock package for PDF output.
  4324. technics: A package to format technical documents.
  4325. ted: A (primitive) token list editor.
  4326. templatetools: Commands useful in LaTeX templates.
  4327. termcal: Print a class calendar.
  4328. termlist: Label any kind of term with a continuous counter.
  4329. testhyphens: Testing hyphenation patterns
  4330. tex-label: Place a classification on each page of a document
  4331. texlogos: Ready-to-use LaTeX logos.
  4332. texmate: Comprehensive chess annotation in LaTeX.
  4333. texments: Using the Pygments highlighter in LaTeX.
  4334. texpower: Create dynamic online presentations with LaTeX.
  4335. texshade: Package for setting nucleotide and peptide alignments.
  4336. textfit: Fit text to a desired size.
  4337. textgreek: Upright greek letters in text.
  4338. textmerg: Merge text in TeX and LaTeX.
  4339. textpos: Place boxes at arbitrary positions on the LaTeX page.
  4340. theoremref: References with automatic theorem names.
  4341. threadcol: Organize document columns into PDF "article thread".
  4342. threeparttable: Tables with captions and notes all the same width.
  4343. threeparttablex: Notes in longtables.
  4344. thinsp: A stretchable thinspace for LaTeX.
  4345. thmtools: Extensions to theorem environments.
  4346. thumb: Thumb marks in documents.
  4347. thumbs: Create thumb indexes.
  4348. thumby: Create thumb indexes for printed books.
  4349. ticket: Make labels, visiting-cards, pins with LaTeX.
  4350. titlecaps: Setting rich-text input into Titling Caps.
  4351. titlefoot: Add special material to footer of title page.
  4352. titlepic: Add picture to title page of a document.
  4353. titleref: A "titleref" command to cross-reference section titles.
  4354. titlesec: Select alternative section titles.
  4355. titling: Control over the typesetting of the maketitle command.
  4356. tocbibind: Add bibliography/index/contents to Table of Contents.
  4357. tocloft: Control table of contents, figures, etc.
  4358. tocvsec2: Section numbering and table of contents control.
  4359. todo: Make a to-do list for a document.
  4360. todonotes: Marking things to do in a LaTeX document.
  4361. tokenizer: A tokenizer.
  4362. toolbox: Tool macros.
  4363. topfloat: Move floats to the top of the page.
  4364. totcount: Find the last value of a counter.
  4365. totpages: Count pages in a document, and report last page number.
  4366. translations: Internationalisation of LaTeX2e packages.
  4367. trfsigns: Typeset transform signs.
  4368. trimspaces: Trim spaces around an argument or within a macro.
  4369. trsym: Symbols for transformations.
  4370. trivfloat: Quick float definitions in LaTeX.
  4371. truncate: Truncate text to a specified width.
  4372. tucv: Support for typesetting a CV or resumee.
  4373. turnthepage: Provide "turn page" instructions.
  4374. twoinone: Print two pages on a single page.
  4375. twoup: Print two virtual pages on each physical page.
  4376. txgreeks: Shape selection for TX fonts Greek letters.
  4377. type1cm: Arbitrary size font selection in LaTeX.
  4378. typeface: Select a balanced set of fonts.
  4379. typogrid: Print a typographic grid.
  4380. ucs: Extended UTF-8 input encoding support for LaTeX.
  4381. uebungsblatt: A LaTeX class for writing exercise sheets.
  4382. umoline: Underline text allowing line breaking.
  4383. underlin: Underlined running heads.
  4384. underoverlap: Position decorations over and under expressions.
  4385. undolabl: Override existing labels.
  4386. units: Typeset units.
  4387. unravel: Watching TeX digest tokens.
  4388. upmethodology: Writing specifications such as for UP-based methodologies.
  4389. upquote: Show "realistic" quotes in verbatim.
  4390. uri: Hyperlinks for a wide range of URIs.
  4391. ushort: Shorter (and longer) underlines and underbars.
  4392. uwmslide: Slides with a simple Power Point like appearance.
  4393. varindex: Luxury frontend to the index command.
