@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+%define version 1.1.1
+%define release 2%{?_dist_release}
+%define alpha 018
+%define localstatedir /var
+Summary: FreeWnn Japanese Input System
+Name: FreeWnn
+Version: %{version}
+Release: %{release}
+Group: Applications/System
+License: GPL
+URL: http://www.freewnn.org/
+%define tarball %{name}-%{version}-a%{alpha}
+Source0: ftp://ftp.freewnn.org/pub/FreeWnn/alpha/%{tarball}.tar.bz2
+Source1: FreeWnn.init
+Source2: cWnn.init
+Source3: tWnn.init
+Source4: kWnn.init
+Patch0: FreeWnn-fsstnd.patch
+Patch1: FreeWnn-ja-a017.patch
+Patch2: FreeWnn-noroot.patch
+Patch3: FreeWnn-noroot2.patch
+Patch4: jserverrc-g-jinmei.patch
+Patch5: FreeWnn-1.1.1-a018-cpp.patch
+Patch6: FreeWnn-1.1.1-config.sub.patch
+Patch7: FreeWnn-1.1.1-js.patch
+Prereq: grep, textutils, shadow-utils
+Requires: FreeWnn-common, chkconfig
+Conflicts: wnn6
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
+Summary(ja): FreeWnn ๆฅๆฌ่ชๅ
+Vendor: Project Vine
+Distribution: Vine Linux
+This distribution contains FreeWnn Japanese Input System.
+FreeWnn is a network-extensible Kana-to-Kanji conversion system
+and was jointly developed and released by the Software Research Group
+of KyotoUniversity Research Institute for Mathematical Science, OMRON
+Corporation and Astec, Inc.
+%description -l ja
+FreeWnn ไปฎๅๆผขๅญๅคๆใทในใใ ใฏใไบฌ้ฝๅคงๅญฆๆฐ็่งฃๆ็ ็ฉถๆใใชใ ใญใณๆ ชๅผไผ็คพใ
+ๆ ชๅผไผ็คพใขในใใใฏใฎ๏ผ่
+ใใ ใงใใ
+%package devel
+Summary: development library and header file for FreeWnn
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Summary(ja): FreeWnn(jserver) ็จ้็บใฉใคใใฉใชใจใใใใใกใคใซ
+%description devel
+This package contains the header file and library for building programs
+with use FreeWnn.
+%description devel -l ja
+ใใฎใใใฑใผใธใซใฏ FreeWnn ใๅฉ็จใใๆฅๆฌ่ชๅ
ฅๅ client ใ
+# FreeWnn-common
+%package common
+Summary: common File for Wnn
+Group: Applications/System
+Prereq: ldconfig
+%description common
+FreeWnn-common includes the files you need to run FreeWnn, cWnn or kWnn.
+Install FreeWnn-common if you will be using Wnn System.
+# cWnn
+%package -n cWnn
+Summary: cWnn Chinese Input System
+Group: Applications/System
+Requires: FreeWnn-common, cWnn-common
+Prereq: shadow-utils, cWnn-common
+%description -n cWnn
+This package include FreeWnn Chinese Input System.
+%package -n cWnn-common
+Summary: cWnn/tWnn Chinese Input System common file
+Group: Applications/System
+Requires: FreeWnn-common
+Prereq: shadow-utils, ldconfig
+%description -n cWnn-common
+This package include cWnn/tWnn Chinese Input System common file.
+%package -n cWnn-devel
+Summary: development library and header file for cWnn,tWnn.
+Group: Development/Libraries
+%description -n cWnn-devel
+This package contains the header file and library for building programs
+with use cWnn,tWnn.
+# tWnn
+%package -n tWnn
+Summary: tWnn Chinese Input System
+Group: Applications/System
+Requires: FreeWnn-common, cWnn-common
+Prereq: shadow-utils, cWnn-common
+%description -n tWnn
+tWnn Chinese Input System
+# kWnn
+%package -n kWnn
+Summary: kWnn Korean Input System
+Group: Applications/System
+Requires: FreeWnn-common
+Prereq: shadow-utils, ldconfig
+%description -n kWnn
+kWnn Korean Input System
+%package -n kWnn-devel
+Summary: development library and header file for kWnn
+Group: Development/Libraries
+%description -n kWnn-devel
+This package contains the header file and library for building programs
+with use kWnn.
+%setup -q -n FreeWnn-1.1.1-a017-pl4/Xsi
+%patch0 -p2
+%patch1 -p2
+%patch2 -p2
+%patch3 -p2
+%patch4 -p2
+%patch5 -p2
+%patch6 -p2 -b .config.sub
+%patch7 -p2 -b .js
+cp -p %{SOURCE2} .
