nss-mdns-vl.spec 1.3 KB

  1. Summary: NSS module for Multicast DNS name resolution
  2. Name: nss-mdns
  3. Version: 0.10
  4. Release: 1%{?_dist_release}
  5. URL: http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/nss-mdns/
  6. License: LGPL
  7. Group: System Environment/Libraries
  8. Source0: http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
  9. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  10. Requires: avahi
  11. %description
  12. nss-mdns is a plugin for the GNU Name Service Switch (NSS) functionality
  13. of the GNU C Library (glibc) providing host name resolution via Multicast
  14. DNS (using Zeroconf, aka Apple Bonjour / Apple Rendezvous ), effectively
  15. allowing name resolution by common Unix/Linux programs in the ad-hoc mDNS
  16. domain .local.
  17. %prep
  18. %setup -q
  19. %build
  20. %configure --disable-lynx --enable-avahi
  21. make
  22. %install
  23. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  24. %makeinstall
  25. %clean
  26. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  27. %post -p /sbin/ldconfig
  28. %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
  29. %files
  30. %defattr(-,root,root)
  32. %{_libdir}/*
  33. %changelog
  34. * Fri Jul 25 2008 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> - 0.10-1
  35. - rebuild with current VineSeed environment under new versioning policy
  36. * Wed Jun 20 2007 AKIYAMA Kazuhito <akiyama@yb3.so-net.ne.jp> 0.10-0vl2
  37. - rebuild for VineSeed
  38. * Sun Jun 17 2007 AKIYAMA Kazuhito <akiyama@yb3.so-net.ne.jp> 0.10-0vl1
  39. - initial release for Vine Linux 4.1