  4394. varsfromjobname: Extract variables from the name of the LaTeX file.
  4395. varwidth: A variable-width minipage.
  4396. vdmlisting: Typesetting VDM in ASCII syntax.
  4397. verbasef: VERBatim Automatic Splitting of External Files.
  4398. verbatimbox: Deposit verbatim text in a box.
  4399. verbatimcopy: Make copies of text documents from within LaTeX.
  4400. verbdef: Define commands which expand to verbatim text
  4401. verbments: Syntax highlighting of source code in LaTeX documents.
  4402. version: Conditionally include text.
  4403. versions: Optionally omit pieces of text.
  4404. vertbars: Mark vertical rules in margin of text.
  4405. vgrid: Overlay a grid on the printed page.
  4406. vhistory: Support for creating a change log.
  4407. vmargin: Set various page dimensions.
  4408. volumes: Typeset only parts of a document, with complete indexes etc.
  4409. vpe: Source specials for PDF output.
  4410. vruler: Numbering text.
  4411. vwcol: Variable-width multiple text columns.
  4412. wallpaper: Easy addition of wallpapers (background images) to LaTeX documents, including tiling.
  4413. warning: Global warnings at the end of the logfile.
  4414. warpcol: Relative alignment of rows in numeric columns in tabulars.
  4415. was: A collection of small packages by Walter Schmidt.
  4416. widetable: An environment for typesetting tables of specified width
  4417. williams: Miscellaneous macros by Peter Williams.
  4418. withargs: Ephemeral macro use.
  4419. wordlike: Simulating word processor layout.
  4420. wrapfig: Produces figures which text can flow around.
  4421. xargs: Define commands with many optional arguments.
  4422. xcomment: Allows selected environments to be included/excluded.
  4423. xhfill: Extending hrulefill.
  4424. xtab: Break tables across pages.
  4425. xdoc: Extending the LaTeX doc system.
  4426. xfor: A reimplementation of the LaTeX for-loop macro.
  4427. xifthen: Extended conditional commands.
  4428. xint: Expandable operations on long numbers.
  4429. xmpincl: Include eXtensible Metadata Platform data in PDFLaTeX.
  4430. xnewcommand: Define global and protected commands with newcommand.
  4431. xoptarg: Expandable macros that take an optional argument.
  4432. xpatch: Extending etoolbox patching commands.
  4433. xpeek: Define commands that peek ahead in the input stream.
  4434. xpunctuate: Process trailing punctuation which may be redundant.
  4435. xstring: String manipulation for (La)TeX.
  4436. xwatermark: Graphics and text watermarks on selected pages.
  4437. xytree: Tree macros using XY-Pic.
  4438. yafoot: A bundle of miscellaneous footnote packages.
  4439. yagusylo: A symbol loader.
  4440. ydoc: Macros for documentation of LaTeX classes and packages.
  4441. yplan: Daily planner type calendar.
  4442. zed-csp: Typesetting Z and CSP format specifications.
  4443. ziffer: Conversion of punctuation in maths mode.
  4444. zwgetfdate: Get package or file date.
  4445. zwpagelayout: Page layout and crop-marks.
  4446. %package doc
  4447. Summary: TeX Live: Documentation files of %{name}
  4448. Group: Applications/Publishing
  4449. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  4450. %description doc
  4451. This package contains documentation files of %{name}.
  4452. %prep
  4453. %setup -c -n %{name}-%{version}
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  6950. scripts/epstopdf/epstopdf.pl
  6951. scripts/texlive/fmtutil.sh
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  6971. web2c/texmf.cnf
  6972. web2c/updmap-hdr.cfg
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  7020. %changelog
  7021. * Tue Oct 28 2014 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@vinelinux.org> 2014-3
  7022. - synced tlnet to 20141028
  7023. * Sun Jul 6 2014 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@vinelinux.org> 2014-2
  7024. - synced tlnet to 20140706
  7025. * Sun May 25 2014 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@vinelinux.org> 2014-1
  7026. - synced tlnet to 20140524