+%configure --target=%{_arch}-pc-linux-gnu
+## for smp system.
+if [ "$SMP" != "" ]; then
+ make -j$SMP "MAKE=make -j$SMP"
+ make
+ make
+make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install.man
+# MANDIR=%{_prefix}/X11R6/man/ja_JP.ujis/man1 \
+# LIBMANDIR=%{_prefix}/X11R6/man/ja_JP.ujis/man3 \
+# install.man
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/ja/man1
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/ja/man3
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/ja/man4
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/ja/man5
+cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1
+for i in atod.1 atof.1 dtoa.1 jserver.1 oldatonewa.1 uum.1 wddel.1 wdreg.1 \
+ wnnkill.1 wnnstat.1 wnntouch.1
+ mv $i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/ja/man1/
+cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man3
+for i in *.3
+ mv $i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/ja/man3/
+cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man4
+for i in 2a_ctrl.4 2b_romkana.4 cvt_key_tbl.4 fzk.data.4 fzk.u.4 \
+ hinsi_data.4 jserverrc.4 mode.4 serverdefs.4 ujis_dic.4 \
+ uumkey.4 uumrc.4 wnnenvrc.4
+ mv $i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/ja/man4/
+cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man5
+for i in pubdic.5 usr_dic.5
+ mv $i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/ja/man5/
+mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/rc.d/init.d
+install -m755 %{SOURCE1} \
+ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d/FreeWnn
+install -m755 %{SOURCE2} \
+ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d/cWnn
+install -m755 %{SOURCE3} \
+ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d/tWnn
+install -m755 %{SOURCE4} \
+ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d/kWnn
+ln -sf /var/lib/wnn/ja/dic ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/FreeWnn/ja/dic
+ln -sf /var/lib/wnn/zh_CN/dic ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/FreeWnn/zh_CN/dic
+ln -sf /var/lib/wnn/zh_TW/dic ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/FreeWnn/zh_TW/dic
+ln -sf /var/lib/wnn/ko_KR/dic ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/FreeWnn/ko_KR/dic
+# Do only for the first install
+if [ "$1" = 1 ] ; then
+ # Add the wnn4 lines to /etc/services
+ if (grep '22273/tcp' /etc/services >/dev/null); then
+ cat <<'_EOD1_' >&2
+warning: The wnn4 services appear to be present in /etc/services.
+ true
+ else
+ cat <<'_EOD2_' >>/etc/services
+# start of wnn4 services
+wnn4 22273/tcp
+# end of wnn4 services
+ fi
+# add user 'wnn'
+if ! grep -q '^wnn:' /etc/passwd
+ /usr/sbin/useradd -M -u 127 wnn -c "Wnn System Account"
+/sbin/chkconfig --level 2345 FreeWnn on
+%{_bindir}/wnntouch /var/lib/wnn/ja/dic/gerodic/g-jinmei.dic
+cd /var/lib/wnn/ja/dic/pubdic
+%{_bindir}/wnntouch *.*
+# Do only for the last un-install
+if [ "$1" = 0 ] ; then
+ # remove the wnn4 lines from /etc/services
+ if (grep '^# start of wnn4 services$' /etc/services >/dev/null && \
+ grep '^# end of wnn4 services$' /etc/services >/dev/null ); then
+ sed -e '/^# start of wnn4 services$/,/^# end of wnn4 services$/d' \
+ </etc/services >/tmp/services.tmp$$
+ cat /tmp/services.tmp$$ >/etc/services
+ rm /tmp/services.tmp$$
+ else
+ cat <<'_EOD3_' >&2
+warning: Unable to find the lines `# start of wnn4 services' and
+warning: `# end of wnn4 services' in the file /etc/services.
+warning: You should remove the wnn4 services from /etc/service manually.
+ fi
+/sbin/chkconfig --del FreeWnn
+%pre common
+# add user 'wnn'
+if ! grep -q '^wnn:' /etc/passwd
+ %{_sbindir}/useradd -M -u 127 wnn -c "Wnn System Account"
+%post common
+%postun common
+%pre -n cWnn
+# Do only for the first install
+if [ "$1" = 1 ] ; then
+ # Add the wnn4_Cn lines to /etc/services
+ if (grep '22289/tcp' /etc/services >/dev/null); then
+ cat <<'_EOD1_' >&2
+warning: The cserver services appear to be present in /etc/services.
