texlive-collection-langenglish-vl.spec 17 KB

  1. ## -*- coding: utf-8-unix -*-
  2. ## NOTE: This spec file is generated by tlpdb2rpmspec 2013-3:
  3. ## tlpdb2rpmspec collection-langenglish
  4. %global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
  5. %global __find_provides %{nil}
  6. %global __find_requires %{nil}
  7. Summary: TeX Live: US and UK English
  8. Summary(ja): TeX Live: US and UK English
  9. Name: texlive-collection-langenglish
  10. Version: 2013
  11. Release: 3%{?_dist_release}
  12. License: Public Domain, LPPL, GFDL, No Info, GPL+, Freely redistributable without restriction, Knuth, LPPL 1.3, GPLv2+
  13. Group: Applications/Publishing
  14. URL:http://www.tug.org/texlive/
  15. Source0: hyphen-english.tar.xz
  16. Source1: FAQ-en.doc.tar.xz
  17. Source2: FAQ-en.tar.xz
  18. Source3: MemoirChapStyles.doc.tar.xz
  19. Source4: MemoirChapStyles.tar.xz
  20. Source5: Type1fonts.doc.tar.xz
  21. Source6: Type1fonts.tar.xz
  22. Source7: amslatex-primer.doc.tar.xz
  23. Source8: amslatex-primer.tar.xz
  24. Source9: around-the-bend.doc.tar.xz
  25. Source10: around-the-bend.tar.xz
  26. Source11: ascii-chart.doc.tar.xz
  27. Source12: ascii-chart.tar.xz
  28. Source13: components-of-TeX.doc.tar.xz
  29. Source14: components-of-TeX.tar.xz
  30. Source15: comprehensive.doc.tar.xz
  31. Source16: comprehensive.tar.xz
  32. Source17: dtxtut.doc.tar.xz
  33. Source18: dtxtut.tar.xz
  34. Source19: first-latex-doc.doc.tar.xz
  35. Source20: first-latex-doc.tar.xz
  36. Source21: gentle.doc.tar.xz
  37. Source22: gentle.tar.xz
  38. Source23: guide-to-latex.doc.tar.xz
  39. Source24: guide-to-latex.tar.xz
  40. Source25: happy4th.doc.tar.xz
  41. Source26: happy4th.tar.xz
  42. Source27: impatient.doc.tar.xz
  43. Source28: impatient.tar.xz
  44. Source29: intro-scientific.doc.tar.xz
  45. Source30: intro-scientific.tar.xz
  46. Source31: knuth.doc.tar.xz
  47. Source32: knuth.source.tar.xz
  48. Source33: knuth.tar.xz
  49. Source34: l2tabu-english.doc.tar.xz
  50. Source35: l2tabu-english.tar.xz
  51. Source36: latex-brochure.doc.tar.xz
  52. Source37: latex-brochure.tar.xz
  53. Source38: latex-course.doc.tar.xz
  54. Source39: latex-course.tar.xz
  55. Source40: latex-doc-ptr.doc.tar.xz
  56. Source41: latex-doc-ptr.tar.xz
  57. Source42: latex-graphics-companion.doc.tar.xz
  58. Source43: latex-graphics-companion.tar.xz
  59. Source44: latex-veryshortguide.doc.tar.xz
  60. Source45: latex-veryshortguide.tar.xz
  61. Source46: latex-web-companion.doc.tar.xz
  62. Source47: latex-web-companion.tar.xz
  63. Source48: latex2e-help-texinfo.doc.tar.xz
  64. Source49: latex2e-help-texinfo.tar.xz
  65. Source50: latex4wp.doc.tar.xz
  66. Source51: latex4wp.tar.xz
  67. Source52: latexcheat.doc.tar.xz
  68. Source53: latexcheat.tar.xz
  69. Source54: latexfileinfo-pkgs.doc.tar.xz
  70. Source55: latexfileinfo-pkgs.source.tar.xz
  71. Source56: latexfileinfo-pkgs.tar.xz
  72. Source57: lshort-english.doc.tar.xz
  73. Source58: lshort-english.tar.xz
  74. Source59: macros2e.doc.tar.xz
  75. Source60: macros2e.tar.xz
  76. Source61: math-e.doc.tar.xz
  77. Source62: math-e.tar.xz
  78. Source63: mathmode.doc.tar.xz
  79. Source64: mathmode.tar.xz
  80. Source65: memdesign.doc.tar.xz
  81. Source66: memdesign.tar.xz
  82. Source67: metafont-beginners.doc.tar.xz
  83. Source68: metafont-beginners.tar.xz
  84. Source69: metapost-examples.doc.tar.xz
  85. Source70: metapost-examples.tar.xz
