%define rel 20231115 %define jman 0.5.%{rel} Summary: Japanese manual pages Summary(ja): 日本語マニュアル・ページ集 Name: jman_pages Version: %{jman} Release: 1%{?_dist_release} Vendor: Project Vine Distribution: Vine Linux Packager: daisuke, inagaki, yasumichi Group: documentation License: distributable URL: https://linuxjm.sourceforge.io/ Source0: https://linuxjm.sourceforge.io/man-pages-ja-%{rel}.tar.gz Source1: installman.sh.vine Obsoletes: xjman_pages Requires: man-db BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: man-db gzip perl BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root %description Japanese Manual Pages by JM-Project (Japanese Manual Project) See http://linuxjm.sourceforge.jp/ for detail. Section 1 = User Commands Section 2 = System Calls and error numbers Section 3 = Functions in the C libraries Section 4 = Device drivers (special Files) (ex. hd, sd) Section 5 = File Formats Section 6 = Games and other diversions Section 7 = Miscellaneous topics (ex. nroff, ascii) Section 8 = System maintenance and operation commands Sometimes the content can differ from Texinfo manual or roff manual in English. So if unsure reading Japanese manual, please see %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}-%{version}/translation_list/ and try other formats. %description -l ja JM-Project (Japanese Manual Project) による, 日本語マニュアル・ページです. JM-Projectについては, http://linuxjm.sourceforge.jp/ を御覧ください. 各章の構成は英語版と同じく以下のようになっています。 第 1 章 = ユーザーコマンド 第 2 章 = システムコール 第 3 章 = C 言語ライブラリ 第 4 章 = スペシャルファイル (例: hd, sd) 第 5 章 = ファイルフォーマットとプロトコル (例: wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs) 第 6 章 = ゲーム 第 7 章 = 約束事, マクロパッケージなど (例: nroff, ascii) 第 8 章 = システム管理 なお、日本語版マニュアルが、英語版マニュアルや Texinfo 形式のマニュアルに 追従できていない場合があります。 %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}-%{version}/translation_list/ 以下にインストールされる翻訳 進行状況リストを見て、適宜他の形式のマニュアルの原文に当たってください。 %prep %setup -q -n man-pages-ja-%{rel} cp %{SOURCE1} installman.sh %build ### convert encodings ### #pushd manual #for i in */man?/* ; do #mv $i $i.tmp #iconv -f euc-jp -t utf-8 $i.tmp -o $i #rm $i.tmp #done #popd %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ### install jman pages ### make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install ### copy translation_lists for installation ### rm -rf translation_list mkdir -p translation_list pushd manual for i in */translation_list ; do j=`echo $i | cut -d/ -f1` cp -p $i ../translation_list/$j done popd # remove conflict files # shadow-utils, cdparanoia, man-db, rpm for i in \ man1/chage.1 man1/gpasswd.1 man1/newgrp.1 \ man1/passwd.1 \ man1/sg.1 man5/faillog.5 man5/login.defs.5 \ man5/shadow.5 man8/adduser.8 man8/chpasswd.8 \ man8/faillog.8 man8/groupadd.8 man8/groupdel.8 \ man8/groupmod.8 man8/grpck.8 man8/grpconv.8 \ man8/grpunconv.8 man8/lastlog.8 man8/newusers.8 \ man8/pwck.8 man8/pwconv.8 man8/pwunconv.8 \ man8/useradd.8 man8/userdel.8 man8/usermod.8 \ man8/vipw.8 man8/vigr.8 \ man1/cdparanoia.1 \ man1/apropos.1 man1/man.1 man1/whatis.1 \ man8/rpm.8 man8/rpm2cpio.8 man8/rpmbuild.8 man8/rpmgraph.8 do rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/ja/$i* done ### make database ### # copy makewhatis to exec by a non-root user #sed 's@/var/cache/man/whatis@%{buildroot}/usr/share/man/ja/whatis@g' \ # < /usr/sbin/makewhatis > makewhatis #sh ./makewhatis $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/ja/ %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc INSTALL README %{_mandir}/ja/* %changelog * Thu Apr 04 2024 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO 0.5.20231115-1 - new upstream release. * Sun Sep 6 2015 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5.20150815-1 - new upstream release * Sun Jul 27 2014 Yasumichi Akahoshi 0.5.20140715-1 - new upstream release * Thu Nov 07 2013 Yasumichi Akahoshi 0.5.20131015-1 - new upstream release - fixed date of changelog - comment out script to convert encodings * Wed Mar 30 2011 Yasumichi Akahoshi 0.5.20110315-1 - update for man-db. * Tue Apr 13 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI 0.5.20100315-1 - remove conflict files (vipw.8,vigr.8) - change version numbering * Sat Apr 3 2010 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20100315 - source as of 20100315 - updated SOURCE1 - converted encodings to UTF-8 * Sun Jul 26 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI 0.5-20090715vl5 - source as of 20090715 - move jman to %%{_mandir}/ja - remove conflict files * Sat Oct 18 2008 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20081015vl5 - source as of 20081015 * Fri Aug 15 2008 Shu KONNO 0.5-20080315vl5 - applied new versioning policy, spec in utf-8 * Sun Mar 16 2008 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20080315vl1 - source as of 20080315 * Fri Aug 17 2007 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20070815vl1 - source as of 20070815 * Thu Oct 19 2006 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20061015vl1 - source as of 20061015 * Wed Sep 13 2006 Kazutaka HARADA 0.5-20060715vl2 - change Group to Applications/Documentation. * Wed Jul 19 2006 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20060715vl1 - source as of 20060715 * Mon Jan 16 2006 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20060115vl1 - source as of 20060115 * Mon Sep 19 2005 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20050915vl1 - source as of 20050915 * Wed Jun 15 2005 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20050615vl1 - source as of 20050615 * Wed Feb 16 2005 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20050215vl1 - source as of 20050215 * Fri Sep 17 2004 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20040915vl1 - source as of 20040915 - add BuildRequires: gzip, perl * Wed Jun 16 2004 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20040615vl1 - source as of 20040615 * Wed May 12 2004 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20040415vl1 - source as of 20040415 * Sun Dec 21 2003 IWAI, Masaharu 0.5-20031215vl1 - source as of 20031215 - add crontab-0days.patch (Patch0) * Wed Oct 15 2003 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20031015vl1 - source as of 20031015 * Wed Apr 16 2003 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20030415vl1 - source as of 20030415 * Tue Feb 18 2003 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20030217vl1 - source as of 20030217 * Sun Sep 22 2002 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20020915vl1 - source as of 20020915 - add translation_list to %doc - updated description * Thu Sep 05 2002 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20020828vl1 - source as of 20020828 * Fri May 31 2002 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.5-20020515vl1 - source as of 20020515 * Tue Jan 15 2002 Toru Sagami 0.5-20020115vl1 - source as of 20020115 * Sat Nov 17 2001 Toru Sagami - 0.5-20011215 * Sat Nov 17 2001 Toru Sagami - 0.5-20011115: a bit modified to fit with current makewhatis * Fri Aug 17 2001 - 0.5-20010815 * Sun Jul 15 2001 - 0.5-20010715 * Tue Apr 17 2001 sagami@vinelinux.org - 0.5-20010415 * Tue Sep 5 2000 Jun Nishii - 0.5-20000815 * Wed Jul 19 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa - added makewhatis patch. * Thu Jul 13 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa - updated to 20000615. - added configure patch to create install script easily. - move man directory from /usr/share/man to /usr/share/jman. * Tue Apr 18 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa - updated to 20000415. - move man directory from ja_JP.ujis to ja. * Fri Mar 17 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa - renew the installman.sh * Wed Mar 15 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa - build man-20000315 * Mon Dec 20 1999 Yasuhide OOMORI - build man-19991215 - Modified installman.sh, and %install to enable you to rebuild. * Thu Nov 11 1999 Jun Nishii - build man-991015 - remove xjman (merged to XFree86) * Mon Sep 27 1999 Jun Nishii - build with good-whatis * Fri Apr 23 1999 Jun Nishii - added bug fixed man pages - move to /usr/share/man * Thu Mar 4 1999 Jun Nishii - added a message in summary, take a little time for installation * Thu Mar 4 1999 Jun Nishii - merged some bug fixed manuals - added rpm.8 rpm2cpio.8 (thanks Mr.Kanda) * Sat Jan 2 1999 Jun Nishii - updated to 0.4 * Wed Nov 11 1998 Jun Nishii - use -p for makewhatis * Tue Oct 06 1998 Jun Nishii - first release