+ true
+ else
+ cat <<'_EOD2_' >>/etc/services
+# start of wnn4_Cn services
+wnn4_Cn 22289/tcp
+# end of wnn4_Cn services
+ fi
+# add user 'wnn'
+if ! grep -q '^wnn:' /etc/passwd
+ %{_sbindir}/useradd -M -u 127 wnn -c "Wnn System Account"
+%post -n cWnn
+/sbin/chkconfig --add cWnn
+cd /var/lib/wnn/zh_CN/dic/sys
+%{_bindir}/cwnntouch *.*
+%preun -n cWnn
+# Do only for the last un-install
+if [ "$1" = 0 ] ; then
+ # remove the wnn4_Cn lines from /etc/services
+ if (grep '^# start of wnn4_Cn services$' /etc/services >/dev/null && \
+ grep '^# end of wnn4_Cn services$' /etc/services >/dev/null ); then
+ sed -e '/^# start of wnn4_Cn services$/,/^# end of wnn4_Cn services$/d' \
+ </etc/services >/tmp/services.tmp$$
+ cat /tmp/services.tmp$$ >/etc/services
+ rm /tmp/services.tmp$$
+ else
+ cat <<'_EOD3_' >&2
+warning: Unable to find the lines `# start of wnn4_Cn services' and
+warning: `# end of wnn4_Cn services' in the file /etc/services.
+warning: You should remove the wnn4_Cn services from /etc/service manually.
+ fi
+/sbin/chkconfig --del cWnn
+%pre -n tWnn
+# Do only for the first install
+if [ "$1" = 1 ] ; then
+ # Add the wnn4_Tw lines to /etc/services
+ if (grep '22321/tcp' /etc/services >/dev/null); then
+ cat <<'_EOD1_' >&2
+warning: The wnn4_Tw services appear to be present in /etc/services.
+ true
+ else
+ cat <<'_EOD2_' >>/etc/services
+# start of wnn4_Tw services
+wnn4_Tw 22321/tcp
+# end of wnn4_Tw services
+ fi
+%post -n cWnn-common
+%postun -n cWnn-common
+%post -n tWnn
+/sbin/chkconfig --add tWnn
+cd /var/lib/wnn/zh_TW/dic/sys
+%{_bindir}/cwnntouch *.*
+# Do only for the last un-install
+%preun -n tWnn
+if [ "$1" = 0 ] ; then
+ # remove the wnn4_Tw lines from /etc/services
+ if (grep '^# start of wnn4_Tw services$' /etc/services >/dev/null && \
+ grep '^# end of wnn4_Tw services$' /etc/services >/dev/null ); then
+ sed -e '/^# start of wnn4_Tw services$/,/^# end of wnn4_Tw services$/d' \
+ </etc/services >/tmp/services.tmp$$
+ cat /tmp/services.tmp$$ >/etc/services
+ rm /tmp/services.tmp$$
+ else
+ cat <<'_EOD3_' >&2
+warning: Unable to find the lines `# start of wnn4_Tw services' and
+warning: `# end of wnn4_Tw services' in the file /etc/services.
+warning: You should remove the wnn4_Tw services from /etc/service manually.
+ fi
+/sbin/chkconfig --del tWnn
+%pre -n kWnn
+# Do only for the first install
+if [ "$1" = 1 ] ; then
+ # Add the wnn4_Kr lines to /etc/services
+ if (grep '22305/tcp' /etc/services >/dev/null); then
+ cat <<'_EOD1_' >&2
+warning: The kserver services appear to be present in /etc/services.
+ true
+ else
+ cat <<'_EOD2_' >>/etc/services
+# start of wnn4_Kr services
+wnn4_Kr 22305/tcp
+# end of wnn4_Kr services
+ fi
+%post -n kWnn
+/sbin/chkconfig --add kWnn
+cd /var/lib/wnn/ko_KR/dic/sys
+%{_bindir}/kwnntouch *.*
+%preun -n kWnn
+# Do only for the last un-install
+if [ "$1" = 0 ] ; then
+ # remove the wnn4_Kr lines from /etc/services
+ if (grep '^# start of wnn4_Kr services$' /etc/services >/dev/null && \
+ grep '^# end of wnn4_Kr services$' /etc/services >/dev/null ); then
+ sed -e '/^# start of wnn4_Kr services$/,/^# end of wnn4_Kr services$/d' \
+ </etc/services >/tmp/services.tmp$$
+ cat /tmp/services.tmp$$ >/etc/services
+ rm /tmp/services.tmp$$
+ else
+ cat <<'_EOD3_' >&2
+warning: Unable to find the lines `# start of wnn4_Kr services' and
+warning: `# end of wnn4_Kr services' in the file /etc/services.
+warning: You should remove the wnn4_Kr services from /etc/service manually.