  86. Source71: mil3.doc.tar.xz
  87. Source72: mil3.tar.xz
  88. Source73: patgen2-tutorial.doc.tar.xz
  89. Source74: patgen2-tutorial.tar.xz
  90. Source75: pictexsum.doc.tar.xz
  91. Source76: pictexsum.tar.xz
  92. Source77: plain-doc.doc.tar.xz
  93. Source78: plain-doc.tar.xz
  94. Source79: presentations-en.doc.tar.xz
  95. Source80: presentations-en.tar.xz
  96. Source81: pstricks-examples-en.doc.tar.xz
  97. Source82: pstricks-examples-en.tar.xz
  98. Source83: simplified-latex.doc.tar.xz
  99. Source84: simplified-latex.tar.xz
  100. Source85: svg-inkscape.doc.tar.xz
  101. Source86: svg-inkscape.tar.xz
  102. Source87: tabulars-e.doc.tar.xz
  103. Source88: tabulars-e.tar.xz
  104. Source89: tamethebeast.doc.tar.xz
  105. Source90: tamethebeast.tar.xz
  106. Source91: tds.doc.tar.xz
  107. Source92: tds.tar.xz
  108. Source93: tex-font-errors-cheatsheet.doc.tar.xz
  109. Source94: tex-font-errors-cheatsheet.tar.xz
  110. Source95: tex-overview.doc.tar.xz
  111. Source96: tex-overview.tar.xz
  112. Source97: tex-refs.doc.tar.xz
  113. Source98: tex-refs.tar.xz
  114. Source99: texbytopic.doc.tar.xz
  115. Source100: texbytopic.tar.xz
  116. Source101: titlepages.doc.tar.xz
  117. Source102: titlepages.tar.xz
  118. Source103: tlc2.doc.tar.xz
  119. Source104: tlc2.tar.xz
  120. Source105: visualfaq.doc.tar.xz
  121. Source106: visualfaq.tar.xz
  122. Source107: webguide.doc.tar.xz
  123. Source108: webguide.tar.xz
  124. Source109: xetexref.doc.tar.xz
  125. Source110: xetexref.tar.xz
  126. Requires: texlive = %{version}
  127. Requires: texlive-collection-basic = %{version}
  128. Requires(post): texlive = %{version}
  129. Requires(postun): texlive = %{version}
  130. BuildArch: noarch
  131. Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  132. Vendor: Project Vine
  133. Distribution: Vine Linux
  134. Packager: munepi
  135. %description
  136. The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system for a
  137. variety of Unix, Macintosh, Windows and other platforms. It
  138. encompasses programs for editing, typesetting, previewing and printing
  139. of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection
  140. of TeX macros and font libraries.
  141. The distribution includes extensive general documentation about TeX,
  142. as well as the documentation for the included software packages.
  143. This package is a collection of US and UK English:
  144. Support for US and UK English.
  145. This package contains the following CTAN packages:
  146. hyphen-english: English hyphenation patterns.
  147. FAQ-en: A compilation of Frequently Asked Questions with answers.
  148. MemoirChapStyles: Chapter styles in memoir class.
  149. Type1fonts: Font installation guide.
  150. amslatex-primer: Getting up and running with AMS-LaTeX.
  151. around-the-bend: Typeset exercises in TeX, with answers.
  152. ascii-chart: An ASCII wall chart.
  153. components-of-TeX: Components of TeX.
  154. comprehensive: Symbols accessible from LaTeX.
  155. dtxtut: Tutorial on writing .dtx and .ins files
  156. first-latex-doc: A document for absolute LaTeX beginners.
  157. gentle: A Gentle Introduction to TeX.
  158. guide-to-latex:
  159. happy4th: A firework display in obfuscated TeX.
  160. impatient: Free edition of the book "TeX for the Impatient"
  161. intro-scientific: Introducing scientific/mathematical documents using LaTeX.
  162. knuth: Knuth's published errata.
