ethtool-vl.spec 3.2 KB

  1. # install ethtool to /sbin
  2. %define _sbindir /sbin
  3. Summary: A tool for setting ethernet parameters
  4. Summary(ja): Ethernet コントローラ設定ツール
  5. Name: ethtool
  6. Epoch: 1
  7. Version: 5.8
  8. Release: 1%{?_dist_release}
  9. Group: admin-tools,network
  10. Vendor: Project Vine
  11. Distribution: Vine Linux
  12. Packager: shaolin, daisuke
  13. License: GPL
  14. URL:
  15. Source:{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
  16. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  17. BuildRequires: libmnl-devel
  18. %description
  19. Ethtool is a small utility to get and set values from your your ethernet
  20. controllers. Not all ethernet drivers support ethtool, but it is getting
  21. better. If your ethernet driver doesn't support it, ask the maintainer to
  22. write support - it's not hard!
  23. %description -l ja
  24. Ethtool は ethernet コントローラの各種設定値を取得したり,
  25. 設定したりすることの出来る小さなユーティリティです.
  26. 現状では ethtool は全ての ethernet ドライバをサポートしていませんが,
  27. 徐々にサポートドライバを増やしています.
  28. あなたの ethernet ドライバが未だサポートされていなければ,
  29. 開発者に問い合わせてみて下さい.
  30. %prep
  31. %setup -q
  32. %build
  33. %configure
  34. make
  35. %install
  36. rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
  37. %makeinstall
  38. mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/sbin
  39. ln -s %{_sbindir}/ethtool %{buildroot}/usr/sbin
  40. %clean
  41. rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
  42. %files
  43. %defattr(-,root,root)
  44. %{_sbindir}/ethtool
  45. /usr/sbin/ethtool
  46. %dir %{_datadir}/bash-completion
  47. %dir %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions
  48. %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions/ethtool
  49. %{_mandir}/man8/ethtool.8*
  50. %license COPYING
  52. %changelog
  53. * Sun Sep 06 2020 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <> 1:5.8-1
  54. - new upstream release.
  55. * Sun Apr 12 2020 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <> 1:5.4-1
  56. - new upstream release.
  57. * Fri Feb 23 2018 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <> 1:4.15-1
  58. - new upstream release.
  59. * Wed Apr 10 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1:3.8-1
  60. - update to 3.8 (add Epoch: 1)
  61. * Sun Apr 17 2011 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <> 6-2
  62. - rebuilt with recent environment.
  63. * Tue Aug 19 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 6-1
  64. - new upstream release
  65. - new versioning policy, spec to utf-8
  66. - move ethtool to /sbin
  67. * Sun Sep 16 2007 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 5-0vl2
  68. - rebuilt for VineSeed with new toolchain
  69. - /usr/sbin/ethtool also installed as /sbin/ethtool as a symlink
  70. (see <BTS:0548>)
  71. * Mon Sep 18 2006 KAZUKI SHIMURA <> 5-0vl1
  72. - new upstream release
  73. * Sat Jun 19 2004 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 1.8-0vl1
  74. - updated to 1.8
  75. - rebuild with new toolchains
  76. * Thu Dec 12 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.7-0vl1
  77. - updated to new upstream release
  78. * Mon Sep 23 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.6-0vl1
  79. - first package for Vine Linux
  80. (Vine/sparc has a package whose name is "ethtool" for SPARC HME cards...
  81. is this the same program in origin?)