+ fi
+/sbin/chkconfig --del kWnn
+%postun -n kWnn
+%doc Wnn/manual Wnn/manual.en
+%config /etc/rc.d/init.d/FreeWnn
+%attr(-,wnn,root) %{_bindir}/atod
+%attr(-,wnn,root) %{_bindir}/dtoa
+%attr(-,wnn,root) %{_bindir}/oldatonewa
+%attr(-,wnn,root) %{_bindir}/wdreg
+%attr(-,wnn,root) %{_bindir}/wnnstat
+%attr(-,wnn,root) %{_bindir}/atof
+%attr(4711,wnn,root) %{_bindir}/jserver
+%attr(-,wnn,root) %{_bindir}/wddel
+%attr(-,wnn,root) %{_bindir}/wnnkill
+%attr(-,wnn,root) %{_bindir}/wnntouch
+%dir /etc/FreeWnn/ja
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/hinsi.data
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/jserverrc
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/libwnn.msg
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/rk
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/rk.vi
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/uum.msg
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/uumkey
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/uumkey.omr
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/uumkey_e
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/uumrc
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/uumrc.omr
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/uumrc.rev
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/uumrc_e
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/uumrc_vi
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/wnnenvrc
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/wnnenvrc.omr
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/wnnenvrc.rem
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/wnnenvrc.rev
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/wnnenvrc_R
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/wnnenvrc_R.omr
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/wnnenvrc_R.rem
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ja/wnnstat.msg
+%dir /etc/FreeWnn/lt_LN
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/lt_LN/uum.msg
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/lt_LN/uumkey
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/lt_LN/uumkey_e
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/lt_LN/uumrc
+%files devel
+%files common
+%doc CONTRIBUTORS ChangeLog
+%dir /etc/FreeWnn
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/cvt_key_empty
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/cvt_key_tbl
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/cvt_key_tbl.ST
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/cvt_key_tbl.gm
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/cvt_key_tbl.kt
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/cvt_key_tbl.mv
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/cvt_key_tbl.vt
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/serverdefs
+%files -n cWnn
+%config /etc/rc.d/init.d/cWnn
+%attr(4711,wnn,root) %{_bindir}/cserver
+%dir /etc/FreeWnn/zh_CN
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_CN/cixing.data
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_CN/cserverrc
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_CN/libwnn.msg
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_CN/uumrc
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_CN/uumrc_p
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_CN/uumrc_z
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_CN/wnnenvrc
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_CN/wnnenvrc_Qi
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_CN/wnnenvrc_QiR
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_CN/wnnenvrc_R
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_CN/wnnenvrc_Wu
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_CN/wnnenvrc_WuR
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_CN/wnnstat.msg
+%files -n cWnn-common
+%doc cWnn/manual cWnn/manual.en
+%files -n cWnn-devel
+%files -n tWnn
+%config /etc/rc.d/init.d/tWnn
+%attr(4711,wnn,root) %{_bindir}/tserver
+%dir /etc/FreeWnn/zh_TW
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_TW/cixing.data
+%attr(-,wnn,root) /var/lib/wnn/zh_TW/dic
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_TW/libwnn.msg
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_TW/tserverrc
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_TW/uum.msg
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_TW/uumkey
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_TW/uumkey_e
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_TW/uumkey_p
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_TW/uumrc
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_TW/uumrc_p
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_TW/uumrc_z
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_TW/wnnenvrc
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_TW/wnnenvrc_R
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/zh_TW/wnnstat.msg
+%files -n kWnn
+%config /etc/rc.d/init.d/kWnn
+%attr(4711,wnn,root) %{_bindir}/kserver
+%dir /etc/FreeWnn/ko_KR
+%attr(-,wnn,root) /var/lib/wnn/ko_KR/dic
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ko_KR/hinsi.data
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ko_KR/kserverrc
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ko_KR/libwnn.msg
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ko_KR/uum.msg
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ko_KR/uumkey
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ko_KR/uumrc
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ko_KR/wnnenvrc
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ko_KR/wnnenvrc_R
+%config /etc/FreeWnn/ko_KR/wnnstat.msg
+%files -n kWnn-devel
+* Sat Aug 16 2008 Shu KONNO <owa@bg.wakwak.com> 1.1.1-2vl5
+- applied new versioning policy, spec in utf-8
+* Sat Sep 01 2007 Shu KONNO <owa@bg.wakwak.com> 1.1.1-1vl11
+- s/Copyright/License/
+- added Patch6: FreeWnn-1.1.1-config.sub.patch
+- added Patch7: FreeWnn-1.1.1-js.patch