  163. l2tabu-english: English translation of "Obsolete packages and commands".
  164. latex-brochure: A publicity flyer for LaTeX.
  165. latex-course: A LaTeX course as a projected presentation.
  166. latex-doc-ptr: A direction-finder for LaTeX documentation.
  167. latex-graphics-companion: Examples from The LaTeX Graphics Companion.
  168. latex-veryshortguide: The Very Short Guide to LaTeX.
  169. latex-web-companion: Examples from The LaTeX Web Companion.
  170. latex2e-help-texinfo: Unoffical reference manual covering LaTeX2e.
  171. latex4wp: A LaTeX guide specifically designed for word processor users.
  172. latexcheat: A LaTeX cheat sheet.
  173. latexfileinfo-pkgs: A comparison of packages showing LaTeX file information.
  174. lshort-english: A (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX2e.
  175. macros2e: A list of internal LaTeX2e macros.
  176. math-e: Examples from the book Typesetting Mathematics with LaTeX.
  177. mathmode: A comprehensive review of mathematics in (La)TeX.
  178. memdesign: Notes on book design
  179. metafont-beginners: An introductory tutorial for Metafont.
  180. metapost-examples: Example drawings using MetaPost.
  181. mil3: Samples from Math into LaTeX, third edition.
  182. patgen2-tutorial: A tutorial on the use of Patgen 2.
  183. pictexsum: A summary of PicTeX commands.
  184. plain-doc: A list of plain.tex cs names.
  185. presentations-en: Examples from the book Presentations with LaTeX.
  186. pstricks-examples-en: Examples from PSTricks book (English edition).
  187. simplified-latex: A Simplified Introduction to LaTeX.
  188. svg-inkscape: How to include an SVG image in LaTeX using Inkscape.
  189. tabulars-e: Examples from the book "Typesetting tables with LaTeX".
  190. tamethebeast: A manual about bibliographies and especially BibTeX.
  191. tds: The TeX Directory Structure standard.
  192. tex-font-errors-cheatsheet: Cheat sheet outlining the most common TeX font errors.
  193. tex-overview: An overview of the development of TeX.
  194. tex-refs: References for TeX and Friends
  195. texbytopic: Freed version of the book TeX by Topic.
  196. titlepages: Sample titlepages, and how to code them.
  197. tlc2: Examples from "The LaTeX Companion", second edition.
  198. visualfaq: A Visual LaTeX FAQ.
  199. webguide: Brief Guide to LaTeX Tools for Web publishing.
  200. xetexref: Reference documentation of XeTeX.
  201. %description -l ja
  202. TeX Live ソフトウェアディストリビューションは、
  203. さまざまな Unix, Macintosh, Windows、および
  204. 他のプラットホームに対して完全な TeX システムを提供します。
  205. 多くの異なった言語を含む TeX ドキュメントの
  206. 編集、組版、閲覧、印刷するためのプログラム、
  207. そして、TeX マクロやフォントライブラリの大きなコレクションを
  208. 同梱しています。
  209. このディストリビューションは
  210. 同梱しているソフトウェアパッケージのためのドキュメントばかりでなく、
  211. TeX に関するたくさんの一般的なドキュメントを含んでいます。
  212. このパッケージは以下のようなパッケージ集です。
  213. US and UK English:
  214. Support for US and UK English.
  215. このパッケージは以下の CTAN パッケージを含んでいます:
  216. hyphen-english: English hyphenation patterns.
  217. FAQ-en: A compilation of Frequently Asked Questions with answers.
  218. MemoirChapStyles: Chapter styles in memoir class.
  219. Type1fonts: Font installation guide.
  220. amslatex-primer: Getting up and running with AMS-LaTeX.
  221. around-the-bend: Typeset exercises in TeX, with answers.
  222. ascii-chart: An ASCII wall chart.
  223. components-of-TeX: Components of TeX.
  224. comprehensive: Symbols accessible from LaTeX.
  225. dtxtut: Tutorial on writing .dtx and .ins files
  226. first-latex-doc: A document for absolute LaTeX beginners.
  227. gentle: A Gentle Introduction to TeX.
  228. guide-to-latex:
  229. happy4th: A firework display in obfuscated TeX.
  230. impatient: Free edition of the book "TeX for the Impatient"
  231. intro-scientific: Introducing scientific/mathematical documents using LaTeX.
  232. knuth: Knuth's published errata.
  233. l2tabu-english: English translation of "Obsolete packages and commands".
  234. latex-brochure: A publicity flyer for LaTeX.
  235. latex-course: A LaTeX course as a projected presentation.
  236. latex-doc-ptr: A direction-finder for LaTeX documentation.
  237. latex-graphics-companion: Examples from The LaTeX Graphics Companion.
  238. latex-veryshortguide: The Very Short Guide to LaTeX.
  239. latex-web-companion: Examples from The LaTeX Web Companion.
  240. latex2e-help-texinfo: Unoffical reference manual covering LaTeX2e.
  241. latex4wp: A LaTeX guide specifically designed for word processor users.
  242. latexcheat: A LaTeX cheat sheet.
  243. latexfileinfo-pkgs: A comparison of packages showing LaTeX file information.
  244. lshort-english: A (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX2e.
  245. macros2e: A list of internal LaTeX2e macros.
  246. math-e: Examples from the book Typesetting Mathematics with LaTeX.
  247. mathmode: A comprehensive review of mathematics in (La)TeX.
  248. memdesign: Notes on book design
  249. metafont-beginners: An introductory tutorial for Metafont.
  250. metapost-examples: Example drawings using MetaPost.
  251. mil3: Samples from Math into LaTeX, third edition.
  252. patgen2-tutorial: A tutorial on the use of Patgen 2.
  253. pictexsum: A summary of PicTeX commands.
  254. plain-doc: A list of plain.tex cs names.
  255. presentations-en: Examples from the book Presentations with LaTeX.
  256. pstricks-examples-en: Examples from PSTricks book (English edition).
  257. simplified-latex: A Simplified Introduction to LaTeX.
  258. svg-inkscape: How to include an SVG image in LaTeX using Inkscape.
  259. tabulars-e: Examples from the book "Typesetting tables with LaTeX".
  260. tamethebeast: A manual about bibliographies and especially BibTeX.
  261. tds: The TeX Directory Structure standard.
  262. tex-font-errors-cheatsheet: Cheat sheet outlining the most common TeX font errors.
  263. tex-overview: An overview of the development of TeX.
  264. tex-refs: References for TeX and Friends
  265. texbytopic: Freed version of the book TeX by Topic.
  266. titlepages: Sample titlepages, and how to code them.
  267. tlc2: Examples from "The LaTeX Companion", second edition.
  268. visualfaq: A Visual LaTeX FAQ.
  269. webguide: Brief Guide to LaTeX Tools for Web publishing.
  270. xetexref: Reference documentation of XeTeX.
  271. %package doc
  272. Summary: TeX Live: Documentation files of %{name}
  273. Group: Applications/Publishing
  274. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  275. %description doc
  276. This package contains documentation files of %{name}.
  277. %prep
  278. %setup -c -n %{name}-%{version}
  279. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE1}
  280. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE2}
  281. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE3}
  282. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE4}
  283. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE5}
  284. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE6}
  285. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE7}
  286. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE8}
  287. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE9}
  288. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE10}
  289. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE11}
  290. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE12}
  291. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE13}
  292. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE14}
  293. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE15}
  294. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE16}
  295. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE17}
  296. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE18}
  297. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE19}
  298. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE20}
  299. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE21}
  300. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE22}
  301. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE23}
  302. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE24}
  303. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE25}
  304. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE26}
  305. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE27}
  306. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE28}
  307. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE29}
  308. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE30}
  309. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE31}
  310. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE32}
  311. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE33}
  312. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE34}
  313. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE35}
  314. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE36}
  315. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE37}
  316. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE38}
  317. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE39}
  318. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE40}
  319. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE41}
  320. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE42}
  321. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE43}
  322. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE44}
  323. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE45}
  324. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE46}
  325. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE47}
  326. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE48}
  327. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE49}
  328. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE50}
  329. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE51}
  330. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE52}
  331. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE53}
  332. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE54}
  333. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE55}
  334. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE56}
  335. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE57}
  336. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE58}
  337. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE59}
  338. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE60}
  339. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE61}
  340. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE62}
  341. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE63}
  342. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE64}
  343. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE65}
  344. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE66}
  345. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE67}
  346. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE68}
  347. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE69}
  348. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE70}
  349. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE71}
  350. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE72}
  351. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE73}
  352. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE74}
  353. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE75}
  354. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE76}
  355. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE77}
  356. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE78}
  357. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE79}
  358. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE80}
  359. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE81}
  360. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE82}
  361. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE83}
  362. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE84}
  363. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE85}
  364. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE86}
  365. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE87}
  366. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE88}
  367. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE89}
  368. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE90}
  369. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE91}
  370. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE92}
  371. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE93}
  372. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE94}
  373. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE95}
  374. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE96}
  375. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE97}
  376. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE98}
  377. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE99}
  378. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE100}
  379. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE101}
  380. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE102}
  381. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE103}
  382. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE104}
  383. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE105}
  384. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE106}
  385. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE107}
  386. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE108}
  387. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE109}
  388. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE110}
  389. %build
  390. %install
  391. [ -n "%{buildroot}" -a "%{buildroot}" != / ] && %__rm -rf %{buildroot}
  392. %__mkdir_p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}
  393. ## move texmf-dist to /usr/share/texmf-dist
  394. [ -d texmf-dist ] && %__mv texmf-dist %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist}/ ||:
  395. ## move texmf to /usr/share/texmf
  396. [ -d texmf ] && %__mv texmf %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfmain}/ ||:
  397. ## move tlpkg to /usr/share/tlpkg
  398. [ -d tlpkg ] && %__mv tlpkg %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/ ||:
  399. ## move all non-arch binaries to /usr/bin
  400. [ -d bin ] && %__mv bin %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/ ||:
  401. ## move others into /usr/share/texmf-dist
  402. %__mkdir_p %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist}
  403. %__cp -a * %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist}/ ||:
  404. %__rm -rf * ||:
  405. ## remove duplicated files between texlive and texlive-collection-*
  406. ## NOTE: We provides texmf.cnf and updmap{-hdr,}.cfg from texlive
  407. ## remove unpacked files
  408. x=(
  409. scripts/texlive/tlmgr.pl
  410. texconfig/tcfmgr
  411. texconfig/tcfmgr.map
  412. web2c/fmtutil.cnf
  413. web2c/mktex.opt
  414. web2c/mktexdir
  415. web2c/mktexdir.opt
  416. web2c/mktexnam
  417. web2c/mktexnam.opt
  418. web2c/mktexupd
  419. web2c/texmf.cnf
  420. web2c/updmap.cfg
  421. web2c/updmap-hdr.cfg
  422. doc/chktex/ChkTeX.pdf
  423. install-tl
  424. )
  425. if [ -d %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist} ]; then
  426. pushd %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist}
  427. %__rm -f ${x[@]} ||:
  428. popd
  429. fi
  430. ## Files list
  431. find %{buildroot} -type f -or -type l | \
  432. %__sed -e "s|%{buildroot}||g" > filelist.full
  433. find %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist} -type d | \
  434. %__sed -e "s|^%{buildroot}|%dir |" \
  435. -e "s|$|/|" >> filelist.full
  436. ## subpackages
  437. grep "/texmf-dist/doc/" filelist.full > filelist.doc
  438. cat filelist.doc filelist.full | sort | uniq -u > filelist.tmp
  439. %__mv -f filelist.tmp filelist.full
  440. %clean
  441. %__rm -rf %{buildroot}
  442. %post
  443. %_tl_touch_run texhash
  444. %_tl_touch_run mtxrun
  445. %_tl_touch_run fmtutil
  446. exit 0
  447. %postun
  448. if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then
  449. %_tl_touch_run texhash
  450. fi
  451. exit 0
  452. %posttrans
  453. %{_tl_exec_texhash}
  454. %{_tl_exec_mtxrun}
  455. %{_tl_exec_updmap}
  456. %{_tl_exec_fmtutil}
  457. exit 0
  458. %files -f filelist.full
  459. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  460. %files -f filelist.doc doc
  461. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  462. %changelog
  463. * Wed Oct 2 2013 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@vinelinux.org> 2013-3
  464. - TLNET 20131002
  465. * Thu Sep 19 2013 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@vinelinux.org> 2013-2
  466. - TLNET 20130919
  467. * Fri Aug 23 2013 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@vinelinux.org> 2013-1
  468. - generated by tlpdb2rpmspec 2013-1: tlpdb2rpmspec collection-langenglish
  469. - TLNET 20130823