123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100 |
- %bcond_with tests
- %global glib2_version 2.55.0
- Name: libdazzle
- Version: 3.30.1
- Release: 1%{?_dist_release}
- Summary: A companion library to GObject and Gtk+
- Vendor: Project Vine
- Distribution: Vine Linux
- License: GPLv3+
- URL: https://git.gnome.org/browse/libdazzle/
- Source0: https://download.gnome.org/sources/%{name}/3.31/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
- BuildRequires: gtk-doc
- BuildRequires: meson
- BuildRequires: vala
- BuildRequires: glib2-devel >= %{glib2_version}
- BuildRequires: gobject-introspection-devel
- BuildRequires: gtk3-devel
- # for tests
- %if %{with tests}
- BuildRequires: dbus
- BuildRequires: xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
- BuildRequires: xorg-x11-xauth
- BuildRequires: words
- %endif
- Requires: glib2%{?_isa} >= %{glib2_version}
- %description
- The libdazzle library is a companion library to GObject and Gtk+.
- It provides various features that we wish were in the underlying
- library but cannot for various reasons. In most cases, they are
- wildly out of scope for those libraries. In other cases, our design
- isn't quite generic enough to work for everyone.
- %package devel
- Summary: Development files for %{name}
- Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
- %description devel
- The %{name}-devel package contains libraries and header files for
- developing applications that use %{name}.
- %prep
- %autosetup -p1
- %build
- export LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
- %meson \
- -Denable_gtk_doc=true
- %meson_build
- %install
- export LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
- %meson_install
- %if %{with tests}
- %check
- dbus-run-session -- xvfb-run -w 10 ninja test %{__ninja_common_opts} -C %{_vpath_builddir}
- %endif
- %files
- %license COPYING
- %{_bindir}/dazzle-list-counters
- %{_libdir}/libdazzle-1.0.so.*
- %dir %{_libdir}/girepository-1.0
- %{_libdir}/girepository-1.0/Dazzle-1.0.typelib
- %files devel
- %doc CONTRIBUTING.md examples
- %dir %{_datadir}/gir-1.0
- %{_datadir}/gir-1.0/Dazzle-1.0.gir
- %dir %{_datadir}/gtk-doc
- %dir %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html
- %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html/libdazzle
- %dir %{_datadir}/vala
- %dir %{_datadir}/vala/vapi
- %{_datadir}/vala/vapi/libdazzle-1.0.*
- %{_includedir}/*
- %{_libdir}/*.so
- %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libdazzle-1.0.pc
- %changelog
- * Mon Dec 31 2018 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net> - 3.30.1-1
- - initial build for Vine Linux.
- - this is not newest release: version 3.30.2 or later needs gtk+